Devour other true demon spears to improve your own quality and achieve transformation.

This is the truly terrifying thing about the Bahuang True Demon Spear. The other True Demon Spears are all third-level high-grade magic weapons, which are the heritage of the Demon Spirit clan.

It is unimaginable to what level the power of the Eight Desolate True Demon Spears will increase to if all the remaining eight True Demon Spears are swallowed up.

In the meditation room, Fang Che played with the fourth-level magic weapon. Now that divine consciousness was born, the fourth-level magic weapon was not completely uncontrollable.

You can feel the terrifying power contained in the Bahuang True Demonic Spear. Once it is released, it will surely destroy the world.

"Fourth level..."

Fang Che smacked his lips, that was the level of Nascent Soul.

After remaining in seclusion in the meditation room for a while, Fang Che did not go out immediately. The consciousness he released had already sensed the situation outside.

His breakthrough has attracted much attention.

However, Fang Che didn't care.

He felt that he was just diligently completing his own practice.

There is another thing that Fang Che is quite concerned about.

He raised his hand and placed it between his eyebrows. His consciousness spread, and instantly...

Slowly, in the consciousness space, a stream of light came quickly.

When the light dissipated, it turned into something like a small token, a thumb-sized token, quietly suspended in Fang Che's consciousness space.

Fang Che narrowed his eyes, what is this?

The first thing that can be determined is that this thing is related to the wisp of space formation power he captured.

Because the aura and fluctuations belonging to this space formation still linger on the token.

In the consciousness space, Fang Che's consciousness appeared in an illusion, and it looked the same as himself.

He stretched out his hand and grabbed Xiao Ling.


An invisible space fluctuation suddenly spread from the token, setting off a storm in the consciousness space.

"The road is elusive, the seas are full of vicissitudes, and immortality is hard to come by..."

The mighty voice suddenly resounded, reverberating in Fang Che's consciousness space.

The token burst out with countless rays of light, and runes flickered up, intertwining into a map-like shadow of light.


Fang Che's eyes flickered, staring at the picture and looking at it carefully. The map was not big, even incomplete, but it had the power of space.

Nowadays, Fang Che is no longer a novice who knows nothing about battle tactics. After a brief understanding, he understands that this map... is similar to a kind of guidance.

If he enters the genius battlefield again, Fang Che will be guided to the location marked on the map.

"Is this..."

"Is it the key to the inheritance place?"

Fang Che took a deep breath and had a bold idea in his mind.

The Genius Battlefield, ranked as the tenth Immortal Sect Fragment Continent, is an unexplored continent. On this continent, there are many inheritances, waiting to be discovered.

"Could this little token I got... be the key to the inheritance place?"

If this was really the case, Fang Che couldn't help but feel excited.

And such a good thing!

Of course, Fang Che is looking forward to inheritance. After all, who would dislike him for having too few cultivation resources?

But to be on the safe side, Fang Che still had to go out and make inquiries.

After all, the genius battlefield is very dangerous. In case of getting effective information, preparations can be more complete.

So, Fang Che walked out of the meditation room.

As soon as he came out of the meditation room, countless eyes were cast on him.

Surprise, shock, disbelief, envy...

All kinds of eyes contain all kinds of emotions.

The sixth level of foundation building condenses the spiritual consciousness, and the spiritual consciousness steps into the divine treasure. This is extremely exciting for many monks who are stuck in the half-step golden elixir realm and have been unable to transform their spiritual consciousness.

Two powerful auras fell suddenly, it was the two masters Que Ling and Que Huo from the Nascent Soul Realm.

They looked at Fang Che with blazing eyes and marveled: "With full spiritual consciousness and no shortcomings, he has indeed stepped into the realm of divine treasures, unearthed spiritual treasures, taken the most solid step in the golden elixir realm, and laid the foundation for the Yuan Dynasty." God Basics.”

Master Que Ling stroked his beard and laughed.

Su Shangshang also flew over and looked at Fang Che with complicated eyes.

Looking at Fang Che who had already gathered his spiritual consciousness, Su Shangshang couldn't help but feel a little numb. The inexplicable pressure slapped his butt like a tide...

It seems like Fang Che is about to catch up...

With the spiritual consciousness condensed, how long will it take to officially set foot in the cultivation of Jindan?

After Fang Che met the two Yuanying masters, his consciousness moved, and the small token suddenly projected out and floated in front of him.

He asked about the doubts in his heart.

Master Que Ling, whose face was originally calm and full of admiration, suddenly shrank when he saw the small token offered by Fang Che, and he suddenly pulled off his beard.

"This is... the Ten Thousand Dao Order?! You actually got the Ten Thousand Dao Order?!"

Master Que Ling took a deep breath, extremely shocked, staring at the small token, his eyes filled with emotions.

"Wandao Ling?"

Fang Che was startled, having never heard of it before.

