Immortal Gate Fragment Continent No. 6, Suzaku Immortal City.

Guarding Mansion, this mansion is where the two Nascent Soul monks stay in the Immortal City.

At this moment, in the mansion, the two Nascent Soul monks Que Ling and Master Que Huo both looked ugly, and their eyes were full of deep regret.

"Fang Che's name disappeared from the preliminary list of the Talented List..."

"Moreover, many names on the list of geniuses have disappeared, including Cang Lei at the 30th place, Bailian at the 46th place, and Ao Hai from the Dragon Blood Tribe..."

"Too many have disappeared. This wave... is almost a purge. The list of geniuses has been purged."

"The disappearance of a name from the list of geniuses means... death and removal from the list of geniuses."

Master Que Ling was wearing a red Taoist robe and his face was extremely ugly.

He admired Fang Che very much, but now, even he had to admit that Fang Che's name disappeared from the preliminary list but never appeared on the list of geniuses. What did it mean...

"This time, something happened to the ruins of Wandao Sect. Too many geniuses died... News came from Xuanwu Immortal City that Yun Fei, the genius of the Baiting Immortal Sect, walked out of the ruins of Wandao Sect alive, like I suffered some kind of shock, so I went into seclusion to practice as soon as I came back.”

"Yunfei must have seen Fang Che in the ruins. Now that she has returned, there is still no trace of Fang Che... Sigh."

Master Quehuo sighed, what a pity, God is jealous of talents.

There is no doubt about Fang Che's talent, and his future ceiling is extremely high. He is likely to be the seedling of the Reverend God Transformation.

However, such a seedling, such a genius, died before he could grow up.

But this is the cruelty of the genius battlefield, anything can happen at any time.

Even if you are a genius, you may die due to accidents.

Cang Lei, who was ranked 30th on the Prodigy List of the Demon Spirit Tribe, is dead. It can be said that this ruins of Wandao Sect are the most dangerous among the ruins of the Genius Battlefield that have been opened in so many years.

"No... I still want to ask Yun Fei specifically. She must know something. I still can't accept the result of Fang Che dying like this."

Master Que Ling felt very uncomfortable. He couldn't accept it and didn't want to admit this fact.

Like a shooting star streaking across the sky, only a moment of youthful genius is displayed. What a pity.

"He is Mr. Pei's disciple and half of Yun Qinglian's disciple... We'd better pass the news back and let them understand and search for the truth."

Master Quehuo said softly.

Master Que Ling clenched his fists, full of regret, but could not say anything.

After all, they are just the guards of Suzaku Immortal City. They cannot leave Suzaku Immortal City easily. The only thing they can do is to summon people.

When Su Shangshang received the news, he was in a trance, a little confused, and a little stunned.

The news from Xuanwu Fairy City made him numb.


What's the point of mourning? !

Su Shangxing felt a little cold. A monk with perfect golden elixir actually felt a biting chill all over his body, sweeping in from all directions and covering his body.

"Fang could he die?"

"I do not believe."

Su Shangxing shook his head.

He didn't believe that Fang Che would die in the ruins.

However, there is no name on the list of geniuses, and the names on the preliminary list have also disappeared...

What this means, no matter how much Fang Che trusts Su Shangxing, it is a little hard to accept it at this moment, and some people dare not imagine it deeply.

Su Shangxing received a message from Master Quehuo and asked him to send the news back to the capital of Blue Star Daxia.

Tell Mr. Pei and Yun Qinglian, maybe these two will be able to find Yun Fei from the Ross family and find out clear information.

Su Shangxing finally came to his senses, his face was heavy, and without any hesitation, he immediately stepped into the teleportation formation and teleported back to Xiaju University in the Imperial Capital.

As soon as he came out of Xiaju University's teleportation formation, he didn't hesitate at all, and directly burst out with his unique aura of golden elixir perfection, and the gorgeous sword light rushed into the sky, spanning the sky.

Boom boom boom!

Just when Su Shangxing's breath burst out, somewhere in Xiaju University, a pair of eyes opened.

A figure snorted coldly, and a baby body with a long glow swayed out, and slapped a palm in the void with its bare hands.

The huge palms moved overwhelmingly towards Su Shangxing, covering and suppressing him.

"How can you be so presumptuous in Xiaju University?!"

Su Shangshang's eyes turned slightly red and he quickly explained the situation.

"I want to find the Qinglian Saint Hand!"

Yun Qinglian is half of Fang Che's teacher, so she should be able to get the message.


The Nascent Soul cultivator who took action changed slightly.

He had also heard of the name Fang Che. Xiaju University had promised a lot of benefits and had admitted this student but treated him like an ace.

I have high hopes for him and feel that Fang Che will definitely grow up in the future and be on the list of geniuses.

But now, something like this happened.

Master Nascent Soul understood the seriousness of the matter: "Is the news true?"

Su Shangshang's face was heavy, his eyes were red, and he was breathing heavily: "The news came from Xuanwu Fairy City to Suzaku Fairy City, and they asked us to express our condolences..."

