Diligence can make up for one's shortcomings: Start by making up for one's natural spiritu

Chapter 263 The desperate genius finally took on everything alone (1/2)

No. 6 Immortal Sect Fragment Continent.

Suzaku Fairy City.

In the city, one after another powerful figures flew past quickly and appeared in front of the monument in the center of the city.

The monument stands tall and there are too many monks gathered in front.

At this moment, many monks made an uproar and kept communicating with each other. Each monk showed a strange look, seeming a little surprised, a little unbelievable, and speculating on what they were discussing.

Su Shangshang walked out of the genius battlefield covered in blood, with a tired look on his face and a somewhat uplifted state.

It had been a long time since he had been so excited, and he felt nostalgic, nostalgic for the time when he was still weak, looking for strong people to fight and fight in order to become stronger.

But now, in order to work hard to become stronger, I have regained this feeling.

He fought with the strong aliens in the genius battlefield and tempered himself, which actually made the somewhat dormant blood boil again.

When Su Shangshang returned from the Genius Battlefield, he planned to go to the list area to see if Fang Che had jumped from the top of the list to the top one on the list of geniuses.

However, before he got close, his brows could not help but frown, showing a strange look.

My heart sank slightly, knowing something was wrong.

Master Que Ling and Master Que Huo, both Masters Nascent Soul, appeared in front of the monument. They saw Su Shangxing and waved.

"Something happened. Fang Che's name on the list is uncertain, between being dim and disappearing..."

Master Que Ling frowned.

When Su Shanhang heard this, his head suddenly exploded.

My heart sank slightly, and I felt a little confused.

"Did something happen to Fang Che?"

"Yes, it's certain that something happened, but... now we can't be sure that he died, because his name still exists on the monument and has not disappeared, so he should not be dead yet."

Master Que Ling has done profound research on the monument and made an analysis.

"Then...what exactly is going on?"

Su Shangxing was a little confused and couldn't understand what was going on.

"Fang Che has mastered the Wandao Order, and now he should have entered the ruins opened by the Wandao Order, but... logically speaking, it is impossible for this ruins to block the changes in the rankings on the monument..."

"Fang Che's current situation seems to be affected by it."

Master Que Ling said in a deep voice.

"We searched the Tianjiao List and the Preliminary List, and found that there is another monk whose name appears like Fang Che."

"The Prodigy of the Baiting Immortal Sect, the Prodigy of the Ross Family, the Prodigy Yunfei who ranks thirty-sixth on the Prodigy List."

"Fang Che and Yun Fei... can now confirm that what they entered may not be the ruins of Wandao Sect, or it can be said that something happened to the ruins of Wandao Sect."

Su Shangxingren felt a little numb.

"So, let me tell you about the current situation first. You can take the news back to Xiaju University and see if Xiaju University can study what happened to Fang Che and Yun Fei."

Master Que Ling revealed his purpose.

Su Shangxing nodded solemnly, knowing the seriousness of the matter this time, and did not dare to waste time, and began to prepare to return to Blue Star.

However, Master Que Ling and Master Que Huo did not dare to be careless and began to stare at the names of Fang Che and Yun Fei all the time.

The life and death of the two are determined by the brightness and extinction of their names.

These are two geniuses who are the foundation of Blue Star's rise. When it comes to the matter, it is already serious.

Even the two Nascent Soul cultivators did not dare to be careless.

Fang Che was a little stunned.

"The first level...is easier than imagined."

"I was already prepared to work hard for three days and three nights in a row to practice the first level diligently, but as a result..."

"I haven't started working hard yet, how come I'm on the first level?"

Fang Che frowned, a little dissatisfied, feeling as if his blood had hit cotton.

He originally thought that the "Ten Thousand Daos Sutra" said it was so difficult, so it must be an extremely challenging method.

But he never thought that he had completed the first level of the Ten Thousand Dao Sutra in just one day.

Such difficulty...

It's not even as good as the Golden Crow Nine Yang Sutra that Fang Che once practiced.

Fang Che shook his head.

Raising his hand, a unique flow of mana flowed and intertwined, converging into a ball of light along his palm.

That is the light group that was born after the first layer of the "Ten Thousand Dao Sutra" was completed.

"This Ten Thousand Dao Sutra is like a coordinating method, covering all aspects and hiding the shadow of many things..."

