Fang Che did not continue to punch because it was already certain that the girl had lost her ability to fight.

A figure appeared instantly, it was the missing referee.

"Two high, win."

The referee showed no emotion as he announced the result.

Then he knelt down and fed the girl a pill. The leading teacher from Lingxi High School came on stage and hugged the girl.

"That is a first-class high-grade healing elixir, which is enough to regenerate his flesh and blood and restore his broken heart. He will not die, so you don't have to worry."

"Little guy, this is fighting. Being soft-hearted is a taboo in fighting."

"If you participate in the war to open up the Immortal Sect fragments, your soft heart will not only kill yourself, but may also kill your teammates."

The referee said something more to Fang Che.

When Fang Che heard this, he took a deep breath and looked moved.

He understood that the referee was giving him instructions. In this arena, don't hold back and attack with all your strength. The referee will handle everything.

Fang Che walked off the ring without any joy of victory in his expression.

Su Shang walked over and patted his shoulder.

"This is fighting. Don't be soft-hearted, because the purpose of letting you learn fighting is to participate in the war to open up the fairy sect fragments. In the war... being soft-hearted will not last long."

"You just have to attack with all your strength. Even if you kill your opponent, the referee can still save him. After all, your level of fighting skills cannot make your opponent's soul fly away. As long as the opponent's soul is not knocked out, today's immortal medical treatment can save his life. "

Su Shangshang's words were also dispelling Fang Che's worries.

Fang Che understood, and Luo Liuli and Jia Shengli also nodded, indicating that they understood and knew what to do after taking the stage.

Fang Che felt slightly relieved.

Only then did he notice that a translucent prompt popped up in front of him.

"Ding! You have experienced a thrilling battle and defeated the opponent. Your special diligence (fighting skills) +50, the prop effect is triggered, and your diligence is doubled. Remember, fighting skills are responsible for life!"

Fang Che was startled, then his eyes narrowed, and a joy suddenly surged into his heart!

Fighting... you can actually get special abilities? !

There’s not even a time limit!

Doesn't this mean that the more opponents he defeats, the more special skills he gains? !

You must know that his fighting talent is now level 4. To upgrade to level 5, he needs 10,000 points of diligence.

The average daily effort he gets is about 180 points. Now that he has to participate in a fighting competition, his attendance may be reduced.

In other words, if he wanted to continue to improve his fighting talent, it would take close to two months to make up for his shortcomings through hard work every day.

And he also has talismans, spiritual consciousness and other items, and it will take nearly a year to upgrade them all to level 5, even if they are evenly distributed.

This is even if he does not upgrade other items such as weapon casting and alchemy.

Therefore, when it comes to Qinneng, Fang Che naturally wants the more the better.

"Who's going to play next?"

Just when Fang Che was immersed in the joy of acquiring the special skill of fighting, Su Shangshang asked.

"I'm going!" Jia Shengli was full of fighting spirit. It was time for him to show his true strength.

Su Shangshang was about to nod, but Fang Che quickly raised his hand.

"Teacher Su, let me go. Senior Jia is the trump card of our team and the team's treasure. How can we let the team's treasure be exposed so quickly?"

Fang Che grinned innocently.

Luo Liuli: "?"

Su Shangxing: "¯\\_(ツ)_/¯"

Jia Shengli: “(✧◡✧)”

The three of them had different attitudes toward Fang Che's words.

"Teacher Su, I think what junior Fang Che said is so true... let him go." Jia Shengli raised his chin.

"Yes, Senior Jia gave us the full scoop." Fang Che's smile became more and more honest.

Su Shangxing rolled his eyes at Fang Che, "I believe you."

However, since Jia Shengli said so, it would naturally be Fang Che.

In the second game, Fang Che once again set foot in the fighting area.

When the players from Lingxi High School saw Fang Che, anger appeared in their eyes.

"Are you going to challenge three people?!"

"Who are you looking down on!"

This time, the contestant from Lingxi High School was a rather burly boy, roaring with anger.

Fang Che said nothing and looked at the referee.

After the referee announced the start of the fight, he disappeared again without affecting the fight between the two.

"Die!" The man's eyes were red.

Anger was vented in the fight.

Perhaps because he wanted to avenge the girl who was almost beaten to death by Fang Che earlier, the man's fighting spirit soared.

Fang Che ran out quickly. Although he was wearing a Ling Shu sandbag, his speed was not weak after he became familiar with the restraints of the Ling Shu sandbag.

Su Shangshang and Luo Liuli, who were watching the battle, seemed to notice the slowdown in Fang Che's speed, and they couldn't help but frown.

He looked at Luo Liuli and said, "Did you see that? This is the result of excessively increasing the amount of training on yourself. Your body can't bear it anymore and your speed slows down significantly."

Luo Liuli didn't say anything.

But something suddenly happened in the fighting area.

The angry boy, the moment Fang Che approached him, the anger on his face disappeared. It turned out that all the angry emotions were his disguise.

He clapped his hands together violently.

Mud suddenly exploded on the ground, and the exploded balls of mud were heading towards Fang Che, trying to wrap Fang Che up and suffocate him to death!

Bahuang explodes!

Fang Che, who was wrapped in a mud ball, was not panicked and spoke softly.

The powerful force directly exploded the mud ball. Fang Che rushed out and punched the boy in the heart like a spear.

The man spurted out blood, his chest exploded, and his body flew out of the fighting area.

The referee appeared outside the fighting area at the right time, fed the man a pill, and then announced that Fang Che won.

Fang Che threw a cleaning talisman at himself, and the dirt and blood stains on his body were all cleaned up.

Looking at the 100 points of fighting special diligence that arrived again, Fang Che smiled.

He gave Su Shangxing and others a thumbs up, and then continued to stand in the fighting area, waiting for the next game.

It means that he will fight again!

Su Shangxing did not stop him. Since Fang Che planned to win three games in a row, let him go.

Anyway, Fang Che has won two games, and it doesn’t matter if he loses this game, there is still Luo Liuli.

The third contestant of Lingxi High School is obviously the core trump card.

He is a thin boy, but his cultivation is actually the sixth level of Qi Refining.

He is also a talisman maker. According to the rules of the battle, talisman makers can use the talismans they draw, because talisman making is also a skill, and it is normal to use talismans in battles.

Talismans slipped out from the boy's sleeves one by one.

They are all first-level low-grade wind blade talismans, and there are a lot of them!

The battle area was suddenly filled with raging winds.

However, Fang Che's face was calm, and he took out a talisman from his waist. It was a first-level medium-grade attack talisman he drew, the Fire Splitting Talisman!

When wind meets fire, the fire will rise!

And Fang Che took out another talisman, which was also a first-level medium-grade talisman, the Storm Talisman.

He blew the rising fire directly towards the boy.

The boy was a little panicked. He didn't expect Fang Che to be a talisman maker.

But why did a talisman maker use physical skills to fight at the beginning?

What an insult!


The storm blew the majestic fire and instantly engulfed the boy.

The boy howled miserably, his whole body burning with flames, and shouted that he admitted defeat.

He was sure that Fang Che was a talisman maker with a higher level than him.

The referee appeared, extinguished the flames on the boy, and announced Fang Che's victory.

This also meant that Fang Che was the first to complete a series of three moves in the fighting competition.

For a while, the eyes of many players from the participating teams were cast over and fell on Fang Che, who had a simple smile on his face.

This year's second high school seemed to be coming with great momentum!

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