The colors of ice and fire show two elves-like red and blue lights on the road that has been baptized by magic!

Fang Che's fire-attribute spells burst out, and what worked was the combined attack spell that Principal Zhai Ke had taught him and Luo Liuli!

Combination spells are very difficult and require tacit cooperation.

During this period of time, Fang Che and Luo Liuli had tried and trained while practicing in the training area, and now they showed it for the first time on the battlefield!

Hot and cold, two extreme forces surging.

Under Fang Che's feet, there were dancing sparks, moving little by little, slowly more and more, and finally with a bang, it turned into a long red dragon, winding its body and roaring with its mouth!

On the other side, Luo Liuli was like an elf on the ice field. Every step she took, the ground was condensed into frost!

Countless amounts of ice and snow flew around her, the cold wind howled, and the frost gathered, turning into a giant frost dragon!

"Ice and Fire Dragon Realm!"

This is the combo spell Zhai Ke taught Fang Che and Luo Liuli!

A combined attack spell inspired by the attributes of two heavenly spiritual roots!

The flame dragon and the frost dragon lay across the road, reflecting red and ice blue, circling each other constantly, like a tornado of ice and fire passing by.

Everywhere you pass is the domain of dragons!

The crazy cows and their red eyes seemed to show a hint of instinctive panic, and they were shocked by this terrifying spell!

The charging speed of the cattle seemed to have slowed down a bit.

However, the Ice and Fire Dragon Realm unleashed by Fang Che and Luo Liuli surged forward like a powerful force.

Suddenly, countless blood flew out and stumps flew everywhere.

Many crazy and twisted demonic cows were directly torn apart by the ice and fire tornadoes, and the pieces of flesh and bones were scattered all over the ground.

A herd of dozens of mad cows was torn open with a huge gap!

On top of the pickup truck.

Reina, the female member of the Gao Cheng team, immediately took a deep breath: "It's so fierce!"

Jia Shengli was quite happy with the old god's presence and crossed his arms as he was used to it.

"Lie Ying... I'm a professional, I'm used to it just lying down."

Gao Cheng grinned and nodded approvingly: "He is worthy of being the champion of the martial arts competition. He is indeed fierce. The two of them work together very well."

However, he is not in a hurry to take action. Fang Che and Luo Liuli can handle it, and there is no need for them to steal the merits of these ferocious beasts.

In the trial area, there are many opportunities to earn merit, so there is no need to steal your teammates from the beginning.

"There must be demon cultivators pulling these cattle behind them... I'll go find them."

"You are ready to retreat at any time. If I lose, I will retreat immediately."

"These demonic cultivators should know that Yunxiao Town is designated as a trial site, and want to ambush us while we are inexperienced, so you must be careful and don't take it lightly."

Gao Cheng looked at Reina and Zhao Kai and said seriously.

"Don't worry, captain, leave it to us."

Lei Na and Zhao Kai jumped out of the pickup truck and began to quickly disperse to the surrounding area.

Gao Cheng also jumped down, and the moment he touched the ground, foundation-level mana burst out, and his body instantly turned into a straight black line, galloping quickly in one direction.

His spiritual consciousness on the spiritual platform seemed to sense that someone in that direction saw Fang Che and Luo Liuli's combined spells, and his spiritual consciousness fluctuated.

Jia Shengli did not consistently win. After all, the main purpose of coming to the trial place was to practice.

He also got out of the pickup truck, took out the sword with 80,000 merits, and with a burst of magic power, he rushed towards the mad cow herd.

"Leave some for me!"

boom! ! !

A demonic cow with squirming muscles and white bones growing ferociously from its body was punched through by Fang Che. A huge blood hole appeared in its chest and abdomen. Blood and internal organs flowed all over the ground. It fell to the ground, lifeless.


Fang Che muttered.

These demonic cows are indeed very weak. Although they are ferocious beasts, they are probably comparable to monks at the sixth level of Qi Refining, and they pose no threat to Fang Che today.

The magic cows in the field were quickly cleared.

Luo Liuli's black hair was flying, her face was cold, and her brows were furrowed: "I just killed eighteen heads."

Obviously much less than Fang Che.

In terms of efficiency in hunting ferocious beasts, she was much worse than Fang Che.

Fang Che shook off the blood on his alloy fist and smiled softly: "My physical skills are very advantageous in terms of killing efficiency."

Jia Shengli held his sword and stood silently.

Having only killed one demonic cow, what qualifications did he have to speak out?

What else can he do besides shouting "666"? !

Lei Na and Zhao Kai came at full speed, but their expressions were a bit unsightly.

"The captain is chasing the manipulator of the demonic cows. He hasn't returned yet. It's been a long time. Something's wrong..."

Reina couldn't help but say.

Reina is tall and tall. She is a commanding player in the team. She has strong spiritual awareness and has an extremely high judgment of the situation.

Her spiritual consciousness is even better than Gao Cheng, a second-level and third-level genius at the first level of foundation building, because Reina is a second-level formation master.

Born into a family of formations, she is extremely talented in formations.

Belongs to the soul of the altitude team.

"This is not the captain's style. In the trial area, even if you chase the enemy, you can't go too deep. You will come back to join your teammates soon, unless... something goes wrong."

Reina frowned.

"Yes, this is not the captain's style."

Zhao Kai, who didn't talk much, also echoed.

He has a tall body and obvious muscles. He is positioned as a human shield tank in the team, mainly for defense, and plays a role in protecting Reina.

"I will set up the formation here, Zhao Kai will protect me, Fang Che and Luo Xuemei will go to find the captain. You two have joint attack spells, and the attack power is very strong, which can help the captain."

"Once you help the captain out of trouble, lead him towards the formation."

"If the should retreat this way immediately."

As Reina said this, she tied up her long hair with a rubber band and tied it into a neat ponytail, becoming serious.

Unexpectedly, as soon as they entered Yunxiao Town, they would encounter a situation.

She had seen Fang Che and Luo Liuli's combined attack spells. The power... should be barely comparable to the attack of the foundation-building monks. It would be most appropriate for them to support Gao Cheng.

Because neither Lei Na nor Zhao Kai has reached the level of foundation building, the cooperation between Fang Che and Luo Liuli may not be as effective.

Fang Che and Luo Liuli looked at each other and understood this.

Reyna's thinking was very clear, which made them understand the situation. This is also the importance of having a good leader in the team.

Without saying anything more, the two set off immediately, restrained their own spell fluctuations, and flew away in the direction of the high altitude.

Without even looking at the direction they were leaving, Reina took out the materials needed to arrange the formation one by one from the storage ring, looked around, and arranged the formation according to the terrain.

"Well...then what is my role?"

Jia Shengli raised his hand silently.

Reina glanced at her and smiled: "Hmm...uh...let me think about it."

Jia Shengli: “(༼•̀ɷ•́༽)”

Think about it, are you serious?

Or have you never thought about Jia Shengli’s role at all? !

"Follow me and protect Reina."

Suddenly, the dull Zhao Kai spoke and took a deep look at Jia Shengli.

"Well, yes, your mission is the same as Zhao Kai's. Protect me. In the team, the role of the formation master is very important. We must not let anything happen or let the enemy get close. The more we contain him for a second, the more chance we have."

Reina said immediately.

"Actually, most of the time, when the formation is activated, we take very few shots because the enemy basically cannot get out of the formation arranged by Reina."

Zhao Kai said dullly.

Jia Shengli raised his chin and his eyes brightened. As soon as he added these words, he understood immediately.

"I'm ready to lie down!"

Jia Shengli:_(ÒωÓ๑ゝ∠)_

Zhao Kai: "..."

Children can be taught.

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