Diligence can make up for one's shortcomings: Start by making up for one's natural spiritu

Chapter 288 Half-step Golden Elixir, 36 Divine Acupoints (1/2)

Copy Tu Xinglie’s domain?

Fang Che's eyes narrowed slightly, and he still remembered the special ability of "Nine Mirrors of the Domain" that he had obtained.

However, this ability requires collecting copy fields.

He had learned about the levels of the field through the cheap half-teacher Yun Qinglian.

Third-rate, second-rate and first-rate fields...

There are nine top-grade realms on top of it. Fang Che wanted the best, so he focused on collecting top-grade realms.

Now, it seems there is a new way.

It turns out that many first-class fields can be combined into the best fields.

Normally, fields cannot be synthesized. The black earth field is the black earth field. Even if the other five elements fields fit with it, they do not belong to the same field after all.

Unless it is a fusion of one field, there will always be flaws, so it cannot be called the best.

But now...the Nine Mirrors of the Realm have given such a hint.

Naturally, Fang Che chose to believe it.

Without too much hesitation, Fang Che made his decision and chose to copy Tu Xinglie's mysterious earth realm.


When thoughts arise.

Fang Che only felt that behind him, a scene like nine suns suddenly appeared. They were nine ancient and mysterious bronze mirrors. The mirrors reflected the light, and slowly all the earth-yellow light gathered behind him, and was Reproduced from an ancient bronze mirror.

The brilliance flowing in the mirror is the mysterious earth domain of Tu Xinglie who fought with Fang Che earlier!

The first-class field, the black earth field!

The Niwan Palace between Fang Che's brows glowed slightly, his consciousness fluctuated, and he felt one after another about Tu Xinglie's insights into the realm of black earth pouring into his mind.

Fang Che closed his eyes and slowly digested the domain information that poured into his mind.

He actually doesn't understand much about the field. After all, he is only at the ninth level of foundation building and has not yet begun to understand the field.

However, there is also some vague understanding that the field... is actually a control field transformed by one's own will.

Some people have a deep understanding of the sword, and then they can understand the realm of swordsmanship. Some people have a deep understanding of the fire attribute, and after condensing the golden elixir, they can achieve the realm of fire...

It is closely related to a person's spiritual practice direction.

Fang Che is actually very confused. What kind of field will he create?

After all...he is quite balanced in all aspects, and with his talents complementing his weaknesses, he has developed the prototype of supernatural powers.

Among them, fighting skills and spiritual knowledge talents give birth to true magical powers!

Fang Che let out a breath and felt a little confused, but he would not be immersed in this confusion, and he didn't care or think too much about it.

Let's think about this issue again when he really starts to attack the golden elixir.


The nine ancient bronze mirrors behind it seemed to reflect the whole world. As the black earth realm was copied, the other eight ancient mirrors fell silent and disappeared, waiting for the copying of other realms.

Only the remaining ancient mirror, which replicated the mysterious earth realm, was still suspended.

"Huh? It seems like... I can use the power of the realm."

Fang Che's eyes suddenly lit up slightly.

He raised his hand and pressed forward fiercely.


Countless earth-colored dust suddenly billowed into the air, and the ground cracked, mountains avalanched, and debris flew into the sky, as if the earth was collapsing, exploding into a circular wave of dust!

The realm of black earth!

The dark yellow light fell, and a consciousness of controlling everything and mastering everything spread in Fang Che's heart, making his mind throb.

"This feeling……"

Fang Che took a deep breath and was a little amazed. The feeling as if he had become a god in this area was really incredible!

Being in the domain, it seems to become omnipotent. Whether it is the recovery of mana, the recovery of physical strength, or the explosion of power, it has been greatly enhanced.

His mind moved slightly, and countless earth-colored rays of light turned into earth dragons and rose up across the sky, intertwining and covering his whole body. He was covered in black earth armor, making his defense even more powerful.

boom! ! !

Countless pieces of rubble collapsed, and then were absorbed by the reverse gravity, piled up into a huge rock giant.

Fang Che jumped up and turned into a straight black line, landing on the shoulders of the huge rock giant, overlooking the entire black earth realm.

Not to mention...the scenery is unique.

"Not bad."

Fang Che praised it, it was indeed a first-class field. Feeling the insights about the first-class field in his mind, Fang Che tried it with full interest.

Although the power of the domain he copied with the Nine Mirrors of the Domain could not reach the peak of Tu Xinglie's Black Earth Domain, it still had about 90% of the power.

It's not weak anymore.

"With the help of the field... I can actually be regarded as a monk in the Golden Core Realm. Even if I meet the top twenty geniuses on the genius list, I can still fight!"

"After all, without the suppression at the domain level, my strength can be brought into full play. What needs to be leveled is just the gap in cultivation."

Fang Che estimated his fighting power. He had the ultimate physical skills like the Eight Desolations Gods and Demons. He had absolute confidence in physical skills and could crush all enemies.

