Diligence can make up for one's shortcomings: Start by making up for one's natural spiritu

Chapter 209: The fourth transformation of the divine dragon, Burning Heaven Flame Gold

Old Pei stood in the evening breeze and sighed deeply. He was not at peace, not at all.

The Liver Emperor could just work hard on his own, why did he bring his master with him?

My master has already reached the state of transformation, what else is there to fight for?

Shaking his head, Old Pei did not continue to complain. His consciousness spread, sensing Fang Che's situation, and he did not dare to be too distracted.

After all, if the dragon blood exploded, it would only take a moment. Although Fang Che was there, it was impossible for him to die, but if his foundation was damaged, it would be a big mistake.

It can only be said that Fang Che not only likes to work hard, but also likes to walk on the edge of the limit and likes that kind of excitement.

Whether it is crossing the border to kill the enemy in the fighting arena, or bathing in the strange talisman thunder before, or refining the third-level high-quality dragon blood now...

It is a virtue of courting death.

"Is it because he knows that there is a teacher who has reached the state of transformation, so he is no longer afraid of courting death?" Old Pei stroked his beard, feeling that this possibility might be quite large.

After all, he, Master Pei, is a god.

Thinking of this, Master Pei felt much better. After all, he was the pillar in the hearts of his disciples, and he felt happy just thinking this way.

"Forget it, since you trust me so much, I will read a few less chapters of the son-in-law article and help you protect the law."

Master Pei smiled, and his consciousness spread, covering the entire training room.

In the distance, the sound of breaking through the air resounded, and figures rushed over quickly.

Master Ma, Su Shangxing, Nan Lihuo and others also rushed over. When they felt the powerful burning dragon blood power, they couldn't help but be shocked.

"Fang Che is..." Su Shangxing couldn't help but smack his lips.

"Yes, he is courting death." Master Pei responded with his hands behind his back, full of the demeanor of a master.

"This kid exchanged the third-grade high-quality dragon blood from the resource network and is refining it at his own risk."

Su Shangxing was speechless. The third-grade high-quality dragon blood...

That thing is so precious. You know, Su Shangxing's cultivation is only at the late Jindan stage, which is just this level.

Nan Lihuo, who followed him, fell into silence and even doubted his life.

Fang Che...has he started to refine the blood of the late Jindan stage?

Nan Lihuo couldn't help but feel suspicious. Has he, the teacher who taught Fang Che to make talismans, been surpassed?

Master Ma stroked his beard and smiled, his face gentle: "Junior brother is smart. He knows that the teacher is here, so he dares to work so hard. After all, with the teacher here, he will not die no matter how serious the injury is."

"On the contrary, if he succeeds in the fight, the reward will be huge. In the future, he will definitely be able to make a big splash in the battlefield of geniuses in the fragments of the immortal gate and compete with those top geniuses."

Master Ma looked like he saw through everything.

Master Pei nodded. This old Ma…finally said something truthful.

Not bad, I can copy Master Pei’s classic quotes ten times less.

Master Ma then looked at Nan Lihuo, his eyes were somewhat meaningful: “Junior Brother Nan, you should learn from Junior Brother. If you don’t make progress and work hard, Junior Brother may easily surpass you.”

“So, my suggestion is that while the teacher is still in Blue Star, you should stay in Beijing for a while, consult the teacher, and learn as much as you can.”

“You have been stuck in the foundation building for some time. While you are learning from the teacher, break through the obstacles, step into the golden elixir, and become a real person. Only then can the road to immortal cultivation be much smoother in the future.”

Master Ma’s advice gave Nan Lihuo a sense of enlightenment.

Of course, there was more of a sense of crisis, because Nan Lihuo was right. He was now…really going to be surpassed by Fang Che.

It was so uncomfortable, watching the little guy who used to surpass him step by step.

It would be a lie to say that you are not disappointed or nervous.

So, Nan Lihuo looked at Master Pei with hope.


Master Pei had a wooden face, and there was even a hint of murderous intent in his eyes.

He took back what he said before...

"Xiao Ma, it seems that you have been too relaxed recently. Eight hundred times, remember, add eight hundred times! Copy it for me eight hundred times!"

Master Ma: "..."

