When the battle in the city ended, the half-step Yuanying who were fighting fiercely outside the city had already noticed it.

The faces of the three half-step Yuanying masters of the Demon Cult became very ugly.

"It's only been a short time... and it's over?"

"Is there any other half-step Yuanying masters in Feilei Xiancheng? Otherwise, the Hundred Ghosts Night Parade formation could not be broken so quickly!"

"With the cultivation of half-step Jindan against a genius of the second level of foundation building... could it still fail?"

The faces of the three masters of the Demon Cult were livid. They took the risk of being exposed just to kill this genius who was recommended by Xiaju University for admission in advance in the first year of high school, this monster who made a name for himself in the fighting competition.

As a result, all the calculations and plans seemed to have failed, and they even had to pay a huge price for it.

After all, it is not easy to escape after exposing their identities.

On the other hand, the masters of Feilei Xiancheng were full of energy and fighting spirit.

They began to increase their offensive means, pinning down the half-step Nascent Soul masters, waiting for the support of the nearest Nascent Soul master.

Once a real Nascent Soul arrives, these three half-step Nascent Soul masters will surely be captured, and this battle will be a huge gain for Feilei Xiancheng.

"Hold them back, the nearest Nascent Soul master must have been notified as soon as Feilei Xiancheng was attacked, and is on his way!"

"As long as we hold them back, we will win!"

Feilei Second High School Principal Zhai Ke, with bright eyes, did not have the temperament of an old man at all, and the domineering mana fluctuations continued to surge out, impacting and washing.

The battle entered a white-hot stage in an instant, and various means emerged one after another!

The battlefield also began to move, heading away from Feilei Xiancheng.


Suddenly, the night was suddenly illuminated like day, as if a bright sun rose up, rolled over, and pressed across the void, causing countless stars to rotate and tremble!

In the sun, there was a figure sitting cross-legged in it, with red robes, red eyebrows, and red hair!

This was a figure with a red body, sitting cross-legged in the sun, as if twisting the void, transcending the world!

"It's the Red Eyebrow Master of the Five Elements Fairy City!"

A terrified roar came from the mouth of the half-step Yuanying of the Ten Thousand Ghosts Sect.

Ghost Qi is most afraid of upright and blazing magic power, and the magic power of the Red Eyebrow Master is of the fire attribute. He has been walking the route of blazing yang and uprightness for a long time, which is the most restraining ghost cultivation, so he is terrified.

Moreover, the appearance of a genuine Yuanying strongman is simply a dead end for them.

The gap between a half-step Yuanying and a Yuanying... is the gap between heaven and earth.

Don't look at the kind-hearted Yuanying masters who usually look like ordinary immortals. But once the magic power is activated and the Yuanying is released, the terrifying aura is like a real god flying in the air.

The night soon fell silent, and the three half-step Yuanyings were completely killed.

The half-step Yuanying of the Ten Thousand Ghosts Sect was beaten to ashes, his soul was scattered, and the embryonic form of the Yuanying that had just condensed was shattered.

The half-step Yuanying of the Beast Blood Sect and the God-scaring Sect were severely injured and captured.

The red robe of the Red Eyebrow Master fluttered, and he landed gracefully, and the powerful magic power on his body slowly subsided.

Zhai Ke, Xu Qing, Zhao Tianliang and other half-step Yuanying masters who were in charge of Feilei Xiancheng showed respect on their faces.

The red-robed master raised his red eyebrows and smiled: "I heard that Feilei Xiancheng has a champion of the Great Xia Immortal High Fighting Competition... The hidden demon sect forces couldn't help but take action and sent three big fish. That boy... is pretty good."

"Is his name Fang Che?"

Zhai Ke smiled and said, "Yes, a young man who rose mainly through hard work and diligence."

The red-robed master nodded: "Don't let this little guy down. This time, he was able to attract these demon sects. As the initiator, he also made a lot of efforts."

"Remember to give him more merits."

"Okay, I won't chat with you anymore. I have to follow the clues provided by the demon sect demon cultivator I just killed and pull out the demon sect spies in several nearby immortal cities."

The red-robed master said, and then turned into a red cloud and disappeared into the night in an instant.

Zhai Ke and others looked at each other and smiled.

Feilei Xiancheng can sleep well next.

When the dawn shines on the earth, the morning sun rises from the sea level, and sprinkles thousands of scale-like brilliance on the turbulent sea surface.

Fang Che left the training ground of Feilei No. 2 High School in a sweat.

His blood was boiling, and the terrifying power was like the quietly dormant volcanic magma, which could burst out terrible energy at any time.