After trying to control the domain power for a while, Fang Che began to think about his future direction in the domain of breaking through the golden elixir.


The world began to twist, as Tu Xinglie was killed by Fang Che.

As the battle ended, the random teleportation formation of Genius Battlefield was triggered again and began to operate, constantly being mobilized.

The black earth realm was recovered by Fang Che into the bronze mirror. He raised his head and looked at the intertwined formation lines on the sky.

As his spiritual talent increased, Fang Che's spiritual perception became more and more powerful.

The interweaving of formation lines can be clearly captured.


"Time and Space Array..."

Fang Che's eyes flickered as he carefully studied the power of this formation.

He once captured a trace of the power of the formation, and now, based on this trace of power, he can continue to derive and transform.

However, the teleportation array operates too fast.

Fang Che had just gained a small gain, and the teleportation ended.

Everything returned to silence, the world returned to calm, and the lines of the heaven and earth formation had long since disappeared.

Fang Che stood quietly in the genius battlefield, the breeze was blowing, the air was fresh and full of spiritual energy.

According to the immortal elixir formation method, Fang Che began to continue practicing, reaching the completion of foundation building and half-step to the golden elixir realm!

The half-step golden elixir...that is to prepare for the elixir formation. It is the summary of the foundation-building realm and is very important.

The five-color altar behind him shone brightly, and Fang Che had no intention of leaving the genius battlefield.

The purpose of his trip to the Genius Battlefield was to fight, to summarize and improve himself in the battle. This was just the end of a battle, so why would he choose to withdraw?

While walking, I summarized myself and waited for new opponents to appear.

Tu Xinglie said that many geniuses in the ranking range from tenth to thirtieth on the genius list have set foot on the genius battlefield and plan to fight with him.

Fang Che was not afraid of this, but...he was just looking forward to it.

Fighting is the most important means for a monk to improve himself.

Fang Che can also gain a lot from being able to fight against strong men.

For example, from the battle with Tu Xinglie, Fang Che gained tremendously, not only his arrogance, but also the verification of his newly improved strength, and the field of replication!

Now Fang Che's strength has been greatly improved!


Just when Fang Che was walking among the battlefields of geniuses.

In the distance, there was a sudden sound of piercing the air, tearing everything apart, and coming across quickly.

Sensing the opponent's powerful aura, Fang Che's gaze burned brightly, and he took a step forward, pressing out the Blazing Sun Sword Cauldron.


No. 6 Immortal Sect Fragment Continent.

Suzaku Fairy City.

The entire Bangbei Square fell into a long period of silence. There was no sound at all. Everyone stared in silence, not knowing what to say.

Mr. Pei smiled with satisfaction, his eyes filled with strange colors. Fang Che, this disciple, was really a big surprise to him. He didn't expect that he could win this battle.

"Twenty on the list of geniuses...has changed hands."

As he sighed.

as expected.

On the list of geniuses, the name of Tu Xinglie, who was originally ranked 20th, disappeared and was replaced by Fang Che's name.

From the 23rd place on the list of geniuses, he officially reached the 20th place!

Moreover, it is rare to see it in thousands of years with the cultivation level of the ninth level of foundation building!

"Foundation building... can it really be so strong?" Luo Kai, the weapon-casting master of Xiaju University, touched his head and exclaimed.

I can't understand that the ninth level of foundation building... can actually defeat the ninth level of golden elixir, which has a first-class field.

Mr. Pei chuckled lightly: "It's normal. Don't use your thinking to judge Tianjiao. There is also a gap between Tianjiao and Tianjiao."

"During the heyday of the Immortal Sect, there were even beings who used golden elixirs to counterattack infant transformations..."

"However, this kid is indeed ridiculously strong. Logically speaking, there shouldn't be such a big gap in the Foundation Establishment realm. Only the Golden Core realm can cross a huge level. A true monster Golden Core monk has a high upper limit. Outrageous."

Mr. Pei's eyes flickered, and he still had some expectations for Fang Che's upper limit.

Because of the expectation, Pei Laocai increasingly felt that it was important to find those pill-forming spiritual objects for Fang Che.

"We have to let this kid get his foot in the golden elixir as soon as possible..."

"Otherwise, the opponents in the future will all be ridiculously strong. Moreover, this kid may not have no chance in the battle between the Prodigies of the Hundred Clans... It may not be just a formality."

After his thoughts fell, Mr. Pei turned around and left Suzaku Fairy City without any further hesitation.

He is going to start writing papers for his disciple's future.

To obtain these resources, even if he is a god, he has to roll up.

The years pass by, and the seasons flow by.

With diligent practice, time passes like running water, and many days pass by without even realizing it.

These days, Fang Che seems to be living in the Genius Battlefield. Instead of teleporting back to Suzaku Immortal City, Fang Che has been running rampant on the Genius Battlefield.

During this period, he also encountered many powerful opponents, one of whom was ranked 24th on the Prodigy List.