Master Ma immediately became serious. The teacher was spurring him on. Yes, he was really too relaxed recently. The teacher was asking him to practice hard, and he should not slack off like his junior brother, and he should work hard!

Master Ma bowed solemnly to Master Pei, performing a great ceremony to thank the teacher for his reminder.

Master Pei: "..."

He, Master Pei, a dignified master of transformation, how could he have Fang Che and Old Ma, two dragons and phoenixes under his command? !




A terrifying dragon roar exploded in the spiritual space in the Niwan Palace.

Fang Che's whole body was shaking, and he felt that his spiritual consciousness seemed to be under great pressure. A huge dragon shadow roared and appeared in his spiritual consciousness space.

That was the spiritual consciousness contained in the blood of the Burning Sky Flame Golden Dragon!

Although it was only a weak spiritual consciousness, it was a great pressure for the foundation-building cultivator who only had spiritual consciousness. If he was not careful, his spiritual consciousness would collapse.

At this moment, in reality, Fang Che's pores were gushing blood, as if he was burned to the extreme, and the hot air kept gushing out, surging.

His body was under the extreme power of the third-level high-quality dragon blood.

The crackling sound rang out continuously, which was the sound of the bones collapsing. If it were someone else, I'm afraid that his body would explode directly at this moment and die.

But Fang Che is different. Three golden crows rise up, emitting blazing heat all over his body, and the golden flames roll like he is sitting in a sea of ​​fire and facing the blazing sun!

With the physical enhancement brought by the Eight Desolations Explosion, Fang Che can now withstand the impact of the third-level high-quality dragon blood.

The third-level high-quality, that is the late stage of the golden elixir!

Fang Che's current cultivation is only the second level of foundation building, compared with it, there is a huge difference.

Both the body and the spiritual consciousness are under different degrees of impact.

But Fang Che's eyebrows are shaking, but his heart is infinitely hot.

That's the feeling!

Exercise your senses, oppress yourself, force yourself, let your diligence spread to the limbs and bones of the body, and transmit to every inch of the body.

As long as he persists and withstands the scouring of this dragon blood power, he will become stronger!

The battle with the dragon blood will seems to have become a tug-of-war.

Fang Che has not even used the angry Mingwang Dharma image entrenched in the Niwan Palace to destroy the dragon blood will.

He believed that with the magical power of the Wrathful King, he could easily ignite the spiritual consciousness contained in this little dragon blood.

But Fang Che didn't do that. He used this power to sharpen himself and sharpen the spiritual consciousness of the Half-Step God.

Time passed by minute by minute.

The people outside the house were waiting, and the people inside the house were persisting.

It was like a tug-of-war between the levels of life.

Old Pei narrowed his eyes, his spiritual consciousness became more and more majestic, even he did not dare to slack off, staring at the situation in the practice room.

Because of his spiritual perception, he could clearly understand the situation Fang Che was facing at the moment.

He was simply a madman.

Just practice well, why do you need to be so hard?

You are risking your life!

For a full twelve hours.

In the practice room, the fierce dragon clan pressure was gradually consumed in reluctance, and slowly returned to calm.

The pressure of the third-level high-quality dragon clan blood essence disappeared.

Outside the training room, Master Pei exhaled and wiped the non-existent sweat from his forehead.

Master Ma smiled.

Nan Lihuo, Su Shangxing and others were shocked. This... was the refining successful?

With the cultivation of the second level of foundation building, he was tortured to death and killed the spiritual consciousness in the third-level high-quality dragon blood? !

This is no longer a talent.

It is a kind of perseverance in spiritual will!

Su Shangxing and Nan Lihuo felt a great shock and felt deeply ashamed.

Especially Nan Lihuo, his previous practice was simply... like a vacation compared to Fang Che!

As a cultivator, a person who strives to cross the road of practice...

How can this be? !

He, Nan Lihuo, a genius talisman maker, also has to work hard!

"I have to plan a 100-day golden elixir plan!" Nan Lihuo's eyes were blazing.

In the training room.

Fang Che slowly opened his eyes, and the hot and boiling breath surged, and the hazy smoke covered the front.

In the endless hazy smoke.

A pair of golden eyes that seemed to have the power of burning the sky slowly opened.

The fourth of the nine transformations of the divine dragon.

The Burning Sky Flame Gold Transformation!

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