Fang Che's simple smile did not dispel the other contestants' fear of him.

A first-class middle-grade talisman maker who is good at physical skills?


Obviously, the first one to appear is definitely not the strongest in the team...

This means that the second high school is coming with great momentum this time, and has the ambition to impact the national competition in the fighting competition!

Who said that the second high school gave up?

Many high school teachers cursed in their hearts.

Fang Che, who returned to the rest area, was looked at by Su Shangxing with a strange look.

"You can actually draw a first-class middle-grade talisman?" Su Shangxing took a deep breath and asked.

"Yes, I learned it from Teacher Nan Lihuo in the past half month. I am a student in Teacher Nan's talisman making class."

Fang Che said with a smile.

In less than half a month, you became a first-class middle-grade talisman maker?

Su Shangxing's mouth twitched slightly, making talismans... is it so easy?

If making talismans was so easy, he would not have failed the talisman making course that year.

Luo Liuli also looked at Fang Che strangely...very surprised.

Jia Shengli was excited: "Good boy, you didn't lose face for our No. 2 High School! I'll play in the next game! Let you enjoy the feeling of lying down!"

Fang Che was anxious when he heard this.

"No! Senior Jia, absolutely not!"

"You are the treasure of the team. When playing against the sports school, you can play. Now ordinary opponents cannot expose your strength!"

Fang Che said seriously.

Treasure of the team?

That's a nice way to say it!

Fang Che is really good at talking, he should say more.

Jia Shengli: "୧(﹒ᴗ﹒)୨!"

So, in the second game, under Fang Che's earnest persuasion, Fang Che still played.

Su Shangxing was speechless. He suspected that Fang Che used fighting as an increase in training, but he had no evidence!

However, Su Shangxing did not refuse. In the second game, he drew the No. 11 Middle School in the yellow group, a fairy high school that was not much better than a township high school.

Fang Che stepped onto the fighting area, wearing a soul-binding sandbag, and faced his opponent.

He never underestimated his enemy, and took every fight seriously.

He was extremely brutal and violent, showing the style of Bahuang Explosion to the fullest.

A contestant from No. 11 Middle School, a girl with a towering chest, was even hit on the chest by Fang Che. After the girl was rescued by the referee, she looked at Fang Che with fear in her eyes.

No suspense.

This game was another three in a row.

Fang Che gained 300 points of fighting special diligence, and was in a very happy mood, with his signature honest smile on his face.

The girl whose chest was hit looked at Fang Che with a happy face, grinning, covering her chest, and became more and more afraid.

What an evil smile!

This man... a breast-crushing maniac!

Not only this girl, but other female contestants who were paying attention to Fang Che's fights all covered their chests subconsciously.

The third game.

Su Shangxing was drawn to No. 8 Middle School.

In this battle, Fang Che still volunteered to take the lead.

"Are you sure? No. 8 Middle School should not be underestimated. It is the favorite to qualify for the Yellow Group!" Su Shangxing frowned and looked at Fang Che, who was getting more and more excited after two games.

"We are playing against the favorites!" Fang Che clenched his fist and said excitedly.

"Good!" Jia Shengli immediately supported him and kept clapping: "Fang Junior Brother, go ahead boldly, there are seniors to back you up!"

Luo Liuli looked indifferent, as cold as ever, and did not comment on this.

Fang Che got what he wanted and stepped onto the fighting area again.

The referee was speechless when he saw Fang Che.

"Is there no one in your No. 2 High School?" said the referee.

Fang Che smiled honestly: "I like fighting."

The contestant of No. 8 Middle School also stepped onto the fighting area. She was a girl with a high ponytail, wearing a tights, showing her graceful figure.

"No. 8 Middle School, Chen Xiu, please give me some advice."

The girl clasped her fists and looked at Fang Che vigilantly, saying.

"No. 2 Middle School, Fang Che, please teach me." Fang Che also returned the greeting.

After the referee announced the start, he disappeared.

"You shouldn't underestimate our No. 8 Middle School. You have fought two games in a row and didn't even take a break. Are you giving away points?"

