Diligence can make up for one's shortcomings: Start by making up for one's natural spiritu

Chapter 302: The Strongest Golden Pill in the History of Blue Star Cultivation (1/2)

The explosion swept across the sky, and the thick mushroom cloud sank and collapsed, presenting a huge wave, surging in all directions.

Above the sky, it was like the end of the world.

Such a scene was really shocking. At least, in terms of power, it had surpassed the confrontation phenomenon that could be created by the Jindan realm.

Many Yuanying strongmen were full of emotion. After all, even if they wanted to create such a phenomenon, it was not an easy task.

It can only be said that these two people are really the most powerful monsters on Blue Star.

Reg can be said to be the strongest Jindan realm. Once the Tyrant Fist Domain comes out, the world is the only one who dominates, no one can stop it, and a punch can evaporate mountains, rivers and lakes.

The other person, Fang Che, is also incredibly powerful.

The cultivation of the foundation building realm can actually burst out such power...

Of course, Fang Che's physical realm has long surpassed the foundation building realm, even Reg, who is at the ninth level of the Jindan, is not as good as Fang Che.

This is also the reason why Fang Che can fight with Reg so fiercely.

But if Fang Che's cultivation also reached the Golden Core Realm, his magic power was condensed and unified, and he could move his whole body and increase his physical body, how terrible would it be?

At this moment.

Everyone looked up at the picture on the sky, their emotions fluctuated violently and it was difficult to calm down.

The center of the battle, which was spreading layer by layer, finally presented a picture.

Everyone's pupils shrank, their hearts were in their throats, and their breathing became rapid.

But in the clouds, two burly figures collided with each other.

Reg's golden hair was flying continuously, his eyes were wide open, but his chest was pierced by a halberd, and blood kept splashing.

On the other side, Fang Che's silver hair was flying like a cloak, but he was also hit by Reg's punch, which hit his abdomen. His abdomen was hit with a dent, and his flesh and blood were twisted and collapsed...

It seemed that all his internal organs were about to burst under this punch.

The two of them were deadlocked in the void.

The invisible energy and momentum were constantly colliding and impacting, forming ripples that impacted all directions.

This situation... was unexpected by everyone.

"Who... who won?"

In the audience, a cultivator opened his mouth and asked stumblingly.

However, no one answered his question.

In such a situation, who can tell who won?

Even Yun Qinglian, a strong man in the Infant Transformation Realm, could not judge the winner for a while, and could only stare and watch, trying to see what would happen next.



Above the sky, a terrifying spirit burst out.

The Sky Wrath Halberd was pulled out of Reg's body, and Reg's fist moved away from Fang Che's abdomen. The two of them gasped for breath, and blood flowed out of their mouths and noses.

An extreme collision, a hearty battle.

Both of them gained something, and they were all happy.


The two fell from a height of ten thousand feet and hit the square hard. The whole ground sank instantly, forming two huge deep pits facing each other from a distance.

The air flow was condensed, and the majestic pressure spread and intertwined.

A moment later.

A deep, full-bodied voice rang out.

"I lost."

The voice came out, it was Reg.

Reg walked out of the deep pit, the big hole in his chest pierced by the Sky Wrath Halberd was spilling hot blood. He took out a pill, which dissolved in his mouth and quickly restored his flesh and blood and injuries.

Fang Che had silver hair, holding the Sky Wrath Halberd at an angle, and walked out step by step.

The immortal pill body was triggered, and the twisted flesh and blood were recovering rapidly.

His eyes were cold and calm, and the immortal state had not yet dissipated. The whole person was still in an extremely calm fighting state.

"I lost." Reg looked at Fang Che.

The voice spread throughout the venue, leaving everyone stunned.

Especially the students of the Federal University, they all felt like they had something stuck in their throats, choking in their mouths, but they didn't know what to say.

Lost... How could Reg lose?

The referee's figure floated down, looking at Reg: "Are you going to admit defeat?"

Reg shook his head and took off the fourth-level magic boxing gloves on his arms.

"Not admitting defeat, because I really lost."

"My own cultivation is higher than Fang Che. I also tried my best in this battle and used the power of the domain, but I only got a result of exchanging injuries. This is enough. There is no need to compete anymore. I lost."

Reg said lightly, his face was very calm, and there was no resentment or dissatisfaction.

In this battle, the gains of the two people have long exceeded the significance of the battle.

Reg engraved the will of cultivation in his heart, and his spirit, mind, etc. have been greatly improved, and his domain has walked out of 100 meters in the second realm, reaching a length of 200 meters.

This is an extremely rare harvest. It would take years or even decades of hard work to achieve this harvest.

And Fang Che's harvest is also extremely rich.

The breakthrough of the Eight Desolate Gods and Demons to the seventh level is a great harvest, saving too much hard work.

In addition, the refined fourth-level high-quality dragon blood, Taixuan Yangyan Dragon Blood, was perfectly refined in one battle.

