Diligence can make up for one's shortcomings: Start by making up for one's natural spiritu

Chapter 274: The 81st Divine Treasure Meridian Opening Method, Immortal Initial Infant Method (1/2)

boom! ! !

Fang Che's eyebrows cracked, and powerful spiritual consciousness spread out waves, and then light flowed, and the divine consciousness appeared behind him!

Golden Lotus, Buddha Seal, and Angry Eyes are none other than the King of Angry Eyes!

The Dharma Appearance exudes the radiance of divine consciousness, and the light spreads across Fang Che's back, like a mirage-like shadow, extremely majestic and majestic.

Those angry eyes looked down, as if full of real vitality, spanning time and space, and across the starry sky for eternity.

Blah blah blah...

The water in the Wandao Pond suddenly surged, and the ripples became manic, slapping hard on the shore, and making a "pop" sound.

The water droplets that burst out seemed to be crushed and shattered in the air by invisible force.

In the Ten Thousand Dao Pond, the moment the will of the third-generation sect leader appeared behind Fang Che, the glaring King Ming appeared, and he felt an extremely terrifying sense of oppression.

"This is……"

The third-generation sect master's expression changed dramatically. Even though all he had left at the moment was a will, he was still in shock.

As if he was about to be destroyed by a glare at any time!

"Please sect master, please clarify my doubts..."

Fang Che took a deep breath and asked about the doubts he encountered when visualizing the Angry King.

He thought that since the will of the sect masters of all generations existed in the Ten Thousand Dao Pond, it shouldn't be too difficult or a problem to solve his puzzles using the divine consciousness meditation method.

Of course Fang Che also knew that Angry Eyes King Ming's appearance was unusual.

However, no matter how unusual it is, the Wandao Sect is after all a former first-class sect with a profound foundation. The will of the sect masters in the Wandao Pool, every sect master is a powerful person in the realm of transcending tribulation!

In this case, why can't the confusion be solved?

The scalp of the third-generation sect leader was numb, but as the will of the sect leader in the Wandao Pond, he had to answer the questions raised by the sect's holy son.

Therefore, he began to try to use his will to scan the Dharma of the Angry-Eyeing King.

Blah blah blah!

It was as if a stormy wave came and hit the sect master hard, making the body of the sect master's will become blurred and almost disappear!

Buzz buzz...

The spiritual will of the third generation leader was almost destroyed.

After re-solidifying, the third-generation sect leader's expression became extremely solemn.

"The idea is tricky."

The third-generation sect leader took a deep breath and did not dare to look at the angry-eyed King Ming's Dharma.

"But, this sect leader is not just one person!"

"Since the idea is difficult, then rely on the strength of many people to solve it!"

"Everyone, don't sleep, wake up!"

The words of the third-generation sect leader became ethereal and elegant, and he spread his hands and spoke loudly.

Buzz buzz...

Powerful spiritual fluctuations suddenly surged out of the water of Wandao Pond, and then dense particles of spiritual consciousness intertwined out.

They condensed into blurry figures one after another.

Fang Che was dazzled by what he saw. He felt an extremely powerful spiritual storm, and the power of his consciousness seemed to have turned into a lonely boat drifting in the big waves.

What is condensed by the spiritual particles is the will of the Wandao Pond, and the figures of the sect masters of the past generations.

Each figure has a different posture, but they all have bright eyes and powerful mental fluctuations.

The energy of Wandao Pond is boiling, and the water in the pond is roaring like a big wave!

Fang Che's eyes widened and he supported the glaring King Ming behind him, looking at the scene in front of him in surprise.

"We...will help you answer your questions!"

The successive sect leaders glanced at him and spoke in unison as if they were facing a huge challenge.

The sound vibrated, making the entire Ten Thousand Dao Ponds begin to surge!

Outside the white jade bricks of Wandao Pond.

The mountain guard wrapped in a black robe stood quietly.

Suddenly, the eyes of the mountain guard under the hood of the black robe fluctuated slightly, and he looked at Wandaochi with a little surprise.

But in the Wandao Pond, the water surged, slowly rose and surged like a bulge, and the water flowed around the bulge.

The water in the Wandao Pond actually condensed into a figure that looked like an ice sculpture!

"Sure enough, His Royal Highness the Holy Son is able to comprehend the seventh level of the Ten Thousand Dao Sutra in this era. His talent is extraordinary. He must be able to arouse the will of the sect master and be able to solve his doubts and gain great opportunities in the Ten Thousand Dao Pond!"

Shoushan Puppet smiled happily.

Not every monk who sets foot in the Ten Thousand Dao Pond can arouse the will of the sect master and obtain the other party's answers.

What is needed is talent, what is needed is talent recognized by the sect master!

Many geniuses who have comprehended the fifth level of the Ten Thousand Dao Sutra and set foot in the Ten Thousand Dao Pond are actually unable to arouse the will of the sect master.

But Fang Che was obviously different. He was able to comprehend the Ten Thousand Dao Sutra to the seventh level without the help of Dao Enlightenment Qi.

