The fourth transformation of Shenlong!

Burn the sky and burn the gold!

When the dragon blood essence in the body began to boil, every inch of flesh and blood began to transform, and it seemed that fine scales were slowly growing out of Fang Che's body.

In the first three transformations of Shenlong, all Fang Che could get was the change in his arms, but it was different now. The fourth transformation of Shenlong was activated, and fine dark golden scales grew on Fang Che's chest and back.

It was a dragon armor similar to the Burning Sky Flame Golden Dragon, and because Fang Che was refining the dragon blood of the third-order high-grade Yanjin Dragon, the toughness and tenacity of this scale armor even reached the third-order level. .

In short, as long as Fang Che's magic power can keep up, these dragon scales... can provide Fang Che with power comparable to a third-level defensive magic weapon!

And this is only on the defensive level, not to mention the increase in power brought about by the third-level high-grade dragon blood.

Today, after Fang Che performed the Burning Heaven Flame Golden Transformation, his power burst could be said to be at least five times higher than before.

This was because he was unable to fully unleash the power of the third-level high-quality dragon blood.

Of course, there is nothing that can be done about it. After all, Fang Che's current cultivation level is only at the second level of foundation building. It is still a bit difficult to exert such power.

After the dragon blood was dispersed, the dragon scales on Fang Che's body slowly shrank back under his skin, and the scorching temperature and violent aura gradually subsided.

Fang Che raised the corners of his lips, and his eyes were filled with strange colors.

Sure enough, God does not disappoint hard-working people. Only hard work can get God's favor.

He was able to successfully refine even the third-level high-grade dragon blood in one go, and even the heavens were moved by his diligence.

As expected, Fang Che's achievements today are all due to his diligence, the kind of diligence that comes from the bottom of his heart!

Keep working hard, young man, and you will conquer the whole world!

The sky was slightly brighter, and Fang Che walked out of the practice room. The eyes of everyone gathered outside the practice room immediately focused on him.

"You boy, you are really hardworking. You dare to refine the third-level high-grade dragon blood on the second level of foundation building. Aren't you afraid of bursting yourself?" Mr. Pei said angrily when he saw Fang Che. .

He also had to waste the time he was reading to protect the Dharma. Half a day passed during this Dharma protection, and he missed reading so many articles.

Mr. Pei was heartbroken, and the more he thought about it, the more he would suffer.

"Thank you, teacher, for protecting me. But without my teacher, I wouldn't have dared to refine this kind of dragon blood." Fang Che said with a smile, giving him face.

Mr. Pei snorted lightly. Did you tell me that you exchanged dragon blood? Have you told me about starting refining?

Are you cutting things off first and telling them later, stuffing your mouth first and then saying sorry?

Mr. Pei's expression softened a little and he glanced at Fang Che: "Don't rely too much on the power of dragon blood. The real power is only when the physical body is strong. Don't be dazzled by the power brought by dragon blood."

"For those who cultivate immortality, the right way is to base themselves on one's own body."

Fang Che's face was solemn, and Master Ma, Nan Lihuo and others around him all looked serious, bowing with fists and saluting.

"The teacher is right."

Mr. Pei nodded and left.

Master Ma smiled at Fang Che, said congratulations, and was about to leave: "Teacher inspired me again and asked me to copy his quotations eight hundred times, so that I could figure out the great principles for breaking through the transformation into gods. Junior brother, your Diligence also gives me great encouragement.”

"The road to becoming an immortal is long, junior brother, never forget your original intention."

Afterwards, Master Ma also made a seal towards Fang Che and walked away.

Only Nan Lihuo and Su Shangxing were left in the field.

Nan Lihuo's eyes were blazing: "Old Su, go back and ask for a leave of absence from Principal Zhai for me, and give me a hundred days. I plan to start my Hundred-Day Golden Elixir Plan!"

"Seriously, I'm getting serious."

Su Shangxing: "..."

Why do all these people look like they've been injected with chicken blood?

He had only heard of a Hundred Days Foundation Building, so how come a Hundred Days Golden Pill came out?

However, Su Shangxing can't stop other people's diligence, right?

He nodded: "Don't worry, just put aside all your worries and practice hard. When you break through the golden elixir, your status will be greatly improved, and you will be able to pursue a higher realm of making talismans."

Nan Lihuo nodded, solemnly said goodbye to Fang Che and Su Shangshang, and left. He also wanted to pursue his own path. After being stimulated by Fang Che, it was time for him to become diligent.

Use diligence to break through the bottleneck of perfect foundation building and condense the golden elixir!

Su Shangshang looked at Fang Che, with a look of helplessness and admiration. The only person who could work hard for ten years was probably the Liver Emperor in front of him.

"What? Do you still want to continue practicing?" Su Shangshang asked.

"Aren't you going back to Feileixian City today? Then go back..." Fang Che said with a smile.

Su Shangxing let out a breath and finally took a breath.

