The huge portal stood in front of Fang Che, distorting the surrounding time and space. It was a force that exceeded Fang Che's imagination.

Incomparably advanced, it is simply not a force that Fang Che can compete with today, and this kind of power condenses into a portal. Once it collapses, it is conceivable that even if Fang Che's body is unparalleled, he will be swallowed up and die in an instant.

Nascent Soul?

No, even if it is an infant transformation, I am afraid that it cannot withstand such power. Perhaps only the Lord Transformation God is qualified to start researching it.

"In ancient times, the Immortal Cultivating Sect in the heyday of the Immortal Sect..."

Fang Che took a deep breath, his eyes were shining brightly. It can be imagined that it must be a glorious and magnificent era.

Unfortunately, it has long been buried in time, and now only the fragmented continent of Xianmen that split into ten pieces remains.

"Wandao Sect..."

"Am looking forward to."

Fang Che took a deep breath and without any further hesitation, he took steps and walked towards the portal.

Cultivation to immortality is a journey of struggle. What you compete for is opportunities and all the resources that can make you stronger.

Now, with huge resources in front of him, how could Fang Che back down?

Once you shrink back, it is equivalent to pushing away the resources for cultivating immortality that have been sent to you, and it is equivalent to giving up the belief in becoming stronger.

That is a huge blow to any immortal cultivator and is an undesirable behavior.

boom! ! !

at the same time.

When the Ten Thousand Dao Order was triggered and turned on, the entire genius battlefield was shaken indescribably.

Above the sky, there seemed to be huge formation lines appearing, and the formations were circling, glowing like a graceful glow.

Countless people were dazzled to see it,

Almost all the monks fighting in the genius battlefield raised their heads and looked at the sky.

The formation was touched, and one door after another appeared.

Then, the light caused by the power of space was projected inside the portal, like a road to the sky, paved all the way down.

One monk after another, guided by these space bridges, climbed up to the sky step by step, straight into the sky!

One, two, three...

A total of thirty-six people.

Incomparably spectacular.

Thirty-six portals, thirty-six guided geniuses.


The monks who were fighting in the battlefield of geniuses all showed envy as they looked at the geniuses who had ascended to the sky under the gaze of everyone.

The scene at this moment is like becoming an immortal. It is a situation that many monks yearn for and envy.

Su Shangshang was covered in blood. He raised his hand and made a move. In the distance, a long sword inserted into the enemy's body roared up, bringing with it flying blood, lingering around his body, and making a brilliant sword roar.

He raised his head and looked at the sky.

The gates are spread across the sky, and the monks ascend to the sky.

He saw Fang Che, a figure that was familiar to him.

His lips murmured for a while: "Little guy, you have to survive."

The ruins are indeed a place full of opportunities, but for any monk, the existence of opportunities is also accompanied by crises.

Opportunities and crises always accompany each other.

There is indeed great opportunity in the secret realm of Wandao Sect, but it is also very dangerous for Fang Che.

After all, Fang Che’s opponent…

He will no longer be a pre-listed genius on the list of geniuses.

But a genius who has truly made it to the top of the list of geniuses, or even... the geniuses on the list of geniuses!

Fang Che passed through the portal, and there was a twisted and colorful passage that spread out in an extremely long and narrow way.

Fang Che walked along the passage. He couldn't see the situation outside the passage at all, so he didn't know that he had unknowingly become one of the thirty-six beings in the entire Genius Battlefield who were attracting everyone's attention.

After being in seclusion in the library of Xiaju University for so long, Fang Che also looked up a lot of information about Wandao Sect.

This is a large sect in the Immortal Sect Era.

It is recorded in many immortal cultivation documents unearthed from the No. 6 Immortal Sect Fragment Continent that the sect power in the Immortal Sect Era was divided into ten levels.

Ranks 9 to 7 belong to small sects, grades 6 to 4 belong to medium sects, and grades 3 to 1 belong to large sects.

Above the first-level sects, there is another level called the Holy Land.

Wandao Sect is not a holy land, but a large second-level sect.

This is the information recorded in the documents excavated from the No. 6 Immortal Sect Fragment Continent, as well as the information collected by many geniuses who conquered in the genius battlefield.

In the Immortal Sect Era, the ten Immortal Sect Continents were mixed together and were not split apart. They were all in circulation with each other. Perhaps Fragment Continent No. 6 and Fragment Continent No. 10 were extremely far apart.

But the second-grade sect... already belongs to the sect that can leave a name in the entire immortal sect era.