This talent...

The sect leader's will really couldn't bear it anymore.


Shoushan Puppet's relief soon froze, and his face under the hood gradually became more and more weird and incredible.

But then, along with a grunting sound, a second statue of the sect leader formed by the water flow emerged.

Dotted among the Ten Thousand Road Ponds.

"This...the will of the second sect master!"

Shoushan Puppet was amazed.

"Even among the saints of the past generations, they are among the best."

However, the movement in Wandaochi did not subside.

One after another, the third statue of the sect leader, the fourth statue of the sect leader...

Slowly, like bamboo shoots springing up after a spring rain, they sprouted out of the Ten Thousand Dao Pond.

The faces of each sect leader statue are full of solemnity and full of wise thinking...

Shoushan Puppet was dumbfounded. As a puppet, it was almost difficult to stabilize his aura, and the core of the puppet almost exploded due to excessive excitement.

"No...how could it arouse the will of so many sect leaders?"

Each statue of the sect leader is equivalent to a ray of the sect leader's will attracted by Fang Che, explaining Fang Che's doubts and repairing the flaws in Fang Che's practice.

But the emergence of so many sect masters’ spiritual will...

Never seen before!

You must know that the record of baptism in the Wandao Pond of the Wandao Sect has inspired the most will of the sect masters among the saints of the past generations, only three of them.

At this moment, Fang Che has inspired more than ten Wandao Sect masters.

And this number is still growing!

When the last statue of the Sect Master's Will emerged, the Wandao Sect had inherited it for tens of thousands of years, and all thirteen statues of the Sect Master's Will appeared above the water of the Wandao Pond.

Most of the water in Wandao Pond was directly cut away, and it was deeply sunk, revealing a white jade stone wall full of spiritual luster.

Damn it!

Holy Son Fang Che... what kind of talent is this? !

What kind of eternal difficulty in cultivating immortality was encountered, and it actually forced the will of all the sect masters of the past generations to come out? !

The sect masters of all generations have worked together to solve his doubts. Holy Son Fang Che is afraid that he will make up for all his shortcomings, improve all his foundations, and achieve a true state of perfection without any flaws!

The eyes of Shoushan Puppet flickered, and after a moment, the twinkling eyes fell silent again.

Perhaps, the Wandao Sect, which has been dilapidated for a long time, will soon regain its glory in this era that does not belong to the Immortal Sect!

Buzz buzz...

The water in the Wandao Pond is constantly spreading ripples, like a unique Taoist essence, and every ripple is like a surge of Taoist meaning.

Every line of sect leader's will was trying to solve his doubts and assist him in meditating on the Dharma of the Angry Eyed King.

The image of the angry-eyed King Ming, which was originally somewhat blurry, gradually became clearer, and every inch became detailed and very real.

Huge waves surged within Fang Che's consciousness space, and his consciousness continued to grow.

The divine consciousness that had just set foot in the divine treasure was steadily improving at this moment.

Divine Treasure Realm, as the third realm of spiritual consciousness, the improvement method is not simple and superficial in the early stage, middle stage, and late stage, but is divided into two small realms.

They are divine veins and divine orifice realm respectively!

Human beings have a physical body, and the physical body has meridians and acupoints. As a monk practices, he guides the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to travel through the meridians, and uses the acupoints to draw it and absorb the power of the hidden spiritual energy.

This is physical practice.

And the transformation of spiritual consciousness into Yuan Shen is actually like this.

To cross over from spiritual consciousness to divine treasure is to dig out the treasure of divine consciousness and outline the vague divine consciousness body. After sketching out, to improve the divine treasure realm, you need to open the divine veins and open up divine orifices...

When the divine veins and divine orifices are completed, it means that the divine consciousness is condensed into the soul!

Once the Yuan Shen is complete, the Yuan Shen with all the divine veins and divine acupoints can activate the essence of the physical body and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to condense the Nascent Soul!

In the Wandao Pond, Fang Che received help and solved his doubts from the will of the Wandao Sect masters of all generations.

The efficiency of meditating on Angry Eyes Mingwang has never been higher. Every time you meditate, you will gain something, and your spiritual consciousness will continue to be condensed and improved!

The divine veins were opened up one after another, and they were thoroughly clarified, making Fang Che's divine power become more and more terrifying!

According to the records of Wandao Sect, there are eighty-one channels for divine consciousness, and a total of one hundred and eight orifices for divine consciousness...

However, in fact, it only takes eighteen meridians to open the divine consciousness and thirty-six divine consciousness acupoints to condense the Yuan Shen, and then use the Yuan Shen to condense the Nascent Soul!

With eighty-one divine veins and one hundred and eight divine orifices, this flawless divine realm only exists in legends.

Even the most talented True Son of the Wandao Sect would find it difficult to achieve and achieve this.

Even the sect masters of the past generations, the powerful monks who have climbed up to overcome the tribulation and overlook the world of immortals, have never touched such a realm!

