Diligence can make up for one's shortcomings: Start by making up for one's natural spiritu

Chapter 264: The Seventh Level of the Ten Thousand Dao Sutra? Impossible, absolutely impossible! (1/

Fang Che said goodbye to Yun Fei.

He planned to work hard alone for a while.

Fang Che, who returned to the house, sat cross-legged, his expression becoming extremely serious.

He has now reached the sixth level of the Ten Thousand Dao Sutra. In fact, after reaching the sixth level of the Ten Thousand Dao Sutra, he is already qualified to break the rule seal of this city and leave.

As long as he is willing, the entire city will be opened for him, and all geniuses, including Yun Fei, will have the opportunity to leave this ancient city.

However, Fang Che was not willing to end like this. He also planned to continue working hard in the ancient city for a while.

He reached the sixth level of the Ten Thousand Dao Sutra and felt extremely strenuous.

Even though his cultivation is very consistent with the Ten Thousand Dao Sutra, because diligence can make up for his weakness, he has made up for his talents in all directions.

Whether it was fighting skills, making talismans, refining alchemy, or swordsmanship, etc., Fang Che had dabbled in it, had a talent for mending weakness, and even awakened the rudiments of supernatural powers.

Because of these embryonic magical powers, Fang Che was much more relaxed than others when practicing the Ten Thousand Dao Sutra.

Even Fang Che was able to raise the Ten Thousand Dao Sutra to the sixth level without even using his Dao Enlightenment Qi.

However, Fang Che was not satisfied.

He will continue to work hard, hoping to successfully cultivate the seventh level of the Ten Thousand Dao Sutra with his own strength.

As for after the seventh level, Fang Che will choose to use Enlightenment Qi again to break through and improve.

Sitting cross-legged in the room, Fang Che began to study the "Ten Thousand Dao Sutra" diligently. Unknowingly, three days passed by in an instant.

"Ding! You have been diligently practicing for three days and three nights, delving into the profound methods, and your diligence is +2400. You are so nian, please continue to work hard!"

On the third day, when Fang Che felt the enlightenment of the Ten Thousand Dao Sutra and gained some improvement at the sixth level, Fang Che's eyes opened, bright light flickered, and satisfaction emerged.

While practicing the Ten Thousand Dao Sutra, as long as you gain something, you will be able to receive the blessing of diligent energy.

For Fang Che, this is the motivation for his continuous training and research.

This is also the key to why Fang Che has been able to improve despite his unwillingness to use Enlightenment Qi.

These days, Fang Che has been practicing in his room. Although he doesn't gain much energy every day, he can't stop Fang Che from retreating too much.

After squeezing myself to the extreme every day, I would relax, start practicing spiritual consciousness, and start exploring the God Training Tower.

With the two-pronged approach, Fang Che's spiritual consciousness has improved significantly, his spiritual roots have also been slightly improved, and he has also advanced in an orderly manner in the cultivation of the Ten Thousand Dao Scriptures.

Now, Fang Che's accumulated energy has reached more than 30,000.

This is just ordinary diligence, not special diligence, and Fang Che has not yet made use of these diligence abilities.

"The practice of the Ten Thousand Dao Sutra can be fed back to various projects, so that each project can be improved... and even the prototype of each magical power can be greatly increased!"

"This is a very profound scripture method. In fact, practicing it well does no harm to oneself, only benefits."

Fang Che was deep in thought in the room.

Fang Che stood up, and the next moment, the Niwan Palace between his eyebrows suddenly tore apart on his body.

An eye that released brilliant golden light appeared, and the gorgeous light burst out, making the space seem to distort.

Mystical power, the Eyes of King Ming!

This was the earliest prototype of magical power that Fang Che mastered.

Fang Che continued to run the Ten Thousand Dao Sutra, and the pupils of King Ming were suddenly improved. The brilliant golden color in his eyes became more and more dazzling, as if it were gilded. Fang Che's consciousness became even more powerful, and his perception of everything became more powerful. Become clear!

