Diligence can make up for one's shortcomings: Start by making up for one's natural spiritu

Chapter 278: Using Teacher Yun's Domain to Refine the Body (1/2)

Gazes converged and burst out, all falling on Fang Che.

Everyone's eyes became very strange, and they were all surprised and shocked. After all, the record created by Fang Che was really amazing.

Many cultivators couldn't even understand why Fang Che could reach the 23rd place on the Tianjiao list with the cultivation of foundation building?

After all, those who can squeeze into the top of the Tianjiao list have basically comprehended the domain.

And the biggest gap between foundation building and Jindan cultivators is the domain!

The gap between the domains brings about the crushing of the cultivation level, which cannot be made up by ordinary means.

Just like Cang Xingyu, who is the first on the Tianjiao list, the domain has stepped into the third realm, and can basically easily crush the second and third.

Being able to comprehend the third realm at the age of fifty, this is a peerless Tianjiao!

Therefore, most cultivators are puzzled and puzzled, and don't quite understand why Fang Che can be among the top 30 on the Tianjiao list with the cultivation of foundation building.

Fang Che felt a little unnatural when he was looked at by these eyes.

But his mind was very calm. When the Tianjiao Qi revived and enveloped his body, he knew that his ranking should be back on the Tianjiao list.

And his token also updated its ranking.

Tianjiao list No. 23, not bad.

Fang Che also knew that the ranking of the Tianjiao list actually depends on age, and the age factor is also very important.

After all, he is young, only fifteen years old.

After learning the news of Fang Che's return, Zhuque Immortal City was completely shaken.

Master Que Ling and Master Que Huo, two Yuanying realm cultivators, immediately came out of nowhere, and their powerful auras were not concealed, and they landed beside Fang Che.

"You kid... It's good that you are still alive."

Master Que Ling saw Fang Che, his expression was complicated and excited.

"How did you get into the top 23 of the Tianjiao list?"

Master Que Huo scratched his head and was very curious.

Fang Che heard it, but he didn't hide it, and told him all the news in the Wandao Sect Ancient City.

Including his deeds of defeating Cang Lei, killing Bai Lian, Ao Hai and other Tianjiao.

"I see... So you can be ranked 23rd on the Tianjiao list, mainly because of your record of killing Cang Lei!"

"Good boy, Cang Lei, 30th on the Tianjiao list, is said to have comprehended the Demon Shadow Realm, which is also a first-class realm, and his strength is extremely powerful."

"I didn't expect that you could kill him with your foundation-building body."

Fang Che shook his head: "He used the realm, and it was really difficult for me to kill him at that time..."

"Maybe, I am ranked 23rd because of my age."

Fang Che was not arrogant. What's wrong with being 23rd on the Tianjiao list?

It's just a ranking.

Fang Che's family knows his own business. If he encounters a real Tianjiao in the top ten of the Tianjiao list, he will only end up being crushed.

He didn't stay in Zhuque Xiancheng for long.

After saying goodbye to the two Yuanying masters guarding the Xiancheng, Fang Che stepped into the teleportation array to return to Xiaju University.

Buzz buzz buzz...

The teleportation array burst into light, and twisted the next moment.

Fang Che's body was directly twisted by the powerful force and teleported back to Blue Star.



Xiaju University, expedition area.

The space fluctuations of the teleportation array were surging.

Fang Che's figure returned to Blue Star and walked out of the formation.

Bathed in the sunshine of Blue Star, Fang Che felt a trance and an inexplicable excitement of seeing the light of day again.

Although he became the Holy Son of Wandao Sect, the Wandao Ancient City could be said to be his territory, but being in Wandao Ancient City was not as comfortable as being in Blue Star.

Even though the richness of the spiritual energy of the heaven and earth on Blue Star could not be compared with that of Wandao Ancient City.

"Fang Che!"

It seemed that he had received the news that Fang Che was about to return.

Bei Danqiu drove a convertible and waited outside the door early.

When Fang Che saw the acquaintance, a smile suddenly appeared on his face and he got into Bei Danqiu's car.

The vehicle drove along, but did not return to Fang Che's dormitory. Instead, it took Fang Che to an alchemy laboratory with a strong smell of elixir.

"Master Yun is waiting for you. When we heard the bad news that you died in battle, everyone was very concerned. Even the indifferent master was moved by it."

Bei Danqiu glanced at Fang Che and said.

Fang Che did not refuse after hearing this. After getting off the car, he entered the alchemy laboratory.

What was beyond Fang Che's imagination was that this alchemy laboratory was extremely large, covering a large area and with a very high ceiling. In short, it was just two words: "empty".

The ground around was engraved with faint array patterns.

With Fang Che's current array talent, he took a glance and understood that the engraved array was very comprehensive, involving various arrays in various aspects, including the pure array, the spirit gathering array, and various functional arrays.

"The work of the array master."

Fang Che was fascinated by it.

