Diligence can make up for one's shortcomings: Start by making up for one's natural spiritu

Chapter 297 Extreme Killing Blast, Half Silver Hair and Half Black Hair (1/2)

A hearty and refreshing slash, a slash that contained all of Yang Yu's energy, swept down like this.

It turned into a real Heavenly Sword, slashing all souls, extinguishing all light and darkness!

The Black Demon Heavenly Sword!

Yang Yu's eyes were burning, and the breath of his whole body was boiling. His magic power was unreservedly released into the Heavenly Sword in his hand. Countless swords and magic weapons were condensed into an extremely terrifying Heavenly Sword, integrating the power of the domain.

Yang Yu let out a long roar.

All over his body, his muscles and bones were ringing.

If Anros is the ultimate defense, and his Devouring Domain is famous for resisting and can block most of the attacks in the world, then Yang Yu is famous for attacking.

Once the Heavenly Sword comes out, either you die or I die!

His sword is extremely fierce, and it can break everything. There is no defense, there is no defense at all, only offense, and the strongest defense is offense!

This is Yang Yu's Heavenly Sword Domain!

The huge black Heavenly Sword enveloped the entire alloy ring, and the extremely rich sword energy was overwhelming.

"Fang Che, please take the sword!"

Yang Yu's long roar echoed.

The entire alloy ring square fell into a dead silence, and everyone stared with wide eyes, watching such an amazing fighting duel in shock.

No defense, all offense!

It was simply crazy to the extreme.

In the rest area of ​​the Federal University, Reg stood up with a blazing gaze, and a heavy sense of oppression permeated his body. This sword made every inch of his flesh and blood excited.

"Good, good! A good Black Demon Heavenly Sword!"

"What a Heavenly Sword that cuts the five senses, the six consciousnesses, the soul, and the divine consciousness!"

Reg's eyes were blazing, and he wished he could come on stage at this moment and take this sword in person to hone his own field and improve his own fighting skills.

And not just Reg.

Everyone watching the battle around was dumbfounded.

In the rest area, Su Shangxing and Bei Danqiu, two Jindan realm cultivators, were extremely horrified.

If they were in the same situation, they would not be able to resist such a knife and would be easily killed.

The soul and the body were killed together!

Too strong...

This is the best in the Jindan realm, extremely domineering, extremely powerful, like a god or a demon!

This is the real top attacking genius!

Many people felt extremely painful just by looking at it, and had a terrifying and terrifying feeling that even their eyes were about to be cut off.

Everyone's eyes were black, and the deep ink color exploded in the bottom of their eyes. The darkness like a big tide of a river drowned everyone's heart. In an instant, they could not see, hear, speak, or smell!

The five senses were cut off and deprived by a knife!

What a terrible knife!

Even through the broadcast screen, the audience felt suffocated.

Watching from a distance is so terrible, so what about Fang Che who was the first to bear the brunt...?

Fang Che was trembling with excitement all over. Every inch of his flesh and blood was extremely excited at this moment. It was a brilliant excitement under extreme oppression, as if his flesh and blood were about to revive.

His silver hair was flying, and the Eight Desolate Gods and Demons were fully activated and stimulated, reaching the sixth level. His divine state was open, and Fang Che's whole body was resounding.

Facing this knife, Fang Che felt as if he had fallen into a black hell, as if he was groping alone in the dark night without seeing any light.

Not only was his five senses and six consciousnesses deprived and cut off, but even his divine consciousness was covered by darkness, and he lost his ability to detect the outside world for a while.

This was the first time Fang Che felt so helpless after cultivating his divine consciousness.

His divine consciousness sent out a sharp pain to warn him.

However, it was precisely because of this that Fang Che felt the stimulation.

Such a knife…

It was constantly sharpening his divine consciousness and his spirit.


The black knife was unsheathed, and the pure darkness cut through the light. It was a darkness purer than the dark clouds that covered the city, blinding the divine consciousness and slashing the sky with a knife!

Fang Che's silver hair was flying, but his mind was extremely calm.

His divine consciousness was trembling. At this moment, the divine consciousness that opened eighty-one divine veins seemed to be constantly impacting the divine orifices under extreme pressure.