The Eyes of Wandao·Mingwang!

With the addition of a Wandao prefix, Fang Che can feel the transformation of the eyes of the old and new King Ming!

It seems as if some of the power of King Ming has really been inspired!

Fang Che didn't have much understanding of the true efficacy of the Ten Thousand Dao Sutra, but when used in conjunction with the prototype of his magical power, the Ten Thousand Dao Sutra was an amplifying method, and Fang Che's improvement was actually huge.

The eyes of King Ming dispersed.

Fang Che fell into seclusion again and began to continue studying the Wan Dao Sutra.

He still wanted to work hard, give it a try, and rely on his own strength to complete the sixth level of the Ten Thousand Dao Sutra.

And when Fang Che went into seclusion again.

Within the ancient city, a storm had started unknowingly.

Because no genius has completed the fifth level of the Ten Thousand Dao Sutra, the mentality of many geniuses is a bit explosive.

They see no hope of leaving the ancient city. They will be restricted to this city in the future. If they are stripped of their spiritual roots, they will only become more and more stupid. In the end, they will die completely in this city.

What a shock and fear this brought!

For a time, the geniuses of all races could no longer quietly practice the fifth level of the Ten Thousand Dao Sutra.

There is even a kind of distortion and change in mentality.

Cang Lei's eyes were red. He didn't believe this situation. He was the thirty-best genius on the list of geniuses. How could he be sealed in this city like this and die in an unknown way?

It was obviously a great opportunity to explore the ruins of an ancient sect in the Genius Battlefield, but why did it turn into such a deadly place?

The great reluctance struck Cang Lei in his heart.

After a period of emotional distortion.

The talented people who gave up on themselves had different emotions, and even began to align with each other, trying to gather a force to try to break through the seal of the ancient city.

This is the power of geniuses to save each other.

Cang Lei plundered a group of forces. Among the thirty Tianjiao who entered the ancient city, twenty of them chose to support Cang Lei and were willing to respect Cang Lei as their master.

The remaining ten Tianjiao still did not believe in evil and were unwilling to give up. They still tried to break the seal of the ancient city.

"What else is there to insist on?"

"This ancient city has completely blocked our way out. This is very likely a cage set up by a strong man above the God of Incarnation! Unless we complete the fifth level of the Wandao Sutra according to the regulations, otherwise... we can only stay in this city for the rest of our lives!"

Cang Lei cried and laughed, and roared almost crazily.

The remaining ten Tianjiao headed by Yun Fei were unwilling to give up just like that. They still wanted to try and find a way to leave this ancient city.

In the following time, the contradictions intensified.

Cang Lei became the leader of many Tianjiao and began to form a force in the city.

The formation of the city surged and began to strip the spiritual roots and talents of the Tianjiao.

However, Cang Lei and others have developed a tricky method. As long as one person is pushed into the formation and this person uses his life to bear the power of the formation, the speed and fate of the others' spiritual roots and talents being deprived can be slowed down.

Buy time for others.

Of course, time is limited, but at least this is still a way.

Inside the ancient city.

In a tall palace.

Cang Lei sat on the main seat, and below him gathered more than 20 Tianjiao list Tianjiao Tianjiao who were not the top Tianjiao, but each of them had a name on the Tianjiao list and belonged to the Tianjiao of each clan.

Now, these Tianjiao all respect Cang Lei as their leader.

"You trust me and follow me, so I will naturally protect you. Although the ancient city formation will deprive you of the power of talent and spiritual roots, but... you should not be the first to bear these pains. Those who do not choose to support me should bear this pain!"

Cang Lei said coldly.

Many Tianjiao looked at each other with burning eyes.



In a house in the east of the ancient city.

With a creak, the door opened.

Two Five Elements Tribe's geniuses walked out slowly, a man and a woman, loving each other. After knowing that they could not leave this ancient city, they chose to live a quiet life and planned to spend this period of time peacefully.

Suddenly, the man of the Five Elements Tribe frowned and looked into the distance, and saw Cang Lei, who was surging with demonic energy on the street.

