Diligence can make up for one's shortcomings: Start by making up for one's natural spiritu

Chapter 277: The dragon emerges from the abyss, the light is brilliant, and the blue planet is shake

Ranked 23rd on the Tianjiao list!

Actually ranked 23rd!

Yun Fei took a deep breath, and the shock in her eyes could no longer be suppressed.

She knew that Fang Che's return from the ancient city ruins of Wandao Sect would definitely inspire Tianjiao Qi and then ascend to the Tianjiao list.

Even Fang Che, who killed Cang Lei, might be able to abolish Cang Lei and rank among the 30th.

However, Yun Fei did not expect that Fang Che's ranking would actually surpass the 30th place, and even move forward seven places in a row, reaching the 23rd place!

This is really... a bit exaggerated!

"How is this possible... Even if Fang Che killed Cang Lei at the beginning, it was not easy, and even in the end he did not defeat Cang Lei in his prime. Once Cang Lei opened his domain, Fang Che could not resist."

Yun Fei's heart showed doubts.

It seemed that Fang Che's ranking was slightly higher.

From top to bottom, it can be said that Fang Che, a foundation-building realm, is very conspicuous in the Tianjiao list.

The Tianjiao list is full of Jindan realm, except Fang Che, who is in the foundation building realm.

This foundation building cultivation is like a husky squeezed into a wolf pack, out of place and quite ridiculous.

"The ranking of the Tianjiao list is divided according to Tianjiao Qi. Fang Che not only killed Cang Lei, but also killed Bai Lian and other Tianjiao. The Tianjiao Qi he obtained can rank 23rd, which is understandable."

Yun Fei exhaled and silently found a reason for himself in his heart.

However, if he did not really rely on his strength to step into the 23rd place, but relied on luck, he would soon be beaten back to his original form.

After all, once he stepped into the Tianjiao list and entered the genius battlefield again, the opponents he met would be the strong ones on the Tianjiao list, and they would be the existences at the top of the Tianjiao list.

At that time, if Fang Che's cultivation was insufficient, he would definitely be beaten back to his original form.

"I hope... Fang Che will improve after accepting the inheritance of Wandao Sect."

"That's right, Fang Che's cultivation has been improved from the sixth level of foundation building to the eighth level of foundation building..."

Yun Fei smiled, no longer shocked, and calmed down.



At the same time.

When the Tianjiao list was refreshed again.

It was only Zhuque Immortal City and Xuanwu Immortal City that were shaken.

The sixth Immortal Gate Fragment Continent, White Tiger Immortal City, Azure Dragon Immortal City, and Central Immortal City all received this news, and almost all cultivators knew the name of Fang Che.

This peerless figure who jumped from the first place in the preliminary list to the twenty-third place!

White Tiger Immortal City, Preliminary List Square.

A boiling breath suddenly surged, and then a burly body, like a mountain, moved sideways and stood in the air above the list monument square.

A sharp look swept down and fell on the list monument.

"Fang Che... After Yang Yu, the Great Xia Immortal Sect has another Fang Che... Interesting."

A burly figure with brown hair dancing wildly like a lion's mane. His body twisted the space, and there was an invisible domain intertwined around him.

This person was the first prodigy of the Federation Immortal Sect, Reg, who ranked ninth on the Tianjiao List. He mastered the domain of the Tyrant Fist and stepped into the second realm of the domain.

Reg was wearing leather armor, and his bulging muscles were covered with blood vessels that swam like dragons.

Every time a blood vessel beat slightly, blood rushed out like a river.

Qinglong Immortal City.

A thin figure stood with his hands behind his back in the list monument square. All the cultivators around him consciously stayed away, revealing a space of about ten feet.

The man's black hair fluttered elegantly, but when the ends of his hair whipped the air, it was like a sharp blade, cutting the air into a faint crack.

This person is Yang Yu from Daxia Xianmen, and also Daxia Tianjiao who ranks 17th on the Tianjiao List. He is a senior student from Pojun University and a genius.

He has mastered the Tiandao Domain, and has comprehended the Tiandao Domain to the second level, and has entered the top 20.

"Fang Che..."

Yang Yu lowered his eyes slightly, put his hands behind his back, and a slight smile appeared on the corners of his lips.

"Daxia Xianmen, finally another Tianjiao was born. On the Tianjiao List, I am no longer fighting alone, and my path is not lonely."

"Reaching the 23rd place with the foundation-building cultivation... I hope it is not a flash in the pan, but a lucky climb. I hope you really stand in this position with your strength."

Yang Yu smiled.

Then, he stopped watching the Tianjiao List, turned around and left, and entered the genius battlefield.



Blue Star, Daxia Xianmen has a new Tianjiao, who has ascended to the 23rd place on the Tianjiao List in an unknown way.

This news has not only exploded in the No. 6 Xianmen Fragment Continent.

