Diligence can make up for one's shortcomings: Start by making up for one's natural spiritu

Chapter 300: The flesh furnace refines the true dragon! The hardworking emperor is still working har


A terrifying explosion occurred, and the invisible air waves appeared in ripples, spreading around, and the broken alloy arena debris was impacted and floated into the air.

In the broken ruins.

Two figures stood with their fists facing each other, their eyes shining brightly, as if the flames of battle were burning to the extreme.

Originally, Reg was standing on the arena, looking down at Fang Che, waiting for Fang Che's challenge.

But now, as Fang Che burned the dragon blood, took a step forward, turned into a vigorous real dragon and came across, and punched horizontally, and then changed his position, from bottom to top, it became Fang Che looking down at Reg.

The "fight" in Fang Che's mouth was questioning, as if asking Reg if he wanted to fight in an upright manner.

On the other side, Reg also responded with a definite "fight", which meant that he wanted to fight this time!


A muffled sound exploded.

Fang Che suddenly felt a powerful fist force burst out from Reg's fist, as terrifying as a shock wave.

His figure flew up, his blood burning, that was the real dragon blood that had not been fully refined. Fang Che also planned to use this battle to refine the dragon blood power contained in his body!

"Then come... help me refine the real dragon blood!"

Fang Che's silver hair flew, wantonly and wildly!

Reg stood in place, his body blooming with extreme brilliance, that was a person's spirit and momentum that was materialized, his eyes were bright.

He didn't say much, took a step forward, and with a long roar, raised his arms high, as if he grabbed two mountains and smashed them down fiercely, pinched his five fingers together, and the heavy airflow was instantly crushed.

Wrapped in powerful strength and magic power, he smashed towards Fang Che like a hammer!


Fang Che was no longer afraid. Every inch of the body of the Eight Desolate Gods and Demons was as if cast from fine iron, flawless. On the body, traces of dragon scales appeared, as if he was wearing a piece of top-quality dragon armor!

He punched it, and the dragon armor shook.

It was as if an ancient bell that had fallen in an ancient temple for tens of millions of years was struck!

Layers of airflow and wind, accompanied by powerful magic power and strength, poured into the four directions!

Fang Che felt a huge impact bursting out in his body, and the body furnace seemed to be added with a fire, and the flames suddenly became stronger and more fierce!

The power in every inch of muscle was squeezed, and with the help of the punch from Reg, the fourth-level high-quality dragon blood in the body was refined!

No one could take Reg's full-strength punch with their flesh...

Except Fang Che!

The students and mentors of the Federal University had already been stunned and horrified!

Looking at the arena that had become a ruin, if it weren't for the reinforced defense formation, such a shock wave might have already affected the audience seats. Many cultivators in the foundation building realm would have been killed and seriously injured if they were affected by such a force!

The teacher leading the team at the Federal University, a powerful cultivator in the infant transformation realm, felt the hair on his arms stand up.

"How can this flesh body... be so strong?!"

He murmured, a little confused, a little stunned, and a little incredible.

Even if he was a strong man in the infant transformation realm, if he didn't rely on the overwhelming mana power, he would probably be beaten by these two people with his flesh body alone...

These two people are the peerless geniuses of Blue Star, and they have trained their physical bodies to the extreme.

Reg can still understand it. He was born with a divine body and his flesh body is extremely strong. Every horizontal push and punch can burst out earth-shaking power. Once he set foot on the cultivation of immortals, he was unstoppable and left the dust behind in the physical art.

But now there is a monster who can compete with him in physical skills!

Daxia... Fang Che!

Fire broke out!

The purple-gold flames scattered and swayed, Fang Che's body trembled slightly, but his eyes became brighter!

He resisted Reg's punch, and his bones made a slight roar.

"Okay! Help me to make the furnace fire of my flesh burn stronger!"

Fang Che stepped forward again, and the purple-gold flames burned the sky, turning the whole square into purple-gold color, scorching the sky.

Facing Fang Che's increasingly high spirits and eyes, Reg trembled slightly, that was the trembling of excitement!

A smile bloomed on his face, and his golden hair flew backwards. As he stepped, his steps transformed, like an angry tiger, condensing a magnificent magic power and fist power!

Countless spiritual energy from heaven and earth gathered together, and instantly condensed into a huge fist shadow that was a hundred meters in size!

It smashed down heavily, hitting Fang Che's Taixuan Yangyan armor, and countless flames flew out!


It was like thousands of thunders exploding together!

After Reg's punch, he stepped down again with a heavy step, and the broken alloy fragments on the ring were suspended in the air, floating in the air under the impact of the raging airflow!