The man of the Five Elements Tribe subconsciously protected his Taoist partner behind him.

"Cang Lei, what do you want to do?"

The Five Elements Tribe's genius shouted.

Cang Lei looked at him indifferently, and beside him, followed Cang Yu.

"I will not agree to follow you. Everyone is trapped in this city, and no one can leave safely... It is better to live a good life. I just want to live a peaceful life. If you want to be your overlord, you can be it!"

The Five Elements Tribe's genius said in a deep voice.

Cang Lei shook his head: "Huo Yuan, you are at least the 56th on the Tianjiao list, with good talent and strength... It's a pity that you don't support me and don't join my forces."

"But since you have made this choice, you will naturally pay the price for this choice."

"I plan to use your life. By using your life to enter the formation, I can alleviate the situation where the spiritual roots and talents of those under my command are weakened."

Cang Lei smiled faintly, but his words were unquestionable.

The face of Huo Yuan of the Five Elements Clan suddenly sank.

He knew that the end was doomed.

Cang Lei made a move in an instant, and the terrifying magic power of the Demon Spirit Clan rolled up, the body of the true demon burst out, and the whole ancient street shook!

"Let's go!"

"Go find Yun Fei of Blue Star!"

Huo Yuan roared at his Taoist partner behind him, and then fought with Cang Lei with all his strength!

Unfortunately, his Taoist partner was unable to escape, and was eventually blocked by Cang Yu and suppressed by several other Tianjiaos.

"Cang Lei!"

The Five Elements' Tianjiao Huo Yuan roared!

His whole body burst out with monstrous fire-attributed magic power, and the pure fire-attributed magical power almost burned the entire city into ashes.

The horrible battle slowly came to an end.

The scorching and hot demonic energy gradually dissipated, revealing Cang Lei's burly body.

He threw it casually.

The body of the Five Elements' Tianjiao Huo Yuan fell to the ground immediately...

"You are overestimating yourself. You are only ranked 56th on the Tianjiao list, but you dare to challenge me. If you don't choose to surrender, then you will naturally have only one choice: death."

Cang Lei glanced at the fallen Five Elements' Tianjiao indifferently and smiled disdainfully.

He looked at Huo Yuan's Taoist partner, raised his hand and waved: "Catch him, wait until the next round of the ancient city formation is triggered, and then use his life to fill the formation."



The news that Cang Lei began to hunt down the Tianjiao who did not surrender to him swept like a storm.

The crisis of the ancient city was lurking everywhere.

No one thought that the real crisis was not brought by the ancient city, but by Cang Lei.

You know, although the ancient city is harsh and they cannot learn the fifth level of the Wan Dao Sutra or leave the ancient city, the ancient city will not harm their lives, but will only deprive them of their spiritual roots and talents...

Compared to death, depriving them of their spiritual roots and talents still leaves them with hope of life.

However, Cang Lei is different. He directly hunts down the geniuses and intends to use the lives of those who disobey him to replenish the power of the ancient city formation and maintain the stability of the spiritual roots and talents of the geniuses in his power!

This is a very crazy behavior!

Yun Fei also knew the news, and her face was extremely ugly.

But Cang Lei's side had a large number of people, and they were all geniuses on the Tianjiao list. When they gathered together, the power they formed was not something that a single genius could contend with!

The geniuses who did not join Cang Lei's forces immediately began to panic.

However, everyone was a genius, and they all had their own pride, and they were unwilling to join Cang Lei's forces in this way.

Cang Lei continued to hunt.

When two more geniuses were killed.

The remaining six geniuses had to join forces. They found Yun Fei and wanted to use Yun Fei's power to fight Cang Lei.

Because Yun Fei was the 36th on the Tianjiao list, he had a chance to fight Cang Lei.

"It's difficult. Cang Lei's current forces have a total of 20 geniuses, and they are numerous and powerful..."

"I can fight Cang Lei one-on-one, but there are also Bai Lian from the White Demon Clan and so on. We don't have enough people."

