Diligence can make up for one's shortcomings: Start by making up for one's natural spiritu

Chapter 253: The spiritual consciousness transforms and opens the divine treasure, the Ming Wang loo

Enter the formation in person, and use this space formation covering the battlefield of geniuses to stimulate his own [Ambition of Entrapment].

This was the inspiration Fang Che got when he fought against the twisting force of the space formation.

He wanted to study this formation. With his talent and attainments in formation, it was still a bit difficult, but if it was combined with the embryonic form of the magical power of the Ambition of Entrapment, there might be unexpected gains.

Fang Che didn't care how much he gained, he just wanted to gain something.

After all, this was also a direction he had been studying since entering the battlefield of geniuses. Now that this direction could be rewarded, he would naturally work harder to make an impact in this direction.


When Fang Che activated the [Ambition of Entrapment], he did not activate the killing formation [Moonfall] engraved on his body, and fell directly into the space formation.

Instantly, the terrifying pressure suddenly fell on his body.

It was like a terrifying shock wave, hitting his mind fiercely. In just a moment, the vision seemed to have crossed thousands of mountains and rivers, and the stars moved.

A dizzy feeling burst out from the head uncontrollably!


Fang Che, who was standing in place, felt as if a mountain connecting heaven and earth was on his back, smashing his waist directly to the ground.

A low roar!

Fang Che activated all the physical enhancement abilities!

Eight Desolate Gods and Demons, Demonic State!

Climbing the stairs!

Nine Transformations of the Divine Dragon!

One after another, Fang Che's body rose, and the muscles on his back were stacked like a devil's spider web.

Fang Che's legs were firmly planted in the ground, his arms were spread out, and the muscle lines on his back were stretched to the extreme and stacked together.

His body seemed to be pressed hard on the ground, but Fang Che with his strong body resisted the pressure and was not completely crushed.

But his body was pressed to 90 degrees, his legs spread out, straight into the ground, the whole person bowed 90 degrees forward, and his back was bearing a huge and majestic pressure!

If you look closely, every inch of Fang Che's flesh and blood is trembling and twisting...

"Too powerful... too majestic..."

Fang Che gasped.

He felt like a lone boat in the roaring waves of the sea, and a big wave could smash him to pieces at any time!

Studying such a great formation of heaven and earth, he was really arrogant and ignorant of life and death!

Blood overflowed from his mouth and nose, and blood was all over his body.

Fang Che's current state was worse than ever, even more miserable than when he was suppressed and beaten by Cang Haitian.

But Fang Che was more happy than ever!

It was a kind of excitement of touching a high-level power!

Waves of twisted power descended one after another, twisting the space around his body, blurring the sky and the earth, blurring time and space.

Fang Che looked around and saw twisted array patterns, wandering around like a dragon.

He didn't dare to try to copy these space array patterns like engraving the killing array on his body, because he knew that his body couldn't bear such power at all.

He would die.

So, he didn't try.

Instead, he watched carefully, and the lv5 array talent was used to the extreme at this moment.

And combined with the pupil of the king of light, and the surging Tianjiao behind him...

He wanted to comprehend these array patterns.


Fang Che felt the sound of his bones being overwhelmed.

If he continued to bear it, he would most likely be completely crushed by such power!

[The Will to Break the Array] has an ability, which is to absorb the power of the array into the body, and use the power of the array to fight...

However, the power of the space array of this genius battlefield... Even if it was really borrowed by Fang Che, it was not something his current body could bear.

It will only lead to a complete explosion, shattering, and annihilation of the spiritual consciousness!


It violently stimulated Fang Che's nerves!

Fang Che gasped for air, and in the cracked lines between his eyebrows, one eyeball stared with anger, staring at the wandering dragon and snake lines.

Comprehend, comprehend continuously!

He did not collapse under the oppression of terror.

He gritted his teeth, supported his spirit with tight nerves, and comprehended diligently and hard, seizing this rare opportunity!

The spiritual consciousness was shaking, and in Fang Che's sea of ​​consciousness, the angry Ming Wang Dharma image bloomed with brilliant brilliance. The captured space array pattern was actually melted bit by bit in the process of Fang Che's continuous comprehension.

Finally... it slowly merged into Fang Che's spiritual consciousness space.

Fang Che's half-step divine hidden spiritual consciousness, at this moment, exuded a brilliant brilliance, and vaguely, it seemed that countless brilliant treasures burst out from the depths of the spiritual consciousness.

Dig out all the treasures contained in the spiritual consciousness!

God's treasure!

At this moment, Fang Che's spiritual consciousness has undergone a drastic transformation!

