
I have heard of staying up all night surfing the Internet and watching movies all night, but I have never heard of staying up all night practicing.

This reason is impeccable.

Su Shangxing was too embarrassed to open his mouth to dissuade him.

Besides, everyone is an immortal cultivator and they know it well. Fang Che should be able to master a degree even if he stays up all night, and will not practice all night with the goal of destroying himself.

Su Shangshang actually gave Fang Che and the others permission to practice the area.

The training area itself is free to them, and now it doesn't matter if it's open at multiple nights.

Many sophomores and juniors in high school have the right to use the night practice area.

Fang Che thanked Su Shangying, and a look of joy appeared on his face.

After saying hello to Jia Shengli and Luo Liuli, Fang Che went to find a training room to practice by himself.

Jia Shengli is numb and tired. Why should he continue to practice?

Why are you curling up like this? !

Are you going to let people live? !

Luo Liuli's face was cold. She looked at Fang Che's disappearing figure. Without hesitation, she followed the footsteps and opened a training room to practice.

Jia Shengli can either leave or not.

"If you want to rest, go back and rest." Su Shangshang glanced at Jia Shengli: "The most important thing for you is to adjust your mentality. You have to learn to stabilize your mentality."

Jia Shengli seemed to have a chance to step down and agreed smoothly.

"Teacher Su is right, I understand. I am the core of this team and I have a heavy responsibility!"

Jia Shengli understood clearly.

Su Shangshang opened his mouth, but he didn't speak too directly...

As long as Jia Shengli is happy.

Fang Che directly opened the spiritual energy training room for four hours. The second-level spiritual liquid was combined with pure low-level spiritual stones, and the efficiency of the spiritual energy training was greatly improved.

Of course, there is still a gap to be reached in order to break through to the sixth level of Qi Refining.

But there was still half a month before the fighting competition, and Fang Che felt that there might be a chance to break through to the sixth level of Qi refining before the fighting competition started.

In this way, you are more certain to win bonuses in the competition.

The four hours came to an end quickly, and Fang Che walked out of the training room refreshed. A translucent prompt popped up in front of him, showing that 40 points of hard work had been credited.

The door of the training room on the other side opened wide, and Luo Liuli walked out in a daze.

Four hours of boring practice put even Luo Liuli under some mental pressure.

When she saw Fang Che, she couldn't help but admire him.

Because she knew that Fang Che practiced so much every day!

It is said that it has persisted for nine years!

can not imagine!

No wonder you can get the opportunity to transform your virtual spiritual roots into real spiritual roots.

Hard work, God will not let you down!

Fang Che looked at Luo Liuli, grinned, and said hello: "Lao Luo, do you want to continue?"

Luo Liuli's long eyelashes trembled, do you want to continue?

Really all night?

However, her unwillingness to admit defeat made her grit her teeth: "Okay."

The two opened the meditation room for another four hours and continued to meditate on spiritual consciousness, replacing sleep with meditation.

When the sky in the east turns white, the brilliance of the morning light tears through the darkness and falls on the world, which means the beginning of a new day.

"Ding, if you practice diligently for 4 hours, your diligence will be +40..."

"Ding, it is detected that you have practiced for more than 15 hours today and you have received a perfect attendance prize box. The treasure box has been distributed. Do you want to open it?"

Familiar reminders appeared before my eyes.

In the meditation room, Fang Che, who had just finished meditating, slowly opened his eyes and exhaled a breath of turbid air.

Fang Che got another full-time treasure chest, and Fang Che was looking forward to it. The last time he opened the box, he got the Eight Desolate Explosions of Physical Skills, which was of great help to him in his fighting skills. I wonder what he can get this time?

"Turn on!"

After finishing the words, the familiar feeling of spiritual consciousness being stirred emerged, and the special light effects flickered...

"Congratulations on getting [Special Diligence (Talk) +100] and [Spell: Flame Ring]."

"Tip: After receiving the perfect attendance award, it will soon go into a cooldown. The cooldown time is seven days. The longer the cooldown time, the better the perfect attendance award will be. The cooldown will be refreshed the next month."