Fang Che narrowed his eyes.

Alchemy, weapon casting, talismans... and other immortal cultivation skills seem to have their shadows peeled off from the "Wandao Jing".

In other words, this Ten Thousand Dao Scriptures can be considered as an alchemy method, a weapon-making method, a talisman-making method, etc...

It covers a wide range of topics and is a kind of magic weapon.

"Such a method... seems to be easier for me to practice than I imagined..."

Fang Che smiled. After carefully analyzing the Ten Thousand Dao Scriptures, Fang Che seemed to understand why he was able to reach the first level so quickly.

Because a long time ago, he made a comprehensive development plan for cultivating immortals.

He has the talent of being able to make up for his weakness through diligence, and he can improve his cultivation ability in various projects by making up for his weakness in various directions.

For example, the various magical powers he has mastered are actually the product of his comprehensive development.

For example, the magical power of Talisman [Hand of Divine Talisman], the magical power of alchemy [Immortal Pill Body], the magical power of formation [The Will to Trap], etc...

And these comprehensive development paths have silently merged with the concept of "Wan Dao Jing".

Therefore, Fang Che felt that his improvement speed was much faster than he imagined.

"Is this the Wan Dao Sect? Wan Dao Sect... pursues the path of ten thousand paths, that is, each path must be explored and achieved. Only in this way can different powers burst out with the help of the power of various paths."

Fang Che's eyes flickered, thinking, as if he understood the pursuit of the Wan Dao Sect.

Others cultivate immortals and seek the way, seeking one path, moving forward firmly on one path, and walking their own path.

But the concept of the Wan Dao Sect is not like this, but requires more paths.

"Therefore, it can be imagined that the Wan Dao Jing will become more and more difficult as it goes on... It really requires talent."

Fang Che understood this, and his eyes flickered with fighting spirit.

The fighting spirit burned, making him feel a fiery desire to be more diligent.

Although he had completed the first level of cultivation, Fang Che did not relax. He calmed down quietly in the house and continued to attack the second level.

Three days and three nights passed in a flash.

One after another, surging light pillars burst out from the quiet houses in the city and stirred in the sky above the city.

Many cultivators who were studying the Ten Thousand Dao Sutra walked out of the house and looked at the light pillars with envy.

These concerns contained the aura of the first level of the Ten Thousand Dao Sutra.

Cang Lei and Yun Fei spent almost the same time to complete the first level of cultivation of the Ten Thousand Dao Sutra.

Other alien geniuses exclaimed in admiration. Sure enough, the top 40 geniuses on the genius list were different. They were indeed much better than them in talent.

After many geniuses felt the pressure, they calmed down and continued to conquer the cultivation of the Ten Thousand Dao Sutra.

After five days, most of the geniuses had completed the first level of cultivation.

The Tianjiao present were not very excited, because they knew the rules. At their current speed, their cultivation of the Ten Thousand Dao Sutra would only become slower and slower in the future. After they reached the fifth level, their chances of leaving would be extremely slim.

For a moment, a tense feeling spread.

However, the Tianjiao present pursued a practice strategy of combining work and rest.

Under the guidance of Cang Lei of the Demon Spirit Clan, they even held a conversation meeting to discuss their own understanding of the Ten Thousand Dao Sutra and brainstorm to improve the speed of practicing the Ten Thousand Dao Sutra.

Of course, it was also a place to report the progress of practice.

"Have you ever used the Enlightenment Qi in the Enlightenment Order?"

A Tianjiao spoke.

Many people looked at the Tianjiao with flashing eyes.

"Enlightenment Qi is really a good thing. It made me suddenly enlightened and understood the shortcomings of the Ten Thousand Dao Sutra."

"Unfortunately, the capacity of enlightenment Qi is limited. That kind of flying perception is really memorable."

The admiration of this Tianjiao made many people eager to try and want to try the Enlightenment Qi.

Don't mention it, this feeling is really very special!

Many Tianjiao who were stuck in the first level, after using the Enlightenment Qi, the progress of the Ten Thousand Dao Sutra was pulled open at once!

The speed of improvement became very obvious, and some Tianjiao even caught up with Cang Lei and Yun Fei and other Tianjiao in the first row.