As the divine orifices were broken, the divine consciousness was like a jet of water, stirring and exploring the surroundings.

A breakthrough and transformation under extreme pressure!

"That's the feeling..."

Fang Che enjoyed it very much, feeling the oppression, but it was extremely exciting.

There seemed to be a divine consciousness cutting like a knife between Fang Che's eyebrows, as if it turned into an eye, which was the silent pupil of the Ming Wang.

Because after the pupil of the Ming Wang transformed into the divine power Wang Lin, it was basically not used.

At this moment, Fang Che chose this method.

His consciousness regained its perception, and he felt the dense, sweeping sword energy that was like a waterfall from the sky. Fang Che's eyes were extremely bright, and his heart was agitated.

This was the terrifying magical killing of the second realm compressed into one sword!

This sword was a move that combined magical power and domain!

It was Yang Yu's strongest move.

Yang Yu...

Only this one move!

Fang Che raised his hand, and the Sky Wrath Halberd fell into his hand.

His bones crackled, and the Sixth Heaven of Eight Desolate Gods and Demons was constantly transforming and impacting under the terrifying pressure at this moment.

Holding the Sky Wrath Halberd, Fang Che's eyes were like lightning, and they suddenly swung up.

He also let out a long roar.


Fang Che did not choose to retreat!

Such a killing, of course, should be regarded as a head-on confrontation... to be considered hearty!

Boom! ! !

The fourth-level magic weapon Sky Wrath Halberd was slashed out by Fang Che.

Qi and blood, mana, magical powers, spirit...

All were condensed to the extreme at this moment.


Between heaven and earth, a brilliant roar of dragon roar suddenly sounded!

Fang Che grasped the Sky Wrath Halberd, with a burly body and flying silver hair. On his perfect body, purple thunder and purple flames intertwined and surged, like a sea of ​​fire and thunder!

A halberd pointed out, without any fancy moves, just a simple horizontal point!

The space was shattered inch by inch, like a mirror, first covered with spider webs, then shattered and collapsed!

The shattered space debris was swept up by the halberd's wind, and behind Fang Che, it formed a huge dragon whale that roared and jumped out of the vast sea!

The best spell... the sea-splitting dragon whale!

A halberd raised to the sky, and the vast sea split the dragon whale!

Fang Che's silver hair flew, and his pure body performed this supreme spell...

Instantly draining all his physical strength and mana, everything around him was shattered by the halberd's light!

The Thunder and Fire Halberd rose from the earth, and the Dragon Whale roared loudly, impacting the darkness!

Bang! ! !

The Dragon Whale collided with the Sky Sword that fell from the sky!

The impact of the halberd's light and the knife's light!


It was like a shocking and angry explosion at the beginning of the world!

The darkness faded, and the five senses returned!

Everyone found that their vision was restored, and they could see the confrontation in the ring clearly. The sound of the airflow surging in their ears sounded, and the black knife and the fierce halberd had already collided.

When the collision occurred, the airflow, the knife's light, the halberd's light, the mana, the blood...

Everything was shattered!

In less than one thousandth of a second, the aftermath had already been vented and roared.

It was like a huge wave smashed hard on the alloy arena's defensive formation, causing the formation to directly emerge into a honeycomb-shaped protective barrier.


The entire alloy arena was shaking violently.

The smoke and dust rolled and shook, like a dragon turning over, and the broken alloy debris of the arena flew across the sky!

This was the most violent collision!

After Fang Che merged the magical power Wang Lin and the magical power Dengxian, he used all his strength to perform the top-grade spell, the Sea-Splitting Dragon Whale.

This is a top-grade spell that can be integrated into physical skills!

At this moment, Fang Che performed this spell!

Countless sword lights vented down, but the halberd light was extremely fierce. It cut a way out from the sea of ​​sword lights, and the dragon whale raised its tail and tore open a gap!


Yang Yu's figure flew upside down, and the Tiandao domain seemed to be pried open. His eyes shrank solemnly, and he was a little unbelievable.

It seemed that he had not expected that Fang Che could withstand the blow without using the power of the Xuantu Realm.

