Diligence can make up for one's shortcomings: Start by making up for one's natural spiritu

Chapter 254: Stepping into the Divine Treasure, the fourth-level magic weapon

In the meditation room.

Fang Che felt that his mind had entered an extraordinary state, as if it was about to achieve sublimation, transcending the body and floating towards heaven and earth.

The spiritual consciousness of half-step Shenzang and the spiritual consciousness of truly stepping into Shenzang are actually two concepts.

In the realm of Shenzang, the spiritual consciousness develops spiritual treasures, the soul is excavated at a deeper level, and the spiritual consciousness of the cultivator transforms into divine consciousness.

Not only is the range of perception wider, but the power level of the soul is also improved.

The five senses and six consciousnesses are improved in all aspects!

The real divine consciousness is a higher level of spiritual power. The divine consciousness can be separated from the body, travel around the world, and can escape far away and observe the world!

Not only has it been improved in assisting cultivation, comprehending the skills, etc., but it has also soared into the sky in terms of combat!

The difference between the magic weapon controlled by the divine consciousness and the magic weapon controlled by the spiritual consciousness is like the difference between a bicycle and a high-speed rail. That is an absolute crushing at the level of computing power!

This is why Fang Che is very clear that he is very likely to lose when he encounters a Jindan cultivator on the Tianjiao list.

Because, the Jindan cultivators who can be on the Tianjiao list must be geniuses from all races of the Xianmen Fragment Continent.

They are all geniuses, so isn't it normal for the Jindan realm to give birth to spiritual consciousness?

If the Jindan realm has never given birth to spiritual consciousness, then it is not worthy of being called spiritual consciousness.

Jindan cultivators without spiritual consciousness are the bottom of the Jindan realm, and Fang Che has the opportunity to smash the opponent with his current strength.


The spiritual consciousness space set off a terrifying storm!

The power of the formation that was stripped from the genius battlefield space formation slowly melted and merged into Fang Che's spiritual consciousness, causing the spiritual consciousness to begin to transform!

This is also the reason why Fang Che couldn't wait to continue practicing.

Perhaps the power of the formation was too huge and the power level was too high.

When this power was completely integrated into his spiritual consciousness, Fang Che felt that his head was almost completely exploded.

Pain covered his whole body, and it was a pain that seemed to tear his soul apart.

As if he would die at any time, he raised the level of pain to the extreme, and the slightest touch would make him feel so painful that he was dying.

But Fang Che gritted his teeth, did not roar, did not scream, just endured the pain, and let the pain wash over his body.

He just gritted his teeth and performed an action.

That is...


Visualize the Wrathful Vidyaraja!

Continuously visualize, outline the Vidyaraja Dharma Image in the spiritual space!

This is the only thing Fang Che can do at this moment.

It is also the only thing he can do.

Fang Che underestimated the power level of the space formation, which is a power that he cannot touch now.

The power far exceeds his own level. Once touched, it will spread like poison, poisoning the flesh and blood of the whole body, and finally destroying the spirit.

Boom boom boom!

The spiritual space seemed to have set off a terrifying storm, and the spiritual particles continued to gather and condensed into the Wrathful Vidyaraja Dharma Image.

The waves kept hitting and slapping on the spiritual consciousness barrier, making the fragile spiritual consciousness space barrier seem to be about to explode at any time.

This is a spiritual competition.

A battle between destruction and survival!

If Fang Che can withstand this fierce spiritual particle storm, he can survive, and his spiritual consciousness will be transformed into a true divine consciousness.

Once the divine consciousness is born, it means that the road to the future cultivation path is open, and he has the qualifications to continue!

Why are the cultivators outside not optimistic about Fang Che's impact on the spiritual consciousness treasure with the sixth level of foundation building?

It is because the increase in cultivation brought by the sixth level of foundation building is too little to enhance the spiritual consciousness. Because the cultivation is low, the barrier of the spiritual consciousness space is weak and brittle, without toughness.

The spiritual particle storm required for the transformation of divine consciousness is a disaster for the sixth level of foundation building.

Not to mention, Fang Che also absorbed the inexplicable space formation power of the genius battlefield, making this spiritual storm even more terrifying.

Fang Che was in a trance and thought he was going to die.

However, this belief disappeared completely after it appeared.

Even if he was going to die, he would hold on to the end before dying.

He kept visualizing the Wrathful Vidyaraja.

At this time, visualization was the only way to survive.

I don't know how long it took.

In the spiritual consciousness space that was ravaged and impacted, a Dharma image slowly appeared. It was the Wrathful Vidyaraja, who opened his eyes and stood at the forefront, blocking most of the spiritual particle storm.

It gave Fang Che a chance to breathe.

And in this breath, Fang Che's spiritual consciousness quietly changed.

When the spiritual particle storm slowly dissipated.

Everything returned to silence, as if in the dead and dark universe, a majestic Dharma image flew into the air, releasing a brilliant and dazzling brilliance like a star.

The silence lasted for a moment, and then there was a "crackling" sound like an eggshell covering the cracks.

