
It can only be described with one word: awesome!

For a cultivator like Fang Che who has been troubled by low-grade virtual spiritual roots for many years, it is impossible to imagine the happiness of heavenly spiritual roots.

It is even more difficult to imagine how fast a genius can cultivate!

And now, he has experienced it!

The feeling of soaring straight up makes Fang Che almost intoxicated and unable to extricate himself!

The spiritual energy in the dantian is rapidly condensing, and the bottleneck of the third level of Qi Refining is easily torn apart without any resistance, and he has stepped into the fourth level of Qi Refining.

The tingling sensation in the meridians cannot affect Fang Che's completely crazy mood at all.

Practice, continue to practice, practice to death!

Only those who endure hardships can become superior people!

In the past, when I was not talented, I was so diligent. Now that I have a good talent...

Naturally, I have to work twice as hard!

The Qi Gathering Pill opened in the full attendance treasure box is of extremely high quality, and the amount of spiritual energy that bursts out to drive the cyclone rotation is extremely surging.

There was even a faint vortex of spiritual energy above Fang Che's head.

In addition, the spiritual stone held in the palm of his hand continuously transported pure spiritual energy into the sea of ​​qi.

For the first time, Fang Che experienced the feeling of flying.

He was completely immersed in it, forgetting to eat and sleep.

At the same time.

Zhou Yuqi, the front desk manager of the training area, raised her eyebrows slightly and put down the advanced book on alchemy technology in her hand. She felt that the spiritual energy in the training area seemed to have changed.

She turned on the computer at the front desk, which showed the spiritual energy fluctuations in each training room in the training area.

"Huh? Isn't this the training room opened by Fang Che?"

Zhou Yuqi naturally recognized Fang Che and remembered the room number of the training room she had just opened for Fang Che.

"The spiritual energy fluctuation index is approaching 10, reaching the spiritual energy gathering limit of the first-level training room. If it exceeds this limit, I have to take action."

"But... is his talent so good?"

Zhou Yuqi was puzzled for a moment. She vaguely remembered that Fang Che's spiritual roots seemed very ordinary... It seemed to be virtual spiritual roots.

"It should be drugs, and... the quality of the pills is extremely high, but even so, his spiritual roots should not be bad."

She has no interest in prying into other people's secrets. As long as there is no bad behavior to destroy the training room, she will not care.

The college entrance examination is imminent, and her goal is one of the three top universities for cultivating immortals in Daxia Xianmen.

As long as she can enter the top universities for cultivating immortals, it is basically a foregone conclusion that she will achieve the golden elixir.

The golden elixir cultivators are all upper-level cultivators in the immortal gate. They have an extremely respected status and are qualified to participate in the exploration of the immortal gate continent, expeditions to other realms, and obtain resources.

After noticing that the spiritual energy fluctuation index marked on the computer began to decline, Zhou Yuqi felt relieved and continued to read.

Three hours passed quickly.

Fang Che slowly opened his eyes. In his Qi Sea, the spiritual energy was majestic. He successfully reached the peak of the fourth level of Qi Refining and was qualified to impact the fifth level of Qi Refining.

However, Fang Che did not force a breakthrough, because he was using the energy of impacting the fourth level of Qi Refining, plus the spirit stone and the Qi Gathering Pill, to reach the peak of the fourth level of Qi Refining.

Another thing to consider is the retention of the amount of spiritual energy after the realm stabilizes.

Although the basic Qi Refining Art issued by the Xianmen is a version revised after many Yuanying masters of the Xianmen.

The efficiency of Qi Refining is high, the utilization rate of spiritual energy is high, and with some Yuanying masters explaining the key points of the basic Qi Refining Art, the spiritual energy realm will not fall too much after the breakthrough.

But wanton breakthroughs without an stable foundation are not a good thing after all.

Fang Che has now made up for his shortcomings and has a natural spiritual root. There is no need to rush, just take steady steps.

It's like a person who is afraid of poverty, who suddenly gets a huge fortune, and it is easy to be overwhelmed and lose the direction of his mind.

Fang Che was clear-headed.

Diligence... is his biggest asset for becoming stronger!

Stay steady, don't waste time!

Use diligence, step by step, to tread out a supreme path!

