Nan Lihuo's invitation is of course extremely important to Fang Che.

If he can become a formal first-level talisman maker before graduating from high school, it is equivalent to getting a stable job.

Even if he has not been admitted to Xiuxian University, he can still earn enough good deeds to survive in today's society where Xiuxian is supreme, and even subsidize the road to Xiuxian and continue to pursue his dream.

Good deeds are the highest-level currency system passed down from the immortal gates and uniformly recognized by various countries after research.

Ordinary people may use currencies issued by various countries, but transactions between cultivators only recognize good deeds, and the use of some cultivation materials also only considers good deeds transactions.

Because some magic weapons and elixirs that flow out of the immortal gates are most convenient and standardized to measure with good deeds that have been passed down from generation to generation.

Nan Lihuo's talisman making class is very famous in Feilei Xiancheng Second High School. After all, Nan Lihuo himself is a third-level talisman maker.

Even if you look at the entire Feilei Immortal City, you are considered a well-known person. The status of a third-level talisman maker is even comparable to that of a noble Jindan cultivator!

Becoming a first-level talisman maker, you can draw basic talismans, and the good deeds earned can basically meet the needs of daily practice.

"Ding! You diligently meditate on your spiritual consciousness for two hours and successfully enter a state of concentration. Your diligence will be doubled, and your diligence will be +40..."

A translucent text prompt popped up in front of him.

Fang Che's eyes lit up. He didn't get too excited about joining the talisman class for too long. After all, becoming a talisman maker is too far away from him.

He is more concerned about his spiritual consciousness that has just entered a state of concentration!

Spiritual consciousness enters a state of concentration!

This is something he didn't even dare to think about before!

After all, a virtual spiritual root may never be able to enter a state of concentration in this life.

Although the spiritual consciousness in a state of concentration cannot be released, it strengthens the six senses, and the perception of external objects becomes extremely clear.

The most important thing about talisman making is the strength of spiritual consciousness. Fang Che tried to make talismans before, but unfortunately failed without any suspense.

Although he had memorized the theory of talisman making by heart, he still felt that what he learned from books was shallow.

And before, he wanted to practice it himself, but he didn't even have the qualifications.

"Perhaps, I can try to draw talismans again." Fang Che thought.

"It's your chance to enter Teacher Lihuo's talisman making class, but talisman making is not easy. Don't be too happy now. The most important thing is to gain a foothold in the talisman making class."

A cold voice came from the side. Fang Che looked over and saw that it was the class leader Luo Liuli, who spoke as straightforwardly as always, with sharp and heart-piercing words.

Fang Che was not hit.

Let's not talk about the talent of [Diligence can make up for one's shortcomings], just talking about the comprehension of the heavenly spiritual root, although it can't greatly affect the talent of talisman making, it can also provide Fang Che with blessings in talisman making, at least it won't be weaker than the previous virtual spiritual root.

Even if he really has a poor talent in talisman making...

That would be a coincidence.

Poor talent is the time to play the role of [Diligence can make up for one's shortcomings]!

Even more than just making talismans, refining pills, array formations, etc., Fang Che has the hope of getting involved and achieving a high level of success!

"It's okay, I'm very hardworking!"

Fang Che smiled brightly and said.

Luo Liuli was stunned when she heard this. She couldn't refute the quality of hard work. Fang Che's hard work was obvious to all.

Without saying much, Luo Liuli turned around and left the classroom.

Fang Che also walked out of the classroom. The bright sunshine at noon made him squint slightly, reflecting an infinitely good mood.

"Brother Che! Awesome!"

A loud roar broke the infinitely good mood. The little fat man Cheng Shi's eyes widened like copper bells and rolled over, full of shock.

"You really entered the state of concentration? The spiritual consciousness entered the state of concentration?"

Cheng Shi said in surprise.

Xu Qing'an, the study committee member, had a dark face and said sourly: "It's just luck, why are you showing off."

"What's the use of entering the state of concentration by luck? A mere virtual spiritual root can never build a foundation in this life."

These sour words instantly ignited Cheng Shi's small temper.

He opened his mouth and started to spit, spitting nine times in one second, and he was almost pointing at Xu Qingan's nose and scolding.

Xu Qingan's face turned red again, but he couldn't spit back at all.

"This is good, it feels like we can continue to walk together on the road of cultivation!" After Cheng Shi scolded Xu Qingan, he felt refreshed, looked back at Fang Che, and smiled until his eyes narrowed into slits.

