Although Fang Che loves demon cultivators very much...

Unfortunately, after entering Xiaju University in the imperial capital, it would be difficult for him to find cute demon cultivators to give him merit.

However, he changed his mind and realized that after entering Xiaju University, he would be qualified to enter the Xianmen Fragment Battlefield.

The enemies we will encounter on the Immortal Sect Fragments battlefield are all people who speak well and have many merits and virtues...

Fang Che immediately fell in love with her.

After collecting two good deed cards, a bright smile appeared in Fang Che's eyes.

"Such merit should be enough for me to spend a while."

Fang Che showed a smile with big white teeth.

Su Shangshang rolled his eyes: "Just laugh, so many merits cannot sustain you..."

Bei Danqiu was wearing a red robe and couldn't help but laugh: "Ah Che, if the merit is not enough, no one will think it is too much..."

"If you want to exchange for truly good things, you have to spend a lot of merit to exchange them."

Regarding what Bei Danqiu said, Fang Che nodded solemnly.

"But Ah Che, you don't have to worry about this. You are an old disciple of Pei and a half-disciple of Uncle Yun. You are the most meritorious Talisman Maker and Alchemist. You are both a walking merit harvester. machine!"

Bei Danqiu is very optimistic about Fang Che's future.

"These merits can be redeemed at Xiaju University's resource network after you enter Xiaju don't need to use them for now."

Bei Danqiu suggested.

Fang Che was slightly startled when he heard this. He felt that it would be good to redeem the merits into resources as early as possible.

With so much merit, isn’t it just for flowers?

The more merit he spends, the more diligently he can earn merit, which is also an incentive.

When your pockets are empty, you will be motivated to work hard and diligently.

Seemingly understanding Fang Che's doubts, Bei Danqiu smiled and said: "Feilei Immortal City is a third-rate Immortal City after all. Even if it is guarded by the resource network, the resources that can be redeemed are limited..."

"Xiaju University is different. After all, it sits at the entrance to the Xianmen Fragmentary Battlefield. The resource networks between Daxia Xianmen Universities are interconnected. Many fighting madmen have obtained good things by entering the Xianmen Fragmentary Battlefield. , but they will only be digested within the university resource network..."

After Bei Danqiu finished speaking, Fang Che understood immediately.

In short, you can redeem more good things at Xiaju University Resource Network!

Fang Che's eyes brightened slightly. It was already dawn anyway, and he would be leaving for Xiaju University today, so it would be just such a long time.

Therefore, he is no longer eager to exchange his merits for success.

The three of them chatted for a while, and then walked together towards the gate of Feileixian City No. 2 High School.

The morning sun rises, and the sunshine is as bright as broken gold, shining through the gaps in the leaves and shining on the two-high cement floor.

One after another, the second grade students in school uniforms walked from the school gate talking and laughing.

Forming a turbulent flow of people.

Fang Che, on the other hand, went against the flow of people and headed towards the school gate.

He was in a trance.

Many people also saw Fang Che, and would look back at him from time to time, with admiration, adoration, and excitement flashing in their eyes...

After all, Fang Che, a student who was recruited by Xiaju University in his first year of high school, is extremely rare and can be said to be the best story of the second high school student in Feilei Fairy City.

Arriving at the school gate, the high school students entered the school one after another and the school gate closed.

Fang Che stood at the door and looked back. The silk ribbon hanging from the leafy old banyan tree at the school gate was rippling gently in the breeze.

"Farewell, my high school."

Fang Che murmured slightly while bathing in the morning breeze.

Then he turned around, stepped on the sunshine, and strode in the direction of the bright sunshine.

The roar of the plane as it glides echoes over the airport.

Fang Che's family left Feilei Immortal City, where they had lived for a long time, and arrived at Daxia Immortal Sect's top Immortal City...the Imperial Capital!

This is Fang Che's second visit to the imperial capital.

As soon as he entered the Imperial Capital, he felt the surging and powerful spiritual energy of heaven and earth. After all, the level of spiritual veins under the Imperial Capital was definitely not comparable to that of a third-rate fairy city like Feilei Fairy City.

Fang Qingyun and Chen Shuting also felt extremely real and shocked, feeling as insignificant as country people entering the city.

Although they only have very low Qi refining skills, they can be keenly aware of the richness of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

Perhaps after living in the imperial capital for a period of time, their cultivation will slowly improve and they will achieve breakthroughs.

Bei Danqiu was very enthusiastic and arranged to pick him up at the airport, but Master Ma, who knew that Fang Che would come to the imperial capital, came to the airport to pick him up in person.

"Mom and Dad, this is Senior Brother Ma, my master's eldest disciple." Fang Che introduced Fang Qingyun and Chen Shuting with a smile.

Master Ma suddenly smiled brightly and started chatting with Fang Qingyun and Chen Shuting.

The group of people got into the extended version of the luxurious car and drove all the way to Mr. Pei's manor.

Fang Che finally saw Mr. Pei again, and his eyes lit up slightly. Fang Che had no clue about the details of the new strange talisman space thunderstorm kill. Now that he came to the imperial capital, he happened to chat with the teacher all night long.

Old Man Pei was numb. Why was Fang Che's look... so wolf-like?

He transformed into a majestic god, as if he had become a little white rabbit.

Mr. Pei ignored Fang Che and started chatting with Fang Qingyun and Chen Shuting enthusiastically. As long as he ignores the Gan Emperor, the Gan Emperor will not notice me.

