Nan Lihuo, as a famous third-level talisman maker in Feilei Xiancheng, is comparable to a Jindan cultivator and has a very high social status.

He has an excellent talent in talismans and can concentrate on studying them. He is called Feilei Fuzhi. Naturally, he can tell the difference between the talismans that Fang Che is drawing at a glance.

Nan Lihuo, who has read a lot of talisman books, has never recognized the talisman path drawn, and has not figured out which school it belongs to.

In Daxia Xianmen, with the development and prosperity of the cultivation of immortals, talismans, as an extremely important art among the four arts of cultivation, have experienced the research of too many masters and formed various conventional schools.

For example, the Beidou School, which was once famous in Daxia, was founded by the "Beidou", the venerable master of the immortal gate.

Later, different talisman schools such as "Zombie", "Thin Thunder", "Ten Thousand Swords" and so on were born, making the talisman path flourish.

Since the development of talismans, all kinds of talismans have been studied thoroughly.

However, today, Nan Lihuo saw a kind of talisman path that he had never seen before in the talisman drawn by Fang Che... solid, heavy, and simple!

It was like a diligent monk who practiced hard day and night, repeating the spiritual outlook of what he had learned day after day.


Nan Lihuo's face was full of strangeness, but his eyes became brighter and brighter.

He did not disturb Fang Che and continued to read.

The talisman path drawn by Fang Che shocked him, but he was more curious about the properties of this talisman...

"This is a talisman that has never been recorded in the "Xianmen Talisman Code"!"

"Could it be created by Fang Che himself?"

Nan Lihuo became more and more curious.

The whole talisman-making class became very quiet, and many talisman-making students also paid attention to this. Seeing that Teacher Nan Lihuo was standing in front of a student's workbench, watching with relish, they couldn't help but show their curiosity.

For a moment, accompanied by the sound of slow footsteps, students stopped drawing talismans, came over, and stretched their necks.

Fang Che didn't know the situation around him.

He had reached a critical moment in making talismans, and he had forgotten how many times he had failed.

But he didn't care about failure, as long as he succeeded once... it was enough.

His breathing was almost stagnant, and Fang Che's hands were very steady. In the challenge of crossing the lake in the God Training Tower, facing the assassination of the lantern swordfish, Fang Che's control of strength became more and more refined.

The blood-like thick ink spread out and gradually spread on the Xuanhuang talisman paper.

Fang Che's spiritual consciousness surged out like a thread, soaking into the thick ink talisman road that had been drawn, ensuring the spiritual reserve of the talisman.

The realm-breaking talisman he drew now was a first-level high-quality talisman, because Fang Che's current mana level reached the peak of the seventh level of Qi Refining, which belonged to the high-quality category.

Of course, if he wanted to draw a first-level medium-quality or low-quality talisman, it would not be difficult.

But since he had drawn it, he naturally aimed for a high-quality one.

And now that Fang Che wanted to break through, only a first-level high-quality realm-breaking talisman could have an effect on him.


The spiritual consciousness of the rough embryo of the spiritual platform surged out, causing invisible wind and waves to form around the workbench.

The talisman-making students around him immediately understood that this mysterious talisman might be born in Fang Che's hands soon.

Nan Lihuo also stared.

Fang Che looked solemn, the spiritual consciousness of the sea of ​​consciousness, the strength of his fingers, the smoothness of his brushstrokes... With the help of skill +1, every step was very precise.

When the last stroke fell, the dark yellow talisman paper on the workbench suddenly shook slightly, and the talisman path drawn by the red talisman ink emitted a golden edge of light, like the edge of the clouds reflected in the sky at dusk.

Finally, the whole piece of Xuanhuang talisman paper exuded a bright yellow luster, flickering and interweaving, like breathing in and out, repeating three times, and finally returning to silence.

And above the talisman-making classroom, there was a faint trace of spiritual energy drawn by the talisman road with ink not yet dried, and diffused into it.

The realm-breaking talisman... was finally drawn successfully!

"Ding, you are diligent in drawing talismans and have completed the first high-difficulty talisman drawing. Diligence +100, special diligence (talisman) +1000, please continue to draw, don't... don't stop!"

"Tip: Your talisman-making level has improved. Please complete the professional certification as soon as possible to get a special reward."

The prompt on the panel popped up.


Fang Che showed joy in his eyes, exhaled a long breath, and wiped the sweat on his forehead.

Finally succeeded!

Failure is indeed the mother of success!

As long as there are more failures, success will always be born!

This first-class high-quality realm-breaking talisman is extremely difficult to draw, much more difficult than the "Flowing Fire Cage", and is considered his most successful work so far.

"Not bad, an interesting talisman, with very stable aura, giving people a very down-to-earth feeling."

"Did you research it yourself?"

Nan Lihuo suddenly spoke, startling Fang Che who was immersed in his masterpiece.

"No... no, I accidentally found it on the immortal website. I thought it was interesting, so I tried it. I didn't expect it to succeed."

