Diligence can make up for one's shortcomings: Start by making up for one's natural spiritu

Chapter 294 Are you sure you have blocked all my cards? (1/2)

A cloud of blood mist exploded from behind Anlos, extremely charming, like a beautiful flower representing death.

Anlos' eyes bulged to the extreme, almost bursting out of his eye sockets.

The terrifying force acted on his chest, like a river bursting its banks, rushing into his limbs, crushing his flesh and blood, breaking his body.

It was so painful!

This punch...

How could it be so strong?

Is this the power that can be erupted in the foundation building realm?

Anlos vomited blood in big mouthfuls. This physical power... is stronger than Reg!

Bang! ! !

Anlos' chest was broken, and a blood hole suddenly appeared in the broken chest.

The terrifying force smashed him and flew out, and finally hit the defense formation fiercely, causing the honeycomb pattern of the defense formation to be activated.

Anlos felt that every inch of his flesh and blood was about to be broken, crushed and torn apart by the domineering force.

He finally used the domain, and the power of the domain swept around him, stabilizing his body.

The devouring power was running, and his body began to recover little by little, and the broken flesh and blood were also recovering at a very fast speed.

Fang Che's body was burly, like a high wall, standing quietly in place, quietly watching Anlos recover his flesh and blood.

He did not pursue the victory, but waited quietly.

As expected of the first sandbag of the Federation, it was blown up... and it would self-repair.

Fang Che has the transformed Ming Wang Eye.

Although it has transformed into the real magical power "Wang Lin", Fang Che's eyesight still has the analytical power of Ming Wang Eye.

He saw at a glance that the reason why Anlos could continue to recover his flesh and blood was because he was absorbing the power he had just bombed in his body.

With the help of these devoured powers, he recovered his broken flesh and blood.

Anlos floated in the air, and his purple hair and purple eyes became extremely weird.

He stared at Fang Che, and his expression became extremely complicated.

"Really strong..."

"If I don't use the domain, I can even feel the pressure from Reg from you..."

"And you...are just a half-step Jindan."

Anlos exhaled, with mixed feelings.

Only when you become a genius can you understand what a true genius is.

There are only more geniuses above geniuses.

"However, you have never mastered the domain after all, which is your biggest shortcoming."

Anlos locked his purple eyes on Fang Che and said.

At this moment, his expression became extremely serious.

"Anlos, Washington University, ninth level of Jindan, Devouring Domain...Second Realm."

This is Anlos introducing himself and explaining his strength.

Devouring Domain...Second Realm!

Fang Che's eyes condensed slightly. This was the first cultivator of the second realm level he met.

Even Tu Xinglie only mastered the first realm of Xuantu Domain.

The realm realm is divided into several realms, and the breakthrough of each realm is a transformation of the perception of the realm.

For example, Cang Xingyu, who was at the top of the Tianjiao list, had reached the third level in his comprehension of his own domain, achieving a crushing crushing.

Fang Che's heart was shaken, but the blood in his body became hot.


Fang Che stared at Anlos: "Let me see... what's the difference between the second level of the domain."


Before he finished speaking, his whole body had already appeared in front of Anlos who was suspended in the air.

A fist as big as a casserole suddenly smashed out, tearing the air and causing a wailing sonic boom.

Anlos looked at it indifferently, and his mind moved. The power of the domain instantly expanded, completely wrapping Fang Che in it.

In the domain... the cultivator is invincible!


Anlos's purple hair suddenly flew up, and in front of him, a huge black vortex appeared, like a black hole.

Fang Che's fist hit the black hole, and he could no longer go deeper and was swallowed by the black hole.

At the same time, the corners of Anlos' lips slowly opened a curve.

"My Devouring Domain... is the top of the first-class domains. Although it has not reached the height of the nine top-grade domains, it is not weaker than Reg's Tyrant Fist Domain."

"Moreover, my domain has reached the second level, and you don't even have a domain..."

"There is a huge gap between you and me."

Anros smiled, although he was hit by Fang Che and suffered a little loss.

