There was a muffled sound.

What was shattered was the lifelong dream of a demon cultivator.

Fang Che threw the broken body of the Foundation Establishment Demon Cultivator on the ground, exhaled, and the tyrannical aura and mana fluctuations on his body began to gradually subside.

"It's not refreshing enough, things are different and people are different."

Fang Che sighed.

The sense of oppression that this Foundation-Building Demon Cultivator once brought to him can never go back.

"This is a first-level demon cultivator who has been fused with the soul-hungry demon vine. His combat power is very powerful, which means he can use the power of the demon vine..." Gao Cheng swallowed.

Looking at Fang Che, he felt a little unbelievable.

They had only been separated for three days, and Fang Che... was actually able to defeat this foundation-building demon cultivator?

Three days ago, Fang Che was crushed by this foundation-building demon cultivator. The gap was huge and obvious.

"What's so surprising? I'm at the ninth level of Qi Refining. It makes sense to kill someone at the first level of Foundation Establishment, right?"

Fang Che met everyone's surprised gazes, spread his hands and said.


What a reasonable hammer!

The gap between foundation building and Qi refining is huge. There is only one Qi refining monk who can cross the great realm to kill Foundation building...

Can it be reasonable? !

"Classmate Fang, are you injured? Do you feel uncomfortable somewhere?"

Zhou Yuqi looked at Fang Che. She was frightened and took the initiative to speak.

Perhaps meeting someone she knew gave her the courage to speak.

Fang Che looked at Zhou Yuqi and smiled brightly: "That Foundation Establishment Demonic Cultivator, when I hit him...he didn't even fight back, so I wasn't hurt at all."

Liu Lei and Gao Cheng: "..."

They glanced at the demon cultivator on the ground with his chest broken and his head shot.

He was afraid that after listening to Fang Che's words, the demon cultivator would be so angry that he would jump up and punch Fang Che.

Listen to what he said is human language?

What does it mean to hit him without fighting back?

Fang Che didn't explain much. He took off the storage ring from the corpse's hand, broke through the ring's formation with great skill, and invaded it.

This foundation-building demon cultivator was very rich, so rich that even Fang Che was slightly stunned.

"There are actually so many spiritual stones!"

Fang Che took a deep breath and took out a series of spiritual stones that exuded light, and... these spiritual stones were not artificial spiritual stones produced by the Xianmen industry that simply filled them with spiritual energy.

But a real pure spiritual stone!

"Thirty-two middle-grade pure spiritual stones. I won this overwhelming wealth with my strength."

Fang Che smiled happily.

In addition to the spirit stones, there are three jade bottles.

However, Fang Che didn't recognize what was in the jade bottle.

"I...let me take a look." Zhou Yuqi overcame her social fear and said.

Fang Che handed the jade bottle to her generously.

"This is...the juice of the soul-eating demonic vine."

"It is a treasure of heaven and earth that can be used to fortify the body. However, the demonic nature of the magic vine has not yet been eliminated, and some special formulas are needed to deal with it."

Zhou Yuqi was an alchemist, so she easily recognized the origin of this juice.

"The juice of the soul-loving demon vine?!" Fang Che's eyes lit up.

"Sister Zhou, do you know how to eliminate its demonic nature? If you need anything, I will exchange it." Fang Che said.

"If you can trust me, leave it to me..." Zhou Yuqi said seriously.

Fang Che naturally trusted Zhou Yuqi and did not take back the jade bottle.

If the demonic nature in the juice is not dealt with, it cannot be used for cultivation and will naturally be wasted.

"How much good deeds and merits will be spent, I will pay first, and you can give it to me when the time comes." Zhou Yuqi clenched the jade bottle and looked at Fang Che seriously.

Fang Che nodded, and then took out a section of the magic vine from the storage ring.

"Sure enough, only magic cultivators with special status can control the magic vines."

Fang Che looked at the vine and narrowed his eyes.

"Fang...Fang Che."

Suddenly, Zhou Yuqi shouted again.

Fang Che looked over in confusion, only to see Zhou Yuqi staring nervously at the magic vine in his hand.

"What's wrong, Senior Sister Zhou?"

"The vines of this spirit-hungry demon vine... are an excellent alchemy material... capable of refining a second-level elixir... the spirit bone elixir, used to temper the body, is better than juice..."

Zhou Yuqi said.

"If you trust me, you can let me refine it...I can spend my merits to help you refine it."