Reg clenched his fist again, like a meteor, and punched out again!



Fang Che's body was a furnace, refining the true blood, and the Taixuan Yangyan armor rose into the air, like a struggling angry dragon roaring.

Facing Reg's terrifying fist force, he remained motionless!

Fang Che's silver hair was flying wantonly, and he used the armor to resist Reg's fist. He opened his arms and was wanton and arrogant!

The spiritual consciousness also mobilized the power violently, aroused the fist force of Reg, aroused the power of the true fire, washed the true dragon blood in the flesh, and realized the refining.

In this way, the refining speed was much faster than his own boring refining speed when he sat cross-legged!

Diligence... is accumulated from these little bits and pieces!

Reg's eyes widened, clenched his fist, and pushed forward with a domineering fist!

Once he takes action, he won't hold back any more, each punch will be harder than the last, and the momentum will be bigger every time!

In the blink of an eye, there were roars and twenty-one punches in a row!

The ground shook, and with every punch, ripples of heat spread, and the alloy arena was shattered into pieces!

Fang Che stood there, blood overflowing from his mouth and nose.

But his eyes were bright, and the Taixuan Yangyan Armor became even brighter!

"It's...not enough!"

Fang Che stood there, his body tall and tall. The eight desolate gods and demons caused the blood in his body to surge, like the waves of a great river crashing on the rocks, causing an earth-shattering sound!

Tempered by the eight desolate gods and demons, refined by the blood of the true dragon...

Both kinds of practice... are blessed at this moment!

In this battle, Fang Che regarded it as a means of diligent cultivation!

"not enough!"

Fang Che's eyes were bright, staring at the surging Reg, passionate and excited!

In the rest area of ​​Xiaju University.

Everyone held their breath and involuntarily widened their eyes, staring at the confrontation between the two peerless monsters in the field.

The chest keeps rising and falling, and the mind is stirred up and down.

Even Yun Qinglian, who is the master of alchemy in Daxia, could not contain her emotions and stared intently.

Bei Danqiu was very excited, such a talented person...

She was the one who snatched it back!

Su Shangxing, on the other hand, was completely numb.

"Is Fang Che using the power of Leg's fist to help refine the true dragon's blood in his body?"

"That is the fourth-level Taixuan Yangyan Dragon Blood. It is a high-quality fourth-level product. The quality is too high. If Fang Che refines it with his own strength, it will take too long. It will take at least a month to slowly refine it. Of course, if Fang Che breaks through to the golden elixir during this period, the time can be shortened to ten days. "

Yun Qinglian said.

Su Shangxing shook his head violently...

"No... no... Fang Che is crazy. Why is he still working hard in such a thrilling battle?!"

"He... is still working hard!"

Su Shangxing's scalp was numb and the pores all over his body stood up.

Facing such a powerful enemy like Lege, he actually did not respond wholeheartedly, but actually chose to use the opponent's power to refine himself and refine the dragon's blood...

Still working hard...

Such a liver emperor is simply...incomprehensible!

Yun Qinglian and Bei Danqiu also fell silent.

I was a little confused for a while.

They didn't think that much, but when Su Shangshang said this, they also came to their senses.

The name of the Liver Emperor...

Well-deserved reputation!

"Okay, okay! Such a physique is really shocking!"

"I'm not as good as!"

In the raging wind, Reg stood with his fists crossed and punched twenty-one times in a row, hitting a solid target. Each punch continued to rise, although it was because he did not use his domain.

But it is already extraordinary.

Such a physique... Reg's physical body is far inferior to it.

At least, Reg knew very well that with the power of his fist, if it hit his body...

Twenty-one punches are enough to blow yourself up!

"Foundation Establishment is at the top of the list of geniuses. No one who has practiced physical arts in Blue Star for three hundred years can compare with you!"

Reg's hair danced wildly, and he was amazed!

He looked up to the sky and roared.

He will unleash his strongest punch without using his field!

The fist intention burned fiercely, hundreds of wind dragons roared across the sky, and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth rolled wildly, pouring into Lege's body, using the power of heaven and earth to explode the power of the human body!

This is his... domination fist!

The most powerful punch in the field of non-hegemony boxing!

One step!

In an instant, thousands of fist seals filled the sky!

The terrifying fist shadows are densely intertwined, like thousands of horses galloping, like thousands of arrows raining on the battlefield, countless stars falling into the world, densely packed, with nothing to hide!

Fang Che, who was under the shield of the Taixuan Yangyan Dragon Armor, was completely enveloped!

Boom! ! !

In just a moment, countless dust exploded, rolling and roaring like missiles exploding!

Endless smoke and dust obscured all images!

