"This trial covers senior high school students from many high schools in the major immortal cities of the entire Daxia Immortal Gate. Although each high school mostly sends dozens of people, the number of high schools is too large. The number of senior high school students who come to participate in the trial is nearly 5,000, which is basically equivalent to an army."

"In fact, your role is no different from supporting the army."

Pei Linglong flipped through the information obtained from the second high school and popularized it to Fang Che and others.

"However, Yunxiao Town has a large area, and an army of 5,000 people in the war zone actually has little impact."

"As the headquarters of the Beast Blood Sect, one of the three major demon sects, in its heyday, the number of Beast Blood believers reached tens of thousands, and the number of ferocious beasts raised was countless."

"After experiencing multiple rounds of bombing and baptism by the powerful immortals, the high-level and high-level ferocious beasts of the Beast Blood Sect were basically cleared out, and there are probably nearly 10,000 Beast Blood believers left."

"These believers hide their identities and mingle among the many people in Yunxiao Town. Most of them are below the third level of foundation building and at the Qi refining level."

Su Shangxing also spoke with deep eyes.

"After careful consideration, the Xianmen officials have chosen Yunxiao Town as a trial site for high school students."

"There are quite a few demon cultivators, but you may not be able to find any and return empty-handed."

"So, cheer up and do the trial well. If you encounter a demon cultivator, don't hesitate, kill him quickly and accumulate practical experience."

"The demon cultivators in these war zones have experienced the baptism of war and are now at the end of their rope. They are different from those demon cultivators who are imprisoned in cages and have lost their spirit."

"Dangerous and cunning."

Su Shangxing's face suddenly became serious: "So, don't be soft-hearted, don't be soft-hearted. No one can predict the development of the war in the war zone. You can't imagine the cunning and cruelty of the demon cultivators..."

"Try to protect yourself... On the premise of protecting yourself, kill more demon cultivators. Answer me, can you do it?!"

After the words fell.

Fang Che, Luo Liuli and Jia Shengli all responded with a loud shout.


"Very good. In the war zone, the three of you will work together. This is an opportunity to cultivate your teamwork. In the national competition, the proportion of teamwork is not low."

"Let's go, little guys, and experience your storm!"

Su Shangxing clapped his hands and said loudly.

A military pickup truck drove over.

Each pickup truck can carry nine people. In addition to the driver, there are already six people waiting on the pickup truck. Fang Che and the other two put on their badges, said goodbye to Su Shangxing and Pei Linglong, and boarded the pickup truck.

The sound of tires rubbing against the ground sounded, and then the military pickup truck galloped out at high speed.

The pickup truck was subjected to a windproof array. Although the back row was open, as the pickup truck drove at high speed, it was not a problem for the members to communicate with each other.

The students who accompanied Fang Che and the other two were also students from the second high school. They were all in the third year of high school. They were fully armed and looked solemn.

"You are Fang, right? You are the hero who helped our No. 2 High School win the championship in this competition."

A burly man with a square face looked at Fang Che and smiled.

"Hello, senior." Fang Che smiled.

"This should be your first time to practice, and you are inexperienced, but you can follow our team." The man smiled and said, "My name is Gao Cheng, a student in the senior three gifted class, and a former member of the No. 2 High School Fighting Team. I participated in the fighting competition, but unfortunately I never won a name."

"Teacher Su asked me to take care of you."

"This is Reina and Zhao Kai, also students in the senior three gifted class, and my former teammates in the fighting team, and also teammates participating in this trial."

A man and a woman next to Gao Cheng smiled and nodded to Fang Che and the other two, and their attitudes were very friendly.

Because they were all students of Su Shangxing.

The other three were also a team, and basically the trial actions were carried out by three people as a team.

Along the way, Gao Cheng was very enthusiastic and explained some small details and experiences of the trial to Fang Che and others.

"The official Xianmen has gone through a round of purges, and the top leaders of the Beast Blood Sect are basically dead. However, we cannot be careless. There may be some who have slipped through the net. We must learn to judge. Once we encounter the seventh or eighth level of the Beast Blood Sect and the Golden Core cultivators, do not hesitate and escape immediately!"

"The first rule of the trial is to learn to judge the situation and learn to escape."

Gao Cheng introduced.

Fang Che's face slightly condensed when he heard this.

"You can trust the official, but you can't bet everything on the official, because some demon cultivators who are good at hiding can really deceive the official strongmen." Gao Cheng's face became serious.

The road to Yunxiao Town is not in good condition because of the outbreak of the war and various spell bombings.

It is bumpy and bumpy. In bad road conditions, it may take two or three hours to drive. As time goes by, Gao Cheng gradually stops talking.

