Diligence can make up for one's shortcomings: Start by making up for one's natural spiritu

Chapter 289: Nine Nether Purple Spirit Fire, Black Silver Thunder Evil! (1/2)

Strive for the third place?

Fang Che smiled, but did not boast that he would lead Xiaju University to the first place.

However, in his heart, the third place is indeed not enough to satisfy him.

His eyes sparkled, Reg, who was ranked ninth on the Tianjiao list, and Yang Yu, who was ranked fifteenth on the Tianjiao list...

Fang Che also wanted to give it a try with these two.

He would definitely gain a lot from fighting with the Tianjiao!

Diligent fighting is also a way to sharpen oneself, and Fang Che would naturally not give up this opportunity.

After bidding farewell to Que Ling and Que Huo Shangren, Fang Che sat on the teleportation array and returned to Xiaju University.

He returned to Blue Star again. Although the air may not be as fresh as the Genius Battlefield, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth between heaven and earth is not as rich.

But the sense of security that the entire planet can bring is incomparable to the Genius Battlefield.

This is the feeling of home.

As soon as Fang Che came back, he contacted Bei Danqiu, and Bei Danqiu rushed over immediately.

"You are finally back... At least we can catch up with the first round."

Bei Danqiu saw Fang Che and couldn't help complaining.

If Fang Che was immersed in the battlefield of geniuses and forgot about the Blue Star Immortal Gate Fighting Competition, and Xiaju University lost this fighting competition...

There is really no place to cry.

In fact, such things have happened before.

Once many geniuses enter the state of cultivation, they will be completely immersed in it, regardless of day and night. In this state, they will improve quickly, but at the same time they will also miss a lot of things.

"It's a little bit over, but it's not in time..."

Fang Che smiled.

Of course he remembered this.

"It's good to remember. I will take you to the campus airport now. There will be a special plane from our Xiaju University to accompany you."

Bei Danqiu said.

Fang Che's importance is self-evident. Now he ranks 20th on the Tianjiao list. This ranking... is second only to Yang Yu!

Therefore, whether Xiaju University can get a good ranking in this fighting competition depends on Fang Che.

The two came to the campus airport. A private plane was prepared early, with the word Xiaju written on it.

Fang Che boarded the private plane, and inside, Fang Che saw a familiar face.

It was none other than his half-cheap teacher, the alchemy master Yun Qinglian, and in addition, there was Su Shangxing.

"Are you here? Then get ready, we should set off. If we set off now, we should be able to catch up..."

"The first two rounds of the fighting competition are not a big problem, and it is easy to pass as a substitute."

Yun Qinglian said lightly in a red robe.

This has always been her attitude, and it has always been so cold.

Fang Che is too important, so Yun Qinglian led the team this time, and Su Shangxing and Bei Danqiu, two people Fang Che is familiar with, are the auxiliary leaders.


The private plane roared, and the formation engraved on it was running, and suddenly there was a burst of spiritual energy fluctuations, and a powerful propulsion force hit it.

Just like Kunpeng soaring straight up, the private plane rose from the ground and went straight into the sky.



The cabin was quiet, and Fang Che sat in a chair with a normal look.

His aura was rising and falling, constantly agitated, his eyes sparkled, and his spirit reached an extremely stable state.

Yun Qinglian glanced at him and whispered: "Has your cultivation level broken through again?"

"Half-step to the Golden Core."

Yun Qinglian's eyesight was not bad. Although her cultivation level had not reached the level of transformation and she had not fought much, she was still stronger than Fang Che.

Fang Che nodded and grinned.

"It's a pity that the breakthrough of spiritual consciousness is not that easy, otherwise... there should be a chance to try to condense the pill before the big competition begins."

Fang Che's words made Bei Danqiu and Su Shangxing look over.

Too fast!

How could Fang Che change so fast?

Especially Su Shangxing, he was in a trance. After all, in his eyes, Fang Che was just a small cultivator in the Qi Refining Realm.

The sudden enlightenment was out of control all of a sudden. The change in talent, coupled with his own diligence, has reached the current level in just a short period of time.

Su Shangxing also understood that Fang Che's spiritual roots must have transformed, and they were no longer the original spiritual roots.

In the Wandao Ancient City, he may have experienced great benefits. Hearing that Fang Che became the Holy Son of the Wandao Ancient City, the first-class sects in the Immortal Gate era had extremely deep foundations, and they must have changed Fang Che's spiritual roots!

"It's a pity. If you really step into the Golden Core and face Yang Yu, you may not be without the power to fight."

Yun Qinglian nodded seriously.

"You can defeat the Five Elements Clan's Tianjiao Tu Xinglie. The opponent's domain does not have a big impact on you, so there is still hope of winning."

Fang Che also nodded. He also understood this, which was also the reason why he was looking forward to this battle.