"This is the work of the formation master of our Xiaju University. If you like it, you can come here to make pills in the future."

A cold voice suddenly sounded.

Fang Che raised his head and saw the center of the laboratory. Next to a huge pill furnace three meters high, a beautiful woman in a red dress opened her red lips slightly, and a faint voice was echoing.

"Fang Che greets Teacher Yun."

Fang Che clasped his fists and bowed.

There was something strange in Yun Qinglian's eyes. Even if Fang Che was calm, his current record was enough to make her look at him.

"I'm back." Yun Qinglian's voice was cold. This was her usual character. As one of the few alchemy masters in Daxia Xianmen, she was obsessed with alchemy.

Fang Che nodded, and then the two began to chat briefly.

Fang Che told some of the things about Wandao Sect. Of course, what should be concealed should be concealed. Things like trump cards should be known by oneself.

"Wandao Sect...isn't it a second-grade sect? It's actually a first-grade sect, and even a major sect of immortal cultivation second only to the three holy places."

"This is an opportunity for Daxia Xianmen to update its database."

Yun Qinglian's face showed a hint of surprise.

After chatting, the atmosphere gradually became awkward, and the two seemed to have nothing to talk about.

Fang Che thought that since there was nothing to talk about, he would start talking about cultivation and alchemy.

Fang Che's talent for alchemy has reached level 5.

The prototype of the magical power of the immortal pill body has brought great help to Fang Che. The powerful recovery ability is the reason why Fang Che can let go of his hands and feet in battle.

Yun Qinglian saw that Fang Che seemed to be planning to talk about cultivation, and his cold face changed slightly, and he immediately stopped him.

"Let's not talk about cultivation first. You can't stop talking about cultivation. Master Pei should be on his way back. You should report your safety."

Yun Qinglian said.

"In addition, you are ranked 23rd on the Tianjiao List... Well, you are getting closer and closer to meeting my requirements."

"You... have you become hard again?"

Yun Qinglian's eyes flickered slightly.

She looked at Fang Che, and then grabbed with five fingers and grabbed towards Fang Che.

Boom! ! !

Fang Che's eyes changed slightly, and he felt that in this moment, the world began to spin, and the surrounding time and space seemed to be stripped away, as if falling into an endless abyss.


Fang Che exhaled.

It is more powerful than Cang Lei's domain!

It can even be said that it is much more powerful!

It is as if the sky is pressing down, as if it is really facing the suppression of a big world!

There is no obstruction, just sensing, and there is only despair...

Yun Qinglian's cultivation is not weak, she is a strong person in the infant transformation realm. Although she has just stepped into the infant transformation, it is enough to show her talent.

"Release the power of your flesh, let me sense it..."

Yun Qinglian said softly.

After the words fell, what else did Fang Che have to worry about?

Eight Desolate Gods and Demons... Open!



His eyes burst into brilliant gold in an instant, and his black hair also turned into silver light, like a silver waterfall, flying down!

Fang Che's hair was flying, and his terrifying blood and qi were rolling. On his perfect body, every inch of flesh and blood was tempered flawlessly, containing the ultimate power.


Yun Qinglian smiled brilliantly.

His mind moved.

A terrifying thunderbolt suddenly appeared from the sky above the domain, like a terrifying thunder dragon turning over, and the terrifying aura, like a mountain, pressed down on Fang Che's body.

Fang Che stood in the domain, his silver hair flying wildly.

All the bones in his body were making crackling sounds.

Under such pressure, the flesh and blood seemed to have rebounded under the pressure.

However, Fang Che was not concerned about this, but the terrifying thunderbolt!

"I can't stop it... With my current physical strength, I can't stop it. I will be annihilated under the thunder dragon."

Fang Che's eyes fluctuated, and he sighed for a long time.

He really was...

Still too weak.

What is the twenty-third place on the Tianjiao list? There is nothing to be proud of.

Fang Che's originally proud mood because of his 23rd place on the Tianjiao list was instantly smoothed out.

At the last moment of falling, the thunder dragon turned into a breeze and brushed Fang Che's face.

Fang Che went from the irritable summer to the warm spring.

"My body has indeed become much stronger, but it is still a little bit short... If I can't even resist this kind of thunder power, then I won't even have the power to resist the real sixth-level pill tribulation."

Yun Qinglian's face returned to its coldness.

But there was no disappointment in her eyes, but instead a strong expectation and joy.

Because, too fast!

Fang Che grew too fast. It has only been a short time since his physical body became so strong.

Maybe in another five or six years, Fang Che will be able to resist the sixth-level pill tribulation with his physical body!

At that time, she will be able to try to refine the sixth-level pill and become a real sixth-level alchemist!

Help the Great Xia Immortal Sect break the Federation's blockade of the Great Xia pill!

And Fang Che did not feel too depressed, but the pride that had just risen in his heart was beaten down, and his emotions were very excited.

He seemed to have found a new way and direction to temper himself!

