Diligence can make up for one's shortcomings: Start by making up for one's natural spiritu

Chapter 295: The top four are announced, Daxia civil war! (1/2)


When Fang Che sacrificed the Xuantu Domain, Anlos was struck by lightning, his whole body was shaking, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

Because he had never thought that Fang Che actually had a trump card, which was a domain.

How could he have a domain?

Why? !

Isn't Fang Che just a foundation-building?

Although his cultivation seems to have reached the level of half-step golden elixir, half-step golden elixir is still considered a foundation-building, and it is impossible to master the domain.

Things like domain...

can only be truly mastered after achieving the golden elixir.

Only the condensed golden elixir can produce a domain field, which is different from the transformation of spiritual consciousness. Perhaps the foundation-building stage can have a divine consciousness at the level of Shenzang, because the divine consciousness can be cultivated.

But the domain, that is the golden elixir field. Without the golden elixir, how can there be a domain?

Therefore, Anlos was shocked and his mind was shocked.

He took precautions and calculated everything, but he ignored this point and forgot that Fang Che might have a domain.

No, he had never thought that if Fang Che's cultivation broke through to the Golden Core Realm, then Anlos would definitely defend against this move.

But Fang Che was only at the Foundation Building Realm...

Anlos was about to shed tears.


Xuantu Domain!

The extremely fierce sandstorm was roaring, venting everything and smashing everything.

The huge sandstorm giant, more than 30 meters high, roared, as if it had walked out of the huge sandstorm. The oppressive feeling brought by the giant, and the extremely terrifying oppressive aura.

Anlos felt a sense of despair in his heart.

At this moment, he no longer had the Devouring Black Hole, and he used all of them to resist all of Fang Che's means.

The Devouring Domain also fell into an extremely weak state.

Although it was a second-level domain, the power was greatly improved, and the Devouring Black Hole was also increased to nine, blocking almost all of Fang Che's trump cards.

But this also meant that his own empty door was opened.


The sandstorm giant roared and punched down with a bang.

Domain energy kept overlapping around Anros, but under this punch, it was almost like a mirror covered with spider web cracks.

The power of the domain... is the real domain power!

Anros' scalp numbed.


The giant's bombardment continued to hit his defense. Anros seemed to be messy in the wind, and the surrounding defense energy continued to explode fine cracks.

Fang Che was suspended in the air, with silver hair flying, watching this scene indifferently.

Xuantu Domain, this is his first time to activate it.

Domain Nine Mirrors, he can copy all domains, and can also activate all domains, turning the power of the domain into his own use. This is a very special ability.

Of course, when activated, it is not as strong as the complete Xuantu Domain, but it also has 80% of the power.

All of Anros's swallowing black holes went to block his attack.

At this moment, the sandstorm giant transformed by the Xuantu domain was like the last straw that broke the camel's back, bringing Anlos a great sense of oppression and crisis.

"Something is wrong... He can't have a domain unless he has already stepped into the Jindan realm!"

Anlos' eyes condensed.

A roar of a dragon resounded, and it seemed that there was a purple thunderbolt intertwined.

Fang Che's silver hair flew behind him like a cloak, and his burly body was covered with intertwined divine patterns, and every inch of flesh and blood was filled with crystal light.

He performed the Great Evolution Dragon Flash again.

Fang Che appeared in front of Anlos.

His face was extremely calm.

The demeanor of the gods and demons of the Eight Desolations, the immortality plus the king's presence, at this moment Fang Che was like the supreme god king overlooking the world.

The perfect body, the intertwined divine patterns, the surging blood, blended a kind of mystery and dignity that could not be described in words.

Anlos gasped for breath, this overwhelming pressure... what the hell?

Why can the foundation building of this Great Xia Immortal Sect bring a more terrifying sense of oppression than Reg, who is ranked ninth on the Tianjiao List?

Fang Che's strength is obviously far behind Reg.

Anros is often beaten by Reg...

But he still feels that Reg's oppression is not as good as Fang Che's.

"But... I haven't lost yet! There is still a chance!"

Anros gritted his teeth.

