Fang Che is in really good condition!

Don’t look at the physical fatigue, it’s only temporary, but the mental state is extremely excited!

When the double diligence energy is paid, Fang Che feels that he can wear the soul-binding sandbag and do another 10-kilometer round trip!

The joy of diligent practice and rewarding is constantly teasing his heart!

Su Shangxing is helpless, but he doesn’t say anything more.

At half past eight, the school bus of the second high school arrives and everyone gets on the bus.

Inside the school bus.

Looking at Fang Che who took out the spiritual liquid to meditate, Su Shangxing asked with a broken voice: "Fang Che, what are you going to do again?!"

"Teacher Su, didn’t you say that it takes an hour to drive to the competition venue? So, Qi training... don’t waste this time."

Fang Che smiled honestly.

Su Shangxing: (╯‵Van′)╯︵┻━┻

He wanted to overturn all the seats in the school bus!

But Fang Che's words made sense, and he was speechless!

But what can you gain from one hour of Qi training?!

Wouldn't it be better to use this hour to sort out your mood and watch the fighting video?!

Jia Shengli and Luo Liuli were also speechless.

Isn't this... too much?!

Luo Liuli had practiced with Fang Che for some time and got used to his style.

But this time she didn't practice like Fang Che.

Instead, she turned her head to look at the scenery outside the window.

After all, her breakthrough in cultivation could not be achieved in just one hour of practice.

And practicing on the school bus, swaying left and right, greatly reduced the effect of cultivation, which would affect her mood.

Fang Che ignored them and immersed himself in cultivation.

His Qi Refining skill has reached the sixth level, but it will take some time to reach the seventh level.

Now, with the help of the Soul-Binding Sandbag, the Qi Refining effect has doubled. How can he waste time?

If he can break through the seventh level, Fang Che will be more confident in winning the gold medal in the Fighting Competition!

It’s half past nine in the morning.

The school bus of Feilei High School finally drove slowly into the destination.

It was an extremely large building shaped like an eggshell.

“Teacher Su, is this…the defense site of Feilei Immortal City?”

Jia Shengli looked at the building outside the window and suddenly exclaimed in surprise.

They didn’t expect that the venue of this Fighting Competition would be set in the defense site of Feilei Immortal City!

This place…ordinary people have no chance to come in!

“Yes, I didn’t tell you before because it’s not allowed. Now that you have seen it, you will naturally know it. "

"This battle competition, the official Xianmen will participate in the whole city, and there will be teachers from the ten major Xian universities and the three top Xian universities coming to inspect, you can perform well. "

"Maybe there is a chance to get a place in the Xian university directly."

Su Shangxing introduced.

Fang Che was still refining Qi, and Luo Liuli was indifferent.

Only Jia Shengli was extremely surprised.

After passing the strict inspection at the gate, the school bus drove into the garrison.

After a while, it arrived at the parking lot.

A total of 20 school buses, in addition to the 13 Xian high schools that can rank in Feilei Xiancheng, there are also some township high schools outside the Xiancheng participating in the competition.

Twenty teams, a total of 60 participating students, gathered into a stream and gathered in the square of the garrison.


A sword chant Above, there were flying swords flashing, and the surging spiritual pressure spread.

All the students looked up, and in the sword light, a man with an immortal style was flying over the square.

"In the first round of the Feilei Xiancheng Fighting Competition, twenty teams from various high schools in Feilei Xiancheng are divided into four groups, Tiandi Xuanhuang, and five teams in each group will compete in fighting."

"All five teams will fight in rotation. The winner will get 1 point, the loser will get -1 point, and the team with the highest group score will advance to the semi-finals."

"Do you know the rules? Now, the team leaders will come to the front desk to draw lots for the groups."

A cold voice came from the sword-riding man.

It was concise and to the point, without any long and tedious opening remarks.

But this simple and direct introduction to the rules made many students' hair stand on end, and they felt the pressure of the fighting competition suddenly floated to their hearts.

After a while, Su Shangxing came back after drawing lots.

"We are in the Yellow Group. There are two teams in this group that you need to pay attention to, one is the team from No. 8 Middle School, and the other is the team from Physical High School."

"Especially the Physical High School team, which ranked third in last year's fighting competition, second only to No. 1 Middle School and No. 5 Middle School. Although they failed to participate in the national competition, two of their team members were students who participated in the competition last year, and their strength is obviously not to be underestimated."

Su Shangxing introduced carefully, analyzed the intelligence, and introduced the difficult opponents of the Xuan Group one by one.

Even Fang Che listened carefully.

Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you win a hundred battles, and underestimating the enemy is a taboo.