After chatting for a while, Mr. Pei asked Bei Danqiu to pick up Fang Che. Don't be an eyesore in Mr. Pei's manor. His naked eyes seemed to be eating away at me. He was old and couldn't bear it.

As for Fang Qingyun and Chen Shuting's work, Pei Lao took over the full authority, so Fang Che didn't need to worry.

With the support of the God-transforming Venerable, Fang Che was naturally not worried, and even felt very relieved.

"Mom and Dad, this is my master, the newly promoted God-transforming Venerable. You should have a good chat with the teacher. He is a tyrant in the imperial capital and he knows the imperial capital very well."

Before leaving, Fang Che said something to Fang Qingyun and Chen Shuting.

Then, Fang Qingyun and Chen Shuting could no longer listen to other words, and they were completely numb.

Transformation... God-transforming?

These two little Qi-refining people could actually talk and laugh with the God-transforming Venerable?

Cultivating immortals... It's really too fantasy.



Bei Danqiu, as a guide, took Fang Che to the interior of Xiaju University.

As one of the top three universities in Daxia Xianmen, and the richest of the three top universities, Xiaju University is more like a city than a university.

The area is larger than that of Qifei Leixian City.

Bei Danqiu drove a red streamlined coupe, carrying Fang Che on the spacious road of the campus.

The shade of the trees was hazy, and the sun was just right.

Crushed gold was scattered all over the ground, and the yellowed sycamore leaves swayed in the wind. Occasionally, when turning a corner on a small hill, you could see red maple leaves burning like flames.

In addition, Fang Che also saw many plants that had never been seen on Blue Star, lush and green, exuding rich spiritual energy.

"Many things here were brought back from the battlefield of the Immortal Gate Fragments. They are species that have never existed on Blue Star. Of course, they are plant organisms that have been determined by the official authorities not to cause harm to Blue Star."

Bei Danqiu saw that Fang Che seemed a little curious, so he introduced them to him.

Fang Che nodded, his eyes flickering, as if everything was new.

Bei Danqiu was very conscientious and took Fang Che to the Academic Affairs Office to apply for a student card.

"Ding - the student card has been successfully processed."

"From now on, you are a student of Xiaju University, but there is still a month before the college entrance examination, so you can only be considered a quasi-freshman, and there will be no friends to accompany you, but I have helped you apply for all the rights and interests you have as a student of Xiaju University."

"You can use the practice room, training ground, alchemy room, and talisman making room at will, just scan your student card. In addition, for the resource network, you need to go to the resource building to log in. I have also arranged your dormitory for you. It is a single-family villa equipped with a second-level high-quality spiritual vein, and a built-in home alchemy room, talisman making room, etc...."

The red coupe galloped across the street, rolling up the fallen maple leaves.

Bei Danqiu kept introducing it to Fang Che.

Finally, the red coupe quickly drove into the accommodation area of ​​Xiaju University.

In this accommodation area, there are single-family villas standing side by side, unique and forming a unique landscape.

"This is the villa area of ​​Xiaju University's accommodation area. Each villa has a spirit gathering array and a spiritual vein branch. You can think of it as an alternative cave."

"This is a privilege given to you by Xiaju University, but whether you can grasp this privilege and maintain this privilege... depends on you."

Bei Danqiu's words made Fang Che slightly stunned.

"Is there competition?"

Fang Che asked.

"Of course there is competition. Originally, each villa in the villa area was only available to students in the top 100 of the Xiaju Doufa Ranking. The villa you live in belongs to the last place on the Doufa Ranking."

"The original 100 people were disqualified from living in this villa. He will definitely not be willing to accept it. He will definitely challenge you in a month to regain the right to live in the villa."

Bei Danqiu said.

Fang Che narrowed his eyes, and a gleam of unexpected light flashed in his eyes.

I didn't expect the competition for these villas to be so fierce.

"Why one month later?"

"Because one month is the freshman protection period... Give you one month to adapt to college life and give you buffer time."

"One month later, the college entrance examination will be over, and your freshman protection period will also be over... You will officially face the pressure from seniors..."

Beidanqiu covered his mouth and smiled: "Although Xiaju University is not very good at fighting, it must not be underestimated."

Fang Che was like a blind man who found a bright spot, his eyes slightly lit up.

"Are these villas divided according to rankings?"

"Does that mean that the top ten villas are different from the 100th villa?"

"Of course they are different... The grades of the spiritual vein branches are different, and the conditions for the resources that can be obtained for free by refining pills are also different. There are still big differences." Beidanqiu said truthfully.

"However, you kid, don't be too ambitious. The owners of the top ten villas are all students in the Jindan period. They are all famous in the Xianmen Fragment Genius Battlefield."

Beidanqiu understood Fang Che's thoughts and introduced him.

Fang Che narrowed his eyes when he heard this, and he had a goal to strive for in his heart.

If he wants to live in a villa, he must live in the best one!

He wants to use diligence to occupy the best villa step by step!

When the sedan slowly stopped at the door of the villa.

But he found that there was a figure sitting cross-legged on the stone steps of the villa.

When Fang Che saw this figure, he already understood...

This person is the student ranked 100th on the Xiaju Fighting List who originally lived in this villa.

"It seems... I don't need to wait for a month."

Fang Che twisted his neck and walked down from the sedan.

He was about to be diligent, and someone immediately came up to accompany him.

Life is great for college students!

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