Diligence can make up for one's shortcomings: Start by making up for one's natural spiritu

Chapter 269 Thank you for sending me the True Demon Spear (1/2)

Mountain Guarding Puppet!

Fang Che sat on the ground and heard the mysterious strong man in the black robe and hood in front of him bow respectfully to him and tell him his background. A strange color gradually appeared in his eyes.

Mountain Guarding Puppet, as the name suggests... the mysterious existence in front of him is a puppet!


Fang Che's eyes fluctuated. Among the various arts of cultivating immortals, there is naturally the way of puppets. Fang Che did not study much about the way of puppets, and he did not make up for his shortcomings in the aspect of diligence.

However, the mysterious old man in the black robe in front of him is definitely very powerful, even with the strength of Yuanying or even... the level of transformation!

Such strength, but it's just a puppet? !

Fang Che took a deep breath. How strong is the most powerful puppet on Blue Star now?

It seems... it's only the Yuanying level?

This mountain guarding puppet in front of him is actually stronger than the most powerful puppet on Blue Star?

And the surroundings have already fallen into a dead silence.

Yun Fei, Bai Lian, Ao Hai and other Tianjiao on the Tianjiao list were all shocked to see this scene, not daring to breathe.

The battle was over.

Cang Lei had no choice but to use the domain power of the late Jindan period. Once the domain was released, it was indeed unmatched. It was a powerful method unique to Jindan cultivators.

Fang Che, who was fully fired and sublimated to the extreme, was extremely evil, but in the face of Cang Lei who opened the domain, he seemed to be defeated in the end.

Originally, they all planned to go all out to stop Cang Lei from killing Fang Che.

But they didn't expect such a change.

The black-robed strongman who had lived for a long time actually appeared, and was extremely respectful to Fang Che, respectfully calling Fang Che the Son of God.

"The mountain-guarding puppet... is not a living being, but just a puppet."

"What do you mean by just a puppet? Even if it is a puppet, it is incredible that it can live for such a long time."

"Puppets need energy sources, and the energy sources that can last for such a long time, this puppet... must have come from a very special place!"

The geniuses present are all geniuses in the clan, all of whom have received rich education and have some understanding of the way of puppets.

Therefore, they feel incredible and understand how terrifying a puppet that has lived for a long time is.

In the distance.

The field around Cang Lei opens, the field of the late Jindan surges, the black demonic energy rolls, and it keeps circling like a vortex, spreading and covering a range of thirty meters.

However, at this moment, his face has become extremely pale.

He knows that he can't kill Fang Che.

The mysterious strong man wrapped in a black robe in front of him is too powerful. Just the breath he leaks out makes Cang Lei understand that he can't be the opponent of the other party.

The other party maintained the rules of this place, and if he used the domain, he might be killed by the other party.

At this moment, Cang Lei's heart began to gradually emerge with despair.

He looked at Fang Che who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, and his heart emerged with unwillingness.

If he did not use the power of the domain, he would be defeated by Fang Che, but once he used the power of the domain, he successfully suppressed Fang Che.

But using the power of the domain has to pay a price, and it may trigger the rules and be wiped out.

But he wanted to replace Fang Che before he was wiped out.

But he didn't expect that his idea of ​​replacing Fang Che was strangled before it was put into practice.

This mysterious black-robed strong man actually appeared to block the killing for Fang Che.

Looking at the mysterious black-robed old man so respectful, Cang Lei's sadness became more and more intense.

He had guessed why this black-robed strong man was so respectful to Fang Che.

Because Fang Che comprehended the seventh level of the Ten Thousand Dao Sutra.

According to the rules, those who comprehend the fifth level of the Ten Thousand Dao Sutra have the qualifications and opportunity to leave this ancient city.

And in such a short period of time, Fang Che even comprehended the seventh level of the Ten Thousand Dao Sutra...

The most important thing is...

Fang Che does not seem to have used the enlightenment energy in the Ten Thousand Dao Order!

Therefore, Fang Che's talent was recognized, and he completed the task of the black-robed old man and was affirmed, so... he was recognized as the Son of God!

"Son of God..."

Cang Lei's lips stammered.

I was immediately filled with jealousy.

Son of God...

As the name suggests, it is the most honorable disciple in a large sect of immortal cultivation.

And the one who can be called the Son of God, in the heyday of the immortal sect, can only be called the proud disciples of the first-class sect and the holy land-level sect of immortal cultivation!


