The figure sitting at the door of the villa is practicing, and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is sweeping around him, lingering around him, very strong.

When Bei Danqiu and Fang Che appeared in front of the villa, the figure slowly opened his eyes, and there were fluctuations in his eyes, which slowly disappeared.

The figure stood up and looked at Fang Che.

That's right, the other party didn't look at Bei Danqiu, he only had Fang Che in his eyes.

"Gu Chao, why are you here? Your villa has been temporarily owned by Fang Che... He will not agree to your challenge until one month later."

Bei Danqiu frowned slightly when she saw the figure, because she recognized that the figure was the original owner of this villa. The student who ranked 100th on the Xiaju Fighting List was a sophomore with good cultivation. He is a monk in the late stage of foundation building.

Gu Chao is very tall, over 1.8 meters tall, but he looks relatively thin.

He stared at Fang Che, listened to Bei Danqiu's words, and just grinned: "Teacher, there is no need to worry, I naturally know this... I just came to take a look, this person asked me to do nothing, and then I lost my practice. Who is the junior student in the villa?"

"Now that I've seen it, I didn't expect it to be... the champion of this year's martial arts competition."

Gu Chao smiled brightly.

However, there was still a sense of coldness and displeasure in his eyes.

It's natural to be unhappy. Although he is only at the bottom of the top 100 in Xiaju's fighting skills list, he is also among the top students in fighting skills in the entire Xiaju University.

Being able to live in a villa for cultivation is an honor and an opportunity.

As a result, his glory and opportunity were deprived of him.

If the opponent comes from behind and breaks into the top 100 of the fighting skills list, then it's okay to say that he is just a newcomer, or even a newcomer who has just been recruited into Xiaju University!

For such a newcomer, Xiaju University actually provided a villa for his courage.

"Don't be resentful. This is stipulated in the school rules of Xiaju University. If a new student is the champion of the martial arts competition, Xiaju University will give him a place in a villa as a feedback for recruiting him to Xiaju University."

"I know." Gu Chao said calmly.

He stared at Fang Che and smiled brightly: "Junior Fang, you have to enjoy this month. The freshman protection period is over. I hope you can bring me some surprises."

"I don't want my villa to be occupied by a piece of garbage for a month. That way... I will feel sick."

Gu Chao shook his head. After achieving his goal, he no longer stayed here and turned around to leave.

However, Fang Che looked at him with a strange expression.

"That's it?"

"Is this all you're good at?"

Fang Che was even so shocked that he couldn't help but speak out what was on his mind.

Are you issuing a challenge?

This way I can accept it more easily!

Don't come here just to fart a lot, then turn around and leave. What's the point of being cool?

I don’t know what diligence is at all!

Fang Che felt that he had to let the other party understand the true meaning of diligence.

"Fellow Taoist, please stay!"

Fang Che stretched out his hand and shouted loudly.

It is common for immortal cultivators to call each other Taoist friends. It is said that this is recorded in some classics unearthed from the Immortal Sect Continent.

In ancient times, the immortal cultivators in the Immortal Sect called each other "fellow Taoists".

Gu Chao was stunned for a moment, turned around and saw Fang Che staring at him with bright eyes.

"What's wrong?" Gu Chao narrowed his eyes.

A gentle smile appeared on Fang Che's face: "That's it. Will senior come to challenge me in a month? Want to seize the right to use this cultivation villa?"

Gu Chao looked indifferent: "That's natural. If you work your way up step by step and reach the top 100 on the Xiaju Fighting List, I will naturally give the villa to you willingly, but you are not, you are just a new student..."

"The cultivation villa should be a residence for those who are capable, rather than being used as a reward to reward new students."

Gu Chao's words made Fang Che nod in agreement.

"Then let's do it. If senior challenges me today, I will accept"

"We will fight today to decide who owns the training villa."

Fang Che's words made Gu Chao dumbfounded. Isn't it... real or fake?

Is there such a good thing in this world?

Is this new student... so arrogant?

He, Gu Chao, is ranked 100th on the Xiaju Fighting Technique Ranking, and has a ninth-level cultivation base... He has fought in the Xianmen Fragment Battlefield, and is very talented in the fighting technique.

How dare this kid be so crazy?

Bei Danqiu was also stunned and glanced at Fang Che with some confusion. Is this kid... arrogant?

No, it’s diligence!

This is to catch Gu Chao and make him his training partner until he dies!

"Are you serious?" Gu Chao narrowed his eyes.

He knew Fang Che, the champion of the martial arts competition, but...that's all.