But at this moment, with the help of his body fully recovered after devouring Fang Che's power, he showed a bright and confident smile again.


Anros suddenly opened his arms, and it seemed as if nine black hole vortexes were constantly circling around him.

Nine black holes, as if they could devour everything!

And Fang Che also clearly felt that there was a terrible momentum rising in the entire domain!

A sense of oppression like a mountain came down with a bang.

To restrict Fang Che's actions and the circulation of his own blood and qi!


The entire domain...was madly devouring his blood and mana until it sucked him dry!

Moreover, the oppressive feeling of the second realm is much stronger than that of the first realm.

The Xuantu realm of Tu Xinglie is actually not weaker than the Devouring realm, but the oppressive feeling is very different.

"The second realm..."

Fang Che's eyes narrowed slightly.

The next moment, his body vibrated, and every inch of his skin was vibrating slightly, and then he broke free from the oppression.

His body rushed forward, turning into a trail of afterimages, and continued to kill Anros.

At this moment, Fang Che was unreserved and went all out!

Boom! ! !

A black hole blocked Fang Che's way. Fang Che punched into it, but he felt as if all his strength was swallowed up!

Very strong!

Very strange!

Fang Che's eyes condensed, but he was not too afraid. His blood was burning, the Nine Nether Purple Spirit Fire was flourishing, and the purple spirit rushed to the sky.

Boxing, Fire Lion!

The prototype of magical power, forbidden spell induction!

The two were combined and performed, and in an instant, the densely packed Nine Nether Purple Spirit Fire transformed mad lions roared and flew out, and penetrated into the black hole one after another!

The entire black hole seemed to be bulging.


Fang Che kicked hard in the air, and his body disappeared in an instant. When he disappeared again, he had already missed the black hole and approached Anlos again.

Anlos looked indifferent and pointed from a distance.

Another black hole moved over, blocking Fang Che's path and stopping him.

Anlos was in the black hole, but he was calm and composed, with a peaceful expression, as if everything was under control.

The black hole that Fang Che had previously filled with fire lions slowly recovered.

"Do you want to know how strong the second realm is?"

"Feel it well."

Anlos looked at Fang Che with strange eyes.

Then, he clenched his fist and slowly punched Fang Che.


In an instant, countless fire lions gushed out of the black hole, rushed towards Fang Che in an instant, and completely enveloped and swallowed Fang Che.

Fang Che's demonic eyes reflected the scene at this moment, and countless fire lions roared wildly.

He crossed his arms to block, and was instantly hit by his own fire lion attack.


Fang Che fell back onto the alloy arena, and the ground under the arena sank like mud.

He suddenly swung his arms, and countless fire lions fell apart.

Fang Che's eyes revealed a hint of interest.

"It is worthy of being the first sandbag in the Federation..."

So far, Anros alone has surpassed any top-of-the-line training facilities.

[Ding! "Innate Sandbag Holy Body" is detected, and your diligence is about to be confirmed. Please use your full diligence to blow up the Innate Sandbag Holy Body! ]

In front of him, the long-lost panel prompt suddenly popped up.

Fang Che rolled his eyes, glanced, and then retracted his gaze, with a cold smile on the corner of his lips.

Blow up this sandbag... do you need to be reminded?

Fang Che was full of fighting spirit, and he no longer had any reservations.

He suddenly opened his arms, and under the magic state, he opened his magical powers... ascended to immortality!

Boom! ! !

The vision of the Immortal Palace suddenly appeared above the head, with countless palaces standing in a row, immortal birds flying, and strange visions.

At the same time, in the vision, an immortal who looked very similar to Fang Che walked out.

The immortal stepped out, and his body rose and rose until it was thirty meters!

The wind was howling, and Fang Che's figure with his arms outstretched was engulfed by the wind, and his black hair was flying wildly.

His eyes were fixed on Anlos.

Fang Che slowly clenched his fist and pushed it down!

The huge immortal phantom also made the same move.

One punch...

Hit a black hole!