The girl Chen Xiu said, and in the interval between words, she had already begun to seal.

"I love fighting!"

Fang Che grinned and showed a simple smile.

But his feet were not slow, and his figure had already rushed out. Chen Xiu's cultivation reached the sixth level of Qi Refining, and it was the peak of the sixth level.

Definitely not weak!

Fang Che cheered up, and a talisman floated out quietly.

It was a first-level middle-grade talisman. The skillful use of talismans in fighting was also a skill Fang Che learned in the previous few fights.

Fighting is also a process of continuous improvement.

Although Fang Che's fighting talent has reached level 4, it is just a talent. If you want to truly have a strong fighting level, you need to accumulate many times of fighting experience!

The girl shouted, and with a bang, the seal-making action changed, and a crossbow suddenly appeared on her arm.

The crossbow arrow on it exuded spiritual fluctuations!

"Magic weapon?!"

Fang Che took a deep breath.

Like the talisman maker, the weapon caster can use the magic weapon he cast to his heart's content.

And ordinary cultivator contestants can only use a magic weapon below the second level.

For example, Jia Shengli's flying sword worth 80,000 merits is a first-level high-quality magic weapon, which is within the usable range.

The crossbow arrow burst out, and the air was wrinkled and rippled, and the speed was extremely fast!

However, Fang Che's spiritual consciousness was released, sensing the direction from which the crossbow arrow burst out.

Controlling the body to avoid the arrow.

But after all, he was wearing a soul-binding sandbag, so he was a little slow in dodging, and was still hit by the crossbow arrow. A blood mark appeared, and blood oozed out, staining the school uniform red.


The crossbow arrow hit the ground and exploded, and a deep pit was blown up on the ground.

Fang Che was shocked. If this crossbow arrow hit his body, I'm afraid a big hole would be blown out of his body!

It's not much weaker than the power of the spiritual gun!

Chen Xiu took small and light steps, and his magic power was constantly transferred to the magic weapon crossbow arrow, and a smile of confidence hung on the corner of his lips.

Swish, swish, swish!

The crossbow arrows kept bursting out.

Although Fang Che's spiritual consciousness reacted, wearing a soul-binding sandbag made his body become bulky and always moved a little slower.

However, Fang Che dodged every arrow with difficulty.

The ground behind him exploded into small pits!

But the distance between him and Chen Xiu was gradually shortening.

The closer the distance, the harder it is to dodge the crossbow arrows, because the reaction time becomes less, but Fang Che seems to be more and more adapted to the restraint brought by the soul-binding sandbag in this thrilling life and death situation.

Chen Xiu stopped laughing, and the pressure brought by Fang Che, who was approaching step by step, was getting greater and greater.

However, she shot an arrow in vain, and it took time to reload the crossbow arrows.

When she shot another arrow in vain, she turned around without hesitation, and took out another magic weapon, which opened behind her, like the wings of a butterfly, trying to take her away from Fang Che.

She planned to slowly pull Fang Che to death with the crossbow arrows in the air!

For this magic competition, she prepared 300 crossbow arrows!

However, she just took off and looked down, only to find that Fang Che suddenly accelerated and appeared, grabbing her ankle!

Chen Xiu's heart sank, and the next moment, an irresistible force broke out, pulling her directly from the air, and at the same time, Fang Che also punched her.

Eight Desolations Exploded!

A punch hit Chen Xiu's back.

Second force, explosion!

Chen Xiu's eyes narrowed, and endless fear spread in her pupils. Fang Che's punch on her back, accompanied by a dark force, penetrated her chest.

Her chest... exploded!

"It's confirmed..."

"This person is really..."

"Breast-crushing maniac!"

Outside the fighting area, girls covered their chests in fear, screaming up and down.

Even Luo Liuli, who had a cold face, hesitated for a moment when she saw Fang Che returning victorious from the fighting area, and subconsciously covered her chest.

Fang Che, who happened to see this scene, suddenly froze with a simple smile on his face...

A small action, but the damage was so great.

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