The moonlight was clear and cold, and the entire Yunxiao Town became increasingly quiet in the dark night.

Fang Che calmly looked at Liu Lei in the alley with his hands spread out and a smile on his face.

Beside Liu Lei were the pony-tailed girl and the burly boy.

"Your name is Fang Che, right? Don't worry, we are here to cooperate with you."

Liu Lei smiled gently.

He put his hands behind his back, but couldn't help clenching and loosening his fists.

He had just exchanged a blow with Fang Che, and he felt that his hand was about to explode. Fang Che's body strength was really strong.

You know, he has the extradition and foundation building magic power in his palm, so after such a collision, he doesn't have much advantage.

He is a foundation-building monk!

This made his opinion of Fang Che's strength improve a bit.

Fang Che's explosive energy and blood gradually calmed down, and he looked at Liu Lei in surprise.

"I thought the demon cultivator was attacking me secretly...Don't do this next time, it can easily cause misunderstandings."

Fang Che said.

"Let me introduce myself first. My name is Liu Lei. I am a senior student at No. 5 High School in Fairy City, Northern Xinjiang. I am also a trialist in this Yunxiao Trial Ground. I am at the first level of foundation building."

"Her name is Sun Ying, and his name is Zhou Nan. They are my teammates. They have reached the ninth level of Qi refining."

Liu Lei had a very gentle attitude and introduced the people on his side.

Fang Che nodded in greeting: "Flying Thunder Immortal City, two tall and one clear, with the eighth level of Qi refining."

Sun Ying, a girl with a ponytail, pursed her lips and looked at Fang Che with a smile. Her eyes were bright. Girls always have a different kind of beautiful filter for good-looking boys.

Even though Fang Che smashed Mo Xiu's chest into pieces time and time again, and his methods were very cruel, in Sun Ying's eyes... that was the expression of style.

"Cooperation? What do you want to cooperate with?" Fang Che asked. He was pressed for time and didn't want to waste too much time chatting with them. He went straight to the topic.

The smile on Liu Lei's face faded, and he said in a deep voice: "We know that you must have a special secret method for finding demon cultivators... You find demon cultivators too fast, and you find one accurately, and there are many demon cultivators that I misjudged. , you can find it all..."

"So, we want to cooperate with you to hunt down the Foundation-Building Demonic Cultivator!"

Fang Che raised his eyebrows.

"The merit of killing a foundation-building demon cultivator is extremely high. Killing a first-level foundation-building demon cultivator can earn 800 merit, which is eight times that of hunting a ninth-level Qi refining cultivator. However, it is undeniable that the risk is also extremely high."

"That's why I came to seek your cooperation."

Liu Lei said sincerely.

"We have now entered the second day of the trial. The demon cultivators with weak concealment abilities have basically been hunted down. The remaining demon cultivators are all good at concealment, especially the foundation-building demon cultivators, who are stronger at concealment. "

"It will take a long time just to find the foundation-building magic cultivator, but if we cooperate with you, we will definitely save a lot of time..."

"In this way, both you and I... will greatly improve the efficiency of hunting down the foundation-building demon cultivators, and you will also get more merit."

Liu Lei analyzed the pros and cons and looked at Fang Che with burning eyes.

He was certain that Fang Che must have a special ability to find demon cultivators, which was the foundation of their cooperation.

"Hunting a foundation-building demon cultivator is worth 800 merits, and the badges will be distributed according to the degree of processing... No matter how you say it, you can get more merits than killing a nine-level Qi-refining demon cultivator. You can't cooperate with this Will suffer a loss."

Liu Lei is very sincere.

However, after hearing this, Fang Che couldn't help but laugh.

"I reject."

Liu Lei was stunned, as were Sun Ying and Zhou Nan. They didn't expect Fang Che to refuse so decisively.

"You..." Liu Lei opened his mouth and was about to say something.

Fang Che interrupted him and looked at him strangely: "The Foundation Establishment Demonic Cultivator... I can hunt alone, why should I cooperate with you?"

Liu Lei: "( ̄口 ̄)!!"

Do you know what you are talking about?

He thought that Fang Che would refuse, but he never thought that it would be with such an excuse and in such a way...

Eighth level of Qi refining...hunting and foundation building?

