The moon is bright and the stars are sparse, and the magpies fly south.

Feilei Xiancheng Second High School, training area.

Fang Che came here excitedly and met the senior sister Zhou Yuqi who was on duty.

"Senior Zhou, open a second-level training room!"

Zhou Yuqi was sorting out the books placed at the front desk. She was about to participate in the last trial of the third year of high school, and was even about to quit the front desk job in the training area.

Seeing Fang Che, as one of her few acquaintances with social phobia, she nodded: "Although you are a student in the gifted class, you can't use the second-level training room for free. Although there is a discount, you still need 50 merits per hour."

Fang Che's pockets are now bulging, and he has earned a lot of merits. He is so rich that he waved his hand: "Open it for me for 4 hours first!"

Zhou Yuqi is no longer surprised by Fang Che's persistence. Fang Che is the most frequent runner in the training area. He is the second high liver emperor...

She, Zhou Yuqi, is the real witness!

After booking the room and paying the merits, Fang Che

Zhou Yuqi stopped Fang Che, who was eager to practice, and wanted to say something.

"Senior, what's wrong?" Fang Che asked in confusion.

Zhou Yuqi took a deep breath, clenched her fist, and said in a cheering manner: "Don't give up cultivating immortals. I hope you can keep your diligence as always and don't forget your original intention!"

It is rare for Zhou Yuqi, who is socially anxious, to say such words.

Fang Che was stunned for a moment, then grinned brightly: "Senior, don't worry, I won't give up. I will keep working hard and be the most diligent man in the world!"

Zhou Yuqi smiled.

"I'm leaving and participating in a trial. After the trial, I will take the Xianmen College Entrance Examination, so... see you later... if we are destined!"

Fang Che nodded solemnly after hearing this.

It turned out to be a farewell.

In life, there are always many unintentional farewells.

The people who traveled with you may disappear at any time, and when you look back, there will only be regrets in your memories.

The moonlight was cold, reflecting the mottled shadows of people among the treetops, brewing a farewell.

"Then come on, senior sister, you must be admitted to the three top universities of Xianmen. Maybe... we will still be alumni in the future. After all, the unintentional farewells in life are all preparations for the next reunion."

Fang Che smiled brightly, revealing his ambition.

His goal is the three top universities of Daxia Xianmen!

Then, Fang Che turned and entered the practice room.

Zhou Yuqi looked at Fang Che's disappearing back.

Clenched her little fist: "Zhou Yuqi, Zhou Yuqi, look at him, how high his fighting spirit is, how ambitious his ambition is! You have to work hard too! You must survive the trial and impact the top universities of Xiuxian!"

"Hang your head on the beam, pierce your thigh with a needle, keep piercing your thigh, pierce it!"



Fang Che came to the second-level practice room. There are not many second-level practice rooms in the second high school. Most of them are used by senior high school students, because the practice room is equipped with a second-level Qi gathering array, and the merits are high.

But compared to some second-level commercial training rooms in society, the training rooms in the school are much cheaper.


The second-level Qi gathering array is running, and the majestic spiritual energy gathers and continues to sweep like a vortex.

Above the training room, it seems that drops of spiritual energy are condensed.

Fang Che runs the Qi Refining Method, which runs quickly in the meridians in his body, and the Qi Sea circling, showing his cultivation at the peak of the seventh level of Qi Refining.

The speed of cultivation of Tianlinggen is indeed fast. It has not been long since Fang Che broke through the seventh level of Qi Refining. After some diligent and hard training, he began to impact the eighth level of Qi Refining.

If it were the previous virtual spiritual roots, it would be impossible.

The artificial spirit stone was taken out, as well as the realm-breaking talisman that had just been drawn.

However, Fang Che did not start to impact the bottleneck immediately, but first calmed down and visualized the angry Mingwang.

The spiritual consciousness that had been dried up due to drawing the talisman began to gurgle like a stream and slowly recovered.

After an hour of meditation, the spiritual consciousness was completely restored.

Fang Che started to break through.

The realm-breaking talisman was activated, and the Xuanhuang talisman paper burned...


At the moment the talisman was activated, a ray of light burst out from the light ball after the talisman was burned out, and diffused into Fang Che's body, and after a while.