When the time came to ten o'clock, the first game of the Xuan Group began.

"We are the first team to go out. The opponent is a township high school, a high school team from Lingxi Town. Three games and two wins. Who will go first?"

Su Shangxing asked.

As soon as the words fell, Jia Shengli immediately volunteered.

It's time for him to show his ability!

He wants Fang Che and Luo Liuli to win and qualify!

However, Su Shangxing ignored him and looked at Fang Che.

Thinking that Fang Che's unrestrained diligence might have some impact on his condition, he planned to use this battle to give Fang Che some advice.

"Fang Che, you play in the first game!" Su Shangxing said.

Fang Che was stunned. Although he was surprised, he did not refuse. He even had some expectations.

The square was divided into four areas, corresponding to the heaven, earth and yellow.

Each team had a rest area in the corresponding group area.

The guarding area, the yellow group area.

Fang Che wore a soul-binding sandbag and walked into the competition area. There were special guarding area cultivators as referees, who divided the areas and were responsible for the safety of the students in the competition.

Fang Che walked into the fighting area.

Opposite him was a short-haired girl with dark skin. She stared at Fang Che, and she felt a sense of needles on her back.

Fang Che frowned slightly.

"There are no restrictions on the rules of the fighting competition. Losing the ability to fight, exceeding the fighting area, and automatically admitting defeat are all considered to be a defeat in the fighting."

"You can regard the fighting competition as a simulation of the fighting duel between cultivators."

"Just fight, don't worry about the rest."

The referee of the yellow group was a middle-aged cultivator. The spiritual energy fluctuations on his body burst out. He was actually a foundation-building master!

"Now, the fight begins!"

After the words fell, the referee's figure disappeared on the ring like a puff of smoke.

The dark-skinned girl opposite Fang Che didn't even introduce herself, and she started fighting directly.

The mana burst out, forming ripples that spread the air.

On the ground, green vines grew one by one, and there were leaves on the vines like knives, quickly wiping towards Fang Che's neck.

"Fifth level of Qi Refining."

Based on the fluctuations of mana, Fang Che judged the opponent's cultivation.

And his cultivation was at the sixth level of Qi Refining, Fang Che was confident that he could deal with the opponent.


With one step down, the Eight Desolate Explosion appeared, and Fang Che rushed towards the girl at an extremely fast speed.

The speed at which the vines grew and spread could not keep up with Fang Che's speed.

Looking at Fang Che who was constantly approaching her, the girl was a little flustered.

She wanted to keep a distance, but how could her speed compare with Fang Che.

In an instant, Fang Che got close to her.

With five fingers, he grabbed the girl's arm, folded it to her back, and gently pressed the girl to her knees on the ground.

"Thank you for giving in." Fang Che said.

He was waiting for the girl to admit defeat.

However, the girl's back suddenly broke open, and a sharp vine shot out like an arrow.

Fang Che's eyes narrowed, and his spiritual consciousness allowed him to react quickly. With his strong physical fitness, he suddenly turned his head and avoided the thorn of the vine.

But his cheek was still scratched and a drop of blood oozes out.

"Give in? I will never give in!"

"We come from a township high school, and there are very few resources for cultivating immortals. We have to fight for it!"

"I'm sorry!"

The girl gritted her teeth and roared in a low voice.

Fang Che took a deep breath, came back to his senses, and immediately understood what a fighting competition was.

This is a fighting competition that simulates the life and death of cultivators!

The referee just said that fighting competitions... do not restrict the rules, and the opponent loses the ability to fight to be considered a real victory!

He actually planned to wait for the other party to surrender automatically...

How ridiculous!

The cultivation of immortals requires fighting with one's life, and there is only one life.

And fighting means taking responsibility for one's life!

Although Su Shangxing described it repeatedly during the special training, the experience and perception in person are still very different!

Fang Che learned it.


The vines growing on the girl's back swung violently, and the sharp branches and leaves on it cut towards Fang Che's neck.

However, Fang Che would not give him another chance.

The absolute crushing of strength gave him full confidence.

He raised his palm and grasped the vines cut by the girl. He directly resisted her magic with his flesh and blood, tearing the vines off the girl's body, and even pieces of skin and flesh!

Blood was splattered, and the scene was extremely bloody!

But Fang Che was extremely cold, and the fist holding the vines hit hard, without any mercy.

The fist wind exploded, and there was even a sonic boom!


Fang Che's power is so huge now.

He punched the girl in the back, but the terrifying force went straight through her body, shattering her heart and causing her chest to explode, spraying out countless blood mists.

The girl didn't even scream, she lost her will and fainted instantly!

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