Every student in the gifted class has the choice of additional courses.

For example, alchemy, casting, talisman making, array formation, etc., are considered practical courses.

However, not every student has the opportunity to learn from a master of talisman making in Feilei Xiancheng like Nan Lihuo. Nan Lihuo's talisman making class has very high requirements for entry.

When Fang Che came to the talisman making class, Nan Lihuo had already arrived. There were several high school students surrounding him, asking about the key points of talisman making.

"Fang Che is here, go directly to your workbench. The talisman making tools have been prepared for you, but they are all basic tools provided by the school. If you want better ones, you can buy them yourself with good deeds."

Nan Lihuo glanced at Fang Che and said deliberately.

Fang Che's crucial punch that day defeated Su Shangxing, which left a deep impression on him. He admired students who could master the secondary force of physical skills at the fifth level of Qi Refining.

After all, even a physical skill that requires so much hardship can be trained to secondary force...

The hardship of talisman making is naturally nothing to Fang Che.

Fang Che came to the workbench he had chosen earlier. He cleaned the workbench and scattered the dust. There was a pile of dark yellow talisman paper, a basic talisman pen and a piece of talisman ink.

Nan Lihuo came over.

"This is your first talisman making class. First, get familiar with the drawing of talismans. The drawing of each spiritual talisman requires many failures before success."

"Making talismans is something that requires endurance of loneliness."

Nan Lihuo, wearing a robe, smiled at Fang Che.

He stood beside Fang Che and taught Fang Che how to mix talisman ink first, and then demonstrated drawing a talisman.

"This is a basic talisman of the first-level lower grade, the Cleansing Talisman."

"There are not many strokes, and the extradition of magic power is not difficult. Just watch. Your first talisman making test is the Cleansing Talisman."

Then, Nan Lihuo picked up the pen, dipped it in ink, and began to draw on the talisman paper.

Fang Che hurriedly held his breath and concentrated, his spiritual consciousness surged and spread out, and began to perceive and remember the key points of Nan Lihuo's talisman drawing.

After drawing a talisman, Nan Lihuo looked at Fang Che who was lost in thought, smiled, and continued to draw talismans.

A total of five talismans were drawn, each of which was almost like it was printed out by a printer, and there was no deviation between the talisman patterns.

This is the basic skills of a talisman maker.

"Okay, you try it, and hand in the quiz homework in three days." Nan Lihuo put down the talisman pen and smiled.

Fang Che slowly came back to his senses and nodded.

His mood was very excited, and he felt that the runes of the cleansing talisman were like engraved in his mind.

It made his hands itchy and he couldn't help but want to try it.

Nan Lihuo didn't choose to leave, but watched Fang Che draw talismans.

Watching Fang Che pick up the pen, drink the ink, put the pen on the talisman paper, and start drawing...

Gradually, Nan Lihuo's eyes showed disbelief.

As Fang Che's spiritual fluctuations slowly dissipated, a first-level low-grade cleaning talisman was successfully formed.

Success at one time!

Nan Lihuo's eyes were surprised.

"Have you successfully drawn a cleaning talisman before?" Nan Lihuo asked.

Fang Che shook his head, indicating that this was his first time making a talisman.

"Come on, continue. This time I will teach you a first-level medium-grade offensive talisman, the Explosion Talisman. Watch it."

Nan Lihuo was interested, drank the ink and put the pen down, slowing down the speed of drawing on the talisman paper to give Fang Che time to learn.

Fang Che was also excited. His lv3 talent for making talismans seemed to have a natural sensitivity to making talismans.

He stared at Nan Lihuo's drawing process, once, twice, three times...

Nan Lihuo drew five talismans before letting Fang Che try.

The first-level middle-grade talisman is obviously much more difficult than the first-level low-grade one.

Fang Che's first attempt ended in failure without suspense. The talisman caught fire halfway through drawing.


Nan Lihuo crossed his arms and said with some surprise.

Fang Che was not depressed or lonely. After cleaning the workbench, he calmed down and continued to draw.

Twice, three times, four times, five times...

When it was the fifth time, a scorching spiritual energy wave surged on the workbench...

Explosion Talisman, Talisman is done!