I didn't expect that this batch of geniuses who entered the ancient city ended up with a guy who was not even on the list of geniuses, and got the greatest benefit and bargain.

Became the Son of God of the ancient sect.

The only thing that made the jealousy less obvious was that this ancient sect had long been destroyed. This Wandao Sect had long since fallen into the dust of history with the collapse of the Xianmen Continent, and became a past buried in the ruins.

So, Fang Che, the Holy Son... although it sounds awesome, is actually useless.

And Fang Che couldn't stay in the ancient city for his whole life. Once he left, the formation of the genius battlefield would be in operation, and whether he could still find this ancient city was unknown.

With this thought, Cang Lei felt much more balanced.

Fang Che looked at Cang Lei, and seemed to see Cang Lei's constantly changing expression, and could vaguely guess what he was thinking.

The mountain guarding puppet wrapped in a black robe also stood up and looked at Cang Lei following Fang Che's gaze.

"Your Highness the Holy Son, this son has offended His Highness and relied on his advanced cultivation of the Golden Core to use his domain to suppress His Highness. Do I need to kill him?"

Shoushanpuppet said in a deep voice.

After hearing this, Fang Che actually fell into deep thought.

After a long while, he hesitated and said, "Isn't it... too wasteful?"

Shoushan Puppet: "?"

What is too wasteful?

What do you mean, the old man is just a puppet and cannot understand such connotative words.

Fang Che smacked his lips. He had to say that Cang Lei was really strong. At least that domain power was extremely difficult for Fang Che to fight against.

Therefore, such an opponent is an excellent training target for confrontation.

It's really a waste to kill him like this.

However, Fang Che thought about it and realized that he had gained a lot in the ancient city this time. His fighting talent had been raised to level 6, and he had truly realized his own magical power [Ascension to Immortality].

There shouldn't be much improvement in fighting skills in a short period of time.

And after staying in the ancient city for such a long time, it's time to go back.


"Forget it, just do it."

Fang Che sighed and waved his hand.

When the Shoushan puppet, wrapped in a black robe, heard this, he immediately let out a deep laugh.

This is much easier to understand.

"As commanded."

Shoushan Puppet clasped his fists.

The next moment, he turned around and looked at Cang Lei.

Cang Lei, the genius of the Demon Spirit Clan, had his eyes tightened, and a look of frustration and despair appeared on his face.

He is the genius of the Demon Spirit Clan, ranked thirty on the list of geniuses!

At this moment, his life was so humble. He was haggling over and deciding whether to live or die at will.

A low roar came from Cang Lei's throat!

With a roar, the body rose from the ground, and the powerful golden elixir late-stage realm swept across, black mist rolled, and demonic energy surged into the sky.

His body swept away towards the distance of the ancient city.

He felt that he could still struggle a little.

Shou Shanpuppet, wrapped in a black robe, gave out a faint sarcastic smile.

"A mere golden elixir."

Shoushan Puppet suddenly raised his hand, and under his sleeves, his palms were exposed as dry as dead wood. The palms were extremely withered, like dead wood that had decayed for tens of thousands of years, and were covered with overlapping folds.

Give it a sharp squeeze!

Cang Lei, who had just swept out, was shaken all over, and an invisible sense of oppression came from all directions.

The power of the Golden Core's late-stage domain, which he was proud of, instantly exploded and fell into pieces like a crushed egg.

Cang Lei also let out a miserable howl, his body covered in blood, his flesh and blood broken and blurred, and he fell directly to the ground.

He climbed up with difficulty, every inch of flesh and blood in his body was trembling.

Too strong.

The power of the mountain guard was beyond his imagination.

It is definitely a god-level existence...

That was a state that made him look up to the mountains!

Can't beat it, can't beat it at all...

It was a kind of facing invincible fear and despair.


Cang Lei's tears fell.

I was bullied by the Lord Transforming God...

Fang Che looked at Cang Lei calmly. The other party was the Demon Spirit Clan, a hostile force of Blue Star.

Although Fang Che had a decisive battle with Cang Lei, there was no sympathy for each other, and he would not give him a break just because the other party fought a bloody battle with him, making him feel the pressure, reach the ultimate sublimation, and achieve a breakthrough.

Just like Cang Lei would not hesitate to kill Fang Che if he encountered the opportunity.

Fang Che doesn't know how to be a bad person.

"Holy Son, can you do it yourself?"

Shou Shanpup looked at Fang Che and asked.

