Diligence can make up for one's shortcomings: Start by making up for one's natural spiritu

Chapter 298: The Ninth Prodigy, How Many Punches Can You Take From Me? (1/2)

The thrilling battle finally came to an end.

Looking at the burly figure with silver and black hair standing in the ruins of the alloy arena, many people were speechless.

The monks watching the battle breathed rapidly, and their minds seemed to be hit hard by a heavy hammer.

Yang Yu... No. 15 on the Tianjiao List, a Tianjiao figure who had comprehended the second level of the Tiandao Realm, was actually defeated by Fang Che!

It was because this battle did not take place in the Genius Battlefield. If it took place in the Genius Battlefield...

Fang Che might be able to jump from No. 21 on the Tianjiao List to No. 15!

The main reason is that Fang Che has just stepped into the No. 20 on the Tianjiao List not long ago.

"So fierce..."

"Yang Yu is already very strong, but Fang Che is even stronger... The ultimate attack and bombardment is really a unique feast!"

"It's so cool to watch. Both of them are not ordinary cultivators. The means of confrontation are too exciting!"


In the audience, the sound of evaluation slowly resounded.

Then, the sky was boiling!

The excitement lingered in everyone's heart. For many cultivators, being able to observe such a battle of geniuses is satisfying.

Of course, everyone also saw Fang Che's strength in this battle, and many people showed amazement.

And with the end of this battle, it means that Xiaju University has officially obtained the qualification for the battle of geniuses of the hundred races.


The sound of breaking through the air resounded, and several leading teachers of Pojun University rushed to Yang Yu's side quickly. Looking at Yang Yu's chest with a big hole, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

Fang Che obviously showed mercy, only breaking Yang Yu's chest, not cutting off his life, otherwise with Fang Che's strength, it would not be impossible to kill Yang Yu.

"Yang Yu has lost..."

The shocking emotions lingered in the hearts of the teachers leading the Pojun University. They never thought that Yang Yu, with such a strong strength and such incredible talent, would still lose.

The eighth level of Jindan, plus the second level of Tiandao Domain, even if he faced the real Yuanying Realm, he would not necessarily lose!

However, he was actually blown up by Fang Che, who was half a step into Jindan, with an absolute attack!

"Too fierce..."

The teacher leading the team sighed.

Then he regretted beating his chest and stamping his feet.

You know, Pojun University also tried to recruit Fang Che, but because the resources it provided were not as good as Xiaju University, it eventually missed this genius.

Who would have thought that Fang Che would rise so quickly.

His talent could be so evil that he could kill all the Jindan Tianjiao with his foundation-building cultivation!

In the rest area of ​​Xiaju University.

Yun Qinglian's eyes sparkled, and her heart was filled with satisfaction. She was really more and more amazed by this half-disciple.

Such fighting power was indeed extremely good, surpassing all the geniuses of the same generation.

The only flaw was the lack of cultivation. If he could improve his cultivation, Fang Che might really be able to achieve a stunning record in the battle of geniuses of hundreds of races, and even obtain the inheritance of the holy land.

Su Shangxing and Bei Danqiu were both numb. Such a battle made them tremble physically and mentally.

It was too fierce, so powerful that even they would be defeated in three moves.

"This boy... has really grown up."

Su Shangxing looked at Fang Che, whose breath gradually calmed down in the ruins of the arena, and let out a long breath.

And the people who watched the scene through many broadcasts were also shocked.

Feilei Xiancheng, the entire Feilei Xiancheng No. 2 High School fell into silence, extremely quiet, especially the gifted class, which was silent.

Even Cheng Shi, who had always supported Fang Che, couldn't help but be amazed, and his fat face trembled constantly.

"Too awesome... Ah Che is really awesome!"

"One move rises like a mad dragon, and there is no peer in the world who can suppress him!"

"This is an awesome person who came out of our Feilei Xiancheng!"


Cries of joy exploded one after another, from the mouths of every gifted class student who had been a classmate of Fang Che.

Who would have thought that Fang Che, who had practiced in the same classroom with them some time ago, is now standing on the highest fighting arena on Blue Star and defeated the trump card of Pojun University!

It was like a dream, unimaginable.

Is this a heavenly spiritual root?

How could a heavenly spiritual root be so powerful!



Fang Che stood on the alloy arena, fading away his two magical powers, and his aura slowly returned to calm.

A smile appeared on the corner of his lips. This battle made him very satisfied and happy.

The refreshing and exhilarating feeling made his body and mind emit a comfortable sound.

