Diligence can make up for one's shortcomings: Start by making up for one's natural spiritu

Chapter 301 The Ultimate Brilliant Battle of the Prodigies (1/2)


Reg's eyes focused, and he could sense that Fang Che's aura had undergone a drastic change!

That was the sublimation of the physique at a different level!

A barrier was broken!

When he saw the black and white intertwined around Fang Che, forming a unique and special field, Reg couldn't help but take a deep breath.


Is this... a domain?

The domain of black and white, the domain of yin and yang!

The domain of gods... and demons? !

It was not the Xuantu domain that Fang Che had imitated Tu Xinglie before, but the domain that truly belonged to Fang Che!

Building a foundation... comprehending a domain? !

Reg's hair stood on end, and at this moment, goose bumps appeared all over his body.

How could this be possible?

This completely broke common sense and destroyed the normal rules of the operation of heaven and earth. At this moment, the concept of cultivating immortals seemed to collapse a little!

Fang Che didn't know whether he had a domain at this moment.

Eight Desolate Gods and Demons... Seventh Heaven!

The transformation achieved by tempering the body to the extreme.

Of course, Fang Che has only half a foot in this realm now, and it is a bit far-fetched to say that he has perfectly stepped into the seventh heaven.

Only with the help of Taixuan Yangyan Transformation can he be regarded as barely stepping into the seventh heaven of Bahuang Gods and Demons.

Therefore, Fang Che still needs to fight, and he needs Reg to bring him strong and incomparable stimulation.

"So... use your full strength, come again!"

Fang Che's silver hair flew, standing in the black and white yin and yang diagram, like black and white, like a magical creature fused in light and darkness.

Between heaven and earth, a violent gust of wind suddenly rose.

Reg stood in it, the shock on his face was gone, and he closed his eyes and opened them again, and there was no trace of underestimation.

His eyes... were also a little hot!

"We have been waiting for such a battle for a long, long time..."

Reg exhaled a long breath, the breath was like a dragon, interweaving around heaven and earth.

"Among my peers, no one on Blue Star is my opponent..."

"And in the genius battlefield, it is difficult for me to meet those who are at the top of the Tianjiao list. Although I am in the top ten, I have never fought against the top ten."

"So I am looking forward to this battle of the Tianjiao of Hundred Races, and you... seem to have made me experience the fun of fighting in advance."

Reg's whole body was burning with red flames. It was the blood and qi that were running to the extreme, boiling in the meridians, and the hazy blood and fire.

This is the case in the genius battlefield, and it is even more lonely on Blue Star.

Who among the Tianjiao of the same generation can withstand his full-strength punch?

No, not at all.

And now, with Fang Che's sudden appearance, he saw this hope, but he still felt that Fang Che needed time to grow.

But he never thought that this time... this battle... made him so happy.

This is the opponent he was waiting for!

Reg clenched his fists, and his golden hair fluttered wildly.

"I, Reg... don't care about my relatives and friends, I don't desire wealth and honor, only cultivating immortals is my lifelong pursuit!"

Reg's eyes were as bright as the blazing sun, surging with hot and boiling fighting spirit.

Fang Che raised his head, his burly body was full of a huge sense of oppression.

"Me too..."

Reg laughed loudly, and the sound of a long roar exploded in the sky above the square.

Under the attention of countless spectators, the two opponents seemed to release endless joy at this moment!

They were actually sympathizing with each other.

After Reg's long laugh, his clothes fluttered, and his golden hair flew at the same time. He clenched his fists suddenly, as if he had clenched all the energy he had cultivated so far.

The sky was full of wind and wind!

"Come! I will... go all out!"

Reg's eyes were burning.

In the ruins.

Fang Che's yin and yang, his burly body moved, wearing the Taixuan Yangyan armor, like an angry dragon laughing.


The next moment, a terrifying curtain suddenly opened behind Reg...

Densely packed, covering the sky and the sun.

It seemed as if there was an extremely terrifying existence, standing between heaven and earth, clenching into a fist, swinging across the world!

Dominant Fist Domain!

My heart is invincible, and my fists can break the sky!

Reg's whole body exuded a brilliant light, and he stepped into the sky. The next moment, the power of the Dominant Fist Domain was added to his body!

It seemed that thousands of acres of dust were pushed aside, and there was a strong wind and thunder in the sky above the square. There were actually black clouds rolling in, and countless thunders were rolling in it like dragons and snakes!

It seemed that it would destroy the world in one landing!

The moment Reg threw a punch, his body was endlessly raised, and there seemed to be endless energy between heaven and earth pouring into his body like a galaxy.

For his domineering punch, it added three points of terror!

With one punch, the whole world moved with it!

This punch was full of Reg's pride, full of respect for the opponent Che who made him go all out, and the burning desire in his heart... the will to fight!

What he expected, desired, and pursued...

All in this punch, freely vented!

Come on!


I dominate the sky!

The mountain and river fist is invincible!

