Yun Qinglian had just come out of seclusion and was indeed a little unclear about the situation in the outside world.

Because she failed to make an elixir again, she was frightened by the calamity and gave up on the final attempt to make the elixir. She was perhaps a little depressed, but she never expected to hear such news as soon as she came out of seclusion.

"No. 1 on the preliminary seems to be growing fast enough."

"The genius battlefield is indeed the most suitable for such geniuses to practice. The speed of improvement is fast, and the growth under pressure will become even faster."

Yun Qinglian's red robe was flying, and a peaceful smile appeared on her delicate and beautiful face.

The depression caused by the failure of alchemy also dissipated a lot.

After all, Fang Che's improvement in cultivation means that Fang Che is one step closer to assisting her in overcoming the calamity.

"It's indeed good. Fang Che not only became the number one in the preliminary list, but also transformed his spiritual consciousness into divine consciousness. This matter has been spread in Suzaku Fairy City. Our Xiaju University is really proud this time. "

Principal Gao Jiuguang was in a very good mood.

As the president of Xiaju University, he has been struggling with how to promote the influence of Xiaju University. Among the three top Xiaju Xianmen universities, Xiaju University has always been at a disadvantage in training students to fight.

It is precisely because of this that he has been ridiculed by Pojun University and Xiandu University all year round.

"The Xianmen University Fighting Competition is about to start. This time, we should have a good chance to move up the rankings."

"It is difficult to catch up with Pojun University, but there is a chance to catch up with Xiandu University."

Dean of Academic Affairs Zhao Huaiming also said.

Yun Qinglian shook her head: "It's still early. Although Fang Che ranks first in the preliminary rankings, he is not in the true Golden Core realm after all. If he wants to help Xiaju University become famous in the Blue Star Immortal University Fighting Competition, the difficulty is still It’s not small, it’s unlikely.”

"We need to give him some time, he has been very diligent."

Yun Qinglian knew her half disciple very well, the famous Gan Emperor, his current achievements must be inseparable from his diligence and Gan.

Gao Jiuguang and Zhao Huaiming looked at each other, calmed down and expressed understanding.

Yun Qinglian did not stay any longer, bid farewell to the two of them, and went to see Fang Che.

In the library, she found Fang Che who was reading a book.

Since the transformation of spiritual consciousness into divine consciousness, Fang Che's reading and understanding abilities have directly improved to a higher level, and his memory has far exceeded before.

"Teacher Yun."

Seeing Yun Qinglian, Fang Che quickly put down the book in his hand and bowed with his fists.

Yun Qinglian glanced at the book Fang Che was reading: "Wandao Sect?"

"Have you obtained the Ten Thousand Dao Order?"

Yun Qinglian guessed something immediately and asked.

Fang Che nodded and presented Wan Dao Ling.

"Put it away, this is your opportunity. Although Wandao Sect has been in ruins for endless years, it is still a great sect of cultivating immortals in the past. There are countless opportunities within it. If you can enter it, you must take advantage of it."

"However, after entering the ruins of Wandao Sect, you have to be even more careful."

"The ruins are not affected by the space formation of Genius Battlefield, so once you encounter danger, you have to escape on your own..."

"And those who can get the Ten Thousand Dao Order to enter the ruins...the talent is definitely not bad, and they must be at the top of the list of geniuses. In fact, it is really not a good thing for you to hold the Ten Thousand Dao Order now..."

Yun Qinglian frowned and said softly.

Fang Che quickly understood why what Yun Qinglian said was not a good thing.

Indeed, although his spiritual consciousness has now transformed into divine consciousness, he is indeed far behind compared with the Jindan Tianjiao who is at the top of the Tianjiao list.

In a head-on confrontation, you will definitely suffer a big loss.

"Of course, everything will not be a dead end. There will be a glimmer of hope. You can try. If it doesn't work, just use your trump card to escape. Survival is the key."

"If you really get some luck, it would be even better."

Yun Qinglian said with a smile.

After saying that, Yun Qinglian planned to leave.

However, Fang Che looked at Yun Qinglian and his eyes brightened slightly: "Teacher, you are here, why don't you teach me some knowledge about alchemy..."

In two days I will almost have to go to the Genius Battlefield again, so I don’t want to waste my time.

Yun Qinglian was startled. She looked at the time, hesitated, and sat down to explain the knowledge of alchemy to Fang Che.

This lecture...

That’s two days and two nights.

There was no rest in between. Yun Qinglian didn't even have to drink a sip of water. Although Yun Qinglian's cultivation level was not short of that sip of water, she would subconsciously feel dry after explaining non-stop for two days and two nights. dry.

When Fang Che had gained a lot, he left the library feeling refreshed.

Yun Qinglian sat on the chair, her eyes slightly absent-minded, as if they had been squeezed until they were gone.

He is worthy of being the Liver Emperor.

