Diligence can make up for one's shortcomings: Start by making up for one's natural spiritu

Chapter 270: Nine Mirrors of the Secret Field, Copy Field (1/2)

The whole ancient city was very quiet.

It was no exaggeration to say that you could hear a pin drop. Only the breeze that came from nowhere was blowing, blowing the rubble on the ground full of ruins after the battle, blowing the broken stones to roll and make friction sounds.

The geniuses present were all stunned and dared not breathe.

They stared with their eyes wide open, not knowing how to express their emotions at the moment. They looked at the two figures in the field with awe in their eyes.

Whether it was the mysterious strong man wrapped in a black robe or the handsome boy, they all showed horror and awe.

Of course, when the mountain guardian puppet of the Wandao Sect asked Fang Che how to deal with these geniuses.

All the geniuses on the Tianjiao list present had a shudder in their hearts.

It was like a sword suddenly hung on their hearts, making them feel cold all over, as if they were pushed close to death and could touch death at any time.

And the genius of the Demon Spirit Clan, Cang Lei, who ranked 30th on the genius battlefield genius list, was the one who ended up.

Everyone's eyes fell on Fang Che.

This young man, who was not valued by the geniuses at the beginning, has now become a crucial existence that can determine their life and death!

This change is really hard to accept.

Fang Che heard the words of Shoushan Kui and fell silent for a while, as if he was really thinking about this problem.

But in fact.

Fang Che was just observing the panel prompt that popped up in front of him.

"Ding! You fought a bloody battle with a late Jindan alien and successfully killed the opponent, diligence +10,000, special diligence (optional) +10,000..."

Cang Lei is indeed very strong, and the reward provided after being killed by him is also extremely generous.

At least in terms of diligence, he is the most generous one Fang Che has seen so far.

Whether it is 10,000 points of free diligence or 10,000 points of optional special diligence, it is the highest value.

In addition, isn't the optional special diligence equal to free diligence?

Fang Che had a smile on his lips, and a burning color emerged.

"Mystical power..."

Thinking of the terrifying improvement brought by ascending to the immortality.

Fang Che felt that he was more and more eager for real magical power.

The prototype of magical power also helped him a lot, allowing him to easily cross the border to fight.

However, against the existence of the same genius, he must use all the prototypes of magical power at the same time to barely cross the border to fight.

And the improvement brought by the real magical power is too great.

Fang Che also understood that the real magical power transformed from these prototypes of magical power is definitely not ordinary, and may be more powerful than ordinary magical power!

Sure enough, the panel product must be a fine product.

Fang Che naturally hopes that these fine products are as many as possible, and the appearance of these fine products is inseparable from diligence!

"Diligence... I need more diligence..."

"I'm still not diligent enough, I'm too lazy!"

Fang Che murmured.

To transform all the prototypes of magical powers into real magical powers and reach the level 6 talent, one needs a sea of ​​diligence...

Fang Che's current diligence is not enough.

He is too poor!


How to deal with these remaining geniuses?

Fang Che already has an idea in his mind.

There are still 28 remaining geniuses present, which is not a small number, but not a lot either.

But, you have to know that these people are all geniuses on the list of geniuses.

Fang Che touched his chin. If he let the mountain guarding puppet beat all these geniuses to death, and then Fang Che finished off.

After leaving the ancient city, when Fang Che receives the feedback of the genius energy, he will probably be able to make a great leap.


The diligence obtained in that way cannot be maximized, after all, there is no fierce battle.

It's just finishing off and picking up leaks, ugly and lazy...

The diligence given by the panel is probably just a sprinkle of water.

Fang Che doesn't need to do this.

The old puppet is very strong. The mountain-guarding puppet of the Wandao Sect has been immortal for a long time and probably has the combat power of the level of the God Transformation Venerable.

It is so powerful that it is not difficult to deal with this group of Jindan Tianjiao.

But relying on others will only make you lazy and lose your original intention of diligence.

The mountain-guarding puppet... is too dangerous!

Fang Che slowly stood up and twisted his neck.

The prototype of the magical power [Immortal Pill Body] gave him an extremely strong recovery ability. Now, in such a short time, the energy consumed by the battle with Cang Lei and the activation of the magical power [Immortality] in his body has been restored by 70% to 80%.

"Deal with it... Revenge those who have grudges, and resolve those who have grievances."

Fang Che said lightly, while moving his body.

After the battle with Cang Lei, the energy was exhausted and restored. This kind of recovery after consumption is equivalent to the tempering of the body.

The body has been slightly strengthened.

Although he couldn't even touch the shadow of the Seventh Heaven of the Eight Desolate Gods and Demons, the feeling of this improvement was refreshing.

The old puppet stood up, a little confused.

Fang Che looked at Yun Fei, one of the many geniuses.

This was an acquaintance, a genius from Blue Star, and had a very close relationship with Ya Fei.

Ya Fei was half his junior sister.


