Diligence can make up for one's shortcomings: Start by making up for one's natural spiritu

Chapter 273: The Wrathful King is summoned. How should you respond? (1/2)


A terrifying aura stretched across the sky above the Blue Star, and a red cloud covered the sky and the sun. It was a fifth-level magic weapon, controlled by a Divine Transformation cultivator, and its power was unparalleled!

On the red cloud, Old Pei stood with his hands behind his back, his beard and hair flying, his eyes bursting with extremely brilliant light, indifferent to everything.

Yafei stood on the red cloud obediently, not daring to breathe.

She already knew what happened.

At this moment, her mind was still suffering from a violent shock, a little confused, a little dazed.

Junior Brother Fang Che... died?

No wonder the teacher made such a big fuss, what kind of talent did Fang Che have... Yafei knew very well that Fang Che was different from her, and was Old Pei's real closed disciple.

So, Fang Che died in battle, and it was normal for Old Pei to make such a fuss.

The tyrannical aura stretched across, and in less than half a day, it arrived at the ancestral land of the Ross family of Baiting Xianmen.

Boom! ! !

In the Ross family, there was also a god-transforming master who opened his eyes, and the powerful power of his consciousness filled the world.

"Pei Donglai, what are you doing?"

"Arresting my Ross family disciple and asking for punishment?"

A figure full of holy light rose from the Ross family's ancestral land, and one piece after another of brilliant white feathers condensed by magic power flew across the sky and earth.

The god-transforming master who was in charge of the Ross family's ancestral land had many wings on his back and looked at Pei Lao indifferently.

Two unique auras of god-transforming collided with each other.

Of course, Pei Lao was not in a hurry to take action. He came here just to ask clearly and wanted to know what happened.

Yun Fei of the Ross family, as the only Blue Star cultivator who survived the ruins, must know Fang Che's situation.

Even if Fang Che died, Pei Donglai needed to know how he died.

As his disciple, Pei Donglai, he couldn't die inexplicably, right?

The originally tense atmosphere was slightly eased by the communication between the two Transformation Gods.

After all, it was known that Pei Donglai, the newly promoted Transformation God of Daxia Xianmen, was not here to provoke, but only to inquire about the situation.

Then there was room for handling.

At the level of Transformation Gods, each of them is the pillar of the Xianmen. Once a dispute arises, it will be disastrous.

They will not fight easily.

"Yun Fei?"

"She is now in Xuanwu Xiancheng. I will contact her with a secret method to ask..."

The ancestor of the Ross family stood across the sky, with a majestic aura, constantly falling, and responded lightly.

The next moment, he raised his hand, and a smooth feather grew on his crystal palm.

The feather flicked lightly, flew up in an instant, and disappeared into the sky.



Xuanwu Xiancheng.

Yun Fei, who was in retreat and stimulated by Fang Che, suddenly opened her eyes, and a burning sensation surged in her dantian.

The next moment, he turned his head and looked into the distance.

Then he saw a piece of smooth feather flying across, completely condensed by spiritual consciousness, full of vast power.


Yun Fei saw this flying feather, his face changed slightly, and he was surprised.

What kind of wind actually attracted the ancestors.

The smooth feather suddenly spread out, turning into countless light particles, slowly condensing into a vague figure.

The figure spoke softly and asked Yun Fei about the ruins of Wandao Sect.

Yun Fei was stunned. Just for this matter, so many troops were mobilized?

Yun Fei took a deep breath. Because he was stimulated by Fang Che, he buried his head in hard training as soon as he came back.

But he forgot to report the matter of Wandao Sect.

This Wandao Sect ruins is not the same as the records in the classics.

Wandao Sect is not a second-grade sect in the records of the classics, but a first-grade sect, and the recognized personal disciples can be called the Son of God!

What is a Saint Son? Not all disciples of the major sects are qualified to be called Saint Sons. Only those top sects, the three holy land-level sects, are qualified to establish Saint Sons!