The classmates who were watching the excitement around him also began to slowly disperse.

The last meditation class ended, and the gears of many people's fate turned.

Some were happy, some were lonely, and there were all kinds of situations.

Cheng Shi followed Fang Che, and the two walked side by side.

"The class list will be released in the afternoon. Brother Che, where are you going now? It's rare to be in meditation, let's go for a meal! Celebrate!"

Cheng Shi said excitedly, and the flesh on his face couldn't help shaking when he mentioned eating.

Fang Che shook his head: "No, there are still three hours before the class list comes out in the afternoon. I have to go to the practice room to consolidate my spiritual consciousness."

The desire for food on Cheng Shi's face was ruthlessly shattered. He covered his head with his hands, his face full of pain: "Brother Che, slow down, don't rush so hard!"

Fang Che looked at Cheng Shi and chuckled: "Let me tell you a secret. My spiritual roots may have changed from virtual to real. It must be that Father God saw my diligence and rewarded me. Naturally, I have to report to Father God with greater diligence!"

Cheng Shi was stunned. Is it true? Spiritual roots change from virtual to real?

This is rare, but not impossible. There are Yuanying masters who have published special papers to prove the feasibility of virtual spiritual roots turning into real.

But it really happened around him, which was still quite shocking.

Cheng Shi suddenly realized that perhaps this was the reason why Fang Che could enter spiritual concentration!

Thinking of this, Cheng Shi couldn't help but feel happy for Fang Che.

The clouds will clear and the moon will shine!

Those who work hard will be rewarded!


Cheng Shi could only reluctantly go alone to taste the food. Hehe.

After saying goodbye to Cheng Shi, Fang Che took out the compressed biscuits from his schoolbag and ate them while coming to the practice area of ​​Xianmen High School.

After getting a cup of warm water in the self-service area, Fang Che took out his merit card and handed it to a young and beautiful woman with a ponytail at the front desk.

"Senior Zhou, open a first-level spiritual practice room for three hours."

Fang Che said politely.

"30 merits." Zhou Yuqi took Fang Che's merit card without raising her head.

Gently swiping across a crystal plate, the merits in the card were successfully deducted.

Without much communication, the card was handed in and swiped.

Zhou Yuqi is a senior high school student. She will take the college entrance examination this year. She has successfully built her foundation and even received many recommended places from first-class Xiuxian universities.

But she wanted to enter Xiuxian University, a higher-end institution.

Because of family reasons, she was given the opportunity to work and study, helping the school manage the practice area, earning good deeds, and subsidizing her practice.

Although Fang Che and Zhou Yuqi often met, they were like familiar strangers.

Fang Che entered the practice room familiarly.

The foundation of each Xianmen High School is a gathering array arranged by a third-level array master. The practice area is located in the center of the gathering array. The practice rooms are divided into different grades according to the distance from the center of the array.

The first-level practice room is the lowest level, but it requires 10 good deeds per hour.

From the moment Fang Che opened the door and entered, the countdown began.

The practice room is very simple, about ten square meters, with smooth walls and a silent array carved on them. There is no decoration or arrangement, only a cushion to help calm the mind and concentrate is placed in the center of the practice room.

He sat on the cushion and concentrated his mind.

Fang Che's mind moved, and he took out the physical reward from the full attendance gift package from the storage grid.

A bottle of Qi-Gathering Pill and... Spirit Stone!

Qi-Gathering Pill is a first-class pill, which is not cheap. If you buy it from the genuine alchemist shop on Xianwang, you can get three pills in a bottle, and one bottle is worth 100 merits. If you encounter a discount, you can get about 90 merits per bottle.

Fang Che had bought it before, but the effect was not good, so he did not hold much hope.

Pour out a round brown pill from the jade bottle, put it in your mouth, and swallow it.

He solemnly took a thumb-sized diamond-shaped spirit stone.

Close your eyes and practice the basic Qi-refining method taught by Xianmen High School.



Fang Che only felt a huge amount of spiritual energy, surging into his meridians!

His tight meridians were forcibly stretched open!

A tingling sensation came!

Fang Che suddenly opened his eyes!

Why is this Qi-Gathering Pill different from the one he took before? !

The surprise in his eyes seemed to have opened the door to a new world!

The strong infusion of spiritual energy...

Thick, fast and fierce!

This is the cultivation of the spiritual root with spiritual stones and high-quality Qi-gathering pills!

This is the cultivation of geniuses!

This is the joy of the spiritual root? !

How can it be...

This! So! Cool!

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