As if he thought of something, Fang Che tilted his head: "Senior, if I kill him here, can I get and inherit his arrogance?"

When Fang Che killed Cang Yuan, the genius of the Demon Spirit Clan, he was not surrounded by the genius' aura, so he asked this question.

"Your Highness, don't call me senior, or shame me. If you insist on calling me old slave, just call me old slave or puppet."

Shoushanpuppet quickly opened his mouth to explain.

Immediately, he continued: "Tianjiaoqi... Lao Nu has been guarding Wandao City for a long time, but he is also aware of the changes in the outside world."

"The so-called Tianjiao Qi is the product of the formations left behind by the Tianji Holy Sect. Wandao City is affiliated to Wandao Sect and has its own formations unique to Wandao Sect. What it possesses is the Enlightenment Qi, which is different from Tianjiao Qi. Therefore, there will be no Tianjiao Qi feedback in Wandao City.”

"However, once His Highness returns to the outside world and the formation is evaluated, the Tianjiao Qi will be automatically settled to His Highness the Holy Son."

Shou Shanpuppet said.

"Tianji Holy Sect?" Fang Che narrowed his eyes, as if he had come across a new term.

Shou Shanpuppet said: "Tianji Holy Sect was one of the three most prosperous sects in the Holy Land at that time. Tianjiao Qi, Enlightenment Qi and Immortality Qi were the three qi immortal methods that Tianji Holy Sect taught the Immortal Sect back then. , Wan Dao Sect masters the Enlightenment Qi, one of the three Qi Immortal Techniques, which can quickly cultivate the talents of future generations. "

"The spirit of genius is obtained through the battles between geniuses in the battlefield of geniuses."

"As for the Immortal Qi, because the years are too long, I don't know how to obtain it for the time being. I probably need to go to the Immortal Sea to cultivate and obtain it."

Shoushan Puppet immediately spoke out to clear up Fang Che's doubts.

Three Qi Immortal Technique...

The secret method of Tianji Holy Sect spread all over the world!

Tianjiao Qi, Enlightenment Qi and Immortality Qi...

It seems to be of great help to practice!

Fang Che took a deep breath.

Unfortunately, there is no way to know the Immortal Qi, one of the three qi. Fang Che has never heard of the Immortal Sea mentioned by Shoushan Puppet.

Let’s put the Three Qi Immortal Techniques of the Tianji Holy Sect aside for now.

Fang Che's eyes brightened slightly.

"So, if I kill him, I can still inherit his arrogance?"

Shou Shanpuppet nodded: "That's exactly the reason."

"Old Puppet, then you go ahead and take a breath, I'll just make up for it."

Fang Che smiled.

He is also a person who does not stick to trivial matters.

After using the top magical power of [Ascension to Immortality], he is still in a weak state at this moment. Although the prototype of the magical power and the characteristics of the immortal elixir body allow the injuries and hidden dangers in his body to recover quickly, his strength, mana and spiritual consciousness are all recovering quickly. .

But recovery still takes some time.


After receiving the order, Shou Shanpup took action without hesitation.

In just a moment, Cang Lei was dying.

In front of beings like Shou Shanpuppet, Cang Lei and other geniuses on the Tianjiao List... have no power to fight back.

After all, the two sides are not opponents at the same level at all.

"Your Majesty the Holy Son, you still have some breath, so do it while it's hot."

The old puppet stopped his hand and stood aside respectfully.

Cang Lei fell to the ground, his eyes were lifeless, and he didn't even have the strength to move a finger.

He looked at Fang Che with difficulty.

His eyes were fixed on Fang Che.

Fang Che slowly stood up and walked step by step in front of Cang Lei.

His face was calm.

"If you have the ability... fight me openly again!"

Cang Lei said coldly with blood dripping from his mouth.

"Then you use the Golden Core Domain to suppress me?" Fang Che asked.

"If you don't use the domain, you will be beaten to death by me."

Cang Lei: "..."

What this guy said seems to be true.

Cang Lei's whole body trembled, and suddenly, a dark light flashed in his eyes.

A spear filled with overwhelming demonic aura sprang out from between his eyebrows, turned into a black light, and darted towards Fang Che's eyebrows as fast as black lightning!


Cang Lei's eyes were full of madness and he roared.

However, the old puppet standing aside with his hands down did not move at all.

It was as if he turned a blind eye to the black light bursting out from Cang Lei.

Fang Che was also very calm.