Wan Dao Sect is extraordinary. It is the top immortal cultivation force in the Immortal Gate Era!

"We'll talk about this later. I want to know, have you seen a foundation-building cultivator named Fang Che in the ruins of Wan Dao Sect?"

"Did he die there?"

The figure of the Ross family ancestor was blurred, but he spoke in a deep voice.

It was able to make Pei Donglai, the newly promoted God of Incarnation, come with a large army.

This disciple named Fang Che is definitely Pei Donglai's most precious disciple. This matter can be big or small, but for the sake of a God of Incarnation, it still needs to be clarified.


Yun Fei sat cross-legged in the practice room. When he heard the question from his own God of Incarnation ancestor, he was immediately confused.

What is this?

Fang Che died?

How could he die? This guy was the ruthless man who beat Cang Lei to death, and he also killed more than a dozen foreign Jindan cultivators by himself.

How could he die?

However, Yun Fei was not stupid. After thinking about it carefully, she seemed to understand what happened.

She walked out of the Wandao Sect ruins safely, but Fang Che did not return, and his name disappeared from the Tianjiao Ranking Preliminary List...

Therefore, the outside world thought that Fang Che had an accident.

Yun Fei was a little amused.

"Ancestor, don't worry, Fang Che is fine, he is fine. The reason why he didn't come out is because he got a great opportunity in the Wandao Sect ruins."

"I was waiting in the Ten Thousand Dao Sect to comprehend the Ten Thousand Dao Sutra. I needed to comprehend the fifth level of the Ten Thousand Dao Sutra before I could leave the ruins of the ancient city. However, Fang Che directly comprehended the seventh level of the Ten Thousand Dao Sutra and was captured by the guardian puppet in the ruins. I thought that the Holy Son might be receiving the inheritance now..."

Yun Fei did not hide anything, and told in detail what happened in the ruins of Wandao Sect.

The ancestor of the Ross family couldn't help but fall silent when he heard this.

"I see, that's good."

"It's considered an explanation."

After finishing his words, countless mana particles dispersed and disappeared without a trace.

Yun Fei shook her head and continued to immerse herself in the cultivation state.

The ancestral home of the Ross family.

Ancestor Ross opened his eyes and looked at Mr. Pei. There was a touch of weirdness in his eyes, and among the weirdness, there was also a touch of envy.

According to Yun Fei's description, Fang Che's talents displayed in the ruins were extremely terrifying, and his understanding was beyond words. He was even recognized by the ancient ruins of Wandao Sect and became its holy son.

Although Wandao Sect has been destroyed for a long time, even becoming its holy son will not have much effect, but this is after all a recognition of his talent.

After telling the matter again, the serious look on Mr. Pei's face slowly dissipated.

Because Fang Che accepted the inheritance of Wandao Sect and never came out of the ruins, he was deemed dead.

It turned out that it was just an own mistake.

It was just a false alarm.

Ancestor Ross looked at Elder Pei and smiled: "Venerable Donglai, you have come here. It's a rare visit, so let's talk about it together, right?"

Knowing that Fang Che was safe, Mr. Pei became less aggressive and his attitude became much more relaxed.

Nor did he refuse the invitation from Ancestor Ross.

When you reach the realm of becoming gods, there are very few beings who can communicate and improve with each other.

Therefore, Blue Star’s deity-incarnation venerables are all connected with each other and share their cultivation experiences together.

Beside the huge pool covered with white jade stones.

The Shoushan puppet, wrapped in a black robe, heard Fang Che's inquiry, and his eyes flickered under the hood of the black robe.

Finally, he let out a long sigh, feeling inexplicable fear.

"Your Highness the Holy Son... you don't need to know about this now. Unless you can reach the realm of transcending tribulation, otherwise... there is no benefit in knowing such secrets."

In the end, Shoushan Puppet did not explain to Fang Che the reason why the Xianmen Continent was broken.

It is extremely taboo for this reason.