The Tianjiao who tasted the benefits could not help but immerse themselves in the pleasure of the help brought by the Enlightenment Qi.

However, the Enlightenment Qi is limited after all. If the Enlightenment Qi is used but the level is not broken through, the Enlightenment Qi will be completely depleted in the end.

At that time, their talents will begin to be consumed and dissipated...

"As long as we can break through the level of the Ten Thousand Dao Sutra in time and get the Enlightenment Qi reward, isn't it enough?"

Some Tianjiao laughed and didn't care.

Immersed in the help and understanding brought by the Enlightenment Qi, they had an illusion that they were about to break through the level of the Ten Thousand Dao Sutra.

However, soon, one Tianjiao finally used up the Enlightenment Qi, but his progress in the Ten Thousand Dao Sutra was stuck at the first level of perfection, only one step away, but it was always difficult to step into the third level.

After lacking the Qi of Enlightenment, this Tianjiao was completely unable to adapt. He enjoyed an extraordinary improvement in his perception, but it was difficult for him to return to his slow and stupid self all of a sudden. He lost his normal mind.

The progress of this Tianjiao was completely stuck at this position.

This unwilling Tianjiao wanted to obtain new Qi of Enlightenment, so he went to the Black Tower in the city.

He entered the Black Tower and began to break into the tower.


This Tianjiao failed to break into the tower and was thrown out by an invisible force. He fell to the ground, lost his soul, and his spiritual roots emerged from his head, began to overflow and collapse, and turned into a little starlight power, which spread into the entire city.

This Tianjiao howled miserably, looking extremely miserable. He stretched out his hand to catch his scattered spiritual roots.

But the scattered talent completely left him.

The talent of this genius began to become mediocre, and his understanding of cultivation became completely chaotic. He had no understanding of cultivation or the Ten Thousand Dao Sutra.

His cultivation would never progress and he would never be able to improve.

It was so miserable!

The fate of this genius made everyone feel cold.

The geniuses who originally planned to use the enlightenment energy wantonly calmed down and began to use it as appropriate, and would not be too quiet in the help of enlightenment energy to improve.

Time passed bit by bit.

A month passed in a flash.

Cang Lei finally completed the cultivation of the second level of the Wan Dao Jing.

An hour later, Yun Fei also completed the breakthrough of the second level of the Wan Dao Jing.

Both of them could not help but use the enlightenment energy, and only with the help of the enlightenment energy did they break through the second level.

Cang Lei was a burly man with a surging demonic energy. He laughed and walked out of the pavilion, announcing with great glory that he had broken through the second level of the Wan Dao Jing.

For a time, many foreign geniuses came to congratulate him.

Cang Lei made a vow with great pride: "In another six months, I will complete the cultivation of the fourth level of the Wan Dao Jing... By then, everyone can prepare to leave this city."

Cang Lei believed that he must be the first person to break through!

After a simple discussion, everyone sank into cultivation again.

Cang Lei began to charge at the third level of the Wan Dao Jing. However, when he just started practicing and researching, Cang Lei felt the great difficulty and felt that the consumption of enlightenment energy began to increase.

Not only Cang Lei, but Yun Fei also had this feeling.

This made Yun Fei unconsciously feel a sense of panic in her heart.

She knew that once the Enlightenment Qi was used up, there would be no chance to comprehend the third and fourth levels.

Perhaps these geniuses would have to stay in this city for the rest of their lives, and eventually their talents would be drained away, and they would become ordinary cultivators, never to see the light of day.

Under such pressure, Yun Fei resisted the temptation of Enlightenment Qi, and kept calm, relying on her own talents to understand and practice the Ten Thousand Dao Sutra.

On the other side of the Black Tower, there were more and more desperate geniuses going to venture out. Most of them were geniuses who had used up their Enlightenment Qi and wanted to break through the Black Tower to obtain Enlightenment Qi.

Not to mention, there were really geniuses who broke through and were rewarded with Enlightenment Qi.

A month later, Cang Lei walked out of the house with messy hair, and his eyes were full of bloodshot.

The Enlightenment Qi was used up, but his understanding of the Ten Thousand Dao Sutra still did not break through the third level.

Cang Lei, who had no choice, went to the Black Tower and prepared to venture into the Black Tower to obtain Enlightenment Qi.