The Demon Spirit Clan, the White Demon Clan, the Dragon Blood Clan, almost all the races on the Immortal Fragment Continent, all knew this name.

The list of Tianjiao included the Tianjiao of the 100 clans of the Immortal Fragment...

And the ones who really danced wildly and showed their style were the talented young people in each clan!

Because a new name on the list was enough to set off a big wave among the clans and attracted the attention of countless cultivators.

The strong men of the Demon Spirit Clan roared and roared at the starry sky.

Because Cang Lei died, and Fang Che stepped on Cang Lei's corpse to climb onto the Tianjiao list, and ranked 23rd!

All clans remembered this name deeply and began to send messages to the Tianjiao of each clan.

In the genius battlefield, pay attention to this person.

The Demon Spirit Clan even issued a must-kill order. If you meet this boy in the genius battlefield, kill him without mercy!

Among the Demon Spirit Tribe, a figure walked out with hands behind his back, and the terrifying demonic energy spread down like a river, impacting the ground, violently exploding, stirring up the terrifying demonic energy dust.

"Fang Che, right... you must kill him whenever you encounter him."

A faint voice came from the mouth of Cang Xingyu, the number one person on the list of geniuses.

To him, crushing the twenty-third number one on the Prodigy List was like crushing an ant, insignificant.

If Fang Che hadn't killed Cang Lei, perhaps Cang Xingyu wouldn't have even laid eyes on his name.

All parties were shaken, and the uproar caused was violent.

But that's all. Fang Che ranked 23rd on the list of geniuses, which caused more waves among the younger generation.

To the older generation, they are still just juniors.

On the list, there is not only the list of geniuses, but also the list of geniuses under the age of fifty, who belong to the younger generation of all races.

And the number is based on the ranking of the genius battlefield.

Anyone who has not entered the genius battlefield will not be allowed to enter the list.

On the list, in addition to the Tianjiao List and the Preliminary List, there is another one, which is the Nascent Soul Master List.

It is a mysterious division of forces. Even if you have not entered the Genius Battlefield, as long as you are on the Immortal Sect Fragment Continent, you will be included in it.

That is the list that really attracts attention, and it is also the list that the older generations of all ethnic groups will look at.

Nascent Soul, that already belongs to the real top combat power among all races.

Although, there are still infant changes and transformations above Nascent Soul.

But whether they are infant transformations or transformation gods, they are already among the truly top figures among all races. However, there is no ranking list for the powerful infant transformations and transformation gods.

The news of the change in the Talent List was transmitted back to Blue Star at an extremely fast speed.

Pojun University, Xiandu University and Xiaju University, the three top immortal cultivation universities in Daxia Xianmen, all received news about the refresh of the Tianjiao list.

And Fang Che was ranked twenty-third on the list of geniuses. This thunderous news was also sent back and exploded in the three universities, making everyone surprised.

Li Huaixian, the monk in the admissions office of Pojun University, listened to the news coming back from Suzaku Immortal City. He stood there blankly, with a complicated look on his face.

"No. 23 on the list of geniuses?"

Li Huaixian was extremely stunned.

His cultivation level is not weak, but because of his age, he has long been unable to rank on the list of geniuses.

But even when he was at his peak, he was only just on the list of geniuses.

And Fang Che actually broke into the 23rd place on the list of geniuses.

In Li Huaixian's mind, a young face suddenly appeared, that young man who had made a name for himself in the place of experience in Yunxiao County.

Li Huaixian suddenly felt regretful.

Why didn't he persist and recruit Fang Che to Pojun University?

He was obviously the first to appreciate Fang Che's talent, and even extended an olive branch to Fang Che.

Unfortunately, he missed it...

He passed by Fang Che, a peerless genius, and lost the opportunity to recruit such a genius.


Li Huaixian let out a long sigh, no fate is no fate after all.

Xiandu University.

Ouyang Su, the teacher who was in charge of admissions at the beginning, was also selected like a thunder at this moment.

He regretted even more than Li Huaixian.

"I regret it..."

Ouyang Su beat his chest and stamped his feet.

Xiandu University and Pojun University are different.

There is Yang Yu in Pojun University. Although he is already a senior, he is ranked seventeenth on the list of geniuses. He is a peerless monster and overshadows many geniuses from other races.

Nowadays, among the three top universities, Xiaju University, which is least good at fighting, has Fang Che, who ranks 23rd on the list of geniuses. This means that... Xiandu University has become the laggard among the three.

After all, there is not even a single Xiandu University on the list of geniuses.


Ouyang Su's eyes turned red.

"This woman Bei Danqiu...is just so lucky!"

"Mom, you're so lucky!"

Xiaju University and Bei Danqiu also received the news and felt numb.

The twists and turns and the ups and downs of the mountains are too fun for the heart.

When the news of Fang Che's death came back from Suzaku Fairy City, Bei Danqiu was so sad that he almost suffocated. He didn't expect that in the blink of an eye, there would be a 360-degree reversal.