Anlos's face suddenly became serious. In his perception, the power of Fang Che's punch even exceeded the limit that a black hole could bear!

"Such a magical power..."

Anlos took a deep breath.

He had seen the scene of Fang Che fighting with Tu Xinglie, so he did not despise Fang Che at all.

Although Anlos was confident that he could suppress Tu Xinglie.

But this also showed that Fang Che was extremely strong, so he must not be careless!

He knew that Fang Che still had many trump cards!

Anlos manipulated three black holes to fly over in succession, and faced Dengxian's punch with all his strength!

Boom boom boom!

The two terrifying forces were deadlocked on the alloy ring.

The spectators around held their breath, widened their eyes, with expectation, excitement, and enthusiasm.

Such a battle... is the real battle of the blue star geniuses!

Compared with the one-sided slaughter between Fang Che and Jin Xishan, it is much more interesting.

A battle of equal strength is the most attractive.

Reg put his hands behind his back, his golden hair flying, and his eyes flashing with interest.

As his sparring partner, he knew how durable Anlos was in the second realm of the Devouring Realm when he went all out.

Even if he...

He also used a more powerful Tyrant Fist Domain to wear out the opponent's Devouring Domain, and only then could he break through the dilemma.

Yang Yu's face was solemn, and he felt the difficulty for the first time.

This Anlos was more difficult than he thought.



Fang Che did not pay attention to the situation outside, and his fighting spirit was completely burning at this moment.

Anlos' Devouring Domain aroused his competitive spirit.

He must break this Devouring Domain!

Since you can devour so much, when the energy blasted out exceeds the scope of devouring, it will be enough to break the opponent!

Fang Che's idea is so simple and direct.

Since you can devour...

Then make it so big that you can't swallow it at all!

The three black hole domains were restricted by the power of the magic power to ascend to immortality.

Fang Che didn't stop, the energy all over his body burned like flames, his body fell to the ground, and he used the movement technique of Dayan Shocking Dragon Flash, snaking out like a real dragon!

Under the demonic state of the Eight Desolate Gods and Demons, Fang Che had an extremely dark spear wrapped in overwhelming demonic energy in his hand!

Bahuang True Demonic Spear!

Fourth level magic weapon!

His body was stuck in the air, he twisted his waist and suddenly threw the spear.

It roared out and headed towards Anros Hole.

Anlos's eyes narrowed. The power of the fourth-level magic weapon was definitely not weak, but... as the trump card of Washington University, he naturally also had a fourth-level magic weapon!

However, Anlos had watched the battle between Fang Che and Tu Xinglie, and knew that there was more than one fourth-level magic weapon that Fang Che could master!

Therefore, after hesitating, he gave up the idea of ​​using the fourth-level magic weapon he could control to deal with it.

With a finger from afar, a black hole moved away to resist the Bahuang True Demonic Spear!


The Bahuang True Demon Spear blasted into the black hole, instantly causing the black hole to reach its maximum power.

Anlos' expression changed slightly, but fortunately, he blocked it after all.

Fang Che still transformed into a dragon, and kept using Dayan Shocking Dragon Flash. His face was calm, and he restricted another black hole. Anros still had five black holes left to control.

Fang Che smiled faintly.

The Niwan Palace in the center of his eyebrows shook, and the scriptures from the seventh level of the Ten Thousand Dao Sutra were like golden rain splashing all over his body.

Completely activate his Ten Thousand Paths Holy Body.

The next moment, Fang Che used his second magical power "Wang Lin"!

boom! ! !

The golden body of the primordial spirit simulated by supernatural powers suddenly arrived, and an extremely powerful oppressive power of the primordial spirit swept everything between heaven and earth.

Anlos' expression changed drastically. Only when he truly faces it can he understand the horror of Fang Che's magical power!

"It's useless! My Devouring Domain...devours all energy, even the energy of divine consciousness!"

Anlos' expression was solemn and solemn.

Facing the power of the golden body of the soul offered by Fang Che, he had to use three black holes to block it!

