Feileixiancheng, the second high school.

The sun shines from the blue clouds after the rain, penetrates the lush branches and leaves, and casts bits of golden luster on the walls.

Principal's office.

Principal Zhai Ke was sitting on a chair, drinking freshly brewed hot tea. The green tea leaves were floating on it, and there was a vague aura pulsing slightly.

Su Shangxing and Pei Linglong were also in the principal's office.

"That little guy Fang Che was attacked by the God of Deception?"

"A student from Ti Gao is actually a demon species from the God of Deception... Ti Gao didn't do a good job."

Zhai Ke shook his head.

The tall principal will be in trouble, and may even be affected and taken away for investigation.

In other words, this is inevitable.

The Daxia Immortal Sect has a strong determination to suppress demonic cultivators, unlike other Immortal Sect countries.

"The Cult of Deception is pervasive. This kind of rat is really disgusting."

"Everyone who betrays Da Xia's Immortal Sect will be punished!"

Su Shangshang said calmly, with the sharp murderous intention of a sword cultivator bursting out from his body.

Zhai Ke smiled softly: "The Shen Shen Sect is not a threat, it is just a group of rats that cannot be put on the stage. The real threat is the strong ones in the fragments of the Sequence Immortal Sect behind them, and that is the real trap. "

"However, Fang Che can actually kill a Qi Refining Demon, which is indeed quite impressive."

"In this national competition... our second senior team has this trump card in hand, and we might have a chance to hit the top five!"

Pei Linglong, the head teacher of the Peiyou class, frowned slightly: "The top five... I'm afraid it's a bit difficult."

"It's a bit difficult, but not impossible. That boy Fang Che is a bit evil. The point is...it's still half a month before the national competition starts. That boy...isn't good enough, so he may not be able to do it within half a month. breakthrough."

Su Shangshang was very optimistic about Fang Che.

He has good spiritual talent, excellent fighting skills, and is extremely diligent...

Such a person deserves to be strong!

Zhai Ke took a sip of hot tea and then seemed to have made some decision.

A document was taken out of the drawer.

“You can’t let down a good seedling.”

"You know what happened in Yunxiao Town, right?"

Zhai Ke said softly.

Su Shangxing and Pei Linglong were both stunned.

On Pei Linglong's beautiful face, her eyebrows furrowed slightly: "Yunxiao Town? I heard that it is the headquarters of the Beast Blood Cult, one of the three major demon cultivators. After being exposed, it has been cleared by the officials and many Beast Bloods have been killed. The senior monk who teaches.”

"Yes, the war situation in Yunxiao Town has basically stabilized. The remaining ones are some hidden demon cultivators on the first and second levels of foundation building and ordinary Qi-refining demon cultivators."

"These believers are blocked in Yunxiao Town and mixed among ordinary people. They will become the source of social disorder, so they need to be eradicated."

"Now every senior high school student will be assigned this application form. It is an important test before the college entrance examination."

Zhai Ke said.

"And Fang Che's performance allows him to participate in this trial, which can be regarded as a special training for the national competition."

"Both Fang Che and Luo Liuli can participate. As for Najia Shengli...forget it, let him think about it by himself. Send this form to them. They have three days to consider. They will set off in three days. The trial will take half a month. , and will go directly to the imperial capital to participate in the national competition in half a month."

Su Shangxing raised his eyebrows when he heard this: "Principal, do other high schools participating in the national competition... also have these quotas?"

"The top ten strong competitors in the national competition will basically send small teams to participate."

"Xiangao from the top fairy cities such as the Imperial Capital, the Twin Gods City, and the Five Elements City will definitely not be absent."

"After all, you can gain merit by killing demon cultivators. In a war zone... merit has the opportunity to be converted into cultivation resources."

"When the time comes, these players participating in the special training will only get stronger and stronger, and finally the gap will be completely widened."

Zhai Ke took a sip of hot tea and said: "I heard that this national competition is the first one of educational reform, so all the immortals attach great importance to it. Among the three top immortal cities of Imperial Capital, Shuangshen and Five Elements Among the participating teams, there are even players who have set foot in the foundation building realm!”

Su Shangshang's brows furrowed into the character "Chuan".

"Okay, I will explain the stakes to them and let them make their own choice."