Now Fang Che already has the strength to look down on the Golden Core Realm.

The most important thing is that Fang Che has not yet broken through the Golden Core and has not condensed his own domain. Although the Seventh Heaven of the Eight Desolate Gods and Demons, yin and yang intertwined, gods and demons appeared together, it seems similar to a domain.

But that is the domain of the seventh heaven that is cultivated to the physical level without any flaws.

It is not the Golden Core domain of mana condensation!

If Fang Che also has the cultivation of the ninth level of the Golden Core, Reg understands... he has no chance of winning and will definitely lose.

Fang Che looked at Reg calmly. He had no intention of continuing the fight. Although Fang Che felt regretful, he did not continue to fight.

The eight desolate gods and demons were dispersed, the immortal state receded, and the burly body slowly recovered.

He put away the Wrath of Heaven Halberd and let out a long breath.

Reg looked deeply at Fang Che, and a smile bloomed on the corner of his lips: "Come on, the geniuses of the hundreds of tribes will fight... I hope you and I can bring surprises to Blue Star!"

"Do your best!"

Reg raised his fist.

Fang Che smiled, raised his fist and bumped it together.

The sunshine tore apart the dark clouds, shining on the ruined site and reflecting on the two fists that touched each other.

It's like a relay between Blue Star's new genius and the old genius.


The cheers instantly rose up like a wave, surging, breaking through everything, crushing everything!

No one thought that Fang Che and Leige would win in a battle!

Reg is ninth on the list of geniuses, and he is the only genius in Blue Star who ranks among the top ten.

Such a victory is hard-won.

Daxia Immortal Sect, almost every immortal city is having a carnival, and the fighting competition is the most watched event in the entire Blue Star.

Being able to stand out in such an event will definitely make him a household name.

With Fang Che defeating Leige, Xiaju University naturally achieved first place.

Because even Reg was defeated, how could anyone else be Fang Che's opponent?

Such a monster gives people a complete sense of suffocation and despair.

Fang Che returned to the rest area of ​​Xiaju University, and a fanatical atmosphere lingered in the entire venue.

Even Yun Qinglian couldn't help but smile.

Her eyes flickered, with some wonder and emotion.

Too fast, Fang Che is really too fast...

It had only been a while since Fang Che's physical strength had once again reached a new level and was about to reach her expectations.

At that time, she can try to refine the sixth-level elixir. If Fang Che helps to resist the calamity of the sixth-level elixir...

Truly become a sixth-level alchemy master!

The overall alchemy level of Daxia Immortal Sect will also be improved and will no longer be restricted by the federation.

Fang Che sat cross-legged in the rest area, his mood as calm as his face.

There is no excitement after a big battle, no joy after defeating a powerful enemy, and no excessive pride.

Cultivation cultivates the heart. Only when the mind is calm can we reflect more on ourselves, gain greater freedom and keep our brains awake.

He raised his eyes and looked up at the vast expanse of the sky. The smoke and dust from the battle with Reg had not dissipated and were still filling the sky.

Higher up, the clouds drift slowly, the clouds roll and relax.

The world is vast and boundless, and life between heaven and earth is small and short-lived, even for those who are cultivators of immortality.

There is nothing to be proud of, and there is no need to wallow in pride.

Winning one game is just the beginning. The road to immortality is long. Examine yourself three times a day, find your own shortcomings, improve yourself, and push yourself with diligence.

This is the concept that a cultivator needs to uphold.

"Ding! You have gone through an extremely difficult battle. During the battle, you have broken through yourself, transformed your physical skills, and refined your true dragon blood. You have been diligent and diligent, and your diligence is +20,000. You have received five times the critical hit of your diligence, and your diligence has been +100,000... …”


When the panel prompt pops up.

Fang Che's calm mood was instantly broken, and his eyes lit up slightly.

He couldn't help but take a deep breath.

Host: Fang Che

Talent: Hard work can make up for weakness

Age: 15

Cultivation: Half-step golden elixir

Diligence: 102400

Props: Blazing Sun Sword Cauldron (low-grade fourth-grade weapon), Bahuang True Demonic Spear (mid-grade fourth-grade weapon), Heavenly Wrath Halberd (high-grade fourth-grade weapon)

Replenishing clumsiness: Items that can be used to replenish clumsiness are [Spiritual Root], [Spiritual Sense], [Alchemy], [Talk], [Formation], [Forging], [Puppet], [Fighting Technique],

Perfect Attendance Award: Not available

Evaluation: Do you think you are awesome? You're almost exhausted from fighting in the Golden Core realm, what are you so proud of?

Hundreds of thousands of hard work!

Fang Che took a deep breath, his mind fluctuating intensely.

This is the largest amount of hard work he has ever received!

A random critical hit made him earn a lot of money. This was much more exciting than defeating Reg and leading Xiaju University to the top of the fighting competition.

