The silence of the whole place did not last long, and it instantly boiled up, the cheers tore through the silence, and the explosion-like noise roared like a waterfall!

One move, kill instantly!

Really... too powerful!

Simply crushed, Li Kushan, who was ranked fourth in the preliminary list, was suppressed by Fang Che without any resistance.

He did not even use any killing spells or magical powers. Even if he was covered by Li Kushan's domain, he still did not feel anything unusual.

He raised his hand and pressed down with a slap, directly pressing Li Kushan's head, pressing him hard on the barrier of the protective formation.

It was like...

pressing down a chicken.

So easy.

Li Kushan, who was bleeding from his mouth and nose, was completely stunned. How could the gap... be so big?

Only when you really face Fang Che, you will understand how terrifying this peerless genius is. It is a terrifying feeling from the bottom of your heart.

Even if Fang Che is only a foundation-building cultivator, the pressure brought by the foundation-building cultivator even exceeds that of most Jindan realm cultivators.

Crack, crack...

How strong is Fang Che now?

The Sixth Heaven of Eight Desolate Gods and Demons... His physical strength exceeds that of any late Jindan realm cultivator, although the improvement becomes very slow after the Sixth Heaven.

However, the transformed physique, coupled with the improvement of his own cultivation, has brought about a power increase, making the Eight Desolate Gods and Demons even more powerful.

His hair was flying, and his eyes were indifferent, with no emotion.

He raised his hand and pressed Li Kushan on the protective formation.

He exerted a little force with his five fingers. With just a little force, he could easily crush Li Kushan's head like a balloon.

Li Kushan opened his mouth, and he felt that his skull was about to shatter... He opened his mouth and wanted to admit defeat.

But he couldn't make any sound at all.

Fear, despair, and irresistible defeat…

Instantly, they surged into Li Kushan’s heart like a tide. He once thought that he could fight Fang Che because he had broken through to the Golden Core.

His actual strength might make him a member of the Tianjiao Ranking.

But now, he realized that the gap between him and Fang Che was a world of difference.

“Aren’t you going to admit defeat yet?”

Fang Che frowned.

Li Kushan: “…”

He opened his mouth, unable to speak.

Why didn’t he admit defeat? Don’t you have any idea in your mind?

Li Kushan felt bitter.

“In that case…”

Fang Che raised his other fist, and then, purple flames intertwined on his fist, and a terrifying lion roar burst out.

It was as if an angry mad lion took shape on his fist, burning with the Nine Nether Purple Spirit Fire!

Li Kushan was desperate…


A punch pierced through Li Kushan’s chest, starting from the back and breaking a huge gap from the front chest.

Blood continued to flow from it.

Broken chest...

His chest was broken!

As expected, Fang Che's name as the "chest-breaking maniac" is well-deserved.

Since Fang Che reached the top of the Tianjiao list, he has almost become a star-like existence in Blue Star.

Fang Che's rise has also been brought up by major immortal city high schools and immortal gate universities for lectures.

Even the Dongli Immortal Gate, even the Federation Immortal Gate... all attach great importance to Fang Che and analyze his deeds repeatedly.

Naturally, they also know Fang Che's title of "chest-breaking maniac"!

Li Kushan... personally experienced the authenticity of this title today.

"I... I give up..."

Li Kushan shed sad tears, and Fang Che finally released his hand pressing on his head, and he was finally able to speak.

But this chest... was broken by him after all.

This man is really a dog!

Li Kushan almost shouted out his surrender with the power of his soul.

Then, he was rescued by the referee.

Fang Che stood on the alloy arena, his eyes were indifferent, his face was normal, in this battle... he didn't even sweat a drop.

To deal with a Jindan level one, it was simply... a bit of bullying.

"Go on."

Fang Che said indifferently.

The fighting competition has to continue, Qingtai University should still have a foundation.

In the rest area of ​​Qingtai University, many cultivators looked at Li Kushan who was carried back and saw that Li Kushan's chest was broken open with a huge hole, and their faces changed.

"So cruel, how can we fight him?"

"After all, he is at the top of the Tianjiao list, and he is a ruthless man who even killed Tu Xinglie!"

"Yes, this guy is not fake, his confrontation with Tu Xinglie has attracted worldwide attention... This guy is really strong!"


The students of Qingtai University were numb.

Although they shouted that Li Kushan might have a chance to kill the gods, they also knew that Fang Che's fighting strength was extremely terrifying.

After all, they had all watched the broadcast of Fang Che and Tu Xinglie's battle. Even after the second broadcast, the battle scene still showed strength that made people's scalps numb.

However, the cultivators of Dongli Xianmen have always had an arrogant heart.

If Fang Che had never set foot in Dongli Xianmen, they would have planned to say that Fang Che was a cultivator of their Dongli Xianmen...

This is the arrogance of Dongli Xianmen cultivators.

But they really appreciate the strong.

God-killing, being able to give Fang Che the name of God is enough to show their awe of Fang Che.

But the reality still gave them too much of a shock.

Li Kushan was like a toy in Fang Che's hands. He didn't even have the strength to resist and was directly crushed.

This gap...