However, it now seems that these two Yuanying seniors do know the origin of this object.

Master Quehuo looked at Fang Che with a complex expression: "You should know that the Genius Battlefield is ranked No. 10 on the Immortal Sect Fragment Continent. In ancient times, there were strong men like a rainbow, and there were even more immortals flying across the sky. The great sect of cultivating immortals was stationed there. It was extremely glorious. A generation."

"Now, the glory has come to an end, and the ancient grandeur has been buried in the dust. However, these ancient sects will still give opportunities to the geniuses who come to the battlefield of geniuses."

"That's what the Wan Dao Order is. It is the key to the ruins of a great sect called Wan Dao Sect."

Master Quehuo looked at Fang Che with an expression of surprise.

"There is no explanation for how to obtain the Ten Thousand Dao Order. No one knows how to obtain it... Some geniuses obtain the Ten Thousand Dao Order as they go. There are also geniuses who obtain the Ten Thousand Dao Order after defeating powerful enemies in battle. Taoist order..."

"Anyway, let it go."

"However, the Wandao Order is the key to entering the ruins of the Wandao is very precious."

"If I remember correctly, the nearest Wandao Sect ruins will be opened soon."

Master Quehuo said.

"As for who has obtained the Ten Thousand Dao Order, I have no idea..."

Hearing this, Fang Che suddenly felt reassured.

It is indeed the key to the ruins...

He forcibly captured a touch of space formation power, and this power turned into a token when his consciousness transformed.

Has it been approved by it?

Or, this token is spiritual and will select geniuses who are qualified to enter the ruins.

Fang Che was thoughtful.

"Senior, how many of these ten thousand orders will there be?"

Fang Che asked curiously.

Master Quehuo shook his head: "This is unknown. Many monks who have obtained the Ten Thousand Dao Orders do not make too much publicity, so there is no statistical method."

"However, one thing is certain. Those who can be selected by the Ten Thousand Dao Order are basically Tianjiao, and they are all on the Tianjiao list. You... are an anomaly. You are on the pre-list, but you can get the Ten Thousand Dao Order. make……"

"Aren't you from Xiaju University? It won't do you any harm to go back and check the information and learn about Wandao Sect. There are too many possibilities in things like ruins, and they may be extremely dangerous, so we shouldn't take them lightly."

"In previous years, there were still cases where monks died in the ruins."

Master Quehuo gave Fang Che some advice.

When Fang Che heard this, he nodded thoughtfully.

It just so happened that he also planned to go back to Xiaju University to exchange the captured resources in exchange for some good things to assist his practice.

The hustle and bustle finally came to an end slowly.

The monks had seen enough of the excitement and dispersed. Some were stimulated by Fang Che and continued to fight in the battlefield of geniuses, while others went into seclusion to practice hard...

There are all kinds of things, but this is cultivating immortality.

"Teacher Su, I plan to go back to Xiaju University to look for some information, and at the same time, I can exchange the resources captured from entering the Genius Battlefield."

Fang Che said to Su Shangxing.

Su Shangshang nodded: "I won't go back. It's rare to come here, and I also plan to practice well."

When Fang Che heard this, his eyes lit up, he clenched his fist and tugged hard: "Teacher Su, be diligent too!"


Su Shangxing: "( ̄▽ ̄")"

Don't play awkwardly, okay?

He just felt a little nervous because Fang Che had broken through his spiritual consciousness.

After bidding farewell to Su Shangxing, Fang Che stepped onto the teleportation array and teleported back to Blue Star with the same group of monks.

Xiaju University.

Departure area.

The formation was activated, powerful mana fluctuations roared, the formation was activated, and a figure slowly emerged with the projection of light.

The light overflows and disappears.

Fang Che opened his eyes, his eyes a little dazed.

The concentration of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth suddenly dropped a step, and what came into view was a familiar scene.

"He's back."

Fang Che let out a breath, but he just came back for a formality.

Fang Che took out his cell phone and dialed Bei Danqiu's number.

After a while, a fiery red car came quickly, flicked its tail, and appeared outside the expedition area.

"Why are you back?"

"Suffered a loss?"

Beidan Qiufeng walked in angrily and looked Fang Che up and down to see if Fang Che was injured. When he saw that Fang Che was unscathed, he let out a sigh of relief.

After all, Suzaku Immortal City is ranked above the Immortal Gate Fragments, and there is a lag in the transmission of information between it and Blue Star.

Fang Che shook his head: "I am not at a disadvantage, but I am not at a disadvantage..."

"This time I entered the Genius Battlefield and gained a lot. Not only was I able to fight happily, but also because I planned to exchange the captured resources."

Bei Danqiu glanced at Fang Che in surprise.

How long have we been fighting now? What resources can we exchange for...

"How many games have you fought in the Genius Battlefield? Can you get a ranking?" Bei Danqiu and Fang Che walked side by side out of the expedition area, stuffed Fang Che into the car, and drove away.

