It's like a god walking into the world, and lotuses are born every step of the way!

Fang Che felt like this at this moment. In Chi Chengyan's perception, Fang Che seemed to be emitting a faint light.

Chi Chengyan was stunned, her eyes were invisible, but at this moment, she had the urge to open her eyes and take a look at Fang Che, to see what was happening to Fang Che at this moment. Metamorphosis.

That's right, it's transformation, from top to bottom, from the body to the soul level!

"This feeling... seems like..."

After all, Chi Chengyan was a genius from the Chi family in the imperial capital, and what she saw and heard was extraordinary. Therefore, she could tell at a glance what had happened to Fang Che's transformation.


"He...he's touching Jinzo!"

Chi Chengyan couldn't help but tremble all over. It was shock and horror.

Unexpectedly, Fang Che actually...has already begun to touch Shen Zang? !

You must know that the three realms of spiritual consciousness are meditation, spiritual platform and divine treasure. Among them, divine treasure is the benchmark for golden elixir monks.

Although many geniuses who have built the ninth level of foundation can reach the divine treasure in advance, those like Fang Che, who only reach the first level of foundation building...

Simply unheard of.

Except for those who are born with hidden powers, people like Fang Che...are all geniuses!

The barriers of realm are actually more difficult to cross than imagined. At what level and what to do, these are stipulated by the way of heaven. If you want to transcend the way of heaven and break the rules, it is beyond the reach of humans.

Fang Che walked step by step, and there were actually many people who noticed his transformation.

The big bosses in the Ministry of Education, all of whom were powerful in cultivation, naturally noticed Fang Che's hidden thoughts escaping, and there was a strange color in their eyes.

On the other side, Li Huaixian, Bei Danqiu and Ouyang Su, the three admissions teachers at the top Immortal Cultivation University, all showed surprise at this moment.


This kid just touched Kamizo?


However, doesn’t this further reflect Fang Che’s value?

If they could recruit Fang Che into their university, then their role as admissions teachers would be of extraordinary significance.

"Such a monster must enter our Xiandu University!"

Ouyang Su's eyes were bright and his determination was very strong.

However, his determination is strong, and Bei Danqiu and Li Huaixian also have strong determination that is not weaker than his.

The three of them picked up their mobile phones one after another and began to contact the senior officials of their respective universities to discuss the resources needed to recruit Fang Che.

In fact, they now know very well that if they want to recruit Fang Che, they need resources.

This is also the case originally. The more genius and evil, the less help the Xiuxian University can provide to him. The best thing is to provide him with resources.

This is the case every year. At the end of the competition, it actually turns into a conflict between the three major cultivation universities.

In the audience, Su Shangshang and Nan Lihuo also noticed Fang Che's transformation.

As Nan Lihuo, the teacher who had watched Fang Che grow up with his own eyes, at this moment, his heart was extremely complicated, and more importantly, he was still in disbelief. there such a monster?

Luo Liuli also has Tianlinggen, and even many of the contestants in this fighting competition have Tianlinggen, but none of them are as evil and monsters as Fang Che appears.

It has only been a little over a month since Fang Che transformed from the Void Spiritual Root to the Heavenly Spiritual Root.

In more than a month, he broke through from the fifth level of Qi Refining to the first level of Foundation Establishment, not to mention the level of spiritual consciousness that touched the Divine Treasure...

Can Tianlinggen have such a monster?


Nan Lihuo was very convinced, and even had some doubts about whether Fang Che had awakened a spiritual root that was higher than the Tianling root.

This possibility is indeed possible.

"Fang Che's performance at the spiritual level has always been very strong, otherwise he would not have shown such great talent in making talismans. However, this is too exaggerated..."

Nan Lihuo clicked his tongue.

Su Shangxing was also in disbelief.

However, Su Shangshang's eyes soon revealed brilliance and brightness.

"Now I am looking forward more and more to Fang Che joining Xiuxian University as soon as possible and the storm he can stir up after entering the Immortal Sect Fragment Genius Battlefield..."

"In our Great Xia Immortal Sect, it has been too many years since there have been young people who have shown up in the battlefield of the fragmented geniuses of the Immortal Sect."

Su Shangxing took a deep breath, his heart beating violently with anticipation and excitement.

Nan Lihuo was stunned for a moment, then looked at Su Shangxing: "You mean..."

"That's right, it's the No. 81 Paradise Fragment World in the Cave Heaven Paradise. There are gathered the fragments of the major immortal sects and the geniuses of the Cave Heaven Paradise fragments! Hundreds of tribes compete for immortality, and opportunities are everywhere!"

Su Shangxing's eyes were blazing. He had been there before, in the name of a great summer talent...

Unfortunately, his performance there was not very good, and he was soon defeated and seriously injured, and was teleported back to Blue Star.

"He is still too young, so competing too early would not be a good thing for him."

Nan Lihuo frowned.

"No, the sooner you go the better, the more you practice, as long as you don't die, you will eventually achieve unparalleled success!"

Su Shangxing's eyes were bright.

Nan Lihuo was stunned. He was talented in making talismans, but his fighting skills were average. He was not qualified to set foot on that genius battlefield. But now it seemed that he had missed something.

Fang Che floated over, under the gaze of everyone.

This time, he was never late and did not challenge the audience's psychological fluctuations.

He came straight, like a young immortal.

When he came to the alloy ring, Chi Chengyan closed his eyes, but was very nervous.

"You... you touched the divine treasure?"

Chi Chengyan couldn't help asking after all.

Although she knew that such an inquiry was very impolite, she couldn't help but want to confirm it.

Fang Che glanced at her and knew that she had tried her best in the last game.

"I guess so."

Fang Che nodded without denying.

Chi Chengyan pursed her lips, and her heart was shocked. Monster...

Perhaps, only her big brother can compete with a monster like Fang Che.

"Come on."

Chi Chengyan calmed down, calmed himself down, and clenched his fists to encourage.

"Let's see your limit."


Fang Che smiled, said nothing, nodded, and turned to the alloy ring.

The referee came and saw the change in Fang Che's state at a glance, and his eyes showed a strange color.

"You are the only one left in the national competition. According to the rules of the Blue Star Immortal Cultivation Alliance, the final result will be decided today."

"No matter which round you can get to, the result will be announced today."

The referee said.

Fang Che heard this and looked at him: "Does it mean that after I challenge the fourth round, if I enter the fifth round, I can't rest and continue to challenge?"

"That's what I mean, but it doesn't mean that you can't rest and recuperate. You can have an hour of rest time."

"Of course, you can also choose not to rest."

The referee spread his hands.

Fang Che laughed: "Then try it."

The referee looked at Fang Che with burning eyes: "Then we will... wait and see!"

After the words fell, the referee's figure turned into a series of sword energy and disappeared from the alloy arena.

On the arena, the patterns of the cage formation began to interweave.

A huge cage appeared on the alloy arena.

The cage opened...

The terrifying gust of wind suddenly swept up and whistled, forming an extremely huge tornado.

Fang Che stood in the wind, his clothes and hair flying violently.

A terrifying demon shadow slowly emerged from the cage.

This also meant that Fang Che's opponent for the fourth round of the fighting competition had appeared...

Fragment of the No. 3 Immortal Gate!

White Demon Clan!

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