Finally, it burst out from Fang Che's Niwan Palace and diffused into the light ball.

Then, the huge ball of light began to change like plasticine.

One by one, the mana threads spread out, like a complete meridian map, and finally, it actually formed a mana model that corresponded to Fang Che one to one!

The mana model marked all the meridians in Fang Che's body, and even showed the direction of each spiritual energy flow.

Several meridian nodes where mana was running were emitting light...

That was the location of Fang Che's mana bottleneck barrier!

Then, the model mobilized the meridian spiritual energy to charge at the bottleneck barrier. After a try, it successfully broke the barrier, and the mana flowing in the meridians became thicker.

As long as the corresponding bottleneck barrier position in the meridian is broken, a breakthrough can be achieved with a very high success rate!

The breakthrough meridian model demonstrates the complete breakthrough process and shows the success rate.

Fang Che took a deep breath and looked at the shining mana meridian breakthrough model...

He was shocked.

No wonder this talisman dared to be named breakthrough. It turned out that it marked the difficulty and barrier position of the breakthrough in a dead-headed way. It was a brainless demonstration. Just follow the impact.

In addition, the breakthrough success rate is also marked.

What kind of black technology is this for cultivating immortals? !

Although the realm-breaking talisman does not guarantee a breakthrough 100%, it gives the practitioner great confidence, and allows the practitioner to make a breakthrough after being fully prepared...

Wouldn't the success rate soar?

After watching the demonstration, Fang Che was full of confidence, and followed the realm-breaking meridian model to demonstrate, dispatching the absorbed spiritual energy to launch a charge.

Boom! ! !

In less than ten minutes, Fang Che successfully completed the breakthrough!

The meridians in his body were connected, and his breath was rising steadily.

The spiritual energy in the second-level training room immediately poured into Fang Che's body at a rapid speed, replenishing the sea of ​​qi after the breakthrough.

Qi Refining Level 8...


Su Shangxing squatted outside the training room to wait for Fang Che, and as expected, when the light of dawn shone on the ground.

Fang Che, who was sweating all over and even steaming, walked slowly out of the training ground. Every step was extremely heavy, because he was wearing a soul-binding sandbag.

"Teacher Su?" Fang Che was slightly stunned when he saw Su Shangxing squatting.

Su Shangxing narrowed his eyes. As a Jindan cultivator, he opened the secret storage of his spiritual consciousness. He was so sharp that he immediately sensed Fang Che's breath that had not yet been stabilized after his cultivation had just broken through.

"You broke through? The eighth level of Qi Refining?" Su Shangxing took a deep breath.

As expected of a natural spiritual root, he is really fast!

Fang Che did not deny it, but smiled and nodded. After the breakthrough, he trained wantonly on the training ground. He felt that he had improved in all aspects, and he was very satisfied and motivated.

Facts have proved that diligence can see the harvest, which will only motivate people to become more diligent.

"Not bad, really good..."

Su Shangxing praised: "I came to you mainly for two things."

Without hiding anything, Su Shangxing told Fang Che about the experience in Yunxiao Town, and also pointed out the dangers of this trial, letting Fang Che make his own decision.

"Risks and opportunities always coexist. It's up to you whether to participate or not." Su Shangxing said.

After all, it is about life, Su Shangxing will not force Fang Che.

After hearing this, Fang Che took the form.

He signed his name without hesitation.

Going to Yunxiao Town to practice killing demon cultivators is equivalent to brushing up diligence experience for Fang Che. How could he miss it?

Killing demon cultivators can gain much more diligence than normal practice.

Su Shangxing was not surprised by Fang Che's choice.

He smiled and nodded, and took the form signed by Fang Che.

"Liuli and Jia Shengli both chose to go. This time, you will take the test with the senior high school students. You will gather at the school gate in three days and go together."

"The second thing I want to see you this time."

Su Shangxing looked at Fang Che, his eyes full of emotion, and took out a black storage ring and handed it to Fang Che.

"This is the reward for killing the Qi-refining demon of the Shenshen Sect this time, and the official compensation for you being attacked by demon cultivators..."

"Your overwhelming wealth has arrived, please check it."

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