The reason why Blue Star is able to develop so fast is because the powerful Immortal Cultivation Sect on the No. 6 Immortal Sect Fragment Continent suspended in the sky above Blue Star is a first-class large sect!

It is rumored that there is a holy land ruins in the fragmented continent where the No. 1 Immortal Sect is located, but it has never been excavated.

Of course, these are just rumors and have never been confirmed.

If once confirmed...

Then all the Holy Lands of Origin will probably be in panic.

The Demon Spirit Clan is already powerful, and if they continue to excavate the ruins of the Holy Land, their strength will inevitably skyrocket...

At that time, the situation on the Xianmen battlefield will deteriorate instantly, and the balance of victory will immediately tilt to the side of the Demon Spirit Clan.

When Fang Che reached the end of the bridge, the light in front of him disappeared. He stepped on the ground and was in a trance.

He appeared in front of a huge city!

Fang Che subconsciously looked up, but he couldn't see the upper end of the city at a glance.

The ancient city gate was wide open. Inside the city gate, there was a dark and terrifying sense of oppression, which was released from it, and there was a suffocating feeling.

Magnificent, terrifying, majestic... like a god or demon, entrenched between heaven and earth!

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!

One after another, streams of light fell rapidly, and then dissipated the brilliance, revealing the figure under the stream of light.

Fang Che looked over and saw a foreign cultivator.

The Demon Spirit Clan, the Dragon Blood Clan, the White Demon Clan, the Holy Feather Clan...

Basically, all the races of the nine origin fragments appeared.

Even a certain race appeared multiple times.

Fang Che's eyes suddenly fixed on a figure, a cultivator from Blue Star.

She had brilliant golden hair, skin as white as snow, and eyes like emerald gems.

Fang Che did not recognize which immortal country on Blue Star the woman came from.

The woman also saw Fang Che, and a strange color flashed in her emerald eyes, as if she had not expected to meet the second cultivator from Blue Star in the ruins of Wan Dao Sect.

"Sixth level of foundation building?"

What surprised her even more was that this cultivator was only at the sixth level of foundation building.

So weak... could he still be recognized by Wan Dao Sect?

Obtained the Wan Dao Order?

Although the woman was surprised, she did not hesitate too much. She tapped her toes on the ground, and her figure disappeared in an instant. When she appeared again, she was already beside Fang Che.


A brilliant golden light spread out with her body as the center, forming a bowl-shaped shield that enveloped Fang Che.

"This is... the Jindan realm!"

Fang Che's heart condensed. This is a special ability that only Jindan cultivators can master, and it is also a great means for Jindan cultivators to crush foundation-building cultivators.

"Cang Lei, Bai Lian... the ruins have just been opened, and you are going to fight me?"

The woman's golden hair was flying, and her emerald eyes revealed cold murderous intent and fighting spirit. She spoke indifferently.

In the distance.

A burly figure, with a surging demonic energy, was condensed into substance, and lingered around his burly body into a black demon snake.

This was a powerful demon spirit, who also had the Jindan realm. He was extremely powerful, with extremely scarlet eyes, staring at Fang Che with a smile.

Beside him was a strong man from the White Demon Clan.

"Yun Fei, I didn't expect that two people from your Blue Star would be selected by the Ten Thousand Dao Order this time... But it's a pity that this cultivator is only at the sixth level of foundation building... Such trash is here with us, which is really disgusting..."

"You, Yun Fei, are at least the 36th-ranked Tianjiao on the Tianjiao List. How can you tolerate being on the same level with such trash?"

"The cultivators of Blue Star are just hypocritical, unlike us, the Demon Spirit Clan, who respect the strong."

Cang Lei grinned, and his full voice echoed in front of the city gate.

The blonde woman's name is Yun Fei, and Fang Che also understood her name at this moment.

At this moment, he also understood that this woman was protecting him.

"Try it."

Yun Fei didn't say much, just glanced at Cang Lei and said indifferently.

Seldom said, but the tone was very domineering, without any concession.

Cang Lei's eyes flickered, and finally curled his lips, and did not fight with Yun Fei on the spot, because although he ranked higher than Yun Fei on the Tianjiao List, he was not much higher.

Of course, the main reason is that the rules of the Wandao Sect Ruins have not been announced yet.

If you accidentally violate the rules, you will lose a lot.

"Don't worry, it's just the sixth level of foundation building. Once a war breaks out, there is no chance of survival."

Cang Lei shook his head and didn't care at all. The sixth level of foundation building is not a big deal.

He turned his head to look at the other strong men who were led here, and let out a long roar, attracting the cultivators of the same demon spirit clan.

Two streams of light burst out and gathered around Cang Lei.

