The fighter plane, which is full of seals and talismans, is like a flying bird of prey, breaking through the cloud flow and leaping onto the sea of ​​clouds.

The strong pushing force slowly dissipated. Fang Che stabilized his figure and turned to look out the window. He could see the rolling clouds like a vast ocean.

The scorching sun hangs high in the blue sky, blooming with brilliant light.

But what really made Fang Che's eyes tighten...

It is the higher one, as if it spans the dome of outer space.

There is a huge irregular continent floating.

Because looking from the bottom up, all that can be seen is the mud layer hanging down from the huge continent, like an upside-down earth-yellow mountain.

Just by looking at it, you can feel a great sense of oppression, impacting your spiritual consciousness.

"Don't look at it for too long. They are fragments of the Immortal Gate. It is rumored that a dead immortal is buried in each fragment of the Immortal Gate. Even if it is a dead immortal, mortals cannot look directly at it."

"Why can't you see the fragments of the Xianmen Continent on the ground? It's not that you can't see them. It's because the Lord Transformed God took action and used a method to cover the fragments of the Xianmen Continent, hiding it from the world's sight."

"Only in this way can we prevent some people from spiritual collapse caused by looking directly at the Immortal Sect."

"You are all monks who have refined your spiritual consciousness, so you can take a brief peek. Ordinary people can look worst, your soul will be hurt, and at worst, your soul will be extinguished."

Su Shangxing promptly reminded everyone who was curious about the Xianmen Continent.

Fang Che took a deep breath and became more and more curious about the fragments of the Xianmen Continent.

He glanced fiercely, as if he wanted to see enough at once, and then looked away.

I took out a meditation talisman that I had spent the past three days using my good deeds to buy from Sister Xia’s shop, and began to enter the state of cultivation.

Because he suddenly had 140,000 good deeds, Fang Che, who had a lot of money, replenished a wave of cultivation resources.

He had all the meditation talismans, Qi Gathering Pills, etc. that were lacking before.

Of course, Fang Che's main goal now is meditation. After all, his spiritual consciousness has condensed into the rough embryo of the spiritual platform, and he can step into the second realm of true spiritual consciousness if he takes one step further.

In this way, he will gain more from this trial.

Su Shangxing looked at Fang Che who had entered a meditative state, and was speechless for a moment. This liver emperor started again, and he didn't forget to practice even when he was on a plane!

The plane flight is only one hour, is it such a short time?

Luo Liuli, who was sitting at the back door, leaned on the window and looked at the sea of ​​clouds in a daze. Suddenly, she felt the fluctuation of the meditation talisman, and her eyes suddenly became clear.

Seeing Fang Che who didn't forget to practice even when he was on a plane, she also took out the meditation talisman and started practicing.

Jia Shengli was originally taking photos with his cell phone and was about to share them with Fang Che. However, he saw Fang Che meditating seriously. For a moment, he was bored.

He put away his phone and took out a meditation talisman to enter the cultivation state.

Luo Liuli and Jia Shengli have good family backgrounds, and there is basically no shortage of cultivation materials such as meditation talismans.

It was very quiet inside the cabin, and there was even a beautiful stewardess pushing a trolley and asking everyone what they wanted to drink.

However, as the fluctuations of the meditation talisman spread, some students in the third year of high school suddenly became excited.

Zhou Yuqi saw Fang Che who was meditating, and he looked like this.

She clenched her little fists, Zhou Yuqi... it's time to stab her butt!

She also took out the meditation talisman and started practicing!

With her as the starting point, the senior high school students who had already taken the test immediately imitated one by one and entered the state of cultivation. Those who had talismans used talismans, and those who did not have talismans used other people's meditation talismans to make the fluctuations obvious.

Su Shangxing: "╮(╯▽╰)╭"

He knew that wherever the Gan Emperor was present, the cultivation atmosphere would always become very anxious.

It was the first time for Pei Linglong to see this battle. She was a little dazed and looked at Su Shangxing with dumbfounded eyes.

"Diligence...can it be contagious?" Pei Linglong couldn't help but smile.

Several senior high school teachers who led the team also looked helpless.