After a night of training, from the time he was assassinated by the demon cultivator to the rising of dawn, Fang Che spent five hours in training.

He gained 1,000 diligence energy, which is not much, but not too little.

As soon as he left the training ground, Fang Che saw two familiar figures, none other than Su Shangxing and Bei Danqiu.

When the two saw Fang Che was really in the training ground, they were speechless for a while.

This is the Liver Emperor, the real Liver Emperor!

After being assassinated by the demon cultivator, he still had the mind to come to the training ground to continue training...

Most people don’t have to sleep well, rest, and calm down?

Fang Liver Emperor doesn’t need it at all. Diligent training is the best way to calm down for him.

"Fang Che, is the training over?"

Su Shangxing said with a smile. He had long been accustomed to the inward-looking aura that came from the Liver Emperor.

On the contrary, Bei Danqiu was experiencing it for the first time and was a little uncomfortable. He was sprayed in the face by Fang Che's extremely strong inward breath.

With a towel hanging around his neck, Fang Che's eyes lit up slightly as he wiped the sweat. He knew that seeing the two at this moment must be because of the merits he gained from killing the demon cultivators tonight.

Su Shangxing saw Fang Che's expression and knew what Fang Che had guessed.

"This is the merit you gained from killing the three religions' demon cultivators tonight, and from attracting the demon cultivators to launch a killing formation for you and exposing the hidden player."

"You killed three demon cultivators in the early stage of foundation building. Because it is not the trial period now, there is no merit subsidy during the trial period, so each early stage of foundation building that you killed is calculated according to the highest merit of 800 points, a total of 2400 points."

Su Shangxing handed over a good deed card and said.

Fang Che was not surprised to hear this.

When I was in the trial in Yunxiao Town, killing a foundation-building demon cultivator would give 800 merits for each first-level foundation-building cultivator, which was quite generous. However, at that time, it was a subsidy from the trial.

Now it is not the trial period, and the merits for killing demon cultivators have also fallen back to normal levels.

"Secondly, you killed four mid-stage foundation-building demon cultivators, which is 4800 points according to the highest merit of 1200 points. You killed two late-stage foundation-building demon cultivators, which is 4000 points according to the highest merit of 2000 points. The total merit here is 11200 points."

"Secondly, you killed a half-step Jindan demon cultivator, which is 5000 points of merit. Therefore, the merit you gained from killing many demon cultivators this time is 16200 points!"

"And as a subsidy for the hidden player, the official Feilei Xiancheng will provide you with 10,000 points of merit."

Su Shangxing couldn't help but feel envious when he heard this. Recently, he has been helping Fang Che count the merits, and he is a little numb.

Every time Fang Che earned tens of thousands of merits, is he really a high school student?

However, Fang Che frowned, not very satisfied.

"Just this little?"

Fang Che muttered.

Su Shangxing: "..."

Not much?

Is this still not enough?

Fuck! I'm so jealous!

Su Shangxing, a Jindan cultivator, earns merits at a speed not even half as fast as Fang Che. If he doesn't go to the Immortal Gate Fragment Battlefield, the merits that Su Shangxing earns in a month can't even catch up with the tail of Fang Che's.

Inexplicably, he felt a little depressed and uncomfortable. Thinking of this, Su Shangxing suddenly had a strong sense of crisis.

Maybe... he really has to be diligent.

If he stays in the comfort zone for too long, he, a genius swordsman, may be ruined!

"Maybe... I should go to the Immortal Gate Fragment Battlefield to fight..."

Su Shangxing muttered.

Fang Che quickly relaxed his frown. The reason why he had less merit was mainly because there were only ten demon cultivators. The reason why he could reach more than 10,000 merits was because one of them was a half-step Jindan, who directly provided him with 5,000 merits.

"By the way, this is the merit you got from the third-level demon cultivator's magic weapon after killing the half-step Jindan. Because it is a demon cultivator's magic weapon, the merit is greatly reduced, and it only brings 20,000 merits..."

Su Shangxing took out another new merit card and handed it to Fang Che.

Bei Danqiu, who was standing by, was numb. As a Jindan cultivator, he was so shocked that his legs could not close.

You told me this is a high school student?

Earned 46,200 merits in one night!

Even though Bei Danqiu was a third-level alchemist, known as a merit harvester, she was deeply shocked. After all, she really... couldn't earn more than Fang Che!

She couldn't earn more at all!

Fang Che took the two merit cards and finally felt satisfied and balanced.

Forty-six thousand merits for one night, OK, very OK!

Devil cultivators are really cute!

He Fangche, I love him so much!

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