Yun Fei was one of us.

"Sister Yun Fei, make a list. The races of these geniuses should have some that are friendly with our Blue Star, right?"

"I won't deal with those that are friendly. As for those that have grudges with Blue Star, I will deal with them personally."

Fang Che made it clear.

Immediately, the faces of many talented people present changed drastically.

Among them, Bai Lian from the White Demon Clan, Ao Hai from the Dragon Blood Clan, and Cang Yu from the Demon Spirit Clan suddenly became extremely ugly.

When Yun Fei heard this, she was startled at first, and then her eyes couldn't help but reveal uncontrollable excitement.

What a great opportunity!

The genius who can kill the hostile forces of Blue Star!

If this news reaches Blue Star, all the major immortal sects in Blue Star will probably explode.

"Okay...ok! Leave it to me!"

Yun Fei took a deep breath, unable to conceal her excitement, and spoke.

She could not play a big role in helping Fang Che fight Cang Lei. She could do these small things without much pressure or difficulty.

The foreign forces that have good relations with Blue Star are actually easy to distinguish.

In fact, they had already been separated before. Most of the foreign geniuses who chose to follow and support Cang Lei were friends with the Demon Spirit Clan.

However, those who did not support Cang Lei and those who chose to join forces with Yun Fei were all on good terms with Blue Star.


Yun Fei quickly compiled the list and handed it to Fang Che.

"Your Highness, do you need me to take action?"

Seeing the list come out, the old puppet immediately spoke, intending to show his loyalty.

However, Fang Che shook his head: "There's no need to bother Senior, I'll do these things myself..."

Fang Che's eyes fell on Bai Lian.

"Come, fight with me, and if you defeat me, you will get a place to leave the ancient city."

Fang Che's eyes gradually became intense.

The fighting spirit slowly emerged, making his limbs and bones become hot.

The handsome man looked at Fang Che in astonishment.

What the hell?

Bai Lian thought that Fang Che was going to directly let Shou Shanpuppet, a terrifying being with the power to transform into a god, take action.

In that case, he wouldn't even be able to resist.

However, Fang Che actually...plans to fight him like he did with Cang Lei?

Bai Lian immediately understood...

Too arrogant...

However, Bai Lian knew that the Blue Star monk in front of him had arrogance.

This guy personally defeated Cang Lei!

Although they were quickly defeated after Cang Lei used the Golden Core Domain, at least one thing showed that Fang Che's combat power was absolutely formidable.

Without activating the field...

In a fight with Fang Che, he would most likely be beaten to death.

"Use your territory."

"Give it your all."

"For a chance to survive."

Fang Che spoke softly.

Bai Lian was startled, and the disbelief in her eyes became more intense.


Let him use the golden elixir field?

Although his cultivation level is not as good as Cang Lei's, he still has the sixth level of Golden Core!

Although it is not the late stage of Jin Dan, it is still at the peak of the middle stage of Jin Dan!

His golden elixir field is definitely not weak either.

However, the cautious Bai Lian did not dare to take action too easily. He subconsciously looked at Shou Shanpuppet wrapped in a black robe.

"Since His Highness the Holy Son has said so, let's use it."

Shoushanpuppet said in a deep voice.

Logically speaking, the domain is not allowed to be used within the ancient city.

But His Highness the Holy Son has spoken, and a slight change in the small rules is nothing.

"Come on, don't waste time, otherwise you can just go on your way."

Fang Che was also a little impatient.

These geniuses are all ready-made training objects, used to improve their fighting skills and so on, no matter when.

It's rare to have so many sparring partners, how can we waste them?

These geniuses didn't dare to kill him. After all, they were counting on him, Fang Che, to open the gate of the ancient city and let them leave.

So, using it as a sparring partner... is really great.

Diligence is not mindless diligence, and it does not mean that there are conditions for diligence at any time and at any time.

Sometimes, the prerequisite for diligence is to test yourself to create and grasp it!

When Bai Lian heard this, it suddenly became clear.

He didn't hesitate anymore, the sixth level of Jindan's aura was released, and the Jindan field was instantly opened.

The blood in Fang Che's body is boiling, the Eight Desolate Gods and Demons are activated, his body is rising, fighting spirit is boiling, and his energy and blood are like smoke!

He stepped down, like a madman, excited and fanatical, and slammed into Bai Lian's domain.

An hour later.

In his immortal state, Fang Che's silver hair was flying, and his eyes were shining with brilliant golden light. He hit Bai Lian's jaw hard with an elbow, causing Bai Lian's entire jaw to explode.

A terrifying hand grasped his neck.

The other fist instantly pierced his chest and passed through his body, bringing with it a spray of blood.

The white demon clan is not good at physical torture. They have made great achievements in magic.

However, I met a reckless man!

Unparalleled in physical form and invincible in defense, they are even more terrifying than the Demon Spirit Clan.