"By the way, this is the resource you exchanged with merit... I exchanged it for you. Why are there any missing?"

Bei Danqiu handed Fang Che a storage ring.

After Fang Che took it, he glanced at it.

His eyes lit up slightly.

He exchanged all the resources he had obtained in the genius battlefield for merit, and then used the merit to exchange for the resources he needed for cultivation.

"Fourth-level upper-grade true fire, Nine Nether Purple Spirit Fire..."

Fang Che first took out a rare item from heaven and earth, which was a fourth-level high-grade true fire... extremely difficult to find, and even in the resource library, it was extremely expensive.

In fact, any treasure from heaven and earth will become precious after reaching the fourth level quality.

Not to mention, the true fire that Fang Che exchanged for was still a fourth-level top grade!

Fang Che is now extremely confident in his physical body, and coupled with his physical transformation, he is not just trying to figure it out, but intends to use the best.

For real fire, directly choose the fourth-level top grade.

"This is the fourth-grade high-grade Silver Thunder Sha! Its name is Xuan Yin Thunder Sha!"

"It's a top-grade among thunder evils. A baby turned master, caught in the vision of extreme thunder in the sky and earth, is extremely powerful and very violent..."

Bei Danqiu introduced two of these rare treasures to Fang Che.

"Good stuff! Thank you!"

Fang Che's eyes were extremely bright, these were all good things he needed, they could comprehensively enhance his strength.

Nowadays, relying on the Great Wilderness Purple Thunder Demon and the Meteor Black Flame, he is already a little stretched. It is not a problem to face ordinary golden elixirs, but it is a bit difficult to face the geniuses in the golden elixir realm.

"These are fourth-level treasures of extremely high quality... Do you really want to refine these?"

Bei Danqiu was a little stunned.

these things……

With her strength, there is no need to think about refining. If she is not careful, she will even be injured by the energy spread wantonly by these rare treasures.

Fang Che smiled, but did not explain.

He directly entered the training room of the private jet and began to plan to refine these two rare treasures.

"Fang Che, please refine it slowly, don't worry, we will call you when we need you to take action."

Bei Danqiu said quickly.

She was also afraid that Fang Che would make a refining mistake because he was worried about the fighting competition here.

After all, the quality of these treasures from the world is too high, and for any foundation-building monk, they are treasures that are enough to kill someone.

Only a monster like Fang Che could be so unscrupulous in his foundation building.

Fang Che smiled, nodded towards Yun Qinglian and Su Shangshang, and then closed the door.

The plane suddenly became quiet.

Su Shangxing took a long breath, looked at the closed practice room, smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"This is a normal situation...this kid is too curly."

"Even if it takes him just a short time to fly to the Federation Immortal Sect, he will not give up his practice. It's really difficult."

Su Shangshang was filled with emotion.

He...can't roll it at all!

In the training room.

Fang Che first took out the Nine Nether Purple Spirit Fire, one of the rarest treasures in the world.

A group of purple flames burst out instantly, and the temperature in the training room instantly rose. It was so hot that even the consciousness could not avoid it.

"This quality is amazing..."

Fang Che praised.

Compared with the meteor black flame, the power and quality of this Nine Nether Purple Spirit Fire are much higher.

Light burst out from the Niwan Palace between the eyebrows, and powerful spiritual consciousness jumped out and began to refine this true fire.

However, this was a fourth-level high-grade true fire, and even Fang Che found it very difficult to refine it.

boom! ! !

In his consciousness, he seemed to sense a purple fire dragon, roaring, constantly setting off terrifying aftermath of destruction, trying to burn Fang Che's consciousness!

Fang Che was fighting with the purple fire dragon.

"At this rate, it seems that when we arrive at the Federation Immortal Sect... I'm afraid we can only complete the refining of the real fire. I'm afraid it will be difficult for the Black Silver Thunder Sha and the fourth-level dragon blood."

Fang Che sighed.

Calm down your mind and continue to work hard!

boom! ! !

Federal Immortal Sect!

The first fairy city.

The private plane flew across the sky, and the two Nascent Soul monks took off into the sky, their powerful spiritual consciousness expanding.

After confirming the identities of everyone on the private plane, they were allowed to pass.

Federal University, the venue for this Blue Star Immortal Sect Fighting Competition, is located in this Immortal Sect University that ranks first in the entire Blue Star.

In the largest stadium of the Federal University, there are huge alloy arenas one after another. Formations are engraved around the arenas, which will raise defensive formations so that the fluctuations of the battle between the monks in the arena will not be vented.

The plane landed at the airport.

Yun Qinglian crossed her legs, closed the alchemy book in her hand, and stood up with a cold face.

Su Shangxing and Bei Danqiu also stood up in a hurry. They still had a deep respect for Yun Qinglian from the bottom of their hearts.

After all, this is the alchemy master of Daxia Immortal Sect...