Fang Che hurriedly said.

Nan Lihuo looked at Fang Che deeply: "I have never seen this talisman school. It is very stable, but in the stability, there is a kind of hardworking tenacity in it..."

"And this talisman... I have never seen it before, can I take a look?"

Nan Lihuo asked.

This is Fang Che's work. Although he is a teacher, he has to ask Fang Che's consent before he can observe it.

Fang Che nodded.

Nan Lihuo immediately picked up this realm-breaking talisman carefully, looked at it carefully, full of exquisiteness and appreciation...

Suddenly, he seemed to have discovered something. He narrowed his eyes and rubbed his fingertips on the talisman path.

Spiritual consciousness surged out slightly.

next moment……

His complexion changed slightly, and an inexplicable tingling sensation came from the coffin. Then, he felt a burning sensation in his nose, and nosebleeds flowed out of his nostrils crookedly like small snakes.

Nan Lihuo: "( ¯་། ¯)"


No...why did he have a nosebleed?

He, a third-level talisman maker on the ninth floor of the Nanli Huotangtang Foundation, sensed the path of the talisman and actually got a nosebleed?

Is this charm poisonous? !

Fang Che was also stunned, or the students around him were all stunned...

There is an old saying in the talisman-making world: If there is no woman in your heart, the talisman-making god is nature!

Now it seems that Teacher Nan Lihuo, a famous talisman fanatic, has implemented the true meaning of this sentence very thoroughly.

I have only heard of nosebleeds from looking at beautiful women, but I have never seen nosebleeds from looking at talismans...

If you associate beautiful women with interesting talismans and equal signs.

Teacher Nan Lihuo is such a pervert!

Feeling the strange expressions of the students around him, Nan Lihuo felt helpless and reluctantly rubbed the talisman for a while. The more he rubbed, the faster his nosebleed...

Nan Lihuo was happy with it.

The hot spray... the nosebleed, that was his lost youth!

This is... what it feels like to be in love!


Nanlihuo: "(ꈍ་། ꈍ)"

Fang Che: "..."

What a nasty expression!

Fang Che couldn't help but be speechless, looking at the Realm Breaking Talisman that Nan Lihuo was rubbing in his hand. This Talisman was...not clean.

Of course, Fang Che guessed that this situation in Nanlihuo might be related to the hidden talisman drawing skills, but he did not explain it.

With Teacher Nan Lihuo's level as a third-level Talisman Maker, how could he not discover this skill?

"Fang Che, please sell me this talisman. It is a first-class high-quality talisman. The market price is about 10,000 good works. Yours... I will offer you 30,000 good works. What I buy is not the talisman, but the hot feeling of the jet." "

Nan Lihuo looked at Fang Che and couldn't help but say.

"No problem, deal!" Fang Che agreed immediately.

Nan Lihuo was very happy and used his good deed card to transfer 30,000 good deeds to Fang Che.

For a third-level Talisman Maker who has long been free from good deeds, 30,000 good deeds are nothing at all.

"Fang Che, do you mind if I use this talisman to share the joy of squirting hot... with others?"

Nan Lihuo asked: "Don't worry, it's just research. Even if the crack is successful, there will be no commercial activities..."

"By the way, you should go to the Talisman Maker Association, get certified as a Talisman Maker, and register the copyright for the talisman path of this talisman. When the time comes, any Talisman Maker who sells your talisman will get corresponding rewards. Good deeds are shared.”

Nan Lihuo reminded Fang Che.

Fang Che nodded when he heard this. When he mentioned professional certification, he couldn't help but think of the prompts on the panel.

Mainly, it was the special rewards that made him look forward to it.

So Fang Che quickly asked some questions about professional certification.

"Okay, after the national competition, you happen to be in the Imperial Capital. I will take you to get professional certification as a professional Talisman Maker."

Nan Lihuo nodded and smiled.

"Okay, this class is your self-study. The main thing is to draw talismans. The talent of a talisman maker is important, but more importantly, being able to keep calm and endure loneliness and boring temperament. Drawing talisman day after day is what makes you The only way to improve your level.”

Nan Lihuo had a nosebleed. After saying something like a teacher, he hurriedly left with the purchased Realm Breaking Talisman.

It's as if I can't wait to find someone to share the hot pleasure of squirting.

Fang Che did not leave, but continued to draw symbols on the workbench.

He wants to redraw a first-order high-quality boundary-breaking talisman.

After drawing four times in a row, Fang Che finally succeeded again. For such a difficult talisman, Fang Che's success rate was not high.

But finally the talisman was formed again, and another realm-breaking talisman was born, but Fang Che's spiritual consciousness of the spiritual platform was completely exhausted.

But the exhausted spiritual consciousness couldn't stop Fang Che's excited emotions at all.

Holding the Realm Breaking Talisman, he left the Talisman Making Classroom as fast as he could and rushed towards the training area.

He couldn't wait to try the stimulating effect of the Realm Breaking Talisman.

Officially hitting the eighth level of Qi Refining!

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