As a half-step divine treasure... he is likely to use this step to step into the real divine treasure realm in one fell swoop!

The outside world!

Fang Che could no longer maintain the [Determination to Break Through the Formation] and dispersed this power.

Countless terrifying twisted forces instantly engulfed Fang Che.

However, before engulfing Fang Che, Fang Che vaguely sensed that there was a flickering light floating in the void, and slowly...

It actually merged into his spiritual consciousness space that was bursting with a breakthrough storm.


What is this?

Fang Che was very weak at the moment, and he had no time to think about it. He left this spiritual vein under the twisted power.

When the twisted power between heaven and earth dissipated.

Fang Che's eyes gradually became clear. His body was very weak, bloody and bloody.

However, his eyes were bright and his spirit was full.

Ignore the spiritual consciousness in his mind that was attacking the Shenzang realm.

He first observed the ray of divine light that penetrated into his eyebrows.

That thing...

It was extracted from the great formation of the genius battlefield, and it was definitely not an ordinary thing.

Fang Che did not dare to take it lightly.

However, he quickly closed his eyes and covered his temple with one hand.

The spiritual consciousness was attacking the Shenzang realm. He wanted to mobilize the spiritual consciousness to explore the things that penetrated into his body, but he was willing but unable.

Without hesitation, Fang Che gave up the exploration.

"It is better to completely impact the spiritual consciousness to break through to the Shenzang first, and then study it."

Fang Che exhaled.

At this moment, it is obvious that it is no longer suitable to stay in the genius battlefield.

Because of the reversal of time and space, the formation was triggered, and Fang Che was moved to another place, and there was a colorless altar under his feet.

With a thought in his mind, he teleported himself away from the genius battlefield through the five-color altar and returned to Suzaku Immortal City.

The sixth immortal gate fragment continent.

Suzaku Immortal City.

Five-color altar.

One after another, colorful light beams were projected down, and waves of fluctuating space power spread.

The brilliance of the light beam dissipated, revealing the figures shrouded in it. Of course, outside the altar, there were also figures flying in, trying to teleport into the genius battlefield through the formation.


A light beam set off a majestic wave, and suddenly dispersed, and the wind whistled, causing many cultivators to show horror.

When the light faded, a bloody and burly figure was revealed. The inverted triangle figure was full of a majestic sense of oppression. The black hair rolled up like a cloak, whipping the air and making crackling sounds.

For a moment, the altar fell into silence.

Many cultivators stared at this figure with strange looks.

Fang Che gasped for breath, his face was extremely solemn. He covered his head and felt that his spiritual consciousness was undergoing a transformation.

"Shen Zang..."

Fang Che's eyes showed expectation.

The sound of breaking through the air resounded, and several figures rushed over. They were all the guarding cultivators of Zhuque Immortal City who were responsible for maintaining the stability of the formation.

Each of them was a powerful cultivator with the late Jindan cultivation.

Su Shangxing was also among them. He immediately recognized this burly figure like a mountain, covered in blood, as Fang Che, who had just stepped into the first place in the preliminary list.

"Fang Che?"

Su Shangxing was horrified and quickly landed on the altar.

"Why are you so miserable? Have you encountered a true genius on the list of geniuses?"

Su Shangxing approached Fang Che and immediately took out a bottle of healing pills, ready to feed Fang Che.

However, Fang Che waved his hand and dispersed all the amplifications on his body.

His breath dropped, and his face was full of fatigue from fighting against the space formation of the genius battlefield.

"Teacher Su, I'm fine... I'm fine now."

"I didn't encounter any strong enemies, but... I practiced to my death."

Fang Che said with a smile.

It's not an exaggeration to say that it was a practice to my death.

After all, the space formation of the genius battlefield cannot be broken even by the God Transformation Venerable, and it cannot be easily stepped on. Fang Che is only at the sixth level of foundation building, but he dared to bear the power of the formation...

It's a blessing that he didn't die.

Of course, this is also because Fang Che has pills in his mouth and is ready to activate the immortal pill body at any time.

The immortal characteristics of the immortal pill body make him dare to secretly try this act of death.

"Practice to my death..." Su Shangxing was speechless.

"Really not dead?" He asked again with concern.

Fang Che shook his head: "I feel that my condition is better than ever before. I want to practice and I want to retreat!"

Su Shangxing: "┓( ´∀` )┏"


Even in this state, you still don't forget to practice? Still don't forget to be diligent?

It has to be you, the liver emperor!

Su Shangxing was speechless.

"Teacher Su, I feel that my spiritual consciousness is about to break through and step into the realm of Shenzang!"