Fang Che was stunned for a moment, then grinned and threw the magic vine directly to Zhou Yuqi: "Sister Zhou, take it. Just practice it. It's best if you can refine it. It doesn't matter if you can't. To me, this magic vine is... It’s just a matter of looking for traces of demon cultivators.”

"I have another one here, but I can't give it to senior sister for the time being."

Fang Che is very generous.

The main reason is that the vines are not very useful in his hands. One vine is enough to determine the direction. The rest of the vines are just gathering dust in the storage ring.

"Okay! I will definitely work hard and succeed!"

Zhou Yuqi carefully took the magic vine and said solemnly.

The Spiritual Bone Pill is a second-level middle-grade elixir. She has a high failure rate when refining it, but... she can give it a try.

As the demon cultivator was killed, a prompt popped up on the panel in front of Fang Che.

"Ding! You successfully killed the Foundation-Building Demonic Cultivator, and your Diligence Energy will be +500. Depending on the level of the Demonic Cultivator's karma, you will receive an additional Diligence Energy +1000..."

"Three days in Hedong, three days in Hexi, Saonian, what you have achieved today is all the result of your own hard work!"

Fang Che suddenly felt that the panel was very good at talking, and what he said was really nice.

However, this time the panel only spoke nicely and did not give any substantial rewards.

After killing the demon cultivator, everyone entered the house without staying outside for long.

Inside the room, Luo Liuli looked pale and sat cross-legged, clutching the spirit stone to replenish her own consumption.

Reina and Zhao Kai are protecting her.

When they reunited again, Fang Che was in a good mood. Although Luo Liuli was injured, the injury was not serious. It was just a bit more drained and had little impact.

Fang Che introduced Liu Lei to everyone, explained the situation, and told how he was able to find the location of the main vine through the magic vines.

"So...are you planning to gather our forces to attack the main demon vine?"

Gao Cheng frowned slightly, looking a little solemn.

This matter... is very risky!

There is no doubt that there must be many powerful foundation-building demon cultivators sitting at the main vine of the magic vine, and there are even second-level or even third-level foundation-building demon cultivators.

Once trapped, they may suffer.

"We will definitely not be the only ones to find the master vine of the magic vine...the geniuses from the Imperial Capital, the Two Gods, the Five Elements and other top fairy cities will definitely have the means to find it."

Liu Lei said.

Hearing this, Gao Cheng did not question it and nodded.

"So, we actually need to race against time, give it a try, fight hard, what if we successfully kill the demon vine master vine and harvest the demon elixir? Of course, even if we don't get the chance of the demon elixir, we can kill more demon cultivators. That’s a profit, after all... Demonic cultivation is all meritorious deeds!”

Fang Che's eyes shone brightly, expressing his thoughts.

The room suddenly fell into a bit of silence.

"I agree!"

Suddenly, a cold voice sounded.

Luo Liuli didn't know when she had opened her eyes and spoke proactively to support Fang Che's decision.

Perhaps even the injured Luo Liuli was so proactive.

Gao Cheng didn't hesitate anymore.

Zhou Yuqi thought about it and wanted to join the fight.

Although both Lei Na and Zhao Kai were at the ninth level of Qi Refining, Lei Na, as the commander of the team, was not willing to be absent. After Fang Che repeatedly emphasized the danger, she still chose to go.

"However, this battle is very dangerous and uncertain. We must be fully prepared to improve our condition to the best."

Fang Che said.

After hearing this, everyone nodded in agreement.

Indeed, no one dares to underestimate this battle, after all, it is really possible to die.

No one knows how strong the demon cultivator at the main vine is.

Your own condition must be improved to the best.

Gao Cheng, Liu Lei and Zhou Yuqi did not dare to neglect their foundation building efforts and immediately sat cross-legged and entered the state of cultivation.

After Luo Liuli opened her mouth, she closed her eyes again and tried her best to recover from her injuries.

She was afraid that the recovery from the injury would be slow and Fang Che would not take her to play with him.

Looking at the people in the room, they all entered a state of diligent cultivation after his words.

Fang Che smiled with satisfaction: "It seems that everyone is very diligent."

"This kind of diligence is the attitude that our generation of immortal cultivators should have. It's really heartwarming."

Fang Che sighed that since everyone was so diligent, he couldn't slack off anymore. He had to be even more diligent than before!

He took out the alloy table, chairs, talisman pens, talisman papers, etc. from the storage ring...

Plan to draw the hole card that was previously drawn from the silver treasure chest and press the bottom of the chest.

The matching talisman of the Five Elements Talisman Sword...

Five Elements Sword Talisman!

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