The light falls like fireworks, prompts popping up one after another.

Fang Che's eyes fluctuated with emotions, and a look of joy appeared. In three days, he could get the perfect treasure chest again!

The rewards for the perfect attendance treasure chest obtained this time are different from the last time.

Last time, physical skills were prescribed, but this time... magic spells were prescribed!

"The spell, the flame ring... just suits my fire spirit root!"

Fang Che was in a happy mood.

Every second-level immortal cultivator will learn spells, but they basically learn basic spells.

As a fire spirit root, the attack spell is the basic fireball spell. Its power is very weak and its offensive effect is almost nonexistent.

As for the more expensive attack spells, you need to spend good deeds to buy them. Fang Che didn't even have enough good deeds to practice before, so how can he have the good deeds to buy them?

That's why Fang Che was so happy after getting the spell of free prostitution.

Because it means he saves a lot of good works.

Special Diligence can only make up for special items. Fang Che did not hesitate at all and used the 100 points of Special Diligence he obtained to make up for his weakness on the talisman item.

And his accumulated diligence points also reached 280 points. All of these 280 points of diligence were added to the fighting of skills category.

In order to upgrade the fighting skills item to lv4 level as soon as possible.

After doing all this, Fang Che calmed down and began to receive the spell [Fire Ring].

After receiving it, Fang Che opened his eyes, his eyes a little complicated.

Strictly speaking, the art of the flame ring is not a first-level spell. It has no grade. It is determined by the power of the true fire that the practitioner has melted into the flame ring.

True fire also has different grades.

"Red flame, blue flame, purple flame, black flame, gold flame..."

Fang Che murmured, the grades are quite strict.

The flames refined by such cultivators are magic weapons. Even the weakest red flame is not cheap. One red flame starts at one thousand merits!

Fang Che felt his scalp tingling. If he wanted to improve the power of the spell fire ring, he had a long way to go.

Another point that Fang Che was concerned about was that the cooldown time of the full attendance treasure box had become longer...

It actually took seven days, so it might take longer next time!

And next month, the cooldown will be refreshed, which means starting from a three-day cooldown.

In this way, there are about three opportunities to get the full attendance treasure box in a month!

As for what rewards are opened, it all depends on luck!

Like the physical skill Eight Desolate Explosion, like the magic spell Flame Ring, all depend on luck.

After sorting out the harvest, Fang Che walked out of the meditation room. The morning sun was as warm as new. Fang Che greeted the dazed and confused Luo Liuli.

Then he started his daily morning exercise.

Perhaps it was the acquisition of the treasure chest that made Fang Che more motivated.

Diligence can't stop!

Keep going!

On the playground, Fang Che was full of energy and started running to exercise his body.

Luo Liuli looked at the lively Fang Che silently, and doubted his life...

Fang Che's training rhythm is really not something that half of the people can follow.

However, Luo Liuli gritted her teeth and did not admit defeat. She continued to follow behind Fang Che, running silently to exercise her body.

Fang Che also looked at Luo Liuli who was silently gritting her teeth and persisting with some surprise.

I didn't expect that the perseverance of this cold-faced female monitor was so strong.

Because he didn’t go home last night, Fang Che called home after finishing his morning exercise to report that he was safe.

Then he went to the school cafeteria to have breakfast, and then rushed to the classroom to start the daily training class.

The courses in the training class are obviously much higher than those in the ordinary class.

Fortunately, Fang Che’s talents have improved in all aspects, and he is considered to be a little talented, so he can keep up with the pace.

After finishing a morning of study, Fang Che went to the practice area as usual and opened the meditation room to practice. Luo Liuli also followed silently.

Perhaps it was the spirit of not admitting defeat that made Luo Liuli try to keep up with Fang Che’s practice rhythm.

In the afternoon, Fang Che packed up and went to the talisman making teaching building to learn the talisman making class.

This was the first time he went to class after agreeing to Nan Lihuo to join the talisman making class.

In the past, when he had a virtual spiritual root, talisman making was a pain in his heart!

Now the talisman talent has been improved to level lv3.

Fang Che is really curious about how much his talisman making level can improve.

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