Fang Che's eyes were bright.

Su Shangxing was shocked. Isn't it... spiritual consciousness impacting Shenzang?

What is Fang Che's current cultivation level?

But the fifth foundation building... Oh, the sixth foundation building!

But even if it is the sixth foundation building, the spiritual consciousness impacting Shenzang... isn't it a bit early?

Although Fang Che has long possessed the spiritual consciousness of a half-step Shenzang, the difference between that half-step and the real Shenzang is a real chasm!

You know, many Jindan cultivators have not been able to reach the realm of Shenzang at the level of spiritual consciousness!

After all, once you step into Shenzang, it means that the spiritual consciousness has undergone a transformation, from spiritual consciousness... to Shenzang!

That is a subversion at the level of spiritual consciousness!

This is also the reason why truly powerful Jindan cultivators can easily crush foundation-building cultivators.

Fang Che did not explain much, he left the altar, and Su Shangxing followed immediately.

The other cultivators around the altar had also heard the conversation between Fang Che and Su Shangxing.

For a while, many people were in a daze.

The sixth level of foundation-building... is about to impact the realm of spiritual consciousness Shenzang?

What kind of fairy tale is this?

Many monks who were stimulated by Fang Che's ranking first in the preliminary rankings and wanted to return to the battlefield of geniuses to kill everyone recognized Fang Che.

"It's him! Number one on the preliminary list!"

"Fuck! What did he just say? His spiritual consciousness was hidden?"

"If spiritual consciousness really steps into the divine treasure and transforms into divine consciousness, can Fang Che really be able to compete with the golden elixir geniuses on the genius list?"

"That's right... without the gap in spiritual consciousness, his disadvantage against the Golden Core cultivator will no longer be so great!"

When the news spread, many monks were shocked.

However, some people showed sneers and disdain.

"I admit that he is awesome for being number one in the pre-list, but... he only has six levels of foundation building, and he wants to attack the spiritual consciousness. He is too crazy!"

"Once he fails and his spiritual consciousness is damaged, he won't even be able to keep the number one spot on the pre-list!"

"Yes, he will attack Shen Zang at the sixth level of Foundation Establishment. Why can't he accumulate it for a while and wait until his mana level reaches the eighth level of Foundation Establishment before attacking Shen Zang?"

"The eighth level of foundation building to attack the divine treasure should be the bottom line except for those freaks who are born with divine consciousness, right?"

"He wants to set a record? But isn't there countless failures and tears accumulated under that record?"

There are naysayers, and there are quite a few of them.

The main reason is that many people cannot believe that Fang Che can use the sixth level of foundation building to transform into a divine treasure.

Not only did this set a new record, it also pushed the record forward by two levels...

Originally, many monks felt that Fang Che, the number one in the pre-list, was full of water, even though he had killed Cang Haitian and other geniuses in the pre-list.

However, Fang Che did not really defeat Jin Canyang of the Five Elements Clan, who was once the number one in the pre-list, so many people felt that Fang Che would not be able to maintain the number one spot in the pre-list for long.

And as soon as Fang Che returned, he actually made such a big noise.

Su Shangshang walked side by side with Fang Che. He was protecting Fang Che. He also sensed that something was wrong with Fang Che's current state.

A retreat was immediately arranged for Fang Che.

As the top fairy city where Blue Star is stationed in the No. 6 Fairy Sect Fragment Continent, Suzaku Fairy City naturally has a training place within it.

"Go ahead, I've already paid for your good deeds in the training room. You should practice hard. If you can successfully transform, that's best. If not... don't force it. Make sure your spiritual consciousness doesn't suffer too much damage!"

Su Shangshang looked at Fang Che with a serious expression.

As a golden elixir monk, he knows very well how difficult it is to transform spiritual consciousness into divine consciousness.

It needs to go through thousands of difficulties and dangers, and it needs to bear great risks. Once it fails... the spiritual consciousness will inevitably suffer heavy losses.

And if the transformation cannot be successful the first time...

The chances of successful transformation in the future will be greatly reduced.

Because after the spiritual consciousness has been damaged once, it becomes more difficult to transform the spiritual consciousness.

Therefore, every monk is very cautious about the impact of spiritual consciousness on the divine treasure.

Su Shangxing felt a little regretful at this moment.

Fang Che's breakthrough and improvement were so fast that he didn't even have time to mention it to Fang Che.

The main reason was that Su Shangshang did not expect that Fang Che could reach the level of spiritual transformation and divine treasure so quickly.

"too fast……"

"Fang Che is really too fast!"