So crazy? !

"That's... foundation building." Liu Lei reminded.

It's foundation building, not the ninth level of Qi refining!

Fang Che smiled: "I'm about to fight with the foundation-building monk..."

"Cooperation is not necessary, I still prefer to play alone..."

After finishing speaking, Fang Che said goodbye to the three of them.

After getting on the motorcycle, the roar of the engine tore through the silence of the night, leaving only the three people messy in the wind.

"This guy... is so crazy!" Liu Lei took a deep breath and looked a little unhappy.

"There is a huge barrier gap between Qi refining and foundation building. He actually wants to hunt down the foundation building demon cultivator alone... He is looking for death!"

"My heart is really high. This is because I have never experienced the beatings from society."

"Forget it, leave him alone. If you want to die, just let him die."

Liu Lei looked at Fang Che disappearing into the moonlight dust, snorted coldly, turned around and left with Sun Ying and Zhou Nan.

However, Liu Lei turned around angrily soon.

"I want to see how confident he is that he dares to build a foundation with an eighth-level Qi refining level!"

The moonlight is getting colder and cooler, covering the entire Yunxiao Town with a thin veil.

In the dead of night, the city that should have been noisy has also become quiet.

People returned to their houses early and were isolated from the outside world.

From time to time, the city area erupts with the roar of mana, which is the movement caused by the trialists hunting the demon cultivators.

As time goes by, this movement becomes smaller and smaller.

Obviously, the trial participants did not have the habit of killing demons all night, and everyone was not very introverted.

They planned to continue killing demons after tomorrow morning.


For Fang Che, the night life has just begun.

The motorcycle engine gradually stopped, Fang Che took off his helmet and parked the motorcycle.

His eyes fell on the commercial plaque flashing with neon lights in front of him.

"Golden Bucket Foot Bath City."

Fang Che looked at this gorgeous foot bath city and raised his hand to touch his forehead.

The pupil of the king of light!

His eyes immediately saw clearly, and saw the extremely rich and twisted demonic energy diffused in the foot bath city.

"Foundation-building demon cultivator... finally found it."

Fang Che stretched his waist, and his bones made crackling collisions.

He slowly walked into the foot bath city.


The flashing plaque and the flickering light strips.

The dim pink light brought a rather charming atmosphere.

"I didn't expect that my first visit to the Foot Bath City would be in this way..."

"Fortunately, I am a decent person. Only those who are not decent come to the Foot Bath City to wash their feet. Decent people do more than just wash their feet. And I am not here to wash my feet, I am here to... kill demons."

Fang Che muttered and stepped into the Foot Bath City.

The big-wavy woman in professional clothes at the front desk smiled professionally when she saw Fang Che: "Sir, do you want to wash your feet or stay?"

"Wash your feet." Fang Che hurriedly said.

"Are you washing feet formal?"

The big-wavy woman looked Fang Che up and down, looking at the young boy's immature appearance, and asked suspiciously: "Sir, are you a high school student? It is not recommended for high school students to wash their feet..."

It seems that it is not formal.

Fang Che immediately became energetic.

This foundation-building demon cultivator has something.

Fang Che hurriedly took out his good deeds to bargain with the woman with a good figure in a professional skirt. Finally, he spent 250 good deeds in exchange for the qualification of washing feet.

"Come with me, I'll arrange a technician for you." The woman handed Fang Che a pink number card, and then motioned Fang Che to follow.

Fang Che was nervous and shy, and followed the woman obediently.

The woman walked in the narrow corridor in high heels, and the sound of "thump thump thump" from the collision of the stilettos and the floor echoed endlessly like a shock wave.

Suddenly, Fang Che stopped.

He turned his head and looked at the closed door beside him.


Fang Che hurriedly called the woman in the professional skirt in front of him.

The woman was stunned for a moment, and when she looked back, she saw Fang Che took out his sword.

Woman: "(๑Ő௰Ő๑)"

Fang Che's face was solemn: "Sister, I'll deal with my personal problems first."

The words fell.

Boom! ! !

Fang Che's magic power surged, and his blood and qi circulated like a rushing river.

He kicked the closed door with one foot, and kicked it directly to pieces and flew open.

"Don't move!"

"Room check!"

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