Three days later, Cang Lei walked out of the Black Tower. He broke into the third floor of the Black Tower and received the blessing of a thousand strands of enlightenment energy. With this thousand strands of enlightenment energy, Cang Lei finally broke through the third floor of the Ten Thousand Dao Sutra, and this is also the highest level of the cultivator who has broken through so far.

Let the Tianjiao in the ancient city see hope.

But the pressure and difficulty of the fourth floor of the Ten Thousand Dao Sutra made Cang Lei even more impatient. In just three days, he consumed all the enlightenment energy he had obtained. The research of the Ten Thousand Dao Sutra was stuck at a bottleneck and could no longer move forward.

Cang Lei could not accept this fact. He went to the Black Tower to venture out. However, he encountered Waterloo on the fourth floor and tasted the taste of failure.

He did not get the reward of enlightenment energy, but was injured, and his spiritual roots even appeared to be scattered.

For a time, the Tianjiao in the ancient city were all disappointed.

It felt that there was no hope of seeing the light of day again.

The only hope may be the Blue Star cultivator Yun Fei.


One month after Cang Lei failed.

Yun Fei also exhausted his enlightenment energy and stopped completely at the fourth level of the Wan Dao Jing.

When Yun Fei also announced his failure.

The whole ancient city fell into a deathly silence.

All the geniuses were like zombies, walking out of the house in a daze, looking at the surroundings of the city in a daze and despair.

"Will our future be spent in this city?"

"Then, slowly our talents will be absorbed, and finally... completely annihilated, and we will lose the opportunity to break the city."

A feeling of despair spread throughout the city.

"We can't go back, we can never go back again..."

"We will die of old age in this ancient city, and die in despair."

Yun Fei was also in pain.

It was a painful feeling of admitting that he was ordinary and that he was not a genius.

And the frustration and despair of having to die in this city in the future.

A Wan Dao Jing made these geniuses who claimed to be geniuses feel the disparity and cruelty of reality.

Is there no one who can complete the practice of the fifth level of the Wan Dao Jing?


Yun Fei thought of Fang Che, the genius of the Great Xia Immortal Sect who was also a Blue Star cultivator like her. She didn't know how far he had cultivated.

Yun Fei hadn't seen Fang Che since she started practicing the Ten Thousand Dao Sutra.

Even at the exchange meetings held by many geniuses, Fang Che never showed up, nor did he go to the Black Tower to obtain the resources of enlightenment. He seemed to have evaporated from the city.

Yun Fei found the house where Fang Che was in seclusion.

She knocked on the door.

With a creak, the door opened.

Fang Che had a disheveled face, messy hair, and red eyes. He looked like a sloppy otaku who had been in seclusion for several months without going out.

Seeing Fang Che like this, Yun Fei had no hope in her heart.

He was only at the sixth level of foundation building, and with this appearance, it was obvious that he was stuck at a bottleneck and could not break through for a long time.

"Student Fang Che, how is your practice of the Ten Thousand Dao Sutra going?"

"I have no hope. I exhausted my enlightenment energy in the process of attacking the fifth level of the Ten Thousand Dao Sutra. Without enlightenment energy... I simply cannot understand the content of the fifth level of the Ten Thousand Dao Sutra."

"I... am not capable of completing the rules of the ancient city."

Seeing Fang Che in such a slovenly state, a feeling of sympathy surged in Yun Fei's heart, and the bitterness on Yun Fei's face flowed out.

Fang Che looked at Yun Fei who was so bitter and desperate, scratched his fluffy and messy hair, and didn't know how to comfort her.

Although he had cultivated the Ten Thousand Dao Sutra to the sixth level, the difficulty of the Ten Thousand Dao Sutra made Fang Che feel that it was extremely difficult to comprehend and difficult to take a step forward.

Even Fang Che, who was as determined as he was, began to waver and despair.


He should try to use the Enlightenment Qi.

Fang Che felt that he was also miserable.

And Yun Fei was already so miserable.

Fang Che was embarrassed to use his miserable experience to win Yun Fei's sympathy.

Although he could apply to leave this city after completing the fifth level of the Ten Thousand Dao Sutra.

However, Fang Che rarely encountered a thing that could be diligently honed, so how could he leave so soon?

Let him work hard silently for a while.

Fang Che sighed.

After all, one person took it all.

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