Fang Che was overjoyed with this harvest.

Fang Che really doesn't have too much of something like Qin Neng.

After all, this thing is really easy to use and can improve your own talents and even your spiritual roots!

Now he has an immortal spiritual root, but it is just a lv7 talent.

There may be higher lv8, lv9, or even the very noble lv10!

As soon as he thought of this, Fang Che's excited heart and trembling hands calmed down.

His diligence... is still too little.

He must continue to work hard!

Only in this way can one's talents continue to improve and reach higher levels and realms in the field of immortality!

Fang Che suppressed the excitement in his heart and did not immediately change his talent.

The spell talent has been upgraded to lv5. After replenishing 80,000 points of diligence, it will be upgraded to lv6 immediately. This time, with 100,000 points of diligence, there will definitely be no problem if it reaches lv6.

The prototype of the magical power is the Forbidden Curse. Fang Che can't help but look forward to it. What kind of magical power will it become after repairing his weakness?

Of course, Fang Che has not chosen to make up for his weakness now. He plans to calm down and slowly make up for his weakness after returning.

After all, I am now at the Federal University and have not returned to Daxia yet. If something happens...

Yun Qinglian, a cheap and half-beautiful teacher, might not be able to handle the situation.

In addition, there is one more serious matter.

That is...

As soon as his mind moved, an ancient bronze mirror floated on his shoulder, floating quietly, and the light turned around.

"Copy...the domain of domination fist."

Fang Che said softly.

Although he is not in the Golden Core Realm now, but...he relies on the Nine Mirrors of the Domain, which is basically equivalent to the Golden Core Realm, and it is a multi-domain Golden Core Realm.

Ever since he copied Tu Xinglie's Xuantu realm, Fang Che understood that the copied realm could be replaced, and then he could copy the realm unscrupulously.

Lege's dominating fist field... for Fang Che, the bonus is actually quite big.

After all, Fang Che is also a professional physical trainer who trains his body, crushes people with his fists, and kills people with his fists...

He's the best at it, extremely adaptable.

It takes a short period of time to copy the nine mirrors of the domain, after Fang Che collected the treasured mirror.

His whole body felt relaxed and his bones crackled.

Fang Che gained a lot from this battle, and it can be said that his overall strength has achieved a huge leap.

The Seventh Heaven of the Eight Desolations of Gods and Demons, the realm of gods and demons is condensed.

His spiritual consciousness also achieved a breakthrough, and his enlightenment reached sixty-four.

This is all feedback brought about by the excitement of battle.

In addition, there are invisible gains, such as diligence.

It’s so full!

Fang Che opened his eyes, and Yun Qinglian, Su Shangxing, Bei Danqiu and others looked over.

"Do you want to take a rest? You led Xiaju University to win the championship of this Blue Star Xianmen University Fighting Competition. We have already received the reward, you take the big one."

Bei Danqiu said.

She was the best at getting rewards for Fang Che.

Hearing this, Fang Che couldn't help but his eyes lit up: "It doesn't matter whether I am rewarded or not, I just want to know the level of this fighting competition..."

The implication is that I want to know that the rewards given out in a fighting competition like this should not be too rubbish.

Bei Danqiu couldn't help but smile when he heard this, took out a storage ring and handed it to Fang Che.

"Some of the rewards will be given to others, and the rest will be given to you. Without you, even the top 32 students in Xiaju University would not be able to get into it, so you deserve it."

"There are three fifth-level treasure pills called 'Divine Aperture Pills' personally refined by King Agudan, the sixth-level alchemy master of the Federation. They can help the spiritual consciousness to open up quickly. I think they should be suitable for you."

"In addition, there are 100,000 merit rewards, as well as the qualification to enter the Blue Star to develop the ancient sect inheritance treasure 'Xuanhuang Pagoda' excavated from the fragments of the No. 6 Immortal Sect Continent!"

"You have actually had the ability to reach the Golden Core Realm for a long time, but you have been reluctant to break through... Do you want to break through in an unprecedented way?"

Bei Danqiu's eyes were burning.

Fang Che's mana accumulation has already reached the half-step golden elixir. At this level... he can condense the golden elixir at any time.

As for the strength of his spiritual consciousness... Fang Che's spiritual consciousness has already reached the realm of divine treasure, and he has the capital to gain access to the golden elixir.

But he kept holding it back, for what purpose... it was self-evident.

If you want to impact your spiritual consciousness to the realm of Yuanshen, you must gather elixir-forming spiritual objects to condense the strongest golden elixir...

Bei Danqiu's heart agitated just thinking about it.

The spiritual consciousness enters the soul, the physical body is unparalleled, and the top-level elixir-forming spiritual object...

Three-pronged approach!

Fang Che’s golden elixir…

I'm afraid that it will become Daxia, and even the entire history of Blue Star's cultivation of immortals...

The strongest golden elixir!

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