"We have fought ten games in total. So far, we have won all ten games. We have won ten consecutive games without losing a single one."

Fang Che said softly.

"Oh? We played ten games. The efficiency is quite high. Ten consecutive victories... Not bad, not bad. He is worthy of being a disciple of Uncle Qinglian. By the way, where is the ranking?"

Bei Danqiu said with a smile.

"No. 1 on the preliminary list."

Fang Che said.


Bei Danqiu stepped on the brakes hard and slid a few meters on the driveway.

She widened her eyes and looked at Fang Che in disbelief.

"How many did you say?"

Bei Danqiu took a deep breath.

Number one in the pre-list?

No... ten consecutive wins and you're expected to be No. 1 on the list?

"Who are your opponents..."

Bei Danqiu couldn't help but ask.

Fang Che smiled, but he didn't hide anything. He told Bei Danqiu about the encounters with Cang Haitian, Yu Jihao, Bai Yu and other alien geniuses in the spiritual vein.

"So, I have gained a lot..."

Bei Danqiu was confused.

She naturally knew what the first place in the preliminary list meant!

That was the most powerful list under the Tianjiao list...

Fang Che actually ranked first in the preliminary list for the first time in the genius battlefield... and he won ten consecutive victories.

However, after thinking about Fang Che killing Cang Haitian and other demon spirit geniuses, she got used to it.

She drove again, but her face was complicated.

Fang Che asked Bei Danqiu to take him to the library first.

"I plan to look up some information. Teacher Bei Danqiu, please help me deal with these resources. Originally, Teacher Su helped me. Now Teacher Su is working hard in the genius battlefield, so I trouble Teacher Bei Danqiu."

Fang Che took out a storage ring and handed it to Bei Danqiu.

Bei Danqiu didn't think much at first. After taking the ring, his consciousness poured into it, and suddenly...

His face became stiff, and he was completely paralyzed.

"Third-level magic weapon? And third-level spiritual medicine... and spiritual source liquid..."

"Did you go to buy goods?"

Bei Danqiu took a deep breath. She knew that the genius battlefield was rich in resources, but she didn't expect Fang Che to get such rich resources after a trip.

It's simply too exaggerated!

Fang Che went straight into the library, found a bunch of books about the Wandao Sect, and began to read them carefully.

For the next two days, Fang Che stayed in the library, constantly flipping through the materials and supplementing his knowledge of the genius battlefield.

On the third day, Bei Danqiu found Fang Che and handed him a merit card.

"There are a total of 230,000 merits in it. The value of the spiritual source liquid is very precious. It's a pity... the quantity is a little less, otherwise it should be able to reach 300,000 merits."

Bei Danqiu was dizzy.

Even she had never mastered such a huge amount of money.

230,000 merits!

This is merit, not good deeds!

Merits can be exchanged for a large number of resources on the resource website!

Fang Che's eyes lit up and he was in a very good mood. He took the merit card and checked it. He was a little dizzy.

Sure enough, fighting to make money is still fast!

Adding Fang Che's original 40,000 merits, Fang Che's net worth is close to 300,000 merits!

Fang Che logged into the resource website and exchanged some medicinal materials, which were the medicinal materials for refining the Eight Desolate Body Tempering Pill.

As for other heaven and earth wonders, whether it is true fire or thunder evil, Fang Che does not need to update it for the time being.

As for dragon blood, because the Burning Sky Flame Golden Dragon is a third-level high-quality true dragon blood, Fang Che has not needed to replace it for the time being and can still use it.

Maybe he will need to replace new dragon blood after he reaches the Golden Pill Realm.

Entering the alchemy room, he refined two furnaces of Eight Desolate Body Tempering Pills. Fang Che took pills while practicing and tempering his body.

After the transformation of the physical skill Bahuang Explosion into Bahuang God and Demon, it is already very different, and its power has been greatly improved.

Fang Che even needs to knock two Bahuang Body Tempering Pills to assist in cultivation.

He stayed in Xiaju University for almost five days, and during these five days, Fang Che was completely immersed in cultivation.

And Fang Che was cultivating in peace and quiet.

The news that he ranked first in the preliminary list...

has begun to spread in Xiaju University.

The seniors of Xiaju University can no longer calm down. Xiaju University, which is not good at fighting, actually has a first in the preliminary list!

What a surprise!

For a while, Zhao Huaiming, the Dean of Academic Affairs of Xiaju University, and Gao Jiuguang, the principal, looked at each other and went straight to Yun Qinglian, who had just finished refining the pill.

They began to discuss how to better train Fang Che and make Fang Che the trump card of Xiaju University in the Blue Star Xianmen University Fighting Competition in the future.

And Yun Qinglian, who had just come out of retreat, was confused.

What happened?

Didn't Fang Che just enter the genius battlefield?

How did it become the first in the pre-list?

So fast?

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