"Ding! Work hard to refine Qi for three hours, and break through the realm of cultivation. Diligence is doubled, Diligence +60, please continue to be diligent!"

In front of him, a translucent prompt popped up, and another 60 points of diligence were credited. Because of the realm breakthrough, the extra diligence was doubled, otherwise it should be 30 points normally.

It can be inferred that if you practice seriously for one hour with all your heart and soul, you can get 10 points of diligence.

With a thought, the panel popped up.


Host: Fang Che

Talent: Diligence can make up for clumsiness

Age: 15

Cultivation: Fourth level of Qi Refining

Diligence: 100

Clumsiness can be made up: Items that can make up for clumsiness [Spiritual Roots], [Spiritual Consciousness], [Alchemy], [Talisman], [Array], [Fighting]...

Attendance Award: None

Evaluation: In addition to spiritual roots, you are clumsy all over, how can you sleep?


After a quick glance, the accumulated diligence reached 100 points.

It can be used to continue to improve his spiritual talent, but Fang Che thought about it and kept it for later use.

The formation in the training room began to stop working. It was obvious that the three-hour room fee had expired. Unless he extended the clock, Senior Sister Zhou would come to drive him out in ten minutes.

After a simple packing, he left the training area refreshed.

Fang Che came to the bottom of the teaching building, and Cheng Shi's round figure flexibly rushed over from a distance.

"Brother Che! It's gone, it's gone!"

Cheng Shi's face was full of sadness, and he cried from a distance.

"Brother Che, the two of us... couldn't resist reality after all, and were forced to separate!"

Cheng Shi beat his chest and stamped his feet, about to cry.

Fang Che glanced at him sideways, ignored the drama queen, and walked to the notice board.

There were six pieces of paper in total, which meant that after the first-year class division in Feilei Xiancheng Second High School, those who continued to cultivate immortals could only gather six classes.

"In fact, there are only five classes, because the first one is the gifted class, which has only 20 places in the class and is given priority to receive school resources for training."

Cheng Shi came over and introduced.

Fang Che's eyes fell on the gifted class, and he saw three familiar names, Luo Liuli, Xu Qing'an, and Cheng Shi.

"Basically, anyone with a middle-grade spiritual root can be selected for the gifted class, but our high school is not as good as the first high school, and there are only 18 people with middle-grade or higher spiritual roots, and two people, who are low-grade spiritual roots, but have good grades in various subjects, so they are also selected for the gifted class."

Cheng Shi knew all these things very well.

He patted Fang Che's shoulder: "So, Brother Che, don't give up. Your spiritual roots have turned from virtual to real. With your diligence, you still have a chance to overtake and squeeze into the gifted class."

The gifted class is not static. Every monthly exam is compared by grades. Those who drop in the rankings and have improper attitudes may be squeezed out of the gifted class.

However, it will not change in general, because there are resources tilted, plus the crushing of spiritual root quality, the students in the gifted class will only become stronger and stronger, and the final quota will be fixed until the end of the college entrance examination.

"If a virtual spiritual root can enter the gifted class, what are we?"

"Don't confuse the virtual goods with us."

"If he can enter the gifted class, I, Xu Qing'an, will personally apply to withdraw from the gifted class!"

Xu Qing'an seemed to be arguing with Fang Che, and a sarcastic voice came from the side.

Obviously, he was eavesdropping again.

This person is a bit annoying... Cheng Shi's face darkened slightly.

After patting his chubby cheeks and relaxing his facial muscles, he turned his head to face Xu Qingan, ready to show his true skill of nine sprays in one second.

However, this time, Fang Che held Cheng Shi's shoulder.

Looking at Xu Qingan, he smiled with interest.

"If I join the gifted class, will you quit the gifted class?"

"Are you serious?"

The people around who were watching the show came over one after another. Xu Qingan's face turned green and red. He didn't expect Fang Che to take the initiative to speak.

But words once spoken are like water spilled. If he denies it now, wouldn't it be a slap in his face?

Xu Qingan could only respond: "Of course I'm serious."

Fang Che smiled even brighter.

Looking at Xu Qingan meaningfully.

"Then you can start preparing to write an application for withdrawal from the class."

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