Diligence can make up for one's shortcomings: Start by making up for one's natural spiritu

Chapter 292: Facing God, I don’t even have the courage to pick up a knife (1/2)

overbearing! Invincible!

Almost a complete crushing!

Nothing fancy, just an extreme crushing of power!

When Fang Che got serious, Jin Xishan couldn't even withstand a punch, and was directly pierced through the chest and nailed to the void...

The whole square was quiet, and all the monks watching the battle fell into silence when they saw the scene on the alloy ring.

They were silent, they were speechless.

Someone took a deep breath and subconsciously rubbed his chest.


Fang Che has only fought twice since his debut, but both opponents had their chests shattered.

That scene was extremely cruel, dripping with blood, and made people's hair stand on end!


Especially the participating students from Qingtai University, all of them looked pale, as if they had completely lost their souls.

Looking at Jin Xishan nailed in the void, their goddess... was abused by the men from Xiaju University without any resistance...

For a time, a sadness spread uncontrollably in their hearts!


There was a monk who was so angry that he clenched his fists and roared.

"Xishan, my Xishan!"

"Stand up and keep fighting, Xishan!"

The silence didn't last long before there was an explosion like an uproar.

The noise was rolling like a big wave, and everyone's eyes showed horror.

Fang Che raised his body to more than two meters and glanced at Jin Xishan who was penetrated by his thick and hard fist.

Give it a flick.

Jin Xishan lost his mind and was thrown out like a rag by him. He was thrown out of the ring and collapsed on the ground, with blood staining the ground red.


Purple magic flames burned on Fang Che's arms, burning and evaporating the blood lineage.

Jin Xishan fell out of the alloy arena. The leading teacher from Qingtai University hurriedly helped her up, picked up the elixir and fed it into her mouth to treat her injuries.

Fang Che was also helpless. After all, this was a battle between the Blue Star monks.

these people……

Not the Demon Spirit Clan, nor the members of the Demon Cult...

Therefore, Fang Che had to be merciful when he took action. He couldn't kill them, he could only break his chest.

"He...he...is too strong."

Jin Xishan recovered from his injuries and was wrapped up in clothes by his instructor. His whole body seemed to be shocked and his mentality collapsed.

There was almost a cry in her words.

She is so desperate, how could there be such a devil?

From the beginning to the end of the battle, there is a sense of oppression from beginning to end.

Even if she entered the realm of shadow killing that she was most proud of, she still couldn't escape the oppression caused by Kai Fang Che's sight.

This kind of battle... really makes people lose hope at all.

Kill the God?

Only when you truly stand in front of God can you understand how terrifying God is.

At that time, you didn't even have the strength to pick up the butcher's knife.

Qingtai University was in despair.

On the other hand, Xiaju University was cheering with joy. All the contestants and staff who participated were almost too excited to contain their emotions.

So proud!

Isn’t Qingtai University arrogant in front?

Didn’t you say that Xiaju University was going to be eliminated?

Even if Fang Che comes, they will still be defeated...

Now, you should stand up and say another word!

Fang Che is here, please defeat him!

The staff at Xiaju University were the most excited.

To be so proud in a martial arts competition is a gesture that the staff of Xiaju University have never experienced before.

So cool!

As expected of me, Che Shen!

The fighting competition is still going on.

The current score between Qingtai University and Xiaju University is 2 to 2. According to the best-of-five-game system, Fang Che only needs one more victory to lead Xiaju University to the top 16.

The leading teacher from Qingtai University looked extremely ugly.

Looking at the alloy ring, the tall figure with a height of two meters and two, with muscles all over his body like a horned dragon, full of oppression.

Even the leading teacher in the Nascent Soul Realm was so depressed that he was breathing heavily, let alone these students.

"Who else among you...will come?"

The leading teacher said in a hoarse voice.

Who's on?

Whoever fucks someone is a fool...

You don’t want your chest anymore?

Let's play, let's make trouble, don't make fun of the chest-breaking monster...

He is really broken-chested, equal to men and women, and treats everyone equally!

Even if it’s the goddess Kim Hee-sun, how can she look the same?

None of the contestants from Qingtai University came on stage. Even if the leading teacher gritted his teeth angrily and named a contestant, that contestant was unwilling to come on stage.

Do you go on stage to get beaten when you know you have no chance of winning?

"Xiaju University won and advanced to the next round."

There were no contestants on the stage yet, so the referee landed next to Fang Che and spoke.

The battle between Qingtai University and Xiaju University was announced, and it ended with Xiaju University winning.

Fang Che dispersed the eight desolate gods and demons, and the terrifying and oppressive atmosphere disappeared.

He slowly walked off the alloy arena, and returned to the rest area of ​​Xiaju University under the gaze of everyone and countless awed eyes.


Yun Qinglian, with her big red robe flying, sat on the chair and nodded slightly.