Really good for the liver.

Fang Che contacted Bei Danqiu. The red car was like a beautiful scenery, crossing the leaf-covered avenue of the campus, and stopped steadily in front of Fang Che.

"Are you ready to go to the genius battlefield again?"

Bei Danqiu looked at Fang Che, already understanding his purpose.

Fang Che nodded: "It's been a week since I returned to Xiaju University. It's time for me to go to the battlefield of geniuses and hone myself again. I can't be lazy anymore."

Bei Danqiu: "..."

be lazy?

After you came back, you were either in the library or on the way to the alchemy. Do you call it laziness?

Should the Liver Emperor be so exaggerated?

Bei Danqiu smiled awkwardly, not knowing what to say.

Fang Che got into the car and drove all the way to the expedition area.

"Fang Che, triumphant."

Looking at Fang Che stepping into the teleportation formation, Bei Danqiu sat in the car and shook his hands vigorously.

The formation's light flowed, and Fang Che's figure rushed directly into the sky. The Xianmen Continent that stood high above the blue star became bigger and bigger.

Fang Che returned to Zhuque Fairy City and happened to meet acquaintances, including Su Muxian, Gude Tian, ​​Lu Yun, Luo Beiyou and others.

"Ready to go back?"

Fang Che was slightly startled when he saw the group of them packing their luggage.

Su Muxian smiled calmly: "The college entrance examination is about to begin. We have to go back to prepare for the college entrance examination..."

"Xiaju University...Fang Che, I will also choose to be admitted to Xiaju University. I hope we can be classmates."

Su Muxian pursed her lips and smiled, with a fairy spirit floating around, which made Huang Yunxiao, the follower beside her, look straight in the eyes.

"Okay, I'll wait for you during military training."

Fang Che smiled brightly.

Military training...

Bei Danqiu told him that although he was specially recruited to enter Xiaju University, military training was indispensable and he would participate in military training with the new students.

Fang Che's original intention was not to participate, but Bei Danqiu said that the military training at the three top immortal cultivation universities has a great tempering effect for freshmen and has considerable benefits.

It is recommended that Fang Che still participate.

Fang Che finally chose to look forward to it.

Everyone stepped into the teleportation formation and, accompanied by the teacher who led the team, disappeared and returned to Blue Star.

Su Shangxing didn't come, so he must have entered the Genius Battlefield for training. The Genius Battlefield has an age limit for monks, but Su Shangxing is considered young and is not within the limit.

Even if you are stuck on the edge, you can still continue to experience in the genius battlefield.

However, because his age is about to exceed the limit, although Su Shangshang has the golden elixir cultivation level, he cannot be on the list of geniuses.

The evaluation criteria for the Tianjiao List not only look at cultivation, but also at the core.

Fang Che's ability to directly reach the top of the preliminary rankings with ten consecutive victories may have something to do with his youth.

Therefore, there are various uncertainties in the genius battlefield.

Maybe the monk he met has never been ranked on the list of geniuses, but his cultivation is not weak because he is old enough.

Su Shangxing is "old" enough.


Space flows and formations interweave.

Fang Che closed his eyes and opened them, and felt that he had appeared on the genius battlefield.

Still at the place where he left last time, Fang Che walked out of the five-color altar, and his newly transformed consciousness surged out like lively boiling water.

Fang Che greedily sensed everything around him.

Proficient in the use of spiritual consciousness.

A moment later, a figure came from a distance as fast as lightning, and Fang Che's consciousness had already noticed the figure.

But the other party didn't sense any trace of Fang Che at all.

Only when he got within a few miles of him, the genius of the Red Horn Clan of Cave No. 18 with a golden sharp horn on his head, finally sensed Fang Che.

"Sixth level of foundation building?"

"Good guy, it's so crude."

This Red Horn clan member possesses half a step to the level of golden elixir, and in terms of spiritual consciousness, he has half a step to the realm of divine treasure.

Not considered weak, he is definitely a monk on the pre-list. He may not be as good as Yu Yoshimori and other foreign geniuses from the top ten Origin Immortal Sect Fragment Continent, but he must not be underestimated.

"Blue Star Monk... Huh, the most disgusting thing is Blue Star Monk. They are just the lucky ones selected by the Immortal Sect Shard. Unlike us, we are the race born in the Immortal Sect Shard Continent. We are the pure ones. !”

"Blue Star monks...are all bastards!"

The eyes of this Red Horn monk showed murderous intent.

At the sixth level of foundation building, with his half-step golden elixir cultivation level, killing him was not a matter of minutes.

Without too many words, majestic mana fluctuations surged, and the golden sharp angle on his forehead suddenly burst out with a brilliant golden luster.

The next moment, a giant beast with sharp golden horns appeared between the sky and the earth, and slammed towards Fang Che.

