Diligence can make up for one's shortcomings: Start by making up for one's natural spiritu

Chapter 211: Not disappointing your family is the greatest happiness

In Daxia Xianmen, or the entire Blue Star, the fighting competition of cultivators has always been one of the most watched events.

The fighting competition of Xian Gao and the Blue Star Fighting Competition of Xiuxian University are the most watched fighting competitions, followed by fighting competitions held in some other places.

Those who can stand out in the fighting competition and get a good ranking will have the same attention as stars. Many cultivators have become famous with such opportunities.

The fighting competition of Xianmen High School is definitely one of the most watched fighting competitions, and it can even be said that it has attracted national attention.

There are live broadcasts or rebroadcasts of the competition in various places.

And Fang Che's performance in the Xian Gao Fighting Competition has long been famous throughout the country. The whole of Daxia knows Fang Che's name, this boy who has made a name for himself in the Xian Gao Fighting Competition.

The chest-breaking maniac, the peerless dark horse, the unparalleled posture...

A boy who performed extremely well in the Xian Gao Fighting Competition.

In fact, the main reason is that Fang Che is a dark horse. The reason why Feilei Xiancheng No. 2 High School was able to win the championship in the fighting competition is entirely because Fang Che carried them all.

Therefore, Fang Che is the most famous. Even if Luo Liuli is beautiful and Jia Shengli wins in a funny way, they still cannot compare with Fang Che's fame.

Not to mention that in the personal fighting, Fang Che turned the tide and defeated the prisoners of war from other immortal gate fragment worlds one by one, which gave the people of Daxia Xianmen a big sigh of relief.

And Fang Che represents Feilei Xiancheng No. 2 High School, and represents Feilei Xiancheng. In Feilei Xiancheng, his fame is even greater, almost to the extent of being a household name.

Cheers and welcomes, one after another, overwhelming.

Even this momentum is comparable to the birth of a top scorer in the college entrance examination in Feilei Xiancheng No. 2 High School.

Outside the airport, there were countless people waiting to pick up the plane. Fang Che was somewhat shocked. Even though the people who came to pick him up were not powerful cultivators, Fang Che actually felt a greater pressure and tension than fighting against a cultivator in the late stage of foundation building.

"Get used to it. This is the attitude of the world towards the winner."

"You are the champion of this individual fighting competition. You have created the history of Feilei Xiancheng and the school history record of Feilei Xiancheng No. 2 High School!"

Su Shangxing walked out, patted Fang Che on the shoulder, and said with a smile.

He had expected such a scene.

"As Cheng Shi said, this is your glory."

"However, the teacher hopes that you will not immerse yourself in such glory. When wealth and fame and fortune are whistling towards you, I hope you can stick to your original intention. Your future is not just like this."

Su Shangxing said earnestly.

Fang Che nodded, then took a big step and stepped into the crowd in the attention of the crowd and the endless cheers.

There was a familiar person in the welcoming team.

It was Zhai Ke, the principal of Feilei Xiancheng No. 2 High School. The old man had a gentle smile on his face, and he looked at the students who had gone out to fight and returned triumphantly.

Next to Principal Zhai Ke, the mayor of Feilei Xiancheng No. 2 High School and the high-level strongmen of the Ministry of Education gathered.

Fang Che greeted them one by one.

Principal Zhai Ke took out a good merit card.

"This is the reward for you representing Feilei Xiancheng No. 2 High School to win the team championship and the individual championship in the fighting competition. The total is 100,000 good merits."

Fang Che was delighted when he heard this, and took the good merit card with a smile.

It's a pity that there is no merit reward, but this is normal. Merit rewards are not given casually. It requires cultivators to kill evil cultivators, or kill enemies in the battlefield of the immortal gate, etc.

Of course, the official will also issue merits for some additional achievements, such as the top ten in the college entrance examination, being admitted to the top immortal university, etc.

These are all ways to obtain additional merits.

After thanking Zhai Ke, a burly middle-aged man came over. He was the mayor of Feilei Xiancheng, a great immortal who had reached the Golden Core Perfection. He was full of smiles and gave Fang Che a reward. It was a unilateral reward from Feilei Xiancheng, 100,000 merits.

In other words, Fang Che received 500,000 merits from the reward alone!

However, this was what he deserved.

In addition, Luo Liuli and Jia Shengli also received rewards. Even though they won by doing nothing, without them, Fang Che could not even participate in the fighting competition.

For a game, it is also important to have enough people to play the game.

After a round of greetings, Fang Che returned to Feilei Xiancheng No. 2 High School under the attention of the crowd.

The gate of No. 2 High School was already full of banners, and various welcome ceremonies were constantly being performed. Fang Che felt flattered.