Just when the black light was about to burst into his eyebrows, he raised his hand and easily caught the black light with two fingers.

The black light dispersed...

It was actually an embroidery needle.

"The true devil's spear..."

Fang Che sighed softly.

"You actually used the Demonic Spear to kill me..."

"Thank you Lao Tie for the True Demon Spear."

Fang Che said softly.

Cang Lei's eyes widened, as if he didn't expect that his carefully planned move would be blocked... so easily.

"I said, without the Golden Core Domain, you will be beaten to death by me."

Fang Che raised his hand, demonic aura surged into the sky, and the Eight Desolate Demonic Spears emerged.

"Actually, with the Golden Core Domain, I should be able to kill you." Fang Che said after thinking for a moment.

The entangled demonic energy was like black lightning rolling and intertwining, and strong winds made Cang Lei, who fell on the ground, have his hair flying.

Cang Lei stared at the Bahuang True Demonic Spear in Fang Che's hand, and was speechless for a moment.

He could feel the difference in the true demon spear offered by Fang Che...

This is not the True Demon Spear!

This is a true magic weapon more powerful than the True Demon Spear!

Four…fourth-level magic weapon!


Why does this Blue Star monk master such a real magic weapon? !

If Fang Che could really control the fourth-level magic weapon, he might really be able to break through his domain.

Fang Che integrated the True Demon Spear enthusiastically sent by Cang Lei into the Bahuang True Demon Spear, and then flicked it with his finger.

The Bahuang True Demonic Spear turned into a streak of black light, intertwined with black lightning, and instantly spread into Cang Lei's eyebrows.

"Let's go while it's hot."

"I won't send it."


The divine light in Cang Lei's eyes dimmed instantly, and the vitality was extracted inch by inch. He was completely lifeless and fell completely.

The black light circled around and returned to float in Fang Che's palm.

The aura of the Bahuang True Demon Spear became more and more powerful, and it swallowed and fused another True Demon Spear. Now it has fused two True Demon Spears, and its power has become even more powerful.

Vaguely, the aura has reached the fourth-level mid-level level. If it can explode with all its strength, it will be extremely terrifying.

In fact, even if the guardian puppet did not take action, Fang Che was able to break through Cang Lei's golden elixir domain and survive with the power of this fourth-level magic weapon.

"It actually taught me a new method of manipulation."

Fang Che smiled, feeling unexpectedly happy.

Incorporate the Bahuang True Demonic Spear into the space of divine consciousness.

Within the consciousness space, around the dharma image of Angry Eyed King Sitting on the lotus platform, the Eight Desolate True Demonic Spears suddenly floated, and traces of breath surged out from the dharma image of Angry Eyed King Ming, containing the Eight Desolate True Demonic Spears.

Fang Che felt this and was slightly surprised.

But I didn’t think much about it.

The mind exits the consciousness space.

He glanced at Cang Lei's body and began to search the body with a familiarity. He took Cang Lei's storage magic weapon. His powerful spiritual consciousness controlled Ming Wang to directly break through the defense of the storage ring and began to count the treasures in it.

The collection that ranks 30th on the list of geniuses will definitely not disappoint him.

Shoushan Puppet seemed to sense the changes and ups and downs of Fang Che's emotions after observing the Cang Lei Storage Ring.

Old puppet: "..."


Can a golden elixir realm storage ring excite you?

This generation of Saints seems to be a little afraid of poverty.

"Your Highness, the collection of the Jindan realm is nothing."

"You have now comprehended the seventh level of the Wandao Sutra without using the enlightenment energy. You are qualified to enter the Wandao Sect's treasure hall, obtain the Wandao Sect's inheritance, and enjoy the benefits of the Saint Son. Do you want me to take you there?"

The old puppet said respectfully.

Fang Che pursed his lips when he heard this, and almost forgot about this wave of wealth.

"Of course, Your Highness, there are still some chores to deal with before you accept the inheritance."

The old puppet continued to be respectful, and then his eyes under the black robe turned and fell on the geniuses on the Tianjiao list.

Bai Lian of the White Demon Clan, Ao Hai of the Dragon Blood Clan, Cang Yu of the Demon Spirit Clan, and other foreign geniuses suddenly felt that the boundless death was looming over their heads.

"Your Highness, before you accept the inheritance, you need to decide whether these people stay or go, and whether they live or die. You need to decide whether to let them leave or let them die."

"These so-called geniuses on the genius list..."

"Whether they live or die, it all depends on your words."

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