"Is this the individual champion of this martial arts competition? He is indeed diligent... The Second Highest Liver Emperor, even I have heard of him."

"It's very good. It brings everyone into a state of cultivation. To cultivate immortality, you need to have this sense of urgency."

"The senior year of high school is facing the college entrance examination. If you don't work hard now, when will you work hard? Even the first-year students are so diligent, so what right do they have to be lazy?"

The leading teachers of the senior high school students communicated with each other.

However, in the quiet cabin, the sound of their exchanges seemed a little obvious.

The atmosphere gradually became awkward.

"Ahem...How about...let's practice too?"

"Come on, fellow practitioners."

The leading teachers of the senior high school students restrained their voices and entered a state of cultivation.

Su Shangxing: "๑乛◡乛๑"

"Teacher Pei, shall we practice again together?"

Pei Linglong: "Get out."

The fighter plane flew through the sky, and unexpectedly did not encounter any ferocious beasts or raptors that had been successfully trained.

An hour later, they began to land slowly and were about to enter the airport of Jinhai Fairy City. At that time, everyone would take the war pickup truck and head to the Yunxiao Town war zone.

Ergao's fighter jet flew on the runway for a long time and finally stopped.

The Jinhai Xiancheng Ground Guard monk officer who was in charge of the response quickly felt in front of the fighter plane. However, the stewardess opened the cabin door and waited for a long time. No second grade student or leading teacher came out of the fighter plane.

What the hell?

What about the second-highest person in Feileixian City? !

"Officer, they... they are all practicing." The delicate stewardess smiled and covered her mouth.

"Practice?!" The officer in the garrison took a deep breath.

Are the teachers and students of the second high school so diligent?

Is this the teaching philosophy of the second high school in Feilei Xiancheng? !

In the surrounding fighter planes, teachers and students from high schools from all over the country kept walking down. The officer scratched his head, tiptoed, and swept into the fighter plane.

As expected, the fluctuations of the meditation talisman were endless, and all the teachers and students of the second high school sitting in their seats were breathing and meditating rhythmically.

This picture is really beautiful... What a ghost!

The officer was a little amused, the group of weirdos in the second high school of Feilei Xiancheng.

The spiritual consciousness moved and spread the fluctuations.

Su Shangxing had sensed it a long time ago, but he still wanted to persist. Diligence... is really addictive!

However, when the officer in the garrison appeared, Su Shangxing still couldn't ignore him.

"Ahem, sorry... Everyone has been poisoned by diligence."

Su Shangxing apologized quickly, and then woke up the people who were practicing.

Fang Che woke up leisurely, meditated on the angry Mingwang for an hour, and gained a lot. He felt that his rough spirit platform was like being tempered by thousands of hammers, becoming more and more tenacious.

And he had a hunch that he was getting closer and closer to a breakthrough in spiritual consciousness.

"Ding, you meditated for an hour while taking a plane, and infected the people around you with your diligence. The diligence energy doubled, the props were added, and the diligence energy +40, young man, it's pretty good. I hope you can meditate next time when you play with a plane..."

In front of him, a translucent panel prompt popped up.

Fang Che was stunned for a moment, and found that the diligence energy gained from this meditation was a bit unexpected.

However, there was no time to continue studying.

Fang Che followed the crowd and got off the fighter plane together.

As soon as they got off the fighter plane, Luo Liuli, Fang Che and Jia Shengli were called aside by Su Shangxing.

"Wear this badge. It is a symbol of identity verification. After the spiritual consciousness mark is entered, it will match your spiritual consciousness."

"In addition to verifying your identity, the badge will collect the spiritual consciousness of the dead demon cultivator after you kill them in Yunxiao Town, and mark the number, so that you can return to the camp to exchange for merits and participate in the ranking of this trial."

Su Shangxing introduced.

"Trial ranking?" Fang Che was puzzled.

"That is the trial ranking for the current senior high school students. There are only the top three hundred. The higher the ranking, the higher the merit reward."

"But most of those who can enter the top three hundred are in the foundation building stage, and they are not new foundation building students, but those veteran genius foundation building students."

Su Shangxing spread his hands.

"So, you don't have much chance of getting rewards, so don't pay too much attention to the ranking."

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