The students of Feilei Xiancheng No. 2 High School were reluctant to go to class. They gathered at the school gate, watching and looking forward to the return of the hero of No. 2 High School.

Fang Che, Luo Liuli and Jia Shengli walked in through the aisle and entered the Second High School of Feilei Xiancheng.

All three of them were a little dazed.

In the crowd, there was also someone with mixed feelings and complicated eyes. It was Xu Qingan, the study committee member who looked down on Fang Che at the beginning. Now he... still hasn't squeezed back into the gifted class.

Although his spiritual root talent is very good, but... it's just good.

Cultivation... not only depends on spiritual root talent, but also spirit, diligence, consciousness, etc. are all elements that can affect cultivation.

Xu Qingan looked at Fang Che, who was the focus of everyone's attention and extremely dazzling, and turned away in disgrace.

But soon after leaving, an inexplicable fighting spirit emerged.

"Maybe... I should try to be as diligent as Fang Che. Maybe diligence is really useful?"

"There are twenty-four hours a day, so I will spend ten hours practicing, but I don't know how long I can persist."

"Fang Che, the Liver Emperor, persisted for nine years...what a monster."

Xu Qing'an murmured that even if he was an enemy, he could not help but be affected by Fang Che's aggressive nature.

Now he has no resentment against Fang Che. After all, how can he resent a hard-working person?

Hard-working people have reached their current heights,

"Classmate Fang Che, I think you don't have much time left in the Peiyou class. Don't you know that you have the Xianmen University you want to go to?"

Pei Linglong, the head teacher of the Peiyou class, chatted with Fang Che.

Pei Liuli had seen Fang Che's performance at the trial site. At that time, he felt that Fang Che would definitely be able to stand out, but he never thought that not long after, he would already be famous.

Fang Che thought for a while and smiled: "I'm not in a hurry. According to what my teacher said, they will provide me with resources that I am satisfied with."

Whoever provides more resources will be chosen.

Now it is no longer Xianmen University who chooses Fang Che, but Fang Che who chooses them. This is the superiority of talent after it is revealed.

"Think about it, after a while, there should be many admissions teachers from Xianmen University gathered in Feilei Xiancheng... We will see then."

When Pei Linglong heard this, she couldn't help but laugh, nodded, and never chose to be a lobbyist again.

After Fang Che and Pei Linglong chatted for a while, Fang Che stood up and said goodbye.

"Teacher Pei, I have been away from home for a long time and I feel homesick."

Feilei City, Quanxiu Road.

The street lights were still dim, reflecting orange light. A light rain had just fallen in Feileixian City, and the air was moist. The familiar mango branches and leaves beside the road were still stained with drops of rain that had not yet fallen. It reflects the old residential buildings hidden by branches and leaves.

Moss-covered exterior walls, scattered tiles, and rusty railings filled the air with the smell of rust.

Standing downstairs, as usual after training diligently, Fang Che raised his head and glanced up. When the bustle and bustle ended, what remained was silence.

With a smile on his lips, Fang Che returned to the house along the narrow corridor.

He took out the key and opened the door.

When the door opened, the aroma of food wafted out of the room.

On the sofa, his father Fang Qingyun and his mother Chen Shuting were watching TV.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, the couple looked at each other and stood up.

The table is already filled with cooked dishes, all delicious and delicious.

As soon as Fang Che opened the door and came in, he saw this scene. The orange lights reflected the warmth of the room, and the corners of his lips couldn't help but rise.

"Mom and Dad, I'm back."

"Xiao Che is back. We knew from the news that you were returning to Feileixian City today, so I went to buy groceries early and cooked a table of delicious food for you. If you are tired, wash your hands and eat."

The mother, Chen Shuting, was all smiles, and the father, Fang Qingyun, was also smiling, picking up the dishes and going to the kitchen to get busy.

Fang Che, who had been working hard for so long, suddenly felt a little tired.

Sure enough, people are most relaxed only at home.

Although both parents were proud of Fang Che's achievements and achievements, they did not become any stranger just because Fang Che became a personal fighting champion. The atmosphere in the room was as warm as ever.

After dinner, Fang Qingyun and Chen Shuting quietly closed the door and left the house. They went to work the night shift on the puppet field. It didn't matter whether they worked or not, they just wanted to share their son's excellence with their colleagues.

Standing on the window sill, watching my parents walking in the wind under the street lights, their steps so wild, their long and narrow shadows gradually disappeared around the corner of the road under the pull of the dim street lights.

Fang Che let out a breath.

He still has the same attitude, not letting his family down is the greatest happiness.

Go back inside.

Fang Che took out a high-grade spiritual stone, and also took out the rare meteorite black flame from heaven and earth, and prepared to start practicing and refining it.

Rest, it is impossible to rest...

He must continue to use diligence...

Maintain this happiness!

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