It's like the gap between ordinary people and monks.

The entire rest area of ​​Qingtai University was extremely quiet, and no one spoke.

After a while, a figure slowly walked out of the crowd.

"I'll go try it."

The voice was very cold, with a touch of softness in the gentleness.

The eyes of many contestants from Qingtai University fell on the woman who walked out.

This woman is their trump card in this Qingtai University's fighting competition.

Kim Hee-sun, the ace of the Qingtai University fighting team!

Although she has a fourth-level Golden Core cultivation level and has never been on the list of geniuses, it is because she has never set foot on the battlefield of geniuses.

She is the genius of Qingtai University who has devoted all its resources to cultivate her. She is also the only direct disciple of the Lord Transformation of God in Qingtai University.

Qingtai University determined that Jin Xishan has the strength and qualifications to be on the list of geniuses.

For this fighting skills competition, he is treated as a trump card.

But now, this trump card cannot be hidden anymore.

In fact, in addition to Federal University and Pojun University, there are peerless monsters like Lei Ge and Yang Yu who are among the top twenty geniuses.

So, they don't need to hide their cards.

However, other top Xianmen universities will train at least one trump card who is extremely talented in fighting skills.

Just like Kim Hee-sun, he belongs to the background of Qingtai University.

Seeing Jin Xishan coming out, many people made an uproar, but after the uproar, they fell silent, with passion surging in their eyes.

"It's Kim Hee Sun!"

"It's Xishan. Her fighting skills are extremely powerful. Although she has never entered the genius battlefield, she was brought into the real immortal battlefield by her teacher!"

"Maybe... there is still a chance?"

Many monks at Qingtai University couldn't help but fantasize again, their hearts were eager, and their hopes seemed to be rekindled.

Although they regard Fang Che as the god of fighting, so what?'s not like he can't be slaughtered!

Fang Che stood quietly on the alloy ring, not in a hurry. He was waiting for Qingtai University to show its trump card.

For such an important event as the Fighting Contest, which involves the quota for this Hundred Races' Prodigy Battle, almost all Xianmen Universities will do their best.

All the trump cards cultivated and hidden in the past will be revealed.

This is what Zhao Huaiming, the dean of academic affairs, told him, saying it was a little secret of the major Xianmen universities.

Fang Che asked, does Xiaju University have any trump card?

Dean of Academic Affairs Zhao Huaiming was a little helpless, saying that Xiaju University was not very good at martial arts, and all the students it recruited were in the auxiliary practice route.

He is quite good at refining alchemy, making talismans, etc.

But it's not very good when it comes to fighting skills.

Xiaju University's teaching staff at the fighting level is not as good as Pojun University and Xiandu University.


Xiaju University has no idea about the battle between the geniuses of all races...

Therefore, no trump card was prepared.

Zhao Huaiming even said confidently that Fang Che was their biggest trump card at Xiaju University.

Fang Che shook his head and his eyes fell on the woman who slowly walked out of the rest area of ​​Qingtai University and stepped onto the alloy ring.

"Qingtai University, Kim Hee-sun."

Jin Xishan's consciousness was shaken and he said.

Although there is a language barrier, once his spiritual consciousness fluctuates, he can basically express his meaning clearly.

Fang Che looked at this beautiful woman calmly and nodded slightly: "Xiaju University, Fang Che."

Jin Xishan's eyes were fixed on Fang Che, and slowly, a touch of enthusiasm came over him.

"I will do my best to fight you! I have been hidden by the teacher for so many years, and I can finally attack with all my strength!"

Jin Xishan spoke slowly.

The next moment, an extremely terrifying aura burst out from that graceful and thin body.

An invisible realm centered around her body, sweeping and spreading!

"Come into my realm!"

Jin Xishan's hair flew up, and his eyes burst into darkness.

Countless black light pillars suddenly burst out from her spreading field, instantly like a densely intertwined cage, completely imprisoning Fang Che.

"First-class field, shadow killing field!"

Jin Xishan's voice became extremely ethereal, lingering and stirring throughout the alloy arena.

The next moment, her body slowly merged into the shadows, as if she had completely disappeared between heaven and earth!

The shadows cast by the black pillars became her perfect hiding place.

Fang Che's eyes narrowed: "First-rate field?"

This Jin Xishan has actually mastered the first-class field. He is indeed the trump card hidden by Qingtai University. He really has something!

As the only top university in Dongli Xianmen, Qingtai University’s heritage cannot be underestimated.

But as far as Fang Che is concerned...

That's all.


Fang Che clenched his fist. The moment he clenched it, the air flow around his fist surged, and the space seemed to collapse unbearably.

A figure jumped out from the black shadow. Before the sword light could strike, it was suppressed by Fang Che's fist.

The sword light exploded in an instant, and the figure let out a muffled groan, and got back into the shadows again.

Fang Che's face remained as usual, standing in the field, his black hair flying, his eyes moving frequently, scanning the shadows one after another, as if... capturing something.

In the shadows, Jin Xishan was trembling all over, his face extremely pale and ugly.

"What a domineering power...what a terrifying killing blow!"