Fang Che felt a little regretful.

The Xianmen Continent is broken into countless pieces, split into ten origin fragments, thirty-six caves, seventy-two blessed lands...

And every fragment creates a powerful race.

Even, a fragment of the Immortal Sect floated into the sky above Blue Star, allowing Blue Star to enter the era of immortal cultivation.

It can be said that in its heyday, the unbroken Xianmen Continent was unimaginably powerful.

"In fact, the old slave doesn't know much. The disaster happened too fast that year, and the Immortal Continent was shattered. As a guardian of the mountain, the old slave fell into a deep sleep early. He only knows that the disaster was related to the monks overcoming the disaster. It’s related to the Canglan Immortal Realm after ascension.”

The eyes under the old puppet's hood were flickering red.

When Fang Che heard this, he couldn't help but take a deep breath: "Is it related to the fairy world?"

Then this matter is really not simple.

"Okay, Your Highness, don't ask these questions anymore... Please enter the Ten Thousand Dao Pond. The will of all the sect masters of the past generations is in the Mire Remaining Pond. Your Highness will definitely gain a lot."

Shou Shanpuppet said.

When Fang Che heard this, he had no objection.

He looked at the huge pool. There was dense gas rolling in the pool, and it seemed that he could hear the sound of gurgling water.

"In the pool, there are medicinal materials that Wan Dao Sect has put into it for generations. Unfortunately, since the Xianmen Continent was broken and Wan Dao Sect fell silent, very few medicinal materials have been put into it. The medicinal properties in Wan Dao Pond have faded a lot, but , it should be enough for His Majesty the Holy Son today.”

Watching Fang Che watch Wandao Pond, Shou Shanpup opened his mouth to explain.

Wandao Pond is the sacred object of Wandao Sect. In its heyday, it was the holy land pursued by countless Wandao Sect disciples.

It has special effects such as improving spiritual practice, repairing hidden wounds on the body, and improving perception.

It is also possible to obtain tailor-made practice methods by soaking in medicinal liquid.

It is an extremely precious place of opportunity.

Even when the Wandao Sect was at its peak, the opening of the Wandao Pond was an extremely grand event. Basically, the Wandao Pond was opened every three years.

Every time it is opened, countless disciples will fight for their heads.

Except for the Holy Son and the Saint, there are only three other places to enter the Ten Thousand Dao Pond.

Therefore, the quota to enter the Ten Thousand Dao Pond to practice is extremely precious.

Fang Che didn't hesitate anymore and took off his shirt, revealing his perfect body without any fat. Every inch of his muscles was as if perfectly carved by God holding a knife and axe.

Blah blah blah...

Slowly entering the pool, the dense air was torn away.

Fang Che's body gradually filled the pool. When his feet felt the warm liquid, a surge of energy immediately poured into his body along the liquid.

The flesh and blood began to roar, and the Dantian began to surge!

Fang Che's eyes were bright, and his consciousness began to vibrate slightly!

"What pure energy!"

Fang Che took a deep breath.

And it is extremely easy to absorb. Just touching the flesh and blood, these pure energy will penetrate into his body along the pores, increasing the energy in his body!

Gulu gulu...

The water surged up, and the colorful rays of light suddenly shone out from the white jade pool, like the endless rays of light dyeing the sky red.

Slowly, Fang Che's body completely submerged under the pool, and the entire ancient city returned to silence.

On the shore of the white jade pool.

The old puppet, wrapped in a black robe, stood quietly, watching Fang Che disappear into the pool. After a long time, he murmured slightly.

"I don't know how many sect masters your Highness can inspire... I wonder if your Highness can be recognized by the sect masters of all generations and obtain the Holy Body of Ten Thousand Daos..."

The old man sighed softly.

Years change and time flies.

The efficacy of the medicine in the current pool is already too weak. I wonder if another Ten Thousand Dao Holy Body can be created.

I don’t know if Wandao Sect’s hope of reviving will come back.

