The moonlight is like a hook, hanging high in the night sky.

The dim moonlight illuminates the earth with faint light.

Liu Lei, Sun Ying and Zhou Nan stood in front of the Golden Water Bucket Foot Bath City, looking at the flashing neon commercial plaque, and fell silent for a while.

"Brother Lei...he went in."

“Foot Bath City…”

Sun Ying said in a low voice.

"The footbath city where you washed your feet before..."

Liu Lei and Zhou Nan looked blank.

Especially Liu Lei, who was so embarrassed that he almost had to dig out the three bedrooms and one living room.

What would Fang Che do when he entered the foot bath city?

It’s definitely not possible to simply wash your feet!

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible... I have personally experienced it. How could there be a Foundation-Building Demonic Cultivator in Foot Washing City?!"

"Maybe...he just went to wash his feet and relax?"

Liu Lei waved his hand and said decisively.

The words are finished.

In the Foot Washing City, a window of a room suddenly exploded!

Countless glass shards flew across the sky, and extremely rich demonic energy billowed out from the broken windows.

Liu Lei: "( ̄ε(# ̄)"

Golden bucket foot bath city.

The door to the room was broken and lying on the ground.

Under the charming orange light, the sizzling white lightning arcs dispelled the charming atmosphere.

"Fuck! Check the damn room!"

"I'm just washing my feet, there's nothing to investigate!"

When the smiling man was about to move his hands up and down on the technician who was massaging him, the door burst open. He was startled and he yelled hurriedly.

However, his roar soon became stuck.

Fang Che's whole body was exuding strong mana fluctuations, and he stepped into the house holding the sword Red Scale with jumping white lightning arcs.

Seeing the murder weapon in Fang Che's hand, the man suddenly became silent and dared not speak.

The sweet woman wearing a technician's uniform sighed leisurely.

"This stinky man is going to touch someone soon. If he touches someone, they will hold him responsible... It's a pity that he was disturbed." The sweet woman was very sorry.

She raised her head and looked at Fang Che, with a strange look in her eyes.

"You are only at the eighth level of Qi dare you come to provoke me?"

The female technician laughed.

As soon as the words fell, waves of extremely rich dark demonic energy rose up from her body.

The female technician's hair fluttered, and her face was covered with snake scales.

A cold, ferocious, and terrifying aura filled the house.

Foundation-building magic cultivator!

Fang Che's eyes were bright, and indeed, the eyes of King Ming were unmistakable!

In the corridor.

The wavy woman in a long-legged professional skirt collapsed on the ground, her legs shaking uncontrollably, and she looked in horror at the demonic cultivator billowing out black energy in the room.

The middle-aged man with a big belly in the room was already pale and bloodless with fear. He had just wandered around the gate of hell without realizing it.

Then if that dirty hand just touched it...

People are afraid that they will disappear.

The oppressive foundation-building pressure almost suffocated the middle-aged man, who was an ordinary person.

The woman's demon cultivator's hair hangs upside down, and her eyes seem to have turned into snake pupils, which are very enchanting.


The woman grinned and stared at Fang Che with a faint glow.

"How dare you come...huh?!"


The words are finished.

The female magic cultivator suddenly felt a terrifying force hit her chest. The majestic force was accompanied by the impact of the magic power, and she was pressed against the window. The window suddenly exploded, and countless glass shards flew everywhere. .

Her body was also pushed out of the house by powerful force.

Her body flew horizontally in the air, with demonic energy billowing. She stabilized her body and stood suspended in the air, her snake pupils shrinking slightly.

Looking inside the room, where she was originally standing, Fang Che maintained his punching posture, his face full of uncontrollable excitement and excitement.

"Building foundation..."

"Finally...I met Zhuji again!"

Fang Che could not forget the situation when he first entered Yunxiao Town and was suppressed by the Foundation-Building Demon Cultivator and faced the oppression of death.

Now, he finally met the foundation-building demon cultivator again!

The body can't help but tremble slightly, it's a tremor of excitement, and emotions such as anticipation, yearning, longing, etc. radiate from every fine pore.

Fang Che slowly raised his head, with a face full of excitement and excitement, and a smile on his lips, and said slowly: "I have been looking forward to this for so long... don't let me down."

Bahuang explodes!

The strength burst out from the soles of his feet, and the cement floor of the entire room suddenly sunk and was covered with cracks. Large chunks of cracks appeared, exposing the steel structure underneath.

But Fang Che's figure had turned into a black shadow, and he quickly rushed out to kill the female demon cultivator floating in the air.


The sword exploded with roar, and white thunderous evil instantly spread out from the sword body.

The moving lightning arc is like a roaring snake! instantly lights up the dark night sky!

Three thousand swords and thunder!

As his fighting talent increased to level 5, Fang Che became more and more proficient in the use of swordsmanship and spells, and even...became masterful!

The sword thunder moved and turned into a python, like a white rope, rushing towards the female Foundation Establishment Demon Cultivator.

"You are...looking for death!"

The female demon cultivator's hair flew, her technician clothes instantly shattered, and countless fine scales grew out, covering the surface of her body into scale armor in an instant!

Like a beast out of its cage, the whole person no longer looks like a human.

Beast Blood State!

Perhaps feeling threatened by Fang Che, this foundation-building demon cultivator directly activated the beast blood state, which is the most powerful combat state of the beast blood cultists!


The sword thunder swept past, and the demon cultivator's body was torn into pieces, but it was just a residual image.

Fang Che's eyes condensed, and he sensed the approaching terrible sound of breaking wind.

The female foundation-building demon cultivator actually rushed towards him.

Fang Che clenched his fist, and the flame ring lingered around his fist. The blue flame burned, and the scorching power spread, and he punched the female demon cultivator!

The terrifying power burst out, and Fang Che only felt a terrible force like a violent torrent rushing along his limbs and bones.

Fang Che's figure ejected, fell from the air, and landed on the ground. The bricks and stones on the ground were shattered by his trampling.

The female foundation-building demon cultivator, who seemed to be covered with snake scales, stood on the roof like a straight javelin, and her snake-eyed eyes stared at Fang Che coldly.

"Eighth level of Qi Refining... dare to attack the foundation-building."

"Are the current high school students of Daxia Xianmen so ignorant... of reverence?"


The voice of the female demon cultivator was still echoing in the air, but her figure had disappeared.

She appeared on the ground.

Da Da Da Da!

With every step she took, the bricks and stones on the ground exploded, and cracks were densely covered.

Fang Che stood firm with a solemn expression, holding the red scales, and thrusting out a sword fiercely. The extremely fast speed of the sword made the friction in the air sound like a sonic boom!

However, the female demon cultivator covered with snake scales deftly turned sideways and slapped Fang Che's sword with a light tap.

"Too slow, your speed is too slow. Although you are a physical cultivator, you are just a Qi cultivator."

The snake pupils of the female demon cultivator suddenly spun.

The whip kick was pulled out, like the tail of a demon snake, sharp as a spear, wrapped in the surging foundation-building magic power, whistling towards Fang Che's head.

The force was fierce!

It was going to...

blast Fang Che's head to pieces!

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