His strength is extremely impressive, and he is also at the ninth level of Golden Core. Unfortunately, the field he masters is only second-rate...

That battle was the most exciting one after Fang Che fought with Tu Xinglie.

There is no suspense about victory or defeat.

Fang Che's genius aura also increased as a result, reaching a height of fifteen feet. At this height, he was also faster than the nineteenth-ranked genius.

Unfortunately, in the following days, Fang Che never met a powerful genius again, and the highest ranking was only thirty-seven.

There is no doubt that the challenge is not high.

However, Fang Che didn't mind it. While fighting, he sharpened his fighting skills and became familiar with the changes in magical powers, as well as their combinations, etc.

Boom! ! !

In a mountain range, the majestic spiritual energy of heaven and earth continuously converged across the mountain, forming a huge funnel shape, as if someone opened his mouth and swallowed it, sucking up all the spiritual energy in the sky.

Fang Che opened his eyes, and his whole body was exuding a bright light, with muscles of ice and bones, full of spirituality.

The pride of heaven is as high as fourteen feet, like a white dragon entrenched, roaring into the sky.

Fang Che's mana fluctuations became more and more powerful.

Slowly opening his eyes, the tyrannical mana fluctuations began to converge and recover, and gradually returned to calm.

"Huh - it is indeed a fairy spirit root. It is indeed different. The ability to perceive is too strong, and the adaptability to spiritual energy is also terrifyingly high. I have only broken through the ninth level of foundation building for a while, and now... I have already taken half a step into the golden elixir. capital.”

Fang Che was amazed.

In other words, he is now considered a half-step golden elixir.

At least, the accumulation of mana has reached the level of the Half-Step Golden Pill. This is because his extremely powerful physique requires the accumulation of mana that is more than five times that of the ordinary Half-step Golden Pill.

All I can say is that the fairy root is... terrifying.

"Half-step golden elixir is actually a vague concept of realm. I should consider it that now."

"The only shortcoming of the accumulation of mana is that in terms of spiritual consciousness, I have only opened eighty-one channels, but the opening of divine orifices is too slow. So far, I have only opened thirty-six divine orifices... …”

"It will take some time to fully open one hundred and eight divine orifices and reach true perfection."

Fang Che frowned.

The reason why he is only a half-step golden elixir is because his spiritual consciousness has not yet reached perfection.

Of course, if Fang Che had no requirements for him, he could try to gather his soul now.

Opening eighteen divine veins and eighteen divine orifices can condense the soul and impact the Nascent Soul realm.

However, this kind of Nascent Soul... is of the lowest quality.

Of course, Fang Che can't have no requirements for himself. He wants...of course he wants the best!

"There is no rush in terms of spiritual consciousness. My spiritual consciousness talent has been upgraded to LV6. Only then can I open thirty-six divine orifices in this period of time. Otherwise... my speed of opening divine orifices will be even slower. "

Fang Che stood up, stretched his whole body, and the majestic mana fluctuations roared.

Half-step golden elixir...

A smile appeared on Fang Che's face.

His body withdrew and landed on the altar. The brilliance surged and instantly teleported him back to Suzaku Fairy City.

With Fang Che's current fame, he attracted too many people's attention as soon as he returned to Suzaku Fairy City.

Many monks who rushed to the battlefield would greet Fang Che warmly when they saw Fang Che returning from the teleportation array. Even some young monks and high-spirited monks were inspired by Fang Che and looked at Fang Che with joy. It's fanaticism.

Fang Che wasn't surprised either.


Two sounds of piercing the air resounded.

Master Que Ling and Master Que Huo floated over, and when they saw Fang Che, they both showed smiles.

"Fang Tianjiao...is finally willing to come back."

As soon as Fang Che entered the battlefield of geniuses, he completely entered a state of diligence and impressiveness.

For so many days, they have been competing in the battlefield of geniuses, constantly tempering themselves.

Such diligence is really impressive.

"It is true that we have to come back. The Blue Star Immortal Sect Fighting Competition started yesterday... If you don't come back, you may miss this competition."

Master Quehuo added.

These two powerful Nascent Soul masters who were stationed in Suzaku Immortal City were really very optimistic about Fang Che and admired him very much.

Appreciation is not only because of Fang Che's talent, but also because Fang Che has such extraordinary talent while also adhering to hard work and diligence.

This is the most valuable thing.

"With you here at Xiaju University, we should be able to securely compete for third place this year."

"The number one federal university has Reg, who is ninth on the list of geniuses. After all, your cultivation is too short. It's a bit difficult to beat him."

"There is Yang Yu from Pojun University. He is the seventeenth genius on the genius list. Oh, he is now the fifteenth. After watching your battle, he entered the genius battlefield the next day and defeated the fifteenth genius. Successfully banned the other party.”

"You are still a bit inferior compared to these two people now."

"So, Xiaju University has only one goal this time."

"Impact third!"

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