Even in the entire Blue Star, he is a famous existence.

"Sage Yun...Fang Che, he seems to be not over yet."

Su Shangshang looked a little ugly.

"Do I need to interrupt his retreat?"

Yun Qinglian glanced at the training room, closed her eyes, and felt the temperature of the real fire that had slowed down slightly. Her long eyelashes trembled slightly. When she opened her eyes, a strange color emerged.

"No, it's almost over."

As an alchemist, her sense of true fire was naturally very real. As the temperature dropped, she knew that Fang Che had become more familiar with the control of true fire.

This shows that Fang Che has completely mastered this fourth-level high-grade true fire.

"He is worthy of being a person who can defeat the golden elixir genius with his foundation-building cultivation... The fourth-level high-grade true fire has already touched the Nascent Soul level. It is still refined by him. The intensity of its spiritual consciousness is probably close to that of the Yuan Shen." Leveled up.”

Yun Qinglian exclaimed.

If Fang Che now concentrates on alchemy, he will soon become an alchemy master. After all, she also knows that Fang Che's alchemy talent is not weak.

Just when the three were waiting for Fang Che in the plane.

Perhaps receiving the news of their arrival, a figure quickly rushed to the airport on the campus of the Federal University.

"Yun Shengshou, you are finally here."

"Is Fang Che here? If he is... we should still have a chance!"

A voice came from outside the plane.

Yun Qinglian, Su Shangxing and Bei Danqiu got off the plane and looked at the figure standing in front of them with an ugly face.

You are a Yuanying master of Xiaju University, and you are the leader of the Xiaju University team to participate in the fighting competition.

"Master Wu Qingfeng, what's wrong?"

Bei Danqiu asked with concern.

Wu Qingfeng shook his head: "Yesterday's top 64, we easily squeezed into the next round..."

"But, today's top 32, we drew Qingtai University of Dongli Xianmen..."

Bei Danqiu's face suddenly changed slightly: "Qingtai University? How come we met the top immortal university in Dongli Xianmen in the top 32?"

"Yes, no matter it's luck or the lottery... this battle is finally here."

"How is the current record?"

Yun Qinglian glanced at Wu Qingfeng and spoke lightly.

As an infant transformation master, his cultivation is stronger than that of the Nascent Soul, which naturally brings a greater sense of oppression.

"Qingtai University seems to know that Fang Che has not arrived, so it sent a genius who is ranked fourth in the preliminary list of the Tianjiao list. The first game won easily, and the second game... I'm afraid he won't last long."

Wu Qingfeng exhaled.

"Fourth in the preliminary list? Zhao Heng is sixth in the preliminary list... Isn't he capable of fighting?"

Bei Danqiu seemed to know the personnel configuration of Xiaju University and couldn't help asking.

Xiaju University is not really strong in fighting, but it can still produce talents in the pre-list.

Shaking his head, Wu Qingfeng was somewhat helpless: "We are about to lose."

"However, Zhao Heng is holding on. He knows that once Fang Che arrives, we will have a chance, so Zhao Heng has been holding off the attack of Li Kushan from Qingtai University."

"But the gap still exists, I'm afraid it won't last long... Where is Fang Che?"

Wu Qingfeng didn't see Fang Che, and couldn't help but change his expression slightly.

"If Fang Che hadn't come, our competition would have ended in a miserable result of being eliminated in the top 32, and we would have become a joke in Xianmen University."

"That Li Kushan clamored to test Fang Che's strength. If Fang Che hadn't shown up, Dongli Xianmen would have made a big fuss about it, saying that Fang Che was afraid of Li Kushan. Those people... could say anything."

Wu Qingfeng felt bitter. He thought that leading the team this time should be the easiest, but he didn't expect...

He might have to take the blame.

"Don't worry."

After listening to Wu Qingfeng's description, Yun Qinglian's face remained calm and composed.

"Don't worry." At the same time, a voice rang out in the cabin of the plane.

Fang Che walked out slowly with a trace of purple flames all over his body.

The temperature around him rose in an instant.

After all, Wu Qingfeng was a Yuanying cultivator, so his vision was naturally not low. He saw the flames around Fang Che at a glance.

He took a breath immediately.

Fourth-order true fire? !

If he remembered correctly, Fang Che was only at the foundation-building stage, right?

He could actually refine the fourth-order true fire?

He is indeed the biggest trump card of this year's Xiaju University's fighting competition.

"I refined the fourth-order true fire on the way, which wasted some time... Don't worry, Teacher Wu."

"Next, leave it to me."

Fang Che smiled gently.

As soon as he finished speaking.

A dragon roar exploded.

Dayan's dragon flashed.

The purple flames rolled and surged, enveloping Fang Che's body and rising into the sky.

Xiaju University's trump card.

Like a demon breaking through the air...


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