The entire dark spiritual consciousness space emerged with dense cracks.

When the wrathful Ming Wang opened his eyes again, the radiance in his wrathful eyes was like the brilliant radiance of the sun.

It hit the barrier of the spiritual consciousness space!


The spiritual consciousness space collapsed, breaking the barrier, and a new realm appeared...

Spiritual consciousness space!

The vast and majestic spiritual consciousness power surged out from the spiritual consciousness space.

In the meditation room.

Fang Che suddenly opened his eyes.

At his brow, the pupil of the Ming Wang had already opened, and brilliant light burst out from the pupil of the Ming Wang.

The shadow of the Ming Wang floated up in this mighty way, reflecting the world.

It appeared above the meditation room!

"It's done!"

"This is the fluctuation of spiritual consciousness!"

"Fuck! It actually worked. With the cultivation of the sixth level of foundation building, the spiritual consciousness impacted the spiritual consciousness and successfully excavated the spiritual treasure!"


"My Great Xia Immortal Sect actually gave birth to such a genius, such a talent, destined to be a genius, born genius!"

The cultivators watching outside were all shocked.

They felt the new and mighty fluctuation of spiritual consciousness spreading in the air, and their hearts were all strongly shocked!

Most of the cultivators present were foundation building cultivators. They knew deeply how difficult it was for spiritual consciousness to transform into divine treasure.

That was the real watershed between genius cultivators and ordinary cultivators!

The speed and realm of transformation of the divine storage is the watershed between genius and prodigy

"Exaggerated, this is too exaggerated... The sixth level of foundation building, at this level, the barrier of the spiritual consciousness space must be so fragile, how can it withstand the spiritual particle storm caused by the transformation of the divine storage?"

"The spiritual particle storm that just spread out is the most exaggerated I have encountered so far, and what is even more exaggerated is... Under such a spiritual particle storm, Fang Che did not collapse and die in the spiritual consciousness space, but instead successfully transformed the divine consciousness!"

"It is difficult to understand, I don't understand it!"


Too excited, all kinds of emotions, like the sound of gongs and drums.

Even the two Yuanying masters sitting in the Suzaku Immortal City were stunned.

At this moment, Que Ling and Que Huo masters were staring at the terrifying spiritual Dharma image suspended above the meditation room.

Just a glance, an inexplicable feeling of fear grew in their hearts.

The inexplicable depression made their Yuanying restless.

"What kind of Dharma image is this?"

"It looks like Buddha or Taoism... It's a bit hard to understand."

"Such a Dharma image meditation method must be a top-grade meditation method... As expected of Master Pei's disciple, he can actually cultivate such a difficult meditation method!"

Master Quehuo has changed his questioning attitude towards Fang Che and can't help but brag.

He has to brag.

Fang Che is really exaggerating!

The sixth level of foundation building, the spiritual consciousness has transformed into the divine treasure, and the sixth level of foundation building divine treasure cultivator, this has created a record for the Great Xia Immortal Gate.

As for whether the Federation, Baiting and other immortal gates have such a genius hidden, they don't know, but at least the record of the Great Xia Immortal Gate has been broken, which is already exaggerated!

Looking at the angry Mingwang Dharma image that slowly dissipated between heaven and earth, the feeling of depression disappeared.

The two Yuanying masters calmed down.

They have accepted the fact that Fang Che broke the record of the Great Xia Immortal Gate.

Although they knew that Fang Che's meditation method was extraordinary, the two Yuanying cultivators were not moved at all.

After all, meditation is like foundation building, the better it is.

You have to be able to practice successfully...

Just like the foundation building method, if you don't have enough talent and practice it without authorization, even if you succeed, the breakthrough of the realm will be extremely slow.

Because the accumulation of mana required for the foundation building method is several times that of ordinary methods!

The same is true for meditation!

"Therefore... it's even more exaggerated. This kid practiced the top meditation method and was able to transform the divine treasure at the sixth level of foundation building..."

"I can't understand it!"

The souls of Master Que Ling and Master Que Huo, who had lived for hundreds of years, were shocked.

On the other side, Su Shangxing was numb.

It actually worked.

After reacting, Su Shangxing took a deep breath and almost completely emptied the cold air around him.


"Haha, my student created a record for cultivation!"

Su Shangxing's mouth was almost crooked with laughter.

The whole meditation room was completely crazy.

“Is this the divine consciousness?”

Fang Che felt very strange, it was a special feeling, like the sublimation of the soul.

Everything became very clear, the brain became very fast, and he could even do two things at the same time, and divide his energy to do other things.

Moreover, if he wanted, the divine consciousness could even easily jump out of the vast divine consciousness space in the Niwan Palace.

Traveling in the world, traveling smoothly!


Fang Che felt his transformation, and now he had an illusion that he had been improved in all aspects!

It was like the most rubbish crystal was replaced with a top-level computing crystal!

Everything was different!


The divine consciousness returned to the body, and Fang Che felt that his control over the flesh became more and more delicate and meticulous, and the use of every inch of strength could become handy.