Not only did Fang Che not perish, he actually ranked 23rd on the Prodigy List...

Co-author, is there still a delay in the Genius List?

Bei Danqiu went from great sadness to great joy, smiling from ear to ear, and almost went crazy.

Su Shangxing and Yun Qinglian, who had been staying at Xiaju University, waiting for news from Mr. Pei, did not receive any news from Mr. Pei.

Instead, they got the news that Fang Che had made a sudden move and ranked twenty-third on the list of geniuses.

Su Shangxing's eyes widened in shock.

What the hell?

What the hell is this?

Number 23 on the list of geniuses...that position can be occupied by Fang Che?

That's the top thirty on the list of geniuses!

Even compared to Su Shangxing, he is not much weaker. If Su Shangxing didn't depend on his age, he might be able to be among the top 30 in the list of geniuses, but he would still be barely able to do so.

After all, those who make it into the top thirty are freaks.

Their cultivation level is at least in the late stage of Jindan, and they all have realized the first level of the realm, and the first twenty are all in the second level!

He, Su Shangxing, has only mastered the first level of the domain so far, and he has only traveled less than ten feet in the first level.

Fang Che’s foundation building...

To be able to reach the twenty-third...

"Fang Che...does this mean he has surpassed me?"

Su Shangxing was at a loss.

At the same time, Mr. Pei, who was visiting the Ross family of Immortal Gate, also received the news at this moment.

"Congratulations! Congratulations to Venerable Pei for accepting a good disciple."

The god-forming ancestor of the Ross family said to Mr. Pei with a smile.

"Hahaha... That kid strives for his own success. I didn't expect that this kid would be ranked 23rd on the list of geniuses. Not bad, not bad. He has the same style as when I was young."

Mr. Pei stroked his beard and smiled.

When he was young, he defeated many geniuses on the genius list and reached the top ten on the genius list.

Fang Che was actually much worse than him.

But don’t forget…

That boy Fang Che...is so talented at building foundation!

This is what scares both Mr. Pei and Mr. Ross.

Yafei, who was brought back to the family, was a little confused at the moment, feeling dizzy, but finally figured out the situation, and was amazed and speechless.

"As expected of Senior Brother Fang... he is really amazing."

Yafei took a deep breath.

In the past, she still had the thought of competing with Fang Che, but now, this thought has been completely killed.

What kind of fighting spirit competition championship...

Nowadays, Fang Che's participation in such a championship match is simply bullying.

Fortunately, there was no comparison at first.

Such news is transmitted extremely quickly.

The Tianjiao List itself has many people paying attention to it. As the news spread back to Blue Star, Daxia Xianmen was the first to explode.

After all, Blue Star has only a handful of people on the Genius Battlefield Prodigy List. There is Leige who is ranked ninth, Yang Yu who is ranked seventeenth, and then there is Yunfei who is ranked thirty-sixth.

Starting from the thirty-sixth place to the last hundred on the Genius list, there are no Blue Star geniuses.

Although there are a lot of Blue Stars on the pre-list.

But after all, the preliminary ranking is different from the genius ranking.

Many media outlets in the Daxia Immortal Sect immediately reported the news, and the news spread instantly and was heard by all parties.

Feilei Fairy City, the Second Fairy City High School.

The old principal Zhai Ke couldn't help but shine in his eyes when he saw an extremely conspicuous piece of news in the Blue Star Cultivation Newspaper.

"Congratulations to Fang Che, a student from Xiaju University, for ranking 23rd on the list of geniuses with foundation building skills! Adding another genius to Blue Star who is among the top 30 geniuses on the list! Congratulations!"

The Immortal Cultivation Newspaper, as the most top newspaper in Daxia Immortal Sect, can publish news in it, which is undoubtedly a major event in the world of Immortal Cultivation.

Nowadays, it is considered a big event for Fang Che to reach the top of the list of geniuses.

"Awesome, I've only been to Xiaju University for a long time, and I'm actually able to stand out in the genius battlefield."

Zhai Ke took a deep breath and thought of the boy who was standing in the office and was selected to participate in the martial arts competition.

At that time, the young man was only at the sixth level of Qi refining.

"The hidden dragon emerges from the abyss, and the young man's splendor is endless... Only when one cultivates immortality and attracts the world's attention can one cultivate immortality."

Zhai Ke stroked his beard and laughed, and the sound of laughter became louder and louder.

Good or bad...

After all, Fang Che graduated from the Second High School of Feileixian City.

The genius is born here.

What an honor!

Suzaku Fairy City.

Above the five-color altar, light surged and the glow fell.

When the formation slowly stops.

A figure emerged on the five-color altar.

Fang Che, with clean and refreshing short black hair, refreshed and bright eyes, stepped out of the altar and returned to the Suzaku Fairy City.

And the moment he walked out of the altar.

The various monks around the five-color altar paused.

He looked at Fang Che as if he were looking at a monster.

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