Fang Che sat cross-legged in the Ten Thousand Dao Pond, one divine vein after another was opened up by him, and the guidance of the previous sect masters was like sweet rain, constantly pouring down.

Mainly, the energy in the Ten Thousand Dao Pools followed the instructions of the sect masters and swarmed towards Fang Che's body.

It flushed Fang Che's consciousness and assisted his consciousness in opening his pulse!

The angry eyes of King Ming became clearer and clearer, and those angry eyes became more and more agile, as if they really had a will, were really born with life, seemed to have communicated with the real King Ming, and looked across the eternity.


Fang Che's consciousness was extremely swollen, and the pain was like needle pricks, impacting his consciousness and will like a torrential catharsis.

The continuous impact of the guidance of the will of the sect masters of the past generations put great pressure on the spiritual consciousness.

If you are not careful, you may be crushed, eventually shattered and become a madman.

But Fang Che took it in eagerly, not letting go of such a rare opportunity.

He is persevering with diligent will, diligently accepting these instructions, and transforming them into improvements in the level of spiritual consciousness!

This is an extremely rare opportunity that Fang Che cannot give up.

If you give up, you can only slowly gather your consciousness and slowly open your pulse. That speed... is very slow.

The transformation from Shen Zang to Yuan Shen is a hard work for any practicing genius!

With the opening of divine veins, the space of spiritual consciousness began to expand continuously, and the barriers of spiritual consciousness became more and more tenacious!

Fang Che gritted his teeth, and while enduring the pain, he was also receiving the rewards.

Time passed bit by bit, and the masters of Wandao Sect seemed to be tirelessly explaining to Fang Che. Fang Che also absorbed this knowledge crazily, and then transformed it into a transformation at the level of spiritual consciousness!


Shou Shanpuppet, wrapped in a black robe, was completely numb.

"How many days has it been? It seems like half a month has passed, right?"

"Isn't it over yet? The will of the previous sect leaders is almost drained... The energy in the Ten Thousand Dao Pond is almost completely empty..."

Morishan Puppet was a little numb.

How hungry is Fang Che?

The thirteen sect masters were able to withstand the combined will of the guidance, and they were also crazy about receiving the knowledge from these guidance!

What a strong spiritual will it takes to withstand so much energy transformation without collapsing!

"As expected of a being who can become the Son of God in this era!"

Shou Shanpup didn't know how many times he was shocked by Fang Che.

But Fang Che could always surprise him every time!

"His Royal Highness the Holy Son's talent is nothing compared to that of the true Holy Sons of the three holy places!"

Morishan Puppet sighed.

Unfortunately, as time goes by, Wan Dao Sect has long been eliminated in the dust of history. I don’t know if the three holy places that once spanned the Immortal Sect and three-thirds of the Immortal Sect Continent have also collapsed and disappeared.

boom! ! !

The phantom of the spiritual consciousness sat coiled in the space of the spiritual consciousness, and an extremely thick meridian of spiritual consciousness emerged from the figure of the spiritual consciousness, like a meridian cut out of a mountain with an axe.

The eighty-first divine vein!

Blah blah blah...

The powerful spiritual power has almost turned into substantial energy, flowing between the meridians, roaring like water, and hitting the spiritual meridians with explosive impact!

Eighty-one opened pulses, the state of perfect divine veins!

One month!

Fang Che received the guidance from the thirteen masters of the Wandao Sect in the Wandao Pond. He absorbed the power of the Wandao Pond and opened his eighty-one meridians!

Even the will of each sect leader showed extremely complex expressions.

Incredible, extremely incredible...

The ripples in Wandao Pond began to gradually smooth out and slowly returned to calm.

The will of each sect leader became extremely unclear, and the energy of Wandao Pond began to almost dissipate.

The water of the pool, which was originally like white milk, and contained the charm of ten thousand ways, actually began to become clear and transparent.

After opening eighty-one divine veins, Fang Che also gradually opened his eyes. His consciousness roared back into the consciousness space, and the glow of Niwan Palace was filled with overwhelming force.

The powerful power of spiritual consciousness made Fang Che's six senses and five senses extremely clear.

The gaze projected was extremely intimidating, as if it was trying to break the flow of water, like a real sword.

Fang Che exhaled and felt a little dazed.

Even for him, it was a bit unbearable for his will to be tempered like this, and he was close to collapse.

However, Fang Che quickly regained his composure, and the panel prompts slowly appeared in front of his eyes.

"Ding! You have experienced the guidance of successive masters of Wandao Sect, practiced for a month, studied hard, worked hard, and opened eighty-one divine veins. You are a pacesetter in diligence! Gain +30,000 in diligence, and receive the reward "Xianchu Nascent Soul Technique" , keep cultivating, keep working hard, keep working hard!”

Fang Che, whose eyes were originally in a daze...

After reading the rewards prompted by the panel.

Instantly, my scalp became numb and my spirit became excited, and my whole body suddenly became extremely solid and clear-headed!

Nascent Soul Method!

Xianchu Nascent Soul Technique!

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