Yun Fei's face was ugly.

But many geniuses had no choice but to form a force to fight Cang Lei.

Only in this way can we find some vitality in this ancient city isolated from the outside world.

Suddenly, Yun Fei thought of something, and his face changed slightly.

"Fang Che, Fang Che is still alone outside... Without joining forces with us, Cang Lei will definitely not let him go!"

Yun Fei thought of Fang Che who was in seclusion alone.

His face became much uglier for a while.

After Yun Fei thought of it, he did not hesitate any more, and immediately left the house and headed towards the house where Fang Che was in seclusion.

At this moment, several figures had already gathered outside the house where Fang Che was in seclusion.

Cang Lei, Cang Yu, Bai Lian of the White Demon Clan, and a Tianjiao of the Dragon Blood Clan.

Four figures stood behind Fang Che's door.

When they saw Yun Fei rushing over, they all smiled meaningfully.

Cang Lei looked at Yun Fei with a smile.

"Yun Fei, I know you united the remaining people and formed a force to fight against me, but there are only a few of you..."

"How can you fight against so many of our geniuses?"

Cang Lei sneered.

"Don't tell me, I almost forgot about this little guy who was hiding in this house in seclusion, the little guy who was in the sixth level of foundation building, the guy who killed Cang Yuan!"

"Now, it's just right for him to pay for Cang Yuan's life."

Cang Lei said coldly.

He still remembered Fang Che, and it wasn't the first time he remembered Fang Che.

Cang Lei knew that if he wanted to deal with Fang Che, he must fight Yun Fei in advance. Before, everyone worked hard to break out of the ancient city. If he fought against Yun Fei, it would be detrimental to unity.

But now, he and Yun Fei have stood on opposite sides again, so there is no need to pretend anymore.

"Yun Fei, I know this cultivator is from the same Blue Star as you, so you should open your eyes and watch how I crush this guy... bit by bit!"

Cang Lei said coldly.

Only the sixth level of foundation building... He was lucky to kill Cang Yuan, but Cang Lei is definitely not comparable to Cang Yuan, who is ranked 93rd on the Tianjiao list. He is ranked 30th on the Tianjiao list!

Killing a sixth level of foundation building, how can he fail?

Boom boom boom!

Yun Fei was furious, and she burst out with energy, but the Tianjiao under Cang Lei's forces, Bai Lian of the White Demon Clan, and Ao Hai of the Dragon Blood Clan took action to stop the furious Yun Fei.

Cang Lei didn't even look at Yun Fei.

In the ancient city today, the only one who can fight him is Yun Fei.

As long as Yun Fei is stopped, this sixth level of foundation building cultivator from Blue Star will definitely die!

Cang Lei will not give him a chance to live!

Looking at the still closed house, the coldness in Cang Lei's eyes became more and more intense.

"Still in retreat?"

"Such a big commotion outside can't attract this kid?"

Cang Lei sneered.

"Why are you pretending? Many of the prodigies on the Prodigy List like me cannot see hope and cannot complete the fifth level of the Ten Thousand Dao Sutra. Do you think seclusion is useful?!"

"Get out!!!"

Cang Lei shouted angrily.

The rolling sound waves immediately formed a terrifying shock wave, which hit the closed seclusion door with a violent impact!

The house sank for a while.

Instantly, it cracked with a click and broke into pieces.

The dark doorway was revealed.

Cang Lei narrowed his eyes, put his hands behind his back, stepped on the ruins of the exploded door, and stepped into the house where Fang Che was in seclusion.

After walking for a while.

He saw Fang Che sitting cross-legged in the house.


Cang Lei's calm and composed expression changed dramatically when he saw Fang Che, and he could no longer maintain his calmness and tranquility!

Looking at the seven rainbow-like magical brilliances that lingered around Fang Che!

It was as if a huge wave had been set off in my heart!

My soul had been hit by an unprecedented shock!

“Seven… seven?!”


“This is absolutely impossible!”

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