I just don't know if Teacher Yun Qinglian would be willing to open her heart to him every day, open her domain, and refine his body to be hard and strong...

"This is my domain, called the Four Seasons Domain."

Yun Qinglian found that Fang Che was curious about the domain, and also knew that Fang Che's cultivation had reached the eighth level of foundation building, and he was close to impacting the golden elixir.

"From foundation building to golden elixir, the domain is very important, but not all golden elixir cultivators can master the domain."

"And the golden elixir cultivators who master the domain must be more powerful."

Yun Qinglian said softly.

"And the domains are also divided into high and low strengths and weak ones. For example, my four-season domain is a first-class domain among the domains."

"You should know that the first place on the Tianjiao list is Cang Xingyu of the Demon Spirit Clan. His domain is the Demon Transformation Domain, which is also a first-class domain. He has comprehended the first-class domain to the third level, so he can firmly sit on the first place."

"In fact, if you want to squeeze into the top 30 of the Tianjiao list, the domain you comprehend is at least second-class. If you want to squeeze into the top ten, the domain must be at least first-class."

"The two people at the top of the Tianjiao list on Blue Star, the Federation Immortal Gate Reg, who comprehended the realm of Tyrant Fist, used fist as his intention, and showed a domineering attitude. He dared to punch everything between heaven and earth. This is the realm of Tyrant Fist, which is first-class and extremely strong. "

"Yang Yu from Pojun University, the realm of Heavenly Sword that he comprehended is actually not weaker than the realm of Tyrant Fist. The two belong to the same level of realm. Unfortunately, Yang Yu's cultivation is weaker, only the eighth level of Golden Core. When the realm level is the same, the competition is naturally about cultivation. "

After all, Yun Qinglian's cultivation is at the Infant Transformation Realm, and his understanding of the realm is very thorough. He popularized it to Fang Che, and Fang Che reaped extremely rich rewards.

"You are about to reach the critical point of forming a pill, and it is also very important for you to comprehend the domain..."

"The domain contained in the golden pill is the world inside the golden pill, and the Nascent Soul is born in the golden pill world... Only in this way can the complete development of the Nascent Soul be guaranteed, so the domain is the foundation for the golden pill cultivator to impact the Nascent Soul."

"The golden pill cultivators who have never comprehended the domain are basically garbage and are not qualified to impact the Nascent Soul."

Fang Che heard this and immediately understood the importance of the golden pill domain.

"Teacher Yun, how many realms are there in the highest realm?"

Fang Che asked curiously.

Yun Qinglian glanced at Fang Che and pursed her red lips: "Are you going to ask whether Cang Xingyu of the Demon Spirit Clan has comprehended the third realm of the domain, and whether it is the limit of the domain?"

Fang Che nodded continuously.

Yun Qinglian shook his head: "Of course not, the comprehension of the domain... So far, I know that the one who comprehended the domain is the Blood-Transforming Demon Venerable of the Demon Spirit Clan, who is in the Perfect God Transformation Realm and has comprehended the domain to the seventh realm."

"The talent is extremely evil. Once the Blood Transformation Realm is released, even the three Perfect Blood Transformation masters will be suppressed, or even... strangled."

"You should know that Cang Xingyu, who is ranked first on the Tianjiao List, is the direct disciple of the Blood-Transforming Demon Venerable."

"Over the years, the Blood-Transforming Demon Venerable has been in seclusion in the Demon Spirit Clan, and it seems that he is going to impact the realm above the God Transformation, which makes us feel relieved in the Immortal Gate Fragment Battlefield."

"On Blue Star alone, there are two God Transformation masters who fell in the hands of the Blood-Transforming Demon Venerable..."

Yun Qinglian's eyes were a little dazed, then he shook his head and said softly.

"However, all clans know that once the Blood-Transforming Demon Venerable breaks through the God Transformation and steps into the realm of Xiaju... the pattern of the Immortal Gate Fragment Battlefield will be completely broken."

The worry flashed in Yun Qinglian's words.

She didn't seem to want to tell Fang Che too much about these things.

Fang Che took a deep breath, and the name of the Blood Demon Lord was remembered in his heart.

The conflict between the Demon Spirit Clan and Blue Star has long reached an irreconcilable point. No one knows what the future situation will be like.

Fang Che suddenly thought of something and asked curiously: "Teacher, you said that the domain level is divided into first-rate, second-rate and third-rate, so is there a domain above the first-rate?"

Yun Qinglian heard this and her eyes fell on Fang Che.

"The domain above the first-rate... that is the top-quality domain."

"According to the records of the excavated immortal gate, there are only nine top-quality domains above the first-rate domain."

Nine top-quality domains...

Fang Che was stunned when he heard this.

He thought of the domain nine mirrors that the panel rewarded him...


Or, is this what the panel expects of him?

Hope that he can diligently copy all the nine top-quality domains and include them in the nine realms? !

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