Fang Che took out the meditation card, and Luo Liuli, who had been silent all the way, suddenly brightened his eyes. Looking at Fang Che with bright eyes, he also took out a meditation card tacitly.

The two began to meditate on the pickup truck...

Gao Cheng and others who were traveling with him were speechless.

"The second Gao Gan Emperor... is indeed worthy of his reputation."

Everyone smiled.

The pickup truck galloped along the straight road, raising clouds of dust.

Two hours later, Fang Che gained 40 points of diligence and ended his meditation.

The pickup truck bumped along the dilapidated and damaged road for nearly 80 kilometers and finally arrived at Yunxiao Town. From a distance, the entire town was completely blocked.

The huge light curtain of the blockade array formed a half-closed bowl, covering Yunxiao Town.

The pickup truck entered the base first, and Gao Cheng's team took Fang Che and others to exchange some equipment.

"Do you have merits? First, exchange some protective equipment at the base, such as alloy magic anti-war armor and other defensive equipment, which can save your life when necessary, and you can also exchange for high-lethality weapons to improve your hunting efficiency. Merits are useless. Killing demons to earn merits and improve yourself is the key."

Gao Cheng introduced.

Fang Che heard it and thought it made sense.

He spent 30 merits and exchanged for a first-level high-quality alloy magic anti-war armor. This rich and powerful appearance directly stunned Gao Cheng.

How much merit can a freshman have?

Don't you have to be careful when spending?

Luo Liuli and Jia Shengli did not exchange because their families prepared defensive magic weapons.

After exchanging their equipment and checking their identity badges, they continued to drive the pickup truck into the checkpoint and into the town of Yunxiao.

However, once they entered the town, the speed of the pickup truck obviously slowed down a lot.

The roads in the town seemed even more bumpy and dilapidated, with large pits and shell holes left by hot weapons bombing, and traces left by magic cleaning.

"As one of the three major demon sects, the Beast Blood Sect is different from the demon cultivators who are good at the art of shocking the gods. They are good at raising ferocious beasts. Because the headquarters of the Beast Blood Sect was breached, many of the ferocious beasts raised were scattered... which had a great impact on the safety of the people in Yunxiao Town."

"This is also the reason why Yunxiao Town was designated as a trial site. In addition to dealing with demon cultivators, we must also deal with these scattered ferocious beasts..."

"Killing demon cultivators has merits, and killing ferocious beasts also has merits..."

In the pickup truck, Gao Cheng continued to introduce.


The pickup truck slowed down suddenly, stepped on the brakes hard, and the tires rubbed against the ground, making a harsh sound.

In the distance, beside the dilapidated road, there were actually herds of yellow cattle, walking slowly and leisurely across the bumpy road like a stroll.

"Cows? Is anyone herding cattle?"

"How come there are cows at this time?"

Jia Shengli muttered in confusion.

Hearing this, Gao Cheng's face suddenly changed: "Enemy attack!"

The appearance of a herd of cattle at this critical moment...

It is likely that they are ferocious beasts raised by the demon cultivators of the Beast Blood Sect!


A cow roared!

The eyes of those leisurely and undisciplined cattle suddenly turned scarlet!

The flesh and blood on the yellow cattle squirmed, and each one swelled like a twisted monster, and grew hideous bone spurs!

Bang bang bang!

The road shook, and the gravel was shaken and jumped.

The leisurely cattle suddenly became crazy, like mad cows, twisting and weirdly rushing towards the rapidly retreating pickup truck!

"Prepare for battle!"

Gao Cheng shouted!

His teammates, Reina and Zhao Kai, immediately drew their weapons, activated their magic power, and entered combat mode.

Gao Cheng turned his head and was about to remind Fang Che and others.

But he found that there was only one Jia Shengli left, blinking innocently and looking at Gao Cheng.

Gao Cheng: "(‧_‧?)"

Where are the people? !


Where are the people!

Jia Shengli pointed to the distance with a dry laugh.

But Fang Che and Luo Liuli jumped off the pickup truck almost at the same time and ejected.

"Lao Luo! Let's continue the unfulfilled competition promise in the fighting competition!"

"See who kills more!"

"Killing more demon cultivators and fierce beasts is also a kind of diligence!"

Fang Che turned his head and looked at Luo Liuli who jumped off the pickup truck with him, and smiled gently.

Luo Liuli's long hair flew, and her long eyelashes trembled.

His eyes were brilliant and dazzling, and he nodded solemnly.


After the words fell, the two rushed towards the herd of fierce beasts that were twisting wildly and mutating!

One in front and one behind, the magic power is released!

One red and one blue, two worlds of ice and fire!

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