Su Shangxing was amazed.

Fang Che was not too polite. This was no longer the time to be entangled. After cupping his fists at Su Shangshang, he quickly galloped towards the meditation room.

The stone door closed, and the formation in the meditation room suddenly started to operate. The meditation formation opened, and countless floating spiritual particles began to float around the formation like a storm.


The sound of breaking through the sky resounded.

Two figures quickly came over, they were the two Nascent Soul masters who were stationed in Suzaku Immortal City.

Master Quehuo and Queling.

"Is that Fang Che just now?" Master Que Ling put his hands behind his back, his scarlet robe flying, showing curiosity.

Su Shangshang nodded.

"He is in such a hurry. Does he really want his spiritual consciousness to attack Shenzang?"

Master Quehuo asked in a deep voice with a serious look on his face and a meticulous look on his face.

Su Shangshang didn't hide anything and directly explained Fang Che's situation.

"It's a bit difficult... The sixth level of foundation building, no, it should be said to be the sixth level of foundation building that has just been broken through. He had previously fought against foreign geniuses such as Cang Haitian, and when he reached the top of the pre-list, he was only at the fifth level of foundation building. "

"It can be roughly said that it is yes. In other words, this person plans to use his cultivation level that is close to the fifth level of foundation building to attack Shenzang..."

"This is going to create an unprecedented record!"

Master Que Ling took a deep breath: "As expected of old disciple Pei, he is indeed unique... courageous and good-tempered!"

"However, the possibility of failure is also extremely high. Records... are not that easy to set. He has raised the record too much at once."

"The original record was for the eighth level of foundation building to attack the divine treasure. This record has suddenly been pushed to almost the fifth level of foundation building... The leap is too big, and the failure rate is extremely high!"

As Master Yuan Ying, Master Que Ling naturally has a vision, but even he expressed such emotion, so he naturally understands the danger and failure rate of attacking the divine treasure with Fang Che's level of cultivation.

Su Shangshang looked bitter, of course he knew this.

However, he couldn't stop Fang Che.

The Gan Emperor said he wanted to practice, so he couldn't stop the Gan Emperor from practicing, right?

That is such a big sin that one will be struck by lightning.

Su Shangshang shook his head and had nothing to say.

For a while, the situation in the field fell silent.

Master Que Ling seemed to feel that he had said something too much. He pursed his lips and looked at the meditation room with the closed door together with Master Que Huo.

Time passed bit by bit...

The news that Fang Che was going to impact the Shenzang realm had already spread like wildfire. Some people were pessimistic, some praised, and some were amazed...

It spread almost throughout the entire Zhuque Immortal City. For a time, many cultivators did not even go to the genius battlefield. They rushed here quickly and gathered outside the meditation room to see if Fang Che, the newly promoted No. 1 in the preliminary list, could really create a record.

Luo Liuli, Su Muxian, Lu Yun and other cultivators familiar with Fang Che from the Great Xia Immortal Sect also rushed here, staring at the closed practice room one by one, and fell silent.

Outside the meditation room, more and more people gathered unconsciously, almost like a sea of ​​people.

This posture was no better than the scene of Fang Che and Cang Haitian and other geniuses fighting against each other as reflected in the previous list monument.

However, miraculously, there was no noise, and most cultivators were watching quietly.

Time passed quickly like sand between fingers, but in fact, not much time had passed.

It was only about half a day.

The spiritual particles around the meditation room condensed more and more, and they were extremely dense, forming a wave of spiritual particles that seemed to be substantial...

Many cultivators with low spiritual consciousness felt an inexplicable sense of oppression.

That was the pressure brought by the spiritual consciousness level!

The surrounding cultivators suddenly became speechless.

There was complete silence all around!

Even the faces of the two Yuanying masters, Que Ling and Que Huo, began to change gradually.

"This posture... is it really going to work?"

The eyes of Master Que Ling flashed with light, and there was a faint excitement that was difficult to detect!

At the moment when he just finished speaking.


With Fang Che's meditation room in seclusion as the center, a ripple-like spiritual fluctuation suddenly swept and spread.

At the same time,

Above the meditation room, countless spiritual particles gathered and piled up, like a huge wave suddenly hitting and surging, slowly rising and falling...

When the wave receded, the fluctuation of spiritual consciousness swept across the world.

Under the fluctuation of spiritual consciousness, a terrifying existence slowly emerged.

When the spiritual wave receded, it slowly appeared between heaven and earth.

The figure sat upright on the lotus platform, wearing a red Taoist robe.

Opened his eyes fiercely.

With angry eyes.

Watching the world.

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