After all, the martial arts competition is just a martial arts competition between the first and second grade students. Even the third year students have not participated. In terms of martial arts, there is a huge gap between the two sides.

He believed that Fang Che, a fighting champion, must have become inflated.

"Of course I take it seriously. I, Fang Che...never lie or deceive. I am an upright person."

Fang Che nodded seriously, trying his best to make the other party recognize his personality.

"Okay, then I challenge you. Since you are so confident in your fighting skills, I will help you and let you understand... university and high school are completely different."

Gu Chao said coldly.

"I accept your challenge! Without further ado, let's get started now!"

Fang Che raised his hands high, his expression gradually becoming excited.

Gu Chao felt that something was wrong more and more, and his face became more and more ugly. He felt that the excitement on Fang Che's face was contempt and contempt for him.

Bei Danqiu opened his mouth, why...why did things become like this?

Fang Che really doesn't give up at all. Will he cause trouble as soon as he enters the school?

"Teacher Bei Danqiu, please give us a testimony."

Fang Che said.

Bei Danqiu was helpless. What could she do to Fang Che?

You can only follow him.

He can do whatever he wants.

"This kind of fighting with stakes needs to be held in the Xiaju Arena. Fighting in private is not allowed."

Bei Danqiu said.

Fang Che looked confused, he didn't know what the Xiaju Grand Tournament was.

Gu Chao was familiar with him, and his expression became solemn: "It should be so."

Without saying another word, the three of them walked straight in the direction of the Xia Ju Arena, and soon arrived at a huge bluestone arena.

The arena was extremely huge, much larger than the alloy arena used by Fang Che in the original martial arts competition. At a glance, it seemed that there was no end paved with blue bricks.

And there are many viewing platforms around.

Perhaps because the news spread, the freshman who had just entered Xiaju University had a conflict with Gu Chao, and actually agreed to Gu Chao's challenge to a fight.

Therefore, there were many students watching the battle scattered on the viewing platform.

Many students recognize Gu Chao, one of the top 100 contestants on the Xiaju Fighting List, a fighting genius and extremely powerful.

Although it is only the ninth level of foundation building, even if it is half a step above the golden elixir, it is not weak at all.

This new student...

He actually gave up the one-month protection period for his new life and chose to accept Gu Chao's challenge?

There's something wrong with my brain.

For a while, more and more interested students from Xiaju University gathered together, and soon the area around the viewing platform was crowded with people.

And Fang Che's name was also completely revealed.

Xiaju University spent huge resources to recruit a new student, the first champion under the reform of Daxia Fighting Competition!

These names are all very impressive, but in the eyes of students at Xiaju University, they are not as valuable as the 100th place on the Xiaju Fighting List.

After all, Fang Che's cultivation level has also been revealed, and he only built the third level of the foundation, that's all.

And when all the students were eager to watch the excitement.

On the viewing platform, a graceful figure floated over, the bright red robe seemed to be stained with the color of blood.

It is Yun Qinglian, the master of alchemy.

Yun Qinglian's appearance caused an uproar among many students, and everyone fell silent.

But everyone's enthusiasm for watching the game is getting higher and higher.

What kind of battle... would actually attract the Green Lotus Master to watch?

Xia Ju beat the center in a big way.

Fang Che and Gu Chao stood face to face.

Gu Chao looked at Fang Che indifferently, the corners of his lips slightly raised in a cold arc.

"If you have any requirements for fighting rules, please tell as not to say that I bullied a freshman."

Gu Chao said.

Fang Che's eyes lit up slightly: "Then I'll mention it?"

Gu Chao was very confident in his heart, which was confidence in his own cultivation and ability to fight.

He is 100% confident about this battle. After all, with his ninth-level foundation building cultivation, is it possible that he can't beat a third-level foundation building person?

Therefore, by asking Fang Che to set the rules, Gu Chao was actually putting pressure on himself.

This would not make this fight seem too overwhelming and Gu Chao too bullying.

Fang Che took a deep breath and looked at Gu Chao with burning eyes.

"Since fellow Taoist asked me to mention it, I'm not welcome."

Gu Chao smiled: "Don't worry, I'll accept it as long as it's not too outrageous."

"It's not outrageous, it's not outrageous. My request is very simple."

Fang Che quickly waved his hand.

Then he smiled brightly.

"I hope that our fight can be hearty and enjoyable, and we can appreciate the taste of hard work... So, the rules are best-of-three, oh no, best-of-five... Forget it, it's still a best-of-seven game, right? "

"Let me feel...the enthusiasm of Xiaju University."

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