She was very satisfied with Fang Che's performance.

The result of the battle was not beyond her expectations. After all, she had witnessed the battle between Fang Che and Tu Xinglie.

She knew Fang Che's fighting skills very well. He was a real fighting skill genius.

She was not like those optimistic monks in Qingtai University who thought that Jin Xishan could defeat a fighting skill genius.

That was the genius ranked 20th on the genius list!

He was truly the top figure among the young generation.

"Sit down and take a look. I wonder if there will be a fight between Brother Lei and Yang Yu... If you can watch their fight, it should be helpful to you."

"This fighting competition is actually the stage for the three of you. There may be others, but they are not important."

"Well, it's not that there are none. For example, Huasheng University of the Federation Immortal Gate, and... Kata University of Baiting Immortal Gate should also have a trump card, and its strength may be quite good."

"This fighting competition is openly a battle between the three of you geniuses. In fact, others are unwilling to give up and want to get a piece of the pie. After all, it is related to the battle of the geniuses of the Hundred Races and involves the inheritance of the Holy Land."

Yun Qinglian looked at Fang Che and said softly, wanting to remind him not to relax too much, but to watch the battle carefully and take a look at the opponent.

Fang Che was not too proud after hearing this.

After all, Qingtai University is nothing...

Even, he didn't even add a bit of diligence to defeat Li Kushan and Jin Xishan.

What a loss.

Fang Che pursed his lips.

This is rare, defeating the opponent without adding diligence.

Fang Che shook his head, but he didn't care too much. His eyes fell on the alloy ring.

Sometimes, watching a fight... is actually a kind of practice. You can explore and think about the shortcomings of the fighting monks, and then improve yourself.

Fang Che sat in the rest area of ​​Xiaju University.

He didn't slack off at all. While watching the fight, he put himself into it, wondering if he could defeat the opponent with the opponent's cultivation and means.

After watching for a long time, Fang Che's eyes suddenly condensed.

He felt an extremely terrifying breath, extremely domineering, extremely wild, like a proud existence, with his chin raised, despising everything in the world, and slowly walked over.

Fang Che's eyes fell on the alloy ring.

But on the ring, a burly man with a naked upper body and tattoos all over his upper body slowly stepped onto the stage.

With a full head of golden beard, he looked like an angry lion.

As if he noticed Fang Che's gaze, this golden lion-like figure turned his eyes and met Fang Che's gaze.

The eyes of the two collided in the air, as if an invisible electric current burst out.

"He is the trump card of the Federal University, and also Reg, who is ranked ninth on the Tianjiao list..."

"The peerless Tianjiao who masters the domain of the Tyrant Fist!"

Bei Danqiu took a deep breath and said, introducing the information of the opponent to Fang Che.

"It is indeed very strong... The second realm of the domain is indeed very different, this sense of oppression..."

Fang Che narrowed his eyes and his face became solemn.

However, at the same time as he was solemn, the blood in his body was gushing, and there was a boiling fighting spirit, which made his body tremble slightly.

Reg stood on the alloy ring, without even looking at his opponent, his eyes met with Fang Che, grinning, he nodded slightly, and then moved his eyes away.

For this Tianjiao of the Great Xia Xianmen who suddenly rose up like a comet across the sky... Reg was also looking forward to fighting with him.

A foundation-building person can actually stand at such a height.

It is really not easy.

Perhaps, this is the mutual appreciation of Tianjiao.

Fang Che nodded, as a response to the other party.

On the alloy arena, the battle also began.

The opponent of the Federal University...

Coincidentally, it was Xiandu University, which had once recruited Fang Che.

As one of the top universities for cultivating immortals in Daxia Xianmen, Xiandu University naturally has a rich foundation.

But no matter how deep the foundation is, facing Reg, who is ranked ninth on the Tianjiao list, there is only despair.

Xiandu University sent out a genius of the sixth level of Jindan, who has comprehended the first-class field and has never been on the Tianjiao list. He is the hidden trump card of Xiandu University.

However, even such a genius could not take a punch from Reg.

The domineering fist field spread, and with one punch, the genius of Xiandu University was bleeding on the spot and lost his combat effectiveness.

If there were no rules and restrictions, the genius of Xiandu University might have been directly shattered into pieces and smashed by a punch.

Very domineering, very pure!

Fang Che seemed to smell the scent of his kind, and the blood under his skin was boiling and getting more excited...

I really want to fight right away!

On Blue Star, it is almost impossible to see a genius who can cultivate his physical body to such a powerful level, and Reg and Fang Che seem to be on the same path of unparalleled physical body!

There is not much suspense.

The other two contestants from Xiandu University tried their best.

But they were still swept by Reg, one against three, without any suspense.

The defeat was without suspense.

And the contestants from Xiandu University did not feel strange. When they drew the Federal University in the draw for the top 32, they knew that they had no chance of qualifying.