Yang Yu's extreme attack gave Fang Che a different experience, and even made his Eight Desolate Gods and Demons physical skills have made a significant breakthrough.

Of course, the biggest gain came from diligence.

[Ding! You defeated your rival Yang Yu, won the victory in a head-on way, defeated the sharpest spear, and gained diligence +10,000, and gained five times the diligence critical strike, and the critical strike logistics +50,000]

In front of him, the panel prompt flashed by.

Fang Che gained 50,000 points of diligence in this wave!

After putting away the magic weapon Tiannu Ji, Fang Che walked out of the ruins.

The end of this battle means that the competition between Xiaju University and Pojun University has come to an end.

The remaining two players actually don't need to appear on the stage, and their appearance is just a formality.

Fang Che can easily sweep them alone.

Therefore, if Pojun University simply abstains, it is better to retain its strength and compete for third place.

The third place is also very important, as it can also qualify for the Hundred Races Prodigy Competition.

If you can't compete for first and second place, you can only compete for third place.

Originally, Yun Qinglian was ready to compete for third place, but Fang Che abruptly raised her expectations.

Fang Che walked towards the rest area under the gaze of everyone.

However, just as he took steps forward, his consciousness suddenly moved slightly.

He paused in his steps, raised his eyes, and looked at the burly figure in the distance.

Reg's golden hair was flying, and his bright blue eyes were staring at Fang Che, full of eagerness to fight.

His physical body is extremely ferocious and shocking, and the terrifying domineering energy lingers around him, which belongs to his powerful domineering field.

Leg and Fang Che looked at each other, as if there were intertwined thunders bursting out.

After a long time, Reg laughed.

"Fang Che... have a good rest and adjust your condition! In the next game, please satisfy me."

Reg grinned.

The words... are very arrogant!

In other words, extremely arrogant!

Reg had seen Fang Che defeat Yang Yu in a battle, but he was still extremely domineering, and even told Fang Che to take a good rest and show more strength, otherwise... at this level, he would be defeated.

"If you only have this level of strength... you will lose, and you will lose miserably."

"It will be... hammered by my fist until it bursts completely!"

The corners of Reg's lips curved wider and wider.

"This fighting competition... the only one who can really interest me is you. Don't let me down."

After Reg finished speaking, he turned and walked towards the alloy ring that was repaired by the referee.

Reg's words didn't hide much.

Such arrogant words instantly caused the entire audience to burst into uproar.

The monks who came from Daxia Immortal Sect to watch the battle were very angry, but the monks from the Federation Immortal Sect were extremely excited and made all kinds of screams and whistles.

This is Reg!

The number one genius in the Federation, the peerless figure who ranks ninth on the genius list!

It is a more powerful existence than Yang Yu!

Everyone knows that the Federation Immortal Sect will definitely win the first place in this fighting competition.

Because with Reg, one person is enough to suppress all geniuses.

An Luosi can't do it, and Yang Yu can't do it either...

Anlos is even just Reg's sparring partner. Since he is a sparring partner, if Reg is serious, he can easily defeat Anlos.

And Yang Yu...

I had fought against Reg a long time ago, and it was a disastrous defeat without any suspense!

Completely defeated.

Fang Che looked at Reg's back as he turned around to take the stage, his eyes narrowed slightly, and there was also a flash of light.

Very crazy and arrogant...

However, the other party does have the capital to be arrogant!

Number nine on the list of geniuses...

Blue Star is the only one in the top ten on the Prodigy List!

Compared to Yang Yu... much more powerful.

Each of the top ten on the Tianjiao list is the best among all the races in the Xianmen Fragment Continent!

They are all the ones with the most evil talents among this generation. It can be said that they are the products of this era's great fortune!

He is truly the darling of heaven and earth.

Fang Che knows that he is not the darling of heaven and earth. His current achievements are all due to his own hard work and diligence!


Fang Che's eyes were shining, shining with extremely brilliant light.

The blood that had just been silent began to boil again.

"However, with my current strength... I may not be able to defeat Reg."

"The ninth level of the Golden Core, the second level of the Domination Fist Realm..."

"And I don't have a domain...and my cultivation level is only half a step to the golden elixir."

Fang Che shook his head.

There was no further thought.

The sky was completely dark, and the finals should be tomorrow. He had some time to practice hard and prepare for tomorrow's battle!

Fang Che returned to the rest area of ​​Xiaju University.

Yun Qinglian floated over, her beautiful brows furrowed: "Fang Che, do you want to abstain tomorrow?"