He was even prepared that if Fang Che used the Xuantu Realm, he would also use this blow to split the Xuantu Realm and seriously injure Fang Che!



Fang Che actually chose the most unexpected way for him, the way to confront him head-on!

This... freak!

Fang Che's eyes were burning, and blood was spurting out of his body. Even the physique of the Sixth Heaven of the Eight Desolate Gods and Demons was forced to bleed under Yang Yu's blow. Every pore secreted blood and the load reached the extreme.

"It's my turn!"

Fang Che's eyes were golden, and with the blessing of the two great magical powers of Dengxian and Wang Lin, Fang Che grasped the Tiannu Halberd and turned it violently.


The halberd whistled, the dragon whale roared, and the halberd blaze that expelled the darkness surged in an instant. All the people who had just recovered from the sword light that cut their five senses brought by the Black Demon Slashing Heaven Sword, at this moment, only felt endless halberd blazes, overwhelming the sky!

A huge dragon whale suspended across the entire alloy arena came in such a domineering and brutal way!

Sea-splitting dragon whale, turn me into a halberd!

A halberd, the wrath of heaven!

Yang Yu landed on the alloy arena, his eyes widened, but he saw the halberd blaze of the halberd sweeping and oppressing in an instant, with an indescribable sharpness and violence!

Even Yang Yu, who was determined, comprehended the second realm of the Heaven Sword domain, and was the most sincere and fierce attacking tyrant, was in a trance at this moment.

It was as if he saw a suppressed dragon whale roaring and roaring in the endless sea of ​​stars, hitting a terrifying wave and splitting the sea of ​​stars in two!

Seeing the young man holding a halberd and standing in the starry sky, a long halberd swept across and danced, destroying all around, invincible in the eight wildernesses, looking down on all directions!

It was like a demon standing under the starry sky!



The gaze that seemed to be substantial, as if it penetrated the starry sky for thousands of miles, made Yang Yu feel extremely painful in his eyes!

He clenched the fourth-level long sword in his hand, and his whole body was trembling!

The knife light was born again like a waterfall, stirring around, and a nameless anger surged up.

Who are you... despising? !

He Yang Yu...

He has been cultivating immortals since he was a child, and his talent is unparalleled in Daxia. He was recruited by Pojun University early and was invincible among his peers.

He also ascended to the battlefield of geniuses with a terrifying long sword, killing out a great reputation and ascending to the top of the Tianjiao list.

A heavenly sword...

In the entire battlefield of the fragments of the immortal gate, who dares to despise him?

Fang Che...

How dare!


Yang Yu, who had originally overdrawn his strength, actually achieved a second burning of his spirit at this moment.

The extremely terrifying blood and qi gushed out of his body like a river bursting its banks, and a golden elixir was lifted and turned, and all the majestic magic power was integrated into Yang Yu's body.

The power of the second realm of the Heavenly Sword Realm was squeezed to the extreme!

"Even if you, Fang Che, are a peerless genius with an unparalleled physical body... but how dare you... despise me?!"

Yang Yu roared!

With a sweeping sweep of the sword, the light of the sword fell like black thunder, and the exploding murderous intention enveloped the ultimate darkness!

The light of the slashing sword and the light of the halberd pointed out by Fang Che collided together again.

The splendor of this moment once again made everyone's eyes fall into confusion. The intensity of the battle was far beyond everyone's imagination.

Alloy Arena...

Click, click, click...

Overwhelmed cracks continued to appear, which could not withstand the deadly collision of the two geniuses!

Even the defensive formations set up by the Nascent Soul experts seemed to be crumbling.

The light of the sword and the light of the halberd are fighting. The two are in a wonderful collision. In the blink of an eye, they are facing dozens of changes in life and death!

Reg was breathing heavily. His eyes were full of excitement and joy. His anticipation had already risen, and he was looking forward to the next battle with the winner between Fang Che and Yang Yu.

"Fighting like this... can further promote the improvement of our generation!"

"Cultivation of immortals and cultivating immortals is one thing, but fighting is the key! Only by being able to fight can you live longer and have the right to speak!"

Reg laughed, and a terrifying coercion burst out from his whole body. This was the realization of the domination field!

No one thought that a civil war between Xia Jiao and Xia Jiao would reach such an intense level.