The talisman-making class was silent, and all the students looked at Fang Che in astonishment.

The first time he came into contact with talisman making, the first-level middle-grade explosion talisman was successful after only five times? !

You know, many of them spent a full half a month to draw the explosion talisman!

People are really annoying!

"Hahaha! Good boy, I was right. You are born to be a talisman maker."

"Perfect talent, coupled with excellent perseverance and diligence, your future, a third-level talisman maker is no problem!"

Nan Lihuo was very happy.

Nan Lihuo thought about it and took out a notebook from the storage magic weapon.

"This is the notebook of talisman making experience I wrote. When you go back, write down the talisman drawing process and techniques described in it. Practice more and draw more. If you want to become a formal first-level talisman maker, you need to master five different first-level medium-quality talisman drawing methods."

"Put more effort on talisman making, don't waste your talent."

Nan Lihuo said earnestly.

He admired Fang Che more and more.

In the following time, Fang Che was completely immersed in talisman making, drawing talismans, constantly drawing talismans...

Drawing over and over again, the success rate is getting higher and higher!

Four hours passed in an instant, and Fang Che had finished drawing all the hundreds of talisman papers in front of him. The success rate of the talismans was as high as 70%!

Nanli Huoren was laughing so hard. After all, he dug out a beautiful jade from the gravel, which proved his unique vision. How could he not be happy?

"Ding, if you draw the talisman diligently for four hours, your diligence will be +40. Please continue drawing, don't... don't stop!"

"Tip: Your talisman-making level has improved. Please complete the professional certification to receive special rewards."

In front of his eyes, a translucent prompt popped up. Fang Che was stunned for a moment, and then he was a little surprised.

"Can I get special rewards for certified professions?"

Fang Che naturally knew the meaning of professional certification.

Professions such as alchemist, weapon caster, talisman maker, etc. all have professional certification agencies set up by the state.

If the authentication is successful, it will be recorded in the personal file.

However, it is still quite difficult for Fang Che to successfully authenticate now, mainly because there are too few talismans that he can draw.

"It's not urgent. We can wait for the certification after the fighting competition is over."

Fang Che was planning in his mind.

In the following days, Fang Che's life became ordinary and regular.

In the morning, I had a knowledge class in the training class, and I couldn't extricate myself from swimming in the ocean of knowledge. In the afternoon, I took a talisman-making class, and in the evening, I received special fighting skills training from Su Shangxing!

Every day is very fulfilling and busy.

Fang Che enjoyed such days very much. After the special training, he chose to continue practicing in the training room for four hours before going home.

At the end of the day, the energy gained is about 200 points.

Time is like sand between fingers, passing by at the fingertips.

Ten days passed by in a blink of an eye.

And tomorrow is the start day of the fighting competition.

The setting sun is like fire, reflecting the flaming clouds all over the sky.

Fighting training ground.

Fang Che, Luo Liuli and Jia Shengli stood quietly.

After half a month of special training, the tacit understanding between them has also been cultivated. Su Shangxing's special training for them and their cultivation suppression must be raised to the eighth level of Qi refining to withstand the joint attack of the three.

Of course, this premise is that Fang Che and Luo Liuli do not use combo spells.

The joint attack spell taught to Fang Che and Luo Liuli by the old principal Zhai Ke is called "Ice and Fire Lotus", and the rank of the spell is unknown.

Although Fang Che and Luo Liuli only had a rough grasp of it, under a combined burst, the power would cause even the eighth level of Qi Refining to peel off.

Fang Che stood quietly. After ten days of hard training, his Qi refining cultivation had successfully broken through to the sixth level of Qi refining, and the real gain was not just in cultivation.

There is a translucent panel emerging in front of you.

The amount of daily effort points that can be obtained is around 180. Including the doubled diligence points for breakthroughs, the total amount in ten days is about 2,000 points. For Fang Che, a lot of things have changed.

[Fighting (lv4: 40/10000)]

[talisman (lv4: 10/10000)]

[Spiritual Knowledge (lv4:0/10000)]

With more than 2,000 points of hard work, Fang Che successfully gave Fang Che the talents of fighting skills, talismans and spiritual consciousness...

All of them have reached level 4!

True genius level!

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