At first, Bai Lian's domain was able to suppress Fang Che, but gradually Fang Che began to become familiar with the power of this domain.

at last……

Counterattack was achieved.

Bai Lian's mouth was bleeding, and her handsome face was full of distortion.

He was a little crazy, struggling, wailing in pain...

There is a sense of despair that one's dignity has been severely trampled on.

Why would he accept such a fight?

It would be better to die directly in the hands of the Lord Huashen to be dignified and valuable!

Being ravaged to death by a being whose cultivation was so much weaker than mine...

It’s so miserable!

"It's a pity that you didn't seize the opportunity."

Fang Che said indifferently.

Then, he crushed Bai Lian's head.

"Ding! You fought a bloody battle with a sixth-level Jindan alien and successfully killed him. Diligence +6000, special diligence (optional) +5000..."

The panel prompt popped up, which meant that Bai Lian was dead.

Fang Che retreated from the immortal state, and fatigue suddenly covered his body like a spring.

However, compared with the battle with Cang Lei, the consumption was not too great.

Of course, Fang Che was also adapting to the power control of the immortal state.

"Sure enough, the diligence has become less... because the battle intensity is not enough."

"Compared with the 46th and 30th of the Tianjiao list, the gap is still a bit big."

Fang Che frowned, a little disappointed.

But soon, this disappointment disappeared.

He began to summarize the gains of this battle.

"Ding! The nine mirrors of the field are triggered, detecting the replicable field, do you want to copy?"

In front of him, there was a rather unfamiliar panel prompt.

Fang Che's eyes condensed slightly, staring in astonishment.

Then he realized that when he killed the Jindan cultivator for the first time, he was rewarded with [Nine Domain Mirrors]. He didn't expect that a prompt would appear at this time.


Fang Che skillfully picked up Bai Lian's storage magic weapon and put it away.

He then sat cross-legged and began to recover the consumption of [Ascension].

While studying the Nine Domain Mirrors.

This thing is a reward provided by the panel. At first, he didn't pay attention to it, and didn't take it too seriously.

Now, he is curious.

After closing his eyes, he touched the Nine Domain Mirrors.

He can sense his body, as if nine translucent mirrors appeared in the air.

The mirrors seemed to distort time and space.

After studying for a while, Fang Che opened his eyes, and his eyes flashed with strange colors.

"Nine Domain Mirrors, one mirror for one domain, can copy nine domains..."

"This is... a secret method."

Fang Che took a deep breath.

Secret methods are also precious.

A good secret method is even more precious, and can play an effect that is not inferior to magical powers.

Unexpectedly, the Nine Domain Mirrors is also a secret method.

Nine domains can be copied for your own use.

"However, each mirror can only copy one domain. After copying, other domains cannot be copied..."

"So the choice of domain is very important."

"This white demon clan is too weak, much weaker than Cang Lei. Cang Lei's domain should be good, but unfortunately I have no chance to copy it. This Bai Lian's domain... is too lousy and not worthy of being copied by me."

Fang Che smiled and refused to copy.

Since he knew the effect of the secret method of domain nine mirrors, Fang Che naturally wanted to stack this secret method to the strongest state. If there was room for choice, he would definitely choose the best.

Fang Che was not in a hurry.

Because Cang Lei was only the 30th on the Tianjiao list, there were 29 Tianjiaos who were stronger than him...

The domains of those Tianjiaos were definitely stronger than Cang Lei!

We will meet them in the future and have the opportunity to copy them!

Good domains are included, and garbage domains are naturally rejected.

When hearing the unwilling and desperate roar of Bai Lian's death, the corners of the mouths of the surrounding Tianjiao twitched, and they looked at Fang Che with horror.

What kind of sick Tianjiao is this?

So cruel!

He actually chose to torture his opponent to death!

Yun Fei was a little dazed, and her face was a little strange.

Why is it so?

Is Fang Che deliberately humiliating these foreign Tianjiao?

However, Yun Fei felt that Fang Che was not a person with such a bad taste. Recalling the burning and excitement in Fang Che's eyes, it was a very pure purity.

There was no sick pleasure brought by playing with and humiliating Tianjiao...


Fang Che just wanted to fight with these Tianjiao and use their strength to train himself?

In the battle with Bai Lian, Fang Che looked like a cultivator who found a sparring partner in the training ground...

Fang Che is so strong... He still remembers to sharpen himself and practice diligently? !

Yun Fei took a deep breath...

Are all the Tianjiao of Daxia Xianmen so arrogant now?

Half an hour later.

Fang Che opened his eyes and exhaled, and his immortal body quickly recovered.

Now his state has been fully restored.

He slowly stood up, the Eight Desolate Gods and Demons opened, his muscles squirmed, and the inverted triangle devil's back roared like a dragon, his body rose up, and he was as sturdy as a mountain.

His eyes full of oppression swept and fell on Ao Hai of the Dragon Blood Clan.


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