"Rege is too strong. He is ninth on the list of geniuses. He belongs to another level."

"Don't look at it. His cultivation level is only one level higher than Yang Yu's, which is the same as An Luos's, but the field of hegemony he comprehended... is probably a hundred meters away in the second realm."

"This is the biggest difference between him and An Luosi and Yang Yu."

"It can be said that the top ten on the Prodigy List and the second level of the domain are all within a hundred meters of each other."

Yun Qinglian's words silenced Bei Danqiu and Su Shangxing who came over.

Although the two of them somewhat expected Xiaju University to win the championship.


This idea is indeed somewhat unrealistic.

No matter how evil Fang Che is, he really has no chance of winning against a monster like Leige.

Number nine on the list of geniuses... just listening to this ranking gives people a sense of oppression that makes it hard to breathe.


Fang Che looked at Yun Qinglian in confusion.

That clear gaze made Yun Qinglian feel a little ashamed in her heart.

"Why give up? Even if I can't beat Reg, this is an extremely rare opportunity to train myself. How can I waste such a good training opportunity?"

Fang Che shook his head and said with a smile.

Yun Qinglian fell silent.

Do you actually regard the battle with Reg... as a training for your own practice?

The Gan Emperor is worthy of being the Gan Emperor...

Even if it is such an important fighting competition, he will not give up practicing. Even if it is a fight with no chance of winning, he should treat it as a practice to hone himself...

No wonder Fang Che can reach such a high level in the fighting level.

Such a diligent person, he deserves it...

So strong!

Yun Qinglian did not persuade him again, but just sorted out a copy of Reg's information and handed it to Fang Che.

"Reg's information is easy to check. He has a strong talent for fighting. His domineering fist field has walked out of a hundred meters, which is even more powerful... The sense of oppression alone is extremely terrifying. If you fight him, the first thing you have to do is to resist the oppression of his domineering fist field."

Fang Che nodded, found a place in the rest area, and sat cross-legged.

He took out a top-grade soul-enriching pill and stuffed it into his mouth. The prototype of the magical power was activated, and Fang Che's consumed mana and physical strength began to recover rapidly.

Moreover, with the help of the top-grade soul-enriching pill, he quickly impacted the mana barrier.

His own state was quickly adjusted to a perfect posture.

Fang Che then took out the cultivation resources that he had exchanged for his merits. He had refined the fourth-level true fire Nine Nether Purple Spirit Fire on the plane before, and now he had to refine the Black Silver Thunder Evil, and... the fourth-level high-quality true dragon blood!

Fang Che's current foundation is not enough to fight Reg.

Unless he takes out the Purple Sun Puppet given by the Guardian Puppet of the Wandao Sect...

Otherwise, the chance of winning is really small.

Therefore, Fang Che needs to increase his own foundation.

His eyes were bright, and he first added the 50,000 points of diligence that he had just gained from the critical hit to his magic talent.

The original magic had 30,000 diligence, and with the addition of 50,000, it suddenly reached 80,000.

There was only a shortfall of 20,000 diligence from the distance to make up for the shortcomings to level 6.

The problem is not too big.

The improvement of magic talent is also a great help to Fang Che.

Now, the magic sea-splitting dragon whale has become one of his killer moves. If it is combined with the blessing of magic power, the power can be further improved.

Buzz buzz buzz...

Fang Che felt his mind vibrate, and his understanding of magic continued to improve.

The diligence to make up for his shortcomings did have some effect, which brought his understanding of magic to a whole new level.

After exhaling a breath of turbid air, Fang Che slowly opened his eyes.

Looking up, on the stage, Reg's burly body stood like a peerless god and demon, and his opponent, Ross University of Baiting Xianmen, also stepped onto the stage.

He was also a hidden ace, and his cultivation was not weak. He had the ninth level of Jindan cultivation and was a genius cultivated by Ross University with all its resources.

But as soon as the battle started, it showed a one-sided oppression.

Reg was too fierce, so fierce that it was unbelievable. It was just three punches with the domain attached, as if three punches that could split the sky and break the mountains, and directly hit the Ross University's ace, and it was defeated in a bloodbath.

The battle ended too quickly...

Everyone was in disbelief.

Reg turned around and looked down at Fang Che who was sitting cross-legged from the stage with great arrogance.

His golden hair was flying, like a mad lion.

His burly body was full of oppression.

He stared at Fang Che...

Domineering, arrogant and expectant...

He grinned.

"I want to see..."

"How many punches can you take from me?"

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