All the mana in his body was agitated, manipulating the surrounding defensive energy. As long as he could block Fang Che's killing and the power of this field...

It would be enough to wait for the energy of the nine devouring fields to recover.

At that time, all the power that devoured Fang Che would be released...

Anros believed that Fang Che would definitely not be able to stop it...

He still had hope of winning!

Anros roared, and between heaven and earth, it seemed that there were countless crystal-like defensive forces folding halos. He tried his best and burned all his mana to resist Fang Che's killing.

Fang Che watched this scene quietly.

Although all the fourth-level magic weapons were blocked one by one,

But Fang Che's power never relied on the fourth-level magic weapon. Even without a magic weapon, as a physical cultivator, his body was the most powerful weapon, the top magic weapon.

Fang Che moved his body, and instantly turned into a beam of light and shot out, cutting the air directly into two.


A simple and unpretentious punch smashed in front of Anlos.

The mirror snapped and spread like snowflakes.

The large area of ​​air around was cleansed into the clearest state, and then twisted and deformed. It can be imagined how terrifying the power contained in Fang Che's punch was.

Anros's eyes tightened, his breathing was rapid, and the only sound in his ears was the violent beating of his heart.

He kept urging his magic power to repair his defense.

However, the first punch was just the beginning.

Then came the bombardment of attacks.

Fang Che's figure was completely blurred, and he could not see his figure at all. When he flashed, he disappeared without a trace.

Anros's naked eyes could not catch Fang Che's figure at all, and he could only feel the surrounding defenses, which were constantly cracking.

Fang Che was as agile as a dragon, and his figure moved around and could not be caught.

Fists, elbows, knees, whip kicks...

Every inch of his body turned into the most terrifying killing weapon!

Boom! ! !

When the speed of repairing the cracks could not keep up with the speed of appearance.

The despair in Anros's heart spread out.


Fang Che's handsome face appeared in front of him, close at hand.

Fang Che slowly raised his fist, and billowing white air surged out around his arm.

Then, Fang Che's last punch was pushed out.


The sound of shattering and the sound of explosion appeared in an instant!

The devouring defense formed by all the crystals of Anlos's mana was blown up alive at this moment!

With the cultivation of half a step to the golden elixir, he forcibly blew up the full-strength defense of a ninth-level golden elixir.


Anlos spit out blood.

At the same time, his mind was shocked.

He turned his stiff head and saw the nine devouring black holes that he was proud of...

They swelled up suddenly.

Then, it exploded with unimaginable horror!

Boom boom boom...

Nine extremely terrifying explosions in a row!

The nine devouring black holes exploded, like nine fireworks suddenly appearing on the alloy arena.

Anlos was suspended in a daze.

Then Fang Che grabbed his head with five fingers, threw it out fiercely, and hit the defense formation of the alloy arena, and a honeycomb-shaped barrier appeared.

Fang Che looked at Anlos calmly.

He raised his fist and pierced Anlos' chest...

Blood spurted out like a withered bloody flower.

Anlos looked at him blankly...

The devouring power in his body could not be used, and blood flowed around the wound, as if it was taking away his vitality.

The first sandbag of the Federation.

It was completely blown up!


The terrifying power rushed into Anlos' wound, and Anlos fainted completely.

Fang Che let go of his hand.

Anlos slid onto the ground alloy arena like a pool of mud.

At this point, the battle... was completely over.

The nine black holes dissipated.

The energy and brilliance of the explosion also subsided.

Fang Che floated down, his face indifferent and peaceful.

The sword tripod, the Eight Desolate True Demon Spear, and the Sky Wrath Halberd all returned to his side and floated around him. The brilliance of the fourth-level magic weapon was dazzling.

The aura on Fang Che's body also slowly converged and gradually dissipated.

He exhaled gently.

A smile hung on Fang Che's lips. He was worthy of being the first sandbag in the Federation. In this battle, Fang Che fought very happily. He went all out and made the physical skills of the Eight Desolate Gods and Demons slightly improved.

Not bad, really good.

[Ding! Congratulations on completing the defeat of the sandbag. Go all out and vent happily, so that you can be more diligent in cultivation and get the reward "Diligence Critical Hit Card\

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