Zhai Ke nodded with a smile: "Rewards and risks coexist. There are definitely risks in the trial. You must consider it carefully. We cannot make decisions for them."

"But immortal cultivators...cannot grow slowly in a greenhouse forever. Only the trials of the storm outside can truly give birth to strong flowers."

Fang Che closed his eyes slightly, and the spiritual power that had condensed into the rough embryo of the spiritual platform slowly surged.

In his mind, information about the "Breaking Talisman" was flowing rapidly one after another.

Fang Che couldn't find any information about this kind of talisman on the Internet. There are basically no talismans with the name of "Breaking Realm" alone.

No Talisman Maker dares to be so arrogant.

"The first thing is to prepare the talisman ink. Ordinary talisman ink cannot be used. The level of spiritual energy contained is too low."

Fang Che opened his eyes, left the workbench and walked to the back of the talisman-making class.

There is a huge refrigerated cabinet at the end, which stores various kinds of "animal blood", "liquids", etc. needed for drawing spiritual ink...

Fang Che searched for the corresponding animal blood and medicine based on the memory in his mind.

"Draw a first-level boundary-breaking talisman. Because I am a fire attribute, I need special fire-attribute beast blood and fire-attribute medicine."

And it needs the type with sufficient energy in the animal blood and the powerful medicinal properties of the medicinal liquid.

Fortunately, the materials prepared in the refrigerator were complete. Fang Che quickly found two kinds, returned to the workbench, and began to mix the talisman ink.

The thick talisman ink was red, like thick blood.

When the stirring stick of the talisman ink was lifted, it would even draw a thread...

The thick talisman ink contained extremely surging power.

Fang Che took a piece of medium-thick Xuanhuang talisman paper, smoothed it, pressed it with a brush, then picked up the wolf hair of the brush, dipped it in the thick talisman ink, and began to draw the talisman.

The level 4 talent for making talismans made Fang Che a genius in the art of talismans.

The talisman drawing path of the realm-breaking talisman suddenly appeared in his mind, and even many details were magnified and displayed.

Fang Che's eyes sparkled, and he wrote confidently.

The spiritual consciousness in the rough spirit platform surged out, controlling the pen tip very steadily.

The talisman paper rustled when the pen was put down, just like the branches and leaves of an old tree outside the window rubbing against each other, making a sound like the sea of ​​leaves listening to the waves.


However, soon, a burning smell spread, and then a ball of flames rolled, and the talisman paper was actually burned to ashes by the talisman ink.

Fang Che paused, frowned slightly, and began to reflect on the mistakes he made in making the talisman this time.

He exhaled, took the talisman paper again, and started to draw the talisman with talisman ink.

Isn't it just a failure?

Who hasn't failed? Try again and again, and you will always succeed!

Fang Che's mentality is very peaceful, not at all anxious.

He did not choose to give up because of a failure.

This is the peaceful state of mind that the virtual spirit root has cultivated after experiencing failure and beatings for a long time.

Nan Lihuo finished a day's class and came to the talisman making class.

As soon as he entered the class, he saw Fang Che.

The scene of Fang Che's counterattack and killing the demon species of the God-shaking Sect last night gave him a great shock, and now he has a deep impression of Fang Che.

Seeing Fang Che concentrating on drawing talismans, he immediately became interested.

Fang Che's talent in fighting magic made Su Shangxing very praiseful, and even the commander of the garrison was willing to extend an olive branch to him.

Fang Che's talent in talismans was also good.

It was said that in the fighting magic competition, he drew a first-level high-quality talisman "Flowing Fire Prison" in public, proving that he did not cheat, which made Zhou Yun, who was ranked first, speechless.

Nan Lihuo also heard about it and admired Fang Che more and more.

He put his hands behind his back and slowly walked to Fang Che's workbench.

The air was filled with the smell of burnt talisman paper and the pungent smell of dried talisman ink.

Nan Lihuo frowned and his eyes fell on Fang Che's workbench.

Fang Che held the pen, saturated with thick talisman ink, and was drawing the talisman path. The pen strokes were very slow, and each dip of the talisman ink was full of caution.

"This brushstroke, this pause, this talisman path... huh?!"

Nan Lihuo looked at it for a while, looking at the talisman path on the Xuanhuang talisman paper, the surprise in his eyes became more and more intense.


"What kind of talisman is this?!"

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