The world seems to have lost its color at this moment!

The boiling heat that enveloped the entire square was dissipated, leaving only the roar of the extremely powerful fist wind.

Reg's body was suspended in the highest altitude.

The back was pressed against the reinforced defensive formation, and the formation was activated, with honeycomb-like patterns intertwined.

Two Nascent Soul experts from Federal University had already settled on the intertwined position between the square and the auditorium, reinforcing their formations.

Their expressions were extremely horrifying.

A golden elixir and a foundation building, the power of the confrontation between the two almost broke the defensive formation arranged by the two Nascent Souls.

Fortunately, they had some tricks up their sleeves, otherwise, there would have been a big accident in this fighting competition!

In the sky above the billowing smoke and dust, Legg Kuangba was suspended, his eyes lowered and he scanned the field.

His eyes were blazing.

Suddenly, a strong wind blew away the dust, revealing the scene in the ruins of the arena.

A figure stood there, it was none other than Fang Che.

The silver hair on his head was stuck to his body, and the Taixuan Yangyan armor on his body had long been broken and dissipated, revealing a burly body full of blood, like a peerless weapon standing in the sea of ​​​​blood after being surrounded by thousands of troops. , remain still!

Looking at Fang Che who was covered in blood and motionless...

Reg's eyes narrowed slightly.

One hundred and eighty punches, just now he threw a total of one hundred and eighty punches, each punch was fierce, and it was his strongest strength without using the Tyrant Fist Domain.

His Tyrant Fist Domain went out a hundred meters in the second realm. Once it was blessed, the power was too terrifying.

However, his battle with Fang Che did not involve the domain.

Fang Che did not use the domain, so he would not use it either...

This is the pride of him, Reg.

However, even so, he went all out with one hundred and eighty punches, and under the blessing of the Tyrant Fist, even the genius who truly comprehended the domain could be blown up alive by him!

Even Anros's defense... couldn't withstand it.


Is it over?

Reg released his divine consciousness, but soon he understood...

It's not over.

Fang Che, standing in the ruins, slowly raised his head, covered in blood, but at this moment, his condition has become better than ever.

He raised his head, and pieces of blood scabs fell off his slender neck, like peeling skin, revealing smooth skin without any flaws, perfect like the most exquisite porcelain.


Fang Che twisted his neck, and an invisible wave of air suddenly spread out with his body as the center!

It was like a sleeping real dragon, slowly waking up, moving its dragon claws, and then it set off a terrifying momentum, enough to bring a terrifying spirit of destroying the world!

Reg, who was suspended in the sky, had his pupils slightly condensed.

Looking at Fang Che who had fallen off the blood scabs and returned to his perfect state, Reg's heart jumped suddenly.

He felt an inexplicable sense of oppression in his heart.

That was a more terrifying pressure than the previous oppression that Fang Che would bring!

It was like... facing a completely different opponent!

Fang Che slowly raised his fist, and the clothes on his upper body burst instantly, revealing pieces of knotted muscles and glowing skin.

The corners of his lips slightly raised a smile.

Fang Che's silver hair curled up, and his eyes fell on Reg.

"Another punch?"

Reg stood in the air: "Another?"

"Full force."

Fang Che grinned and laughed.

Reg's clothes fluttered, and his long hair was lifted at the same time. His ten thick fingers clenched suddenly, and the air between heaven and earth was instantly rolled up, as if he was holding it in a fist.

"Full force? Are you sure? I have walked a hundred meters in the second realm of my domain. Once blessed, my punching power... is much stronger than before."

"Can you bear it?"

Reg said lightly.

Fang Che exhaled, and the hot air rolled out.

Then, he took a step, stepped forward, and leaned down slightly.

Boom! ! ! !

A ring-shaped air wave suddenly sank around him, raising countless flying dust, and the terrifying momentum seemed to shake the world!

"I am now... not the same as before!"

Dense golden dragon scales grew wildly from Fang Che's body, instantly covering all his skin from the neck down, shining with golden light, forming a Taixuan Yangyan dragon scale armor that fits Fang Che's burly body perfectly!

It is more powerful than the previous dragon scale armor.

It is the Taixuan Yangyan armor in its complete state!

It seems that a fourth-level high-quality real dragon has really revived. Just a glance can cause the stars to fall and the earth to collapse!


Fang Che opened his hands suddenly.

The void around him instantly exploded with seven continuous roars, and the sound exploded and rolled!

The black and white air waves kept circling and twisting around him.

It was as if a huge yin and yang diagram was formed.

And his burly and tall body was standing in the yin and yang diagram...

This is...

Eight Desolate Gods and Demons...

Seventh Heaven!

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