Diligence can make up for one's shortcomings: Start by making up for one's natural spiritu

Chapter 212 A natural outcome, the third level of foundation building, the sought-after Fang Che

The room was very quiet. His parents had left the house to work the night shift at the puppet factory, so Fang Che was the only one in the room. Any movement he made seemed to be infinitely magnified.

However, Fang Che had long been accustomed to this.

In order to save enough merits for him to continue practicing, his parents basically worked without sleep. At that time, Fang Che was used to such a life.

It was late at night when everyone was asleep, and then he practiced alone and slept alone.

He was used to the silence that had accompanied him for nine years.

In the room, flames sprang out. It was the meteorite black flame, a rare item in the world, and its grade was not low. It cost Fang Che a lot of merits.

It was cheaper than the dragon blood of the Burning Sky Flame Golden Dragon, but it was the dragon blood of the third-grade high-quality dragon clan, so the two were naturally incomparable.

Fang Che sat cross-legged in his room, practicing silently and refining this rare item in the world.

His spiritual consciousness continued to spread out, accompanied by agitation, trying to refine the meteorite black flame bit by bit.

This process actually takes a lot of time. People who are generally impatient may be persuaded to give up long ago and not be able to choose to continue. After all, refining the meteorite black flames has a painful feeling of burning the soul and body.

If you don't have great perseverance, you may quit early.

However, Fang Che has already transformed greatly. After refining the dragon blood of the third-level high-quality dragon clan, his body tolerance has become stronger. Although the meteorite black flames have an impact on him, it is not too big.

Therefore, Fang Che almost completed the refining of the meteorite black flames.

The east was slightly pale. Fang Che glanced at it, and his ears moved slightly. He heard a faint voice. It was the sound of his parents returning home quietly after working the night shift, and even smelled a strong smell of alcohol.

That was his father Fang Qingyun who drank too much. He was drunk and was obviously happy. He went to the puppet factory and showed off his son's achievements. He accidentally drank too much.

However, this is actually the joy that parents feel when their children are successful, and the uncontrollable happiness.

In Fang Che's memory, Fang Qingyun has never lost his composure in the past nine years. He must be really happy and happy tonight.

Parents hope that their children can achieve success and fame, and have a beautiful vision of seeing their children become successful.

They are truly and purely happy for their children's success.

Listening to the sound of his parents falling asleep, Fang Che raised the corners of his lips slightly, and did not choose to rest, even though he had just returned from the capital, even though he had just experienced a tense battle.

But Fang Che still did not give himself a reason to relax.

After completing the refining of the meteorite black flame, Fang Che took out the Great Wilderness Purple Thunder Evil and refined the last wonder of heaven and earth.

Fang Che planned to give his own strength a comprehensive improvement before entering Xiuxian University.

Only in this way can he continue to stabilize his footing and keep up with the pace after entering Xiuxian University, and be able to enter the battlefield of the fragments of the immortal gate.

Because he had made plans for his future, Fang Che was able to practice in such an orderly manner without feeling bored.

Because there was a goal that motivated him, he was unwilling to stop easily.

The sky was slightly bright, but Fang Che's practice began a new round of practice again. The lightning arcs were moving, and the purple thunder burst out with a strange color, which made people dreamlike.

"Ding! You practiced for 8 hours in a row, diligence +800..."

"Young man, the higher the realm, the more you should find that you are clumsy. Please open your eyes in the dead of night. The bright sky is not the stars, but your flaws. Can you still sleep?!"

When Fang Che completed the refining of the Great Wilderness Purple Thunder Evil, the panel prompt popped up, as if he could hear the roar and the shout.

Fang Che was speechless. This panel... It was so hard that he killed people without paying for his life. Everyone said that Fang Che was a liver emperor, especially hard, but Fang Che felt that the panel was the culprit that caused him to kill everyone.

The sky outside was already bright, and Fang Che was emitting thick impurities all over his body. That was the transformation brought about by the refining of the meteorite black flames burning his body and burning away the impurities in his flesh.