Everyone thought it would just be a formality.

After all, Yang Yu is higher than Fang Che in the ranking of geniuses, and Yang Yu is also stronger than Fang Che. Fang Che will probably take a step back and let Yang Yu preserve his strength to face Leige in the next round.

But Fang Che, the newly promoted genius, a monster rising like a comet, was not willing to compromise.

He is not willing to give in, he wants to use his strength to fight for the top!

If you want to win from him and advance to the finals...then...defeat him!

And Yang Yu didn't give in. The wills of the two geniuses collided and their fighting spirit burned. At this moment, there was no reservation or fancy collision!

The alloy arena exploded with a bang, and the two collided intermittently, with constant explosions.

Under the prison-like light of the sword, Fang Che's hair danced wildly, his energy, blood and mana burning fiercely. A halberd of wrath shone brightly, vibrating and bouncing at an unimaginable speed in his hand, and it was in conflict with the long spear struck by Yang Yu. The knives clashed.

This is the first time that Fang Che has been suppressed to such an extent with the Sixth Level of Eight Desolate Gods and Demons, with full firepower.

Yang Yu relied on the ultimate power of the second level of the Heavenly Sword Domain.

With the ultimate attack, he brought the greatest threat to Fang Che in history!

If you are not careful, you will be threatened!

Fang Che did not use the realm. Although he copied the black earth realm and Anros' devouring realm, but...

He doesn't want to use it.

He wants to enjoy this battle.

Bang! ! !

Fang Che's body was covered in blood, his silver hair was flying, and under his gilded eyes, countless dragon scale armors were covered with fine knife marks. The defense and amplification brought by the Burning Sky Golden Dragon Blood Transformation were useless in the face of Yang Yu's knife.

But it doesn't matter!

The gods and demons of the Eight Desolations continued to transform, and under great pressure, Fang Che slowly gained understanding.

Yang Yu's sword light was like a washing power, constantly washing away some shortcomings in Fang Che's body.


Fang Che's body was covered with silver light and black light intertwined, and magic patterns and divine light spread all over his body.

Eight Desolate Gods and Demons...

At this moment, Fang Che displayed both the demonic state and the divine state at the same time.

Gods and demons merge into one.

boom! ! !

The wrathful halberd roars loudly, and the dragon soars into the abyss!

Empty the air waves!

Yang Yu and Fang Che unleashed their most powerful moves.

This is a collision between the two on a purely offensive level!

One has the realm of the heavenly sword integrated into the sword, making it unparalleled in tyranny and ultimate killing power.

A man's physical body is tempered to the extreme, and holding a halberd is like the wrath of heaven!

At this moment, the two people's attack was extremely brilliant. Even the dark sword light was extremely bright, taking over all the vision.

boom! ! !

Yang Yu's sword ripped open the dragon whale.

A terrifying bit of brilliance burst out, black and silver...expanded in an instant, wantonly plundering all the brilliance in his pupils!

Yang Yu's pupils shrank violently.

He could feel that Fang Che's last halberd was stronger than before...

Much stronger!

He actually...

In such a battle...a breakthrough can still be achieved!

The sword light exploded inch by inch, the halberd light tore through the sky, the sound waves were like strong wind, blowing away the broken alloy arena and stirring up debris and dust!

It even blew out Yang Yu's dazzling black sword light!

puff! ! !

A powerful halberd brought up blood as bright as ruby ​​and shot out fiercely from Yang Yu's body.

Like a black angry dragon spanning the earth.

Finally, it hit the honeycomb-shaped defensive formation with a heavy impact.


The swaying defensive formation shattered, and the fourth-order Heavenly Wrath Halberd wrapped around Yang Yu's body, rushed out, and hit the tall wall of the Federal University Square, causing the wall to sink deeply and create spider web-like cracks. expansion……

Most of the auditorium collapsed!

Between the billows of smoke and dust.

Everyone's brains went blank, and they all looked blankly and dullly at the ruins of the arena.


A figure with a perfect figure stands tall and tall, like a fusion of gods and demons!

Like waterfall hair, half flowing silver and half black.

Like a cloak...

Dance wildly!

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