With ordinary six-level foundation building cultivation, if he is hit, he will probably be smashed to pieces.

"Very domineering."

"It's a pity that it's a little weak."

Fang Che shook his head.

He raised his hand, but did not use his spiritual consciousness. The Eight Desolate Gods and Demons did not even use it. He just activated his body to let the blood flow in his body and warm up slightly.

His body suddenly swelled up and he clenched his fingers.

The shadow of the rampant giant beast was caught by its sharp horns and could not move forward an inch.

The half-step golden elixir of the Golden Horn Clan suddenly turned ugly...


Is this a sixth-floor foundation building?

How could you resist his spell with your body alone?

Suddenly, the eyes of this Golden Horn tribesman with half-step of Jindan cultivation shrank, and he looked at the arrogant aura rising above Fang Che's body with great horror.

That extremely strong arrogance has almost condensed into a real phantom, eight feet high!

"This...such arrogance?!"

The monks from the Golden Horn tribe took a breath of cold air.

What kind of monster?

That’s it for being number one on the pre-list, right?

Without hesitation, knowing that he was outmatched, he turned around and ran away.

Fang Che did not pursue him, but raised his hand, and his consciousness surged out...

In an instant, an angry figure sitting on the lotus platform, with an indescribable and terrifying temperament that distorted time and space, pointed out a finger.

Under the urging of divine consciousness, it crossed a distance of dozens of miles.

It hit the body of the half-step golden elixir Golden Horn Clan cultivator fiercely, directly breaking through his spiritual consciousness space and smashing into it.

"Ah - divine consciousness?! How could it be divine consciousness?"

"Divine consciousness is born at the sixth level of foundation building... Monster, monster..."

The spiritual consciousness space of this half-step golden elixir Golden Horn Clan cultivator was destroyed in an instant, blood oozing from his mouth and nose, and he lost his strength and fell from mid-air.

Despair is extremely great.

I thought it was a boring bullying, but in the end...

I encountered a cheater... Fuck!

In the eyes of the Golden Horn Clan cultivator, only cheaters can give birth to divine consciousness at the sixth level of foundation building.

A golden light suddenly rushed from a distance, and the ground was covered with flying sand, and the brilliant light like the sun shone all around.

A figure walked slowly and appeared in front of the Golden Horn Clan cultivator.

In his desperate eyes, a punch pierced through his chest, completely strangling his life.

A faint aura of Tianjiao surged up.

"Ding! You fought a bloody battle with a half-step Jindan alien and successfully killed him, diligence +2000..."

A simple reminder appeared in front of his eyes, and Fang Che's face was calm.

He took out the token.

"Win 11, lose none, 11 consecutive wins, first in the preliminary list under the Tianjiao list."

There was no change, except that the winning streak increased by one game, the ranking did not change, and he did not even squeeze into the Tianjiao list.

Of course, Fang Che did not expect that he could enter the Tianjiao list by killing a half-step Jindan cultivator of the Golden Horn Clan, or even a cultivator who had not even entered the top ten of the preliminary list.

He took away the storage magic weapon of the Golden Horn Clan cultivator with familiarity.

His spiritual consciousness rushed into it rudely and glanced at the treasures in it. It was not a small amount, but for Fang Che who had seen Canghai Tian's storage magic weapon, his heart was not shaken.

After searching for the natural treasures in this area, Fang Che released his spiritual sense to sense the space flow. He has regarded this kind of sensing space array as a kind of practice.

Every time he teleports, he must sense it.

Although it is still far from figuring out this array, Fang Che is confident that as long as he is diligent enough, he can grind an iron rod into a needle!

Three days later.

A terrifying giant beast was slapped to death by Fang Che.

A stream of Tianjiao Qi flowed into its body.

Fang Che looked at the token expressionlessly.

"Win eighteen, lose none, eighteen consecutive wins, first place in the Tianjiao list."

In three days, after eight battles, Tianjiao Qi increased a lot, even vaguely reaching nine feet, but the ranking of Tianjiao list has not changed at all.

"It's so difficult, no wonder it is said that it is difficult to ascend to the Tianjiao list. Maybe I can only hope to encounter a cultivator on the Tianjiao list, compete with him, and defeat him before I can ascend."

Fang Che frowned and shook his head.

Just as Fang Che finished searching for the natural treasures in this area and waited for the space formation to twist and transmit.

His consciousness suddenly jumped slightly.

The Wandao Order suspended in the consciousness space suddenly turned into a stream of light and appeared in front of Fang Che.

At the same time.

The Wandao Order directly burst out a more powerful space twisting force, which merged with the space formation.

Then, the originally twisted space formation power disappeared.

Instead, a portal formed by the condensation and interweaving of space power appeared in front of him.

Fang Che, who was originally bored, suddenly became excited.

This is...

It's time to get excited!

I can enjoy the diligent battle again!

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