However, before he finished speaking, Fang Che's next sentence immediately followed: "Anyway, I have high-grade spiritual stones, and I can practice in the car on the way home."

Su Shangxing: "(╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻"

Mr. Liver, please shut up!

Fang Che smiled, but didn't say anything more. He originally planned to refine the Black Flame of the Meteor and the Purple Thunder Evil of the Great Wilderness, but because it took too much time to refine the dragon blood, Fang Che didn't want to delay everyone's return home. itinerary.

Outside the gate of Mr. Pei's manor, Fang Che saw a familiar person.

Luo Liuli, Jia Shengli and Cheng Shi stood outside waiting, the breeze blew by, and the three of them had different expressions.

Luo Liuli was as cold as ever and didn't speak much, but there was a diligent flame burning in his eyes.

Jia Shengli and Cheng Shi were chatting with each other, talking about their photography experience, editing some famous scenes in this battle competition, etc.

The arrival of Fang Che attracted the attention of the three people.

They looked at Fang Che with some complexity and admiration.

Cheng Shi grinned and ran over excitedly. He was still the honest deskmate and the best buddy.

The three of them knew that this might be one of the few times they met Fang Che. After this, Fang Che would definitely enter the top Xiuxian University in Daxia, and the gap between them would only get wider and wider.

Fang Che smiled and chatted with them, but he didn't have too many special feelings.

The road to Xiuxian is like this. The road is long and has always been a journey alone. There are companions, but they can't always accompany you.

For us Xiuxian, it is best to cherish the present time and look forward to the future.

The bus came and everyone got on the bus. Cheng Shi chattered all the way, as if he had endless things to talk about.

Fang Che took out the top-grade spirit stone, absorbed it for cultivation, and chatted with Cheng Shi, answering some of his questions.

After Luo Liuli and Jia Shengli got on the bus, they began to practice silently, and no longer needed Fang Che's urging.

The bus drove to the airport, and everyone took a passenger plane to fly back to Feilei Xiancheng.

As the scenery outside the window became larger and larger in his eyes, the familiar airport of Feilei Xiancheng appeared in his eyes.

Cheng Shi, who had been talking nonstop beside Fang Che, suddenly became quiet.

Somewhat lonely and lost.

Fang Che looked at him unexpectedly: "What's wrong?"

Cheng Shi shook his head, his fat face trembled slightly, and he forced a smile: "A Che, after today, it will be difficult for us to be deskmates again. Feilei Xiancheng No. 2 High School can't keep you..."

"You will eventually go far away and fly high, but I will not be sad. I will always watch you fly higher and higher!"

Cheng Shi pursed his lips and nodded solemnly.

"I will also work hard to cultivate, like you, and strive to go to a good Xiuxian University. Maybe... we can meet in the Xianmen Fragment Battlefield in the future. At that time... you and I can fight side by side!"

Cheng Shi knew very well that this farewell might be a farewell for a long time.

Fang Che's path is different from theirs, and the height that Fang Che can reach is also unimaginable to them.

Maybe Luo Liuli can catch up, but he, Cheng Shi, basically can't see it.

Cheng Shi clenched his chubby fist and patted Fang Che's shoulder: "Maybe one day, you will be famous in the Xianmen Fragment Battlefield."

"I, Cheng Shi, can be proud of you and proudly say it to others."

"This Fang Tianjiao is my Cheng Shi's best friend!"

Cheng Shi grinned.

Fang Che couldn't help but smile, and Luo Liuli and Jia Shengli beside him couldn't help but laugh.

Su Shangxing looked complicated and somewhat regretful. He turned his head and looked out the window. Those who had traveled with him were gradually going away. Recalling the past, he could not help but feel nostalgic.

Some people gave up cultivating immortals, some died on the battlefield, and some went astray...

And he, Su Shangxing, will persist. He will continue on the road of cultivating immortals, go further and higher, and he should be diligent...

Su Shangxing suddenly wiped his nose.

Damn, he seemed to have been accidentally rolled up by the liver emperor.


The plane landed at the airport.

The beautiful stewardess opened the iron door of the cabin, and looked at Fang Che, the number one prodigy of Feilei Xiancheng who showed unparalleled style in the fighting competition.

Some stewardesses were even eager to leave their contact information for Fang Che, even though... Fang Che was just a high school student, just a child.

"Ah Che, go, go and welcome the glory that belongs to you!"

Cheng Shi grinned and showed his big white teeth, and said with a smile.

Fang Che exhaled and walked out of the exit.


On the airport, bright red banners were unfurled, and a bustling crowd of people gathered at the exit, with a fanatical atmosphere, overwhelming!

The crowd was surging, they were welcoming the young hero in Feilei Fairy City...

Returning home in glory!

The filth in the past is not worth boasting about, but the debauchery of today is boundless.

The spring breeze is full of joy and the horses are rushing, and I can see all the Feilei flowers in one day.

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