"That punch almost has power beyond the middle stage of the Golden Core, at least reaching the level of the late Golden Core."

"The body has been cultivated to such a powerful level. What kind of monster is this?"

Jin Xishan's legs were shaking constantly and were a little weak.


"Why does he seem to be looking at me?"

Jin Xishan cast a horrified look, and happened to look at Fang Che.


A creepy feeling instantly enveloped Jin Xishan's whole body.

This is her domain!

First class field!


Jin Xishan bit his lip, took long and narrow steps, and ran quickly in the dark shadow space.

Wherever there was darkness, she ran in that direction.

Raising one hand, countless black shadows continued to converge towards her palm, slowly condensing into a long shadow-edged sword.

Her goal...

It’s Fang Che’s shadow!

As long as Fang Che's shadow is cut off, Fang Che's physical body in reality will also suffer heavy damage!

This is her first-class field, shadow killing!


A cold sense of crisis has been locked on Jin Xishan's body, because Fang Che's eyes are always locked on her, staring at her.

No matter which direction she moves, Fang Che will see her clearly.

It's just like……

Even if she is hiding in the shadow space, she still has nothing to hide!

I ran for who knows how long.

In the silent shadow space, the only sound left was Jin Xishan's constant breathing, breathing heavily.

The surrounding darkness began to twist, and shadows began to dance wildly.

Jin Xishan knew that she had been in the shadow space for too long, and her current mastery of the shadow killing field was only a preliminary mastery of the first realm.

Therefore, if she stays in the shadow space for too long...

It will close the portal between the shadow space and the real space, and she will stay in the shadow space forever.

This is absolutely not allowed.


With a sharp roar, he gritted his teeth suddenly.

Kim Hee Sun must be killed!


She suddenly jumped out from the shadow of a black pillar behind Fang Che, very fast and silently.

The shadow blade in his hand suddenly slashed towards Fang Che's shadow.

Jin Xishan was sweating profusely because she found that Fang Che's eyes had locked on her early, and even moved with her body. Even if she jumped out of the shadow space, she was still locked.



Jin Xishan's face was startled, and then a look of surprise appeared in his eyes!


Her shadow blade really hit Fang Che's body!

This Fang Che is too careless and arrogant...

Is this her intention to eat her shadow blade slashing move?

Fang Che's physical body is indeed strong, but...

His shadow is extremely fragile in front of Jin Xishan, who controls the shadow killing field!


Jin Xishan roared!

All the mana in the body was transmitted into the shadow blade at this moment, pushing the shadow killing field to the extreme.

There is only one purpose, to cut off Fang Che's shadow!

With a tearing sound, Jin Xishan's knife really cut into Fang Che's shadow, cutting Fang Che's shadow from the neck to the waist and abdomen, almost splitting the entire shadow diagonally.

But as he slashed, at the back... he couldn't cut at all.

" is this possible?"

Jin Xishan was shaken all over.

He looked at Fang Che in disbelief.

Why... is Fang Che even such a hard shadow?

Fang Che is an extremely powerful physical practitioner, everyone knows this, and he is unparalleled in his ability to compete with the earthly and ruthless physical practitioners.


Physical training tempers the body, but shadow cannot temper it, so why... is it so hard?

Fang Che looked at him calmly, and countless white threads suddenly intertwined in his eyes.

"The Ten Thousand Dao levels."

"The way of shadow killing is also among the ten thousand ways. It can be discovered at a glance."

"You are invisible in my eyes."

Fang Che said lightly.

"As for why you can't cut off my shadow..."

"Because your consciousness is too weak."

The words are finished.

Fang Che's body suddenly grew taller, and the Eight Desolate Gods and Demons were triggered. His body instantly rose to more than two meters like a demon, and a torrent of demonic energy suddenly emerged.

The pitch-black demonic energy was smeared with the purple Nine Nether Purple Spirit Fire, and in an instant, the purple-black flames burned brightly!

The waist-length black hair is dyed with purple fire, flying freely!


A surging heat wave hit my face.

Countless black shadows were like black paper dust that had been scattered by someone.

The entire alloy arena shook and trembled at this moment.

Among the broken black paper flying in the sky, a burly figure wrapped in purple flames, with long hair dancing wildly, stood quietly.

Wave after wave of surging heat surged around the figure, and all the shadows seemed to be collapsing and disintegrating, melting silently.

Jin Xishan was swept away by the heat wave, and the terrifying power impacted her body. Even the golden elixir cultivation level was unable to resist it.

It was directly shaken out from the countless dark debris, and blood spewed out.

The graceful body flew upside down, but it had not yet flown out.

A figure appeared in front of her like a flash.

It penetrated directly through his chest and was nailed into the void!


Jin Xishan's eyes instantly lost their sparkle, and his whole body looked like tattered white cloth.

A thick and big arm pierced through her chest, just like a hunter using a spear to pick up the prey and nail it in the air.

Kim Hee Sun couldn't stop trembling, her eyes were dull and lifeless, and she lost her fighting spirit and courage to resist...

This man, just a little bit of force...

She couldn't bear it.

Meeting him.

It's like seeing a demon!

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