Three black holes can block the Immortal, three black holes can block Wang Lin, and one black hole can block the True Demonic Spear of the Eight Desolations!

Anlos' face suddenly turned ugly.

All he has left is...two swallowing black holes!

Fang Che's whole body was red, and his knotted muscles were like a python, like old tree roots, and like pieces of burned red iron.

He transformed into a terrifying dragon and galloped around, releasing astonishing heat waves all over his body, and the surrounding space was distorting and deforming uncontrollably.

It's like a demon standing across the sky, it's really terrifying!


Anlos' eyes flickered.

The two black holes are controlled by him!

I gradually became more confident.

Because, based on the comparison between Fang Che and Tu Xinglie's battle, Fang Che's trump cards should have been exhausted!

There are also two swallowing black holes, which are enough to completely block Fang Che's power.

At that time, the swallowing black hole has digested these forces...

Just give it all back to Fang Che!

Use Fang Che's own burst of power to defeat himself...

Defeating the enemy with his own methods is what Anlos enjoys the most.

Fang Che's eyes flickered, he raised his hand, and a sword cauldron stirred the purple thunder evil, and pressed it down with a crash.

Fourth level magic weapon!

Anros opened his mouth and roared, and a stream of light roared out. It was a black dagger, flowing with strange light, and it was his treasured fourth-level magic weapon.

With his own fourth-level magic weapon, he blocked Fang Che’s fourth-level sword cauldron!


With a crisp sound, two fourth-level magic weapons collided in the void, causing ripples.

Anlos' eyes sparkled, he knew that Fang Che also had a fourth-level magic weapon!

An extremely domineering fourth-level magic weapon, a long halberd.

It was this halberd that shattered Tu Xinglie's last hope.

At this moment, Anluos deliberately left a devouring black hole just to deal with Fang Che's fourth-level halberd!

As long as he blocks this halberd, Fang Che will have no trump card.

By the time……

Wait until the swallowing black hole digests all the power Fang Che vents.

Fang Che will have to face his strongest explosion!

Fang Che did not swallow the black hole...

Therefore, when the time comes, it will definitely be Anlos who wins!

Anlos' eyes were blazing, and he had already made all the plans in his mind!

Fang Che glanced at him, as if he knew what Anros was expecting. The Eight Desolate Gods and Demons suddenly transformed from the demonic state into the divine state, raised his hand, and the Heavenly Wrath Halberd immediately fell into his hand.

boom! ! !

A halberd swept out like a wild dragon and swept down.

Anros roared angrily.

Opened his arms.

The last swallowing black hole was moved in front of him and blocked in front of Fang Che.

"What I've been waiting for is your halberd!"

Anros roared.

boom! ! !

The halberd was smashed down, and the terrifying fourth-level power surged and exploded in the void.

However, Anros still managed to hold on to the swallowing black hole and did not completely explode...

Even though Fang Che's halberd was extremely terrifying.

His silver hair was flying, and Fang Che's eyes showed an endless golden color, looking faintly at the devouring black hole holding the Sky's Wrath Halberd.

Fang Che seemed to already know what Anlos was thinking.

The corners of his lips couldn't help but twitch slightly.

He looked at Anlos.

"Are you sure...you've blocked all my cards?"

Fang Che said lightly.

When Anros heard this, his eyes suddenly shrank.

next moment……

Then he found Fang Che's side...

An ancient bronze mirror appeared inexplicably.

Above the mirror...

The water rippled, and suddenly...

It seemed that an extremely violent sandstorm was vented from the mirror. Behind Fang Che, a wisp of fine sand slowly turned into a terrifying sandstorm that covered the sky and the sun!


Countless piles of sand and gravel piled up, and a huge, roaring sandstorm giant, thirty meters tall, slowly stood up from behind Fang Che.

Anlos was stunned...

Looking at the endless sandstorm that isolated his devouring domain, looking at the huge sandstorm giant.

He opened his mouth and murmured unconsciously.

"Xuantu Realm..."

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