Su Shangxing had just finished speaking.

Then there was a terrifying aura coming across, like a brilliant star appearing across the starry sky in an instant.

They were three figures, with extremely powerful auras, dazzling eyes and brilliant divine light.

The first person to come was Gao Jiuguang, the president of Xiaju University, followed by Zhao Huaiming, the dean of academic affairs, and finally Yun Qinglian, the alchemy master in red robe.

"Xiao Su, calm down and tell us everything in detail."

Principal Gao Jiuguang put his hands behind his back and looked calm, asking Su Shangxing to calm down and let him explain the situation in detail.

Under the care of the strong aura of an infant-turned-powerful person, Su Shangshang's mood gradually stabilized and he began to describe the situation in detail.

After hearing this, the three strong men looked at each other.

"What do you think about this matter?"

Gao Jiuguang looked at Yun Qinglian. Fang Che was Yun Qinglian's half disciple. Yun Qinglian's opinion played a big role in recruiting Fang Che to Xiaju University in advance.

"Don't worry, Fang Che won't die that easily. I'll go find Mr. Pei and pay a visit to the Ross family."

Yun Qinglian's face was calm, but she didn't have much emotional ups and downs.

But the cold look in the depths of her beautiful eyes showed that she was in an extremely bad mood at the moment.

After the words were finished, red clouds filled the sky, and Yun Qinglian rose directly across the sky.

It swept away with great momentum towards the outside of Xiaju University.

In Xiaju University, monks are actually prohibited from flying across the sky, but under the current situation, neither the principal Gao Jiuguang nor the academic director Zhao Huaiming would say anything.

"What do you think? Fang Che...has he really fallen?"

Gao Jiuguang looked at Zhao Huaiming, the academic director.

Zhao Huaiming clasped his hands behind his back and shook his head: "Not necessarily... We shouldn't rush to a conclusion and let Mr. Pei and Qinglian go and ask for details, otherwise it will be interesting to make a mistake."

"I have seen this little guy Fang Che. He is so talented... he will not die so easily."

Gao Jiuguang smiled: "I think so too."

Mr. Pei's mansion.

When Yun Qinglian came without concealing her aura, the expression of Master Ma, who was copying Mr. Pei's quotations, changed slightly.

For Yun Qinglian to have such mood swings, it was obvious that something was unusual.

Master Ma stood up and rushed towards the Xianting where Mr. Pei was.

When he arrived, Yun Qinglian was already sitting across from Mr. Pei.

Mr. Pei drank the green tea in the cup and raised his eyebrows slightly: "Dead?"

"What a joke, how could my good disciple Pei Donglai die so easily?"

Mr. Pei shook his head and said calmly.

He left so many talismans at the bottom of the box for Fang Che that he could easily escape even if he encountered a Nascent Soul cultivator.

And if Fang Che uses those talismans, he will feel something, but Fang Che has not used them...

This shows that we have not encountered an irresistible crisis that requires us to escape...

Even if he encounters a powerful person who transforms into gods, with Fang Che's temperament, it is impossible to capture him without mercy. He will definitely use the talisman to try to escape. He can't just stand and wait for death, right? Not even trying?

Although he couldn't escape, he could sense it after using the talisman.

How could he die if he didn't even use his escape talisman?

"The news from that girl in the Ross family?"

Mr. Pei narrowed his eyes. The authenticity of the news had not yet been determined. He did not believe that Fang Che had died like this.

He has been causing trouble for thousands of years, and that kid even dares to cause trouble to the Reverend God Transformation... He won't die that easily.

The next moment, with a powerful movement of consciousness, a beautiful figure appeared in the courtyard with a dazed face.

It was Yafei who was practicing in Mr. Pei's mansion.

Yafei comes from the Ross family and still hasn't figured out what happened.

In the distance, a figure rushed over quickly with a face full of anxiety and fear. It was Yafei's protector, Ott.

At this moment, Ott sensed that Yafei had been detained by Mr. Pei with his great supernatural powers, but he did not dare to express his anger and did not dare to ask anything.

"Girl, are you from the Ross family? Just in time, come and accompany me. You will be responsible for spreading rumors..."

Mr. Pei stood up slowly. In an instant, the entire mansion was shaking, as if the entire capital was trembling.

In Kyoto, even the powerful Nascent Soul felt extremely depressed at this moment, as if a sleeping god opened his eyes and came to life.

At this moment, the power of becoming a god swept across the world!


In Kyoto, another powerful will to transform into gods has also revived.

Mr. Pei didn't explain anything. He grabbed Yafei with his bare hands and walked away across the void in an instant. Only the aftermath of the terrifying aura still lingered in the imperial capital.

Over the Imperial Capital.

A slender and young figure stood with his hands behind his hands, frowning slightly as he watched Mr. Pei carrying Yafei away.

Pei Donglai, a new god in Daxia Immortal Sect, what could happen to make a god-incarnation so agitated?