Looking back now, even when he was fighting with Cang Haitian, he felt that his use of strength at that time was very rough!

“This is the transformation of the divine consciousness…”

Fang Che sighed.

Now, he has truly stepped into the world of cultivating immortals.

After the transformation of divine consciousness, the next step is to condense the primordial spirit. Only after the transformation of divine consciousness, can one be qualified to condense the primordial spirit and have the capital to impact the Nascent Soul Realm!

And if one wants to step into the Nascent Soul Realm and become a Nascent Soul Master, the primordial spirit is a necessary condition!

Fang Che exhaled a long breath of turbid air, and the breath roared in the meditation room.

He was very happy, because, from today on...

The door to cultivating immortals was truly opened for him!

He was qualified to see the truth and disparity of the world!

"Ding! You have experienced the hard work of life and death, and your spiritual consciousness has finally transformed into divine consciousness. You have officially stepped into the divine treasure. Diligence +5000, special diligence (divine consciousness) +50000, and get rewards: third-level magic weapon upgrade opportunity +1..."

In front of him, the panel prompt suddenly popped up.

Fang Che's eyes were bright and bursting with brilliance.

"Here it comes, the panel reward! The reward... is really generous!"

"No! It should be said that it is very generous!"

At least, it is much richer than the last time he stepped into the half-step divine treasure.

Diligence is needless to say, and the special diligence divine consciousness item has gained 50,000 points in one go.

Fang Che took a glance. After his spiritual consciousness talent reached level 5, his diligence has now made up for his shortcomings and reached 60,000 points, and he is close to level 6.

Originally, Fang Che only had one item, the fighting item, which was about to reach level 6. Now it seems that the spiritual consciousness item also has a chance to catch up.

Of course, the more important reward is the [Level 3 Magical Weapon Upgrade].

As the name suggests, it can make a level 3 magic weapon achieve upgrade and transformation!

This reward... Isn't it great? !

Fang Che's eyes lit up and he couldn't contain his emotions at all.

As soon as his spiritual consciousness moved, one level 3 magic weapon after another appeared in front of him.

Blazing Sun Cauldron, Blazing Dragon Abyss, True Demon Spear...

These three level 3 magic weapons were included in the upgrade list by Fang Che.

Among them, the Blazing Sun Cauldron and the sword Blazing Dragon Abyss are of course the level 3 magic weapons that Fang Che has been using, and the tacit understanding is sufficient.

And the True Demon Spear... is extremely compatible with the demonic state of the Eight Desolate Gods and Demons, so it was also included in the upgrade list.

As for other seized third-level magic weapons, such as the third-level armor of the Holy Feather Clan, the array of the Divine Pattern Clan, etc., Fang Che had no choice.

The three magic weapons exude different lusters.

The True Demon Spear has a surging demonic energy, the Chiyang Ding is full of vigor, and the Chilongyuan roars with waves of dragons, and the sharp pressure spreads endlessly.

Fang Che hesitated for a moment.

He did not choose Chilongyuan, nor did he choose the Chiyang Ding, which is full of vigor. Instead, he chose the True Demon Spear!

"Chiyang Ding... will eventually be eliminated. Chilongyuan itself is a growing magic weapon. Although it is now in the early stage of the third level, it has a promising future, and the True Demon Spear..."

Fang Che's eyes flickered.

Combined with the Eight Desolate Demon State... it's too strong!

And it can perfectly exert this part of the power.

Because Cang Haitian is dead, this third-level magic weapon has lost its owner, and now it completely belongs to Fang Che...

Fang Che has no worries.

"Upgrade the 'True Demon Spear'!"

Fang Che's eyes flickered, revealing expectations, and made a choice.

"Ding! The magic weapon is being upgraded, and it is being upgraded according to your characteristics..."

The world was quiet, and Fang Che felt an inexplicable power surging.

After about ten breaths...

The panel prompt appeared in front of him.

"Ding! Upgrade completed!"

"The True Demon Spear is upgraded to the fourth-level initial magic weapon [Eight Desolations True Demon Spear]..."

In front of him, the panel prompt slowly dissipated.

Boom! ! !

Fang Che could feel an inexplicable power enveloping the True Demon Spear, and then the True Demon Spear began to change.

The pitch-black spear slowly turned silver, and on the silver spear body, there were black lines one after another.

The spear was extremely sharp, narrow and long, and there were several pitch-black magic fires burning!

And the biggest surprise for Fang Che...

was the rank of the Eight Desolations True Demon Spear!


Fourth-level magic weapon!

This is the most powerful magic weapon Fang Che has mastered so far!

Fourth-level magic weapon!

That is the domain of Yuanying strongmen. Although it is only the early stage of the fourth level, don't forget...

There are more than one True Demon Spear, but a total of nine!

And what really surprised Fang Che was...

Now that the Eight Desolate True Demon Spear has undergone a transformation, it also has a special ability!

An ability called "devouring"!

In other words...

The Eight Desolate True Demon Spear...

can devour other True Demon Spears to improve its own rank!

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