Taking a deep breath, Fang Che's flesh body was faintly bursting with golden light, interweaving and wandering. That was the power of the Golden Crow Nine Yang Body.

The spiritual energy of heaven and earth suddenly became richer. Fang Che sat cross-legged on the bed and could feel that his Dantian seemed to have become a strong vortex.

While circling, he swallowed the spiritual energy between heaven and earth.

Fang Che's heart moved slightly. He was about to break through the third level of foundation building!

From the second level of foundation building to the third level of foundation building, Fang Che finally entered it completely after some days of accumulation. For Fang Che, this was great news.

The fluctuation of mana slowly stopped, without any waves or accidents. A breakthrough that came naturally, plain and without ripples.

Perhaps, this is the normal state of cultivation, slowly becoming stronger and transcendent in the calm.


Raising his palm, dark purple lightning surged endlessly, and the terrifying power seemed to break the air.

His own combat power had achieved a qualitative leap with the breakthrough of this realm. The current Fang Che was completely different from himself in the fighting competition.

Fang Che had a smile on his lips, very satisfied.

He left the room. His parents had already prepared breakfast outside the house. After the family had breakfast happily, Fang Che went to Feilei Xiancheng Second High School as usual.

He walked along the familiar road and turned the familiar corner as always.

Fang Che came to Feilei Xiancheng No. 2 High School, and like many high school students, he calmly blended into the crowd.

Today, Feilei Xiancheng No. 2 High School is particularly lively.

Not because today is the college entrance examination oath-taking meeting for the senior students of Feilei Xiancheng No. 2 High School, but because today, there are too many admissions teachers from many top and first-class Xiuxian universities in Daxia Xianmen in No. 2 High School.

Needless to say, the target of these admissions teachers must be Fang Che, the dark horse who just made a splash in the fighting competition.

Fang Che's performance in the fighting competition even forced the champions of other top Xianmen's fighting competitions to be unwilling to have the final competition.

It is enough to show Fang Che's competitiveness, which is also valued by many Xiuxian universities. If he is well trained, he will definitely be able to stand out in the competition between the Blue Star Xianmen Xiuxian University in the future, and even be able to dominate the Xianmen Fragment Genius Battlefield.

Of course, this is all future things, but it does not prevent major Xiuxian universities from making bets on this.

When Fang Che returned to Feilei Xiancheng No. 2 High School, the battle for talent among the top universities officially broke out.

Overnight, Feilei Xiancheng No. 2 High School became the most popular place, and powerful immortal cultivators came one after another and gathered here.

In the principal's office.

Principal Zhai Ke looked at the figures in front of him helplessly. He had lived for so many years and had been the principal of Feilei Xiancheng No. 2 High School for so many years, but this was the first time he saw such a scene.

The admissions teachers of the three top immortal cultivation universities, Pojun, Xiaju and Xiandu, gathered in his office. For a student, the smell of gunpowder between them was so strong that it seemed like they were about to go to war.

"Everyone, I know you all come here with sincerity. In this case, why not call Fang Che over and let him make his own decision? Show your sincerity and let Fang Che choose."

"You should also know that Fang Che now will get the same result no matter which Xiuxian University he chooses. Instead, it can bring you greater benefits. Therefore, sincerity is precious."

In the office, the fragrance of tea was faint.

Zhai Ke was chatting with many admissions teachers from Xiuxian Universities.

In fact, the reason why so many admissions teachers were gathered today was just as Zhai Ke said, everything depends on sincerity and the resources provided.

After all, for Fang Che, it didn't matter whether he entered a top Xiuxian University or a first-class Xiuxian University. They were just a springboard to enter the battlefield of Xianmen fragments.

But if a Xiuxian University had a student like Fang Che who was unparalleled in fighting, the impact would be completely different.

That’s why it’s so lively today. After all, many top universities have good wishes. If they show enough sincerity, maybe…

they will have a chance to recruit a monster like Fang Che.

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