Fang Che felt his body being completely enveloped by the warm water.

But he could still breathe easily through his mouth and nose, and he didn't feel suffocated at all.

It was as if he and these currents were integrated into one, and with every breath he could even harness the majestic medicinal properties and energy contained in the currents to wash his body.

This feeling is like returning to the mother's body and bathing in the amniotic fluid.

The flesh and blood squirmed, and every inch of skin was greedily devouring the energy in the pool and undergoing transformation.

The soothing feeling caused the consciousness in Fang Che's Niwan Palace to surge slightly and began to float out and into the pool.

Divine consciousness left the body, emitting light, floating above Fang Che.

Vaguely, Fang Che sensed streams of light flashing continuously in the pool.

Slowly, a stream of light stopped in front of Fang Che.

Buzz buzz...

Fang Che opened his eyes and looked around, and saw that the stream of light turned into a humanoid figure.

"Little guy, relax, I am the third generation leader of Wandao Sect. I can use your skills and raise your doubts. I can answer your doubts and check for your deficiencies..."

The figure spoke to Fang Che with a gentle voice and a smile.

The sound passes through the water, soothing the consciousness like a warm spring breeze, making people relax involuntarily.

Fang Che immediately understood that this should be what the old puppet said, one of the wills of the past sect masters in Wandao Pond.

Every master of the Wandao Sect who can leave his will in the pool has reached the level of transcending tribulation!

He even once ascended to the Canglan Immortal Realm and is still alive in the world!

Fang Che was sitting upright in the pool, his hair swaying like waterweed.

But his face became extremely solemn.

He began to talk about the foundation-building method he practiced.

Those who have now reached the Golden Crow realm of Seven Yangs can use the Golden Crow Nine Yang Sutra.

This is the best foundation-building method included in Blue Star.

When it started operating, seven golden crows of blazing suns rose up like the sun, bursting out with brilliant light behind Fang Che.

"The ultimate foundation-building method...not bad, not bad..."

The light and shadow looked at Fang Che's current situation, but they couldn't help but admire him.

Then he began to give instructions and pointed out some flaws in the process of running the Golden Crow Nine Yang Sutra. Fang Che felt suddenly after hearing the words. After making up for and modifying the flaws, the method became smoother.

The magic power in the body surges, the Golden Crow cries loudly, and the sun shines across the sky!

The entire pool seemed to be glowing with brilliant golden light!

Fang Che's mood was agitated, it was simply a good place for people to work hard!

A powerful immortal cultivator who has transcended the tribulation realm, he is definitely a famous teacher!

Fang Che has always loved the famous teacher very much. Since he loves him, he naturally wants to ask more questions to show respect!

The third generation leader of Wandao Sect talked eloquently, making up for the shortcomings in Fang Che's method and answering Fang Che's doubts about his practice.

However, Fang Che had too many questions. Fortunately, the will of the third generation leader of the Wandao Sect was the will of the Tribulation Monk after all, so it was not difficult at all to answer Fang Che's questions.

boom! ! !

The Dharma Gate was operating, and the majestic spiritual energy gathered, and Fang Che suddenly realized something.

Another round of golden crows rises into the sky, and the scorching sun rises across the sky!

Under the guidance of the sect leader's will, Fang Che's cultivation actually achieved a breakthrough and reached the eighth level of foundation building!

"Go on, show us all the other methods, and ask any questions you may have. Whether it's foundation-building methods, fighting spells, or spiritual questions, we will answer your questions."

The figure transformed by the sect master's will said with a smile.

Fang Che's eyes brightened when he heard this.

Is it also possible to have questions about spiritual consciousness?

There was no hesitation.

Fang Che's mind moved, and suddenly...

Niwan Palace was shaken.

A divine consciousness and dharma image emerged boldly.

Sitting on the golden lotus, pinching fingers, glaring, and calling to God!

This is... a visualization of the Angry Eyed King!

Sect Master, please clarify my doubts!

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