Fang Che returned to the room.

My parents had already woken up. How could they not wake up due to such a movement? People in the entire community were actually awake, but they didn't dare to move and hid in their homes.

"Is it over? Ah Che, are you not injured?"

Mother Chen Shuting asked nervously. When she saw Fang Che returning, she immediately ran up and looked him up and down.

"It's okay. They are not powerful demon cultivators. The problem is not big. The matter has been solved. These demon cultivators have also provided me with a lot of merit."

Fang Che said with a smile.

Seeing Fang Che's relaxed tone, Fang Qingyun and Chen Shuting breathed a sigh of relief and felt relieved.

However, the two of them have completely decided that they have to leave Feilei Immortal City. They really cannot stay here. Fang Che is completely different from before. If he continues to stay in Feilei Immortal City, this kind of thing will definitely continue in the future. occur.

Not to mention the impact on Fang Che, just the impact on the people and neighbors in the community is not what the two of them thought.

The two decided to leave tomorrow and head to the imperial capital.

Fang Che returned to the house.

Sitting on the bed, my heart was slightly agitated, and I began to sort out the gains from this battle.

"This time, I killed ten demon cultivators and gained a total of 30,000 Qinqi... It was a great harvest, and I also received a silver treasure chest as a reward in the end!"

The corners of Fang Che's lips rose uncontrollably. As expected, the reward for a person's diligent killing of enemies is the most generous one.

It’s hard to imagine what a wonderful paradise it will be to enter the Xianmen Fragments battlefield in the future.

As long as he works hard to kill enemies, the rewards will only become more and more generous!

With a thought, the panel popped up.

Host: Fang Che

Talent: Hard work can make up for weakness

Age: 15

Cultivation level: third level of foundation building

Diligence: 38600

Props: Shushen Sandbag (second level), Chilongyuan (low-level third-level, can grow), Chiyang Cauldron (low-level third-level)

Replenishing clumsiness: Items that can be used to replenish clumsiness are [Spiritual Root], [Spiritual Sense], [Alchemy], [Talk], [Formation], [Forging], [Puppet], [Fighting Technique],

Perfect Attendance Award: Not available

Evaluation: Do you feel the oppression brought by Nascent Soul? You have just built the foundation, can you still sleep?

Fang Che let out a breath, his eyes were as bright as lightning, and he locked his eyes on the Qin Neng column, almost laughing out loud.

It’s time to improve yourself.

It’s been a long time since I’ve done a make-up project.

Fang Che still remembered that he planned to develop in an all-round way, and now he had awakened the prototypes of various supernatural powers, namely [Eye of the Ming King], [Climbing the Tower], [Hand of Talisman], [Sword Immortal State], and [Forbidden Curse] lead】.

And his alchemy talent is now level 4 and has not yet reached level 5, so he cannot awaken the prototype of his magical power.

[Alchemy (lv4:0/10000)]

Fang Che was hesitating whether to improve his alchemy talent to level 5 and awaken the prototype of his magical power.

Of course, there is another option, which is to just get 10,000 special skills in fighting skills.

Nowadays, his fighting talent is extremely high.

[Fighting (lv5:50000/100000)]

There is still 50,000 Diligence points left to upgrade to lv6 in Dou Fa, so he is now hesitating whether to use the more than 30,000 Diligence Skills to make up for his weakness in Dou Fa...

If you reach lv6, there will definitely be a huge improvement.

After all, his Tianling Root is only at level lv6.

Although the help brought by spiritual roots to Fang Che is not as great as it was at the beginning, after all, he does not absorb spiritual energy step by step to cultivate immortality, but obtains rewards through his own diligence and achieves rapid improvement.

The moonlight tore through the dull dark clouds and poured down the window, onto Fang Che's body.

Fang Che was thinking about the choice, which choice he should make.