Fang Che didn't know the situation outside.

At this moment, he followed the mountain guard and came to the depths of the ancient city, to an extremely luxurious ancient palace.

Climbing slowly along the long and narrow white jade stairs, I reached the highest point. What I saw... was a large milky white pool, with a rich mist of air rolling in the pool.

"What's this?"

Fang Che's eyes fell on the pool, and his heart was slightly shaken. He could feel that the pool seemed to be exuding an inexplicable attraction, as if it was trying to completely attract his consciousness.

Shoushan Puppet was wrapped in a black robe and said respectfully: "This is the Wandao Sect's 'Washing Pond'. During the heyday of Wandao Sect, it was a treasured place that all disciples yearned for. Disciples can undergo baptism in the Baptism Pond and be able to sort out their own practice." , wash away the hidden wounds in the body and the acne on the path of spiritual practice.”

"This is also the greatest treasure of Wandao Sect."

"The Taoist Washing Pool contains the dying will of the successive sect masters of the Wandao Sect. Only those who have cultivated the Wandao Sutra to the fifth level are qualified to enter the Taoist Washing Pool and receive appreciation and gifts from the sect masters of the past generations."

The gaze of the mountain guard under the black robe was a little fanatical.

When Fang Che heard this, he couldn't help but take a deep breath.

"The dying will of the successive heads of Wandao Sect?"

"Can I ask, what is the level of cultivation of the master of Wandao Sect?" Fang Che was a little curious.

Shou Shanpuppet laughed and responded proudly: "Your Highness the Holy Son, although Wan Dao Sect has disappeared in the long river of history and has long lost its former prestige, however, during the heyday of Xianmen, Wan Dao Sect was also a member of the Xianmen Continent. The top sect is the strongest sect under the three holy lands."

"The disciples of the sect travel across the Immortal Continent and are so famous that no one dares to look down upon them."

"The Ten Thousand Dao Sect has been inherited for 38,200 years, and those who can ascend to the throne of the sect have all reached the realm of overcoming the tribulation. As long as they successfully overcome the tribulation, they can ascend to the Canglan Immortal Realm, pursue a deeper path, achieve immortality, and live forever. Long time watching.”

Shou Shanpuppet's voice became a little ethereal.

Fang Che felt a little dazed after hearing this...

"Overcoming the tribulation..."

Fang Che took a deep breath.

"The state after becoming a god?" Fang Che's eyes flashed with curiosity.

Because, even in Blue Star, the highest realm... seems to be just becoming a god.

I don’t know if the races such as the Demon Spirit Tribe, the White Demon Tribe, and the Dragon Blood Tribe, which occupy the fragmented continent where the Immortal Sect originated, were born above the gods, but I guess not.

If there is, the Blue Star monks who have been competing with them in the Immortal Sect Fragments battlefield all year round will definitely suffer disaster.

After hearing Fang Che's words, Shoushan Puppet shook his head: "The road to immortality is long and bumpy. What practitioners in the world pursue is nothing more than to ascend to immortality."

"Although becoming a god is pretty good, there is still a long way to go before overcoming the tribulation."

"Beyond the God Transformation is the Xia Ju. After the Xia Ju, you can ascend to the sky and overcome the tribulation. If you successfully overcome the tribulation, you can ascend, cross the void, transcend the burdens of the world, and go straight to the Canglan Immortal Realm."

After all, Shoushan Puppet was a member of the top sect in the past. He was rich in knowledge, and he had all this knowledge about cultivation at his fingertips.

When Fang Che heard this, he suddenly realized, his eyes were shining, and deep in his heart was an endless yearning.

It turns out that after transforming into a god, there are three realms: Xiaju, transcending tribulation, and ascension.

I wonder if the strong ones among the Blue Star monks know the subsequent realm?

I think I probably know it, but these realms have not been announced.

Fang Che has only just established his foundation now, and he can be regarded as a golden elixir cultivator including his physical body, but... he is far away from becoming a god, let alone the more advanced realms such as Xiaju and transcending tribulations.

"Some are diligent... Only with a diligent heart can we hike up and reach the top one step at a time."

Fang Che couldn't help but said softly.

When Shou Shanpuppet heard these words, he couldn't help but became speechless: "His Royal Highness the Holy Son said something different..."

"On the road to cultivating immortality, talent is the most important, and diligence is just the icing on the cake. If talent is insufficient, even if you use all your strength to work hard, it will be difficult to see the ladder to the sky in the end, and it is rare for Xiaguang to support you."

Fang Che nodded when he heard the words, but did not refute.

Suddenly, Fang Che thought of something and asked: "Senior Old Puppet, Wan Dao Sect is so powerful... There are three major holy places in the Immortal Continent, and there is also a top-notch first-class sect like Wan Dao Sect. Why did it fall apart? Now it is broken into Countless wrecks?”

This is something that Fang Che and even the entire Blue Star monks are curious about.

Perhaps, the confusion can be clarified today.

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