On the side of the demon spirit clan, three people were selected by the Wandao Sect Ruins.

The other two demon spirit clan cultivators looked at Cang Lei, as if asking whether to take action.

However, Cang Lei shook his head.

"After all, Yun Fei is a figure in the top 50 of the Tianjiao List. Once he fights to the death, he will only be picked up by others. The ruins are about to open, so wait for a while."

"That kid is only at the sixth level of foundation building, not to be afraid of."

The scene suddenly became quiet.

Fang Che looked at the woman named Yun Fei and thanked her: "Thank you for your help, senior."

Yun Fei glanced at Fang Che and nodded slightly: "As Blue Star cultivators, it is fate that we can appear in the Wandao Sect ruins at the same time. I will help if I can..."

"But, once we enter the ruins, I will not be able to protect you. Take care of yourself."

Yun Fei said lightly.

Fang Che nodded hurriedly after hearing this: "I understand, I understand..."

"Which immortal country are you from?"

Fang Che asked curiously.

Yun Fei glanced at Fang Che and replied: "Baiting Immortal Sect."

Fang Che's eyes lit up when he heard this: "Baiting Immortal Sect? Then do you know Yafei?"

Hearing this, Yun Fei's eyes showed surprise: "You know Yafei?"

"Consider her as my half-sister." Fang Che said with a smile.

Master Pei did not accept Yafei as his last disciple, but he taught her, so she is considered half a disciple.

Yunfei's expression softened when she heard this: "I am a descendant of the Ross family of Baiting Xianmen, and Yafei is my little sister."

Fang Che had never thought that Yunfei and Yafei would have such a relationship.

Not to mention, the two of them are really inextricably linked.


Just when the two were planning to chat for a while.

A violent roar resounded, and the earth shook.

Everyone present was in the ruins of Wandao Sect for the first time, so their minds were tense and their eyes showed a solemn look.

The whole city seemed to be shaking, and on the city wall, one after another array pattern emerged, showing golden color, densely packed, like a big net, covering the entire city wall.

An inexplicable pressure, in the shape of ripples, covered everyone with the city as the center.

Everyone felt their shoulders suddenly sink.


"No, it seems to be a unique and mysterious pressure..."

The faces of many Tianjiao changed one after another, revealing a solemn look.

The scene couldn't help but become noisy.

Suddenly, there was a "click, click" sound of footsteps, which rang out from the huge and dark doorway of the city.

In just a moment, the whole scene became quiet.

Whether it was Cang Lei and others from the Demon Spirit Clan, or other alien strongmen, even Yun Fei beside Fang Che tensed up.

Fang Che also took a deep breath and stared at the extremely dark doorway.


In this relic...

Is there still life?

This is a relic that has buried a long time!

As the footsteps became louder and louder, slowly, a figure wrapped in a hooded black robe tore through the darkness and emerged from behind the doorway.

It was pitch black under the hood, and his appearance was unclear.

The man stood in front of the city gate with his hands behind his back, as if he had a pair of deep eyes that looked through the hood and fell on everyone across the ages.

"Is there really a living person?!"

"Impossible... Absolutely impossible!"

"The Huashen Venerable of our clan said that even the ruins of a first-grade major sect have never had living beings, let alone the second-grade sect of Wandao Sect!"

"Unless... Unless this ruins is a holy land ruins, not a second-grade major sect!"

Many horrified voices rang out.

Everyone was shocked.

The figure had his hands behind his back, and the mysterious and powerful pressure was spreading from him, and it was always impacting in the form of ripples visible to the naked eye.

Just when everyone was extremely surprised, the hooded black shadow actually spoke.

In just a moment, the thirty-six cultivators fell into deathly silence.

"Good children, come, come to my side."

"Only those who come to my side are qualified to enter the city."

Silence, dead silence...

Who dares to walk over here?

What if you get killed if you walk over?

The pressure swept over, forming a unique pressure that oppressed everyone's body.

Although the pressure was not great, it can be imagined that the closer you are to the city gate, the closer you are to the mysterious strong man, the stronger the pressure!

Therefore, no one dared to take a step easily...

There was silence in front of the city gate.

The black-robed strong man who walked out of the ancient city also stood quietly.


Someone moved.

In this picture where time seemed to be still, the slightest movement attracted everyone's attention.

However, when everyone looked over, they were stunned, and even showed expressions of not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

Yun Fei twisted her fair neck woodenly and looked at Fang Che who was walking towards the black-robed man with an excited face...

You, a sixth-level foundation-building cultivator...

What the hell is that excited face? !

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