"The next place I will go to is Xiaju University... Rumor has it that it is a university famous for alchemy. I am afraid that my current level 4 talent is not enough... Forget it, let's try both ways."

"Anyway, when I enter the Xianmen Fragment battlefield... the speed of acquiring Qin energy should be greatly accelerated. As long as I kill enemies diligently, the Qin energy will be there. The fighting skills should be able to quickly increase to lv6!"

Fang Che felt certain in his heart and made a decision immediately.

"So, it's a matter of mending one's weakness and refining elixirs!"

"Ding! Do you want to use 10,000 Diligence to make up for your poor alchemy talent?"


"Ding! The talent in alchemy makes up for your weakness..."

"Repairing for weakness completed! Congratulations on raising your alchemy talent to level 5 and obtaining the prototype of magical power [Immortal Pill Body]..."

The panel prompt popped up, flashed with golden light, and then slowly disappeared without a trace.

Fang Che's eyes narrowed slightly.

The prototype of the magical power awakened by the alchemy talent... the immortal elixir body!

This is incredible!

Feeling the characteristics of the Immortal Pill Body, Fang Che took a deep breath. This talent is a bit awesome...

Nowadays, because it is the prototype of magical power, the effect of the immortal elixir body is not so heaven-defying.

First of all, because of this magical talent, once it is turned on, the efficacy of the pills Fang Che swallows will be stimulated to more than three times.

Secondly, as long as Fang Che has pills in his mouth during the battle, his mana recovery speed and wound recovery speed will be greatly enhanced.

If this prototype of magical power is awakened into a complete magical power and a complete immortal elixir body, and one swallows any elixir before a battle, it will have the effect of immortality, and one can be reborn with a drop of blood!

Fang Che's scalp was numb, and he even regretted a little. Why didn't he upgrade alchemy to level 5 earlier?

This is simply the best talent to motivate him to work hard. It can make him fight tirelessly and not afraid of getting hurt, and it can greatly increase his efficiency!

"Awesome." Fang Che smiled.

After calming down, Fang Che focused his attention on the silver treasure chest he had just obtained.

That was a silver treasure chest, and the rewards obtained would definitely not be bad.

"Open the silver treasure chest."

Fang Che did not hesitate too much and opened it directly.

"Ding! Congratulations on obtaining [Body Movement Spell·Da Yan Jing Long Flash]."

The prompt disappeared, and Fang Che felt a series of new information about spells pouring into his mind.

Fang Che's eyes flashed brightly, and his whole body was full of vigor.

"Body Movement Spell..."

"Good stuff."

Fang Che couldn't help but reveal a sincere smile on his face.

Body movement... In fact, it has always been Fang Che's weak point.

Fang Che did not master the body movement skills. The reason why he was fast was more due to the pure power burst of the Eight Desolate Explosion, and the rebound speed burst through kicking the ground.

However, this is not a real body movement spell, sometimes it seems too cumbersome and not very easy to use.

"What a great harvest! The magic cultivator is indeed a lovely creature."

Fang Che stood up and stretched, feeling that his spirit and energy had undergone a transformation.

"Damn, I can't sleep, get up and go to school to practice."

Fang Che shook his head, stood up and changed into clean clothes, and planned to go to the practice room of the second high school in Feilei Xiancheng.

"Mom and Dad, I'm going to school to practice, and I'll be back tomorrow to set off together."

Fang Che shouted before going out.

Then he tapped the ground with his toes, and the mana droplets in his dantian evaporated, and his figure instantly turned into a stream of light and disappeared into the night.

Inside the house, Fang Qingyun and Chen Shuting walked to the door, looking at Fang Che who disappeared in an instant, and looked at each other with worry.

"Honey, do you think that the assassination tonight... brought too much stimulation to Ache?"

"It shouldn't be, didn't Ache kill all those demon cultivators?"

"Honey, Ache is so diligent... Could it be that he has some kind of mental trauma?"

"...No, it can't be?"

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