The battle ended, and the rest area of ​​​​Xiandu University was quiet.

Ouyang Su, the admissions teacher who once recruited Fang Che, was also in the team of teachers leading the team this time.

At this moment, facing the elimination of Xiandu University, Ouyang Su sat on the chair and covered his face with his hands.

Blame him...

Blame him, if he could have won Fang Che over.

Unfortunately, there is no if in the world.

No matter how much he regrets, it is useless.

Ouyang Su could never have imagined that the weak foundation-building cultivator could reach such a height all of a sudden, which really caught people off guard.

The last match of the 32-strong competition was between Pojun University and a cultivation university of Baiting Xianmen.

There was still no suspense.

Yang Yu appeared on the stage. He was a cold man with a knife box on his back. He had no expression on his face, his hands folded across his chest, and he was extremely cold, as if nothing in the world could move him, except the knife in his hand.

After Fang Che and Reg, Yang Yu also chose a series of three.

This was the tacit understanding of the three geniuses.

In this battle, Yang Yu stood on the alloy arena, and he didn't even move a step.

Countless knife lights burst out around him.

Even the university of Baiting Xianmen sent a cultivator of the sixth level of Jindan, but he was also defeated by a single sword!

Just as Reg can defeat everything with one punch, Yang Yu can defeat everything with just one sword.

Equally domineering, equally invincible!

The audience seats around were full of carnival, and countless cultivators screamed.

Yang Yu's popularity was extremely high, not inferior to Reg, perhaps because he was a genius standing at the fifteenth place on the Tianjiao list.

At least, Fang Che was a little weaker than both of them in terms of popularity.

After all, Fang Che became famous too shortly, how long has it been... and came to participate in this fighting competition, from being unknown to being a household name, only this one battle is needed.

"How is it?"

Yun Qinglian looked at Fang Che and asked.

She asked whether Reg and Yang Yu had put pressure on Fang Che.

Fang Che nodded: "They are both extremely strong. If they really fight, it will be a hard battle."

"They are both much stronger than Tu Xinglie."

Fang Che said seriously.

Yun Qinglian nodded: "After all, you are the top prodigies on the prodigy list. There are only two of them in the entire Blue Star. Now you are included..."

"I am looking forward to it." Fang Che's eyes were burning.

"I have never been afraid of the strength of my opponents. I only hope that my opponents can bring me enough pressure to make me...transform!"



The next top 16, in fact, is still no suspense.

Reg, Yang Yu and Fang Che appeared one after another, sweeping the field to help their respective universities advance to the top eight.

"The results of the top eight draw are out..."

Beidanqiu said excitedly.

Then, everyone raised their heads and looked at the big screen behind the alloy arena.

On the big screen, the school emblems of each immortal university began to roll.

The school emblem pattern represents their respective universities.

The eight school emblems were thrown in randomly, and then began to rotate rapidly, like a slot machine.

When a dull bell rang.


On the big screen, the rolling pattern returned to calm.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on the screen.

Even Fang Che couldn't help but raise his head and take a look.

Just in time to see Xiaju University's next round opponent.

"Huh? Huasheng University of the Federation Immortal Sect?"

Yun Qinglian's face slightly condensed.

Bei Danqiu and Su Shangxing also took a breath.

"This draw... is really bad!" Su Shangxing couldn't help but complain.

The Federation also has three top universities for cultivating immortals, each of which is not inferior to Xiaju, Pojun and Xiandu University...

Even stronger.

"There is no weak team in the quarterfinals, don't underestimate any of the teams in the quarterfinals." Yun Qinglian said lightly.

His eyes fell on Fang Che.

"Husheng University, second only to the Federation University... None of them are like Reg who has made it to the top ten of the Tianjiao list..."


Yun Qinglian looked at Fang Che and his face became serious.

"But there is a cultivator in Huasheng University, and that is Reg's... sparring partner!"

"The trump card of Huasheng University is also Reg's sparring partner... Although he has been suppressed by Huasheng University and has never entered the genius battlefield or been on the Tianjiao list, the resources poured in have also made this person's cultivation and strength extremely powerful."

"Reg once publicly commented that if this person goes to the Tianjiao list, he will definitely be ranked in the top 20."

Yun Qinglian took the initiative to apply for the position as the team leader of Xiaju University this time, because she wanted to see to what extent Fang Che's combat power could burst out.

However, as a teacher, she naturally would not slack off. With the terrifying connections of the alchemy master, she easily got this precious information.

"This person's name is... Anlos."

When Yun Qinglian read out this name.

Fang Che seemed to have a feeling in his heart, feeling that someone was spying on him.

As soon as his eyes turned, he met a pair of purple eyes. A handsome man with purple hair stood in the lounge area of ​​Washington University, with an extremely thick and heavy broadsword on his back.

He smiled at him.

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