Tyrant fist!


The figure stood in the black cloud, the black cloud danced wildly, the sky was shaken, and he was willing to be its foil!

Such a momentum, all the audience were shocked!

Is this the foundation and the strongest power of the strongest genius in the Jindan realm of Blue Star?

Countless people widened their eyes and breathed rapidly.


Countless electric snakes and thunder intertwined and entangled, forming a terrifying thunder net, covering the figure with flying golden hair.

"Come on!!!"

Fang Che's breath was also surging, the Eight Desolate Seventh Heaven, Taixuan Yangyan!

Ascending to the immortal state!

Fang Che's eyes suddenly became golden, and became cold, erasing all his emotions and attitudes.

With a long roar, the earth roared!

It seemed that there was an invisible ladder spreading under his feet, connecting the sky and the earth. With a stomp of his foot, the power rolled out, spanning up, straight into the sky, and drilling into the thundercloud!

In the strong wind, the vast sea raised a huge wave!

It seemed that endless yellow sand suddenly whistled up!

Just a stomp of his foot, countless cracks spread out, and fiercely hit the defensive formation on the edge of the arena.

The formation was agitated and impacted, and the honeycomb-shaped formation pattern emerged, but it began to shake constantly, and cracks emerged!

This... this is the defensive formation that the Yuanying realm cultivators are trying their best to strengthen!

It was almost shaken and shattered!

This power... is too terrifying!

Many top masters who were watching the battle were even more focused.

In the rest area of ​​Xiaju University.

Yun Qinglian stood up suddenly, her red skirt dancing wildly in the wind, and her beautiful eyes revealed incredible and shocking!

For Jindan cultivators, under the coverage of the domain, the magic power is intertwined, the consciousness communicates with the heaven and earth, and it is not a problem to easily cross the air.

Fang Che stomped his foot, without any magic power pouring out, only pure power control, the airflow spread like ripples, forming an invisible tornado, rising from the ground to the sky, holding up Fang Che's body!

This is an action completed by physical strength alone, which shows how... strong his body is!

Reg's fist slammed down.

The huge fist shadow covered the sky and the sun.

Fang Che floated into the air, black and white rotated, as tiny as an ant trying to shake a tree.

But he also raised his fist, countless black silver thunderbolts intertwined and swayed, and purple spirit fire gushed out and roared.

He swung his fists continuously in the sky, and in an instant, he had already thrown hundreds of punches, and each punch contained a variety of changes in strength.

The next moment, the fists of the two collided in the sky, and the collision shook!

The world instantly lost its color and sound!

But in a flash, there was a sound that resounded through the sky, which was more terrifying than the roar of summer thunder!

In an instant, the sky above the entire Federal University was filled with rolling clouds, and countless turbulent air currents spread horizontally and vertically, forming a huge ball of air waves, pouring up and down, and expelling endless dust!


The Taixuan Yangyan armor on Fang Che's body was instantly covered with cracks, and the cracks burst out brilliant golden light, revealing the extremely strong physique underneath.

Fang Che's silver hair flew, his eyes were golden, and he raised the control of various powers to the extreme in the state of ascending to immortality.

He used his foundation-building cultivation to confront the domineering fist of the first person in the Golden Core!

This is the most proud thing in the world!

Thunderclouds rolled, light burst out, and the two of them kept colliding and exchanging fists. Fang Che was wrapped in the yin and yang power of the Seventh Heaven of Eight Desolate Gods and Demons, and his power was rising steadily, and it was extremely harmonious!

With the visual limit beyond that of ordinary cultivators, collisions occurred again and again in the sky!

Fang Che's bones kept roaring, his flesh and blood were boiling, and his flesh furnace was still not closed.

He was still practicing!

He was still using Reg's fist power to temper himself and impact the real Seventh Heaven of Eight Desolate Gods and Demons.

Without the help of the power of Taixuan Yangyan Dragon Blood, he stepped into the real Seventh Heaven of Eight Desolate Gods and Demons and achieved ease in controlling power!

Reg's eyes were golden, and he naturally understood what Fang Che was thinking, but he didn't care at all and laughed heroically.

If you want to temper yourself, then I will grant you your wish. As for whether he will beat you to death, that doesn't matter!

Reg opened his mouth and inhaled the essence of heaven and earth. His body... was not as good as Fang Che's, but his cultivation was extremely strong, and his domain expanded. He seemed to be an explosive fist fairy carrying the power of heaven and earth, with flying golden hair, showing the style of the world's number one golden elixir!

Every punch and kick contained a terrifying power that surpassed the thunder of heaven and earth!

His magic power, his body, and his fist power were all unreasonably powerful!

But Fang Che was also extremely good. Darkness and light intertwined, and visions of gods and demons emerged, standing around him. When he stepped and punched, it seemed that a black and white Tai Chi diagram was flowing with it!

All the domineering power was worn away and broken by the Yin-Yang God and Demon Tai Chi diagram.

The ground power was scattered in the world, or swallowed in the body, tempering the body!

Hard collision, no retreat!

Strong collision!



Above the sky, in countless broadcast screens.

The battle between the two was earth-shattering. It seemed that they were not watching the battle between two young people, but the life-and-death battle between two Yuanying old monsters at the end of their lifespans!

Even though the two of them endured most of the collision force in the battle, the ripples caused by the aftermath still raged, venting wildly around them, tearing through the clouds, like a long spear surging!

The strong men of the Federal University were horrified.

They hurriedly took action to stop these forces. If these forces fell into the audience seats, the monks in the audience seats would be either dead or injured!

At Pojun University, Yang Yu clenched his fists and watched the battle in horror, with his hair standing on end.

He was not as good as him, he was really not as good as him.

With such power, even if his knife... was a little stronger, it was not as good as him!

On the other side, Anlos, the first sandbag of the Federation, was also full of relief.

Fortunately, when these two people fought with him, they did not use their full strength, otherwise...

His sandbag would have been blown up at least a hundred times!

It was too difficult.

What kind of monsters are they!



Above the sky, the wind burst!

Fang Che and Reg collided and fought without reservation, pulling out long dragons of Qi energy that danced like dragons, the best in the sky!


A dull sound exploded, and Fang Che's bones made brilliant explosions, dragon roars rushed to the sky, and flames rushed to the sky!

He opened his hands and arms, enjoying the changes at this moment.

The Seventh Heaven of Eight Desolate Gods and Demons...

He completely reached it!

With the help of Reg's domineering fist power, he truly realized the transformation and span of his physical strength. Even without the help of Taixuan Yangyan Dragon Blood, he truly stepped into the Seventh Heaven!

At this moment, Fang Che felt the higher-level transformation of his own body!


"It's time to end."

Fang Che closed his eyes, and then opened his eyes again. The brilliant golden light was like two sharp edges that tore through the sky.

At first, Reg clenched his fist, his breath surged, he seemed to feel something, his heart beat violently.


"In that case, you and I will make the last blow to decide the winner."

Reg said in a deep voice.

"Come on!"

Fang Che raised his hand, and in an instant, a long cry sounded, like the wrath of heaven!

The fourth-level magic weapon, the Sky Wrath Halberd, fell into his hands and was grasped by him. In an instant, the world shook and the sky exploded!

Fang Che's spirit rose steadily!

Reg also laughed loudly. He slapped his waist, and there was also a brilliant flash of light, which turned into two black iron fist gloves. He put them in his hands, and the aura of the fourth-level magic weapon also spread!

And Reg's body suddenly swelled up, and it was even more swollen!

It was as if there was an endless flame burning in his body, with mana as the raw material and spirit as the fuel!


Reg's fist was horizontal, and the sky wave exploded in all directions!

The fierce and violent spirit continued to rise, and the Hegemony Fist Domain was stretched out without reservation in the second realm, and continued to move forward, walking straight for two hundred meters!

In the battle with Fang Che, Reg also achieved a breakthrough in his own Hegemony Fist Domain!

Fang Che used Reg's fist power to temper himself and stepped into the Seventh Heaven of Eight Desolate Gods and Demons!

Reg was also using Fang Che's power to nourish his own fist intention and achieve a step and breakthrough in the domain!

The two of them had breakthroughs in this battle.

Mutual improvement!


A long roar to the sky.

Reg merged the domain behind him into one fist and pressed down.

Hair flying, the Seventh Heaven of Eight Desolate Gods and Demons, plus the absolute power of the immortal state...

Raised the Sky Wrath Halberd in his hand!

Split the Sea Dragon Whale!

The best magic, integrated into one halberd, the domineering and unparalleled, the Taixuan Yangyan Dragon blood boiled, and countless heat waves evaporated.

Between heaven and earth, a huge dragon whale roared and roared to the sky!

The dragon whale roared fiercely, soaring up and pressing down heaven and earth!

Reg's eyes were also bright and shining, and he roared fiercely!

The double fists distorted time and space, and his body pulled out countless air waves like flowing gold, crashing into the huge dragon whale!

This was the strongest move that the two of them knew tacitly, and it was also the last move...

One move... determines the outcome!

Boom! ! ! !

Above the sky, there seemed to be a deafening dragon roar, and the giant whale swung its tail and smashed the sea of ​​stars!

The terrifying explosion shook the earth, and a huge mushroom cloud rose up.

The majestic power was released!

The two powerful Nascent Soul cultivators who maintained the protective formation changed their faces again and again!

With a loud bang!

This defensive formation that was enough to withstand the power of the Nascent Soul cultivator was blasted to pieces at this moment!

No one noticed this scene. They all stared with wide eyes, clenched their fists, and stared at the sky, the strongest collision between the peerless geniuses of Blue Star!

The hurricane of wild waves blew and